2020新外研版 必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference 单元测试卷 .docx

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1、 新外研版高中英语必修新外研版高中英语必修三三 Unit 2 Making a difference 单元测试单元测试 (考试时间:(考试时间:120 分钟分钟 分值:分值:150 分)分) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. If I had known more about giving first _(帮助,援助), I could have helped them. 2. When I _(赚钱) enough money, Ill travel around the world. 3. Education

2、al inequality is a _(主要的)issue in these countries. 4. Mrs Smith used to be the _(首席的)financial officer of the company. 5. I think we ought to _(为提供资金)the government and move on. 6. If you want _ (更多的) advice, you can call back and speak to the same adviser. 7. The doctors treatment gave no _ (减轻,缓解)

3、 to the patient. 8. He suffers from a rare blood _ (疾病). 9. I am thankful to you and your _ (慷慨的,大方的) gestures. 10. I didnt _(犹豫)for a moment about taking the job. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1.China and Britain are both great countries. We both made great _ (contribute) t

4、o human civilization. 2. They worked out an _ (effect) method, which was confirmed by the leadership. 3. Would you please call again for _ (confirm) one week before your departure? 4. Only the _ (achieve) of these goals will bring lasting peace. 5. He received a letter of thanks for his _ (donate) o

5、f books to the Shakespeare library. 6. Peter suffered a mental _ (ability) and it brought unexpected trouble for his family. 7. Many patients are not getting the medical _ (treat) they need. 8. Lemon and lime juice were both _ (temporary) out of stock. 9. The company provides advice and _ (assist) i

6、n finding work. 10. Steel, iron, glass, cloth and paper can all be _ (recycle). 三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. Your support will certainly_ in my cause. 2. A new middle school has been_ in the village. 3. Many lives _ before other ones have chance to meet the

7、m. 4. Its a basic fact of life that many things “everybody knows” _to be wrong. 5. Please _when the visitor comes in. 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A This is a true story. Tristin Saghin enjoyed the movie Black Hawk Down very much, which is about the con

8、flict in Somalia. The battle scenes and the exciting rescues of people who are dying, interested him greatly. turn out, make a difference, set up, rise to ones feet, pass away There was just one problem: Tristin was only 9 years old, and it was thought that movie was not for children. When his paren

9、ts caught him watching it on TV, they made him turn it off, though he had finished his homework and it was not late. Then one day, Tristin and his family were visiting his grandmother in Mesa, Arizona. Tristins 2-year-old sister got out of the house and fell in the backyard pool. Realizing the littl

10、e girl was missing, the family ran outside, only to find the girl had fallen into the water. Pulled from the pool and placed on the ground, the child wasnt breathing. The family called the ambulance, but no one knew how to do first aid. No one, that is, except for Tristin. A scene in Black Hawk Down

11、 describes a doctor giving first aid. Tristin remembered it. Then the 9-year-old gave first aid to his sister at once and saved her life. His parents dont stop him seeing the movies he likes any more. Tristin taught himself how to do first aid but he had never thought he could use it to save his lit

12、tle sisters life. Any skill can be used in time, so you should always learn. 1. Why did Tristin Saghins parents order him to turn off the TV? A. They wanted him to help look after his sister. B. He often spent too much time watching films. C. He was asked to finish his homework first. D. They though

13、t the film was not good for children. 2. How was Tristins sister saved? A. The ambulance arrived in time. B. Tristin gave first aid to her. C. A doctor passing by gave a hand. D. Her parents sent her to hospital at once. 3. The authors purpose in writing the text is to advise readers to _. A. see mo

14、re movies B. save others bravely C. learn more skills D. do what they like B For most of my life I knew nothing about motorcycles. I believed that motorcycle riders were tough and leather-wearing(穿着皮衣的)loners. In my mind they were the kind of people who were constantly looking for trouble, using the

15、 roar of a motorcycle engine to frighten others off. Then, on a warm May evening outside our house my boyfriend began to show me his new motorcycle. It was the first time it had ever been mentioned and I was shocked. “Its beautiful, isnt it?” he asked. I didnt really understand what I was looking at

16、. It wasnt until August that I was able to actually ride on the motorcycle with him. I prepared very well: a new helmet and slightly over-sized leather jacket. The first ride was tricky. I held on a little too tight and breathed a little too infrequently. The cars felt a little too close and traffic

17、 seemed to move too fast. The evening ride was short. After that, the bike carried us higher and higher into the hills. We pulled over and stopped to watch the sunset over the city below. I swung(摆动)my leg over to get off the bike, slightly shaky and full of nervous energy. Sometimes, when he was go

18、ne on a Saturday ride, Id try on his leathers and look in the mirror, wondering if I looked like a biker myself. Since then, Ive learned a few things and slowly my prejudices (偏见) about motorcycles and motorcycle riders have started to shift. Sitting on the back of a motorcycle, placing all your tru

19、st in someone to get you safely home is a way of reminding you that you love them. Maybe the most important lesson, though, is that you really cant judge a book by its cover no matter how much leather it wears. Motorcycle riders are not scary, or mean, or unapproachable(不可接近的). Theyre adults who rem

20、ember the freedom of riding their first bicycle, and are continuously seeking to recreate the experience. 4.What did the author think of motorcycle riders at first? A.They were losers at life. B. They were troublesome. C. They were very strong. D. They were very social. 5. What do we learn about the

21、 authors first ride? A. She didnt know how to equip herself. B. She found it easy to handle the ride. C. She enjoyed the scenery she saw on her ride. D. She finally overcame her nervousness. 6. What lesson did the author learn from her ride? A. Practice makes perfect. B. Actions speak louder than wo

22、rds. C. Dont judge people by their appearance. D. It takes courage to make a difference. 7. What is the main purpose of the article? A. To stress the importance of riding safety. B. To encourage people to ride motorcycles. C. To explain why the author wanted to be a motorcycle rider. D. To share her

23、 riding experience and thoughts about it. C On December 13, 2018, Virgin Galactics spaceliner, VSS Unity, made history with the longest rocket-powered flight when it rose to the edge of space, 82 km above sea level. On February 22, 2019, the aircraft repeated the achievement, this time with its firs

24、t passenger the companys astronaut trainer Beth Moses on board. VSS Unity made the initial 8.5-mile ascent (升高), to the edge of Earths atmosphere, attached to aircraft carrier WhiteKnightTwo. The spacecraft, designed to carry six passengers and two pilots, was then sent up and flown to an altitude o

25、f 89.9 km by Dave Mackay and Michael “Sooch” Masucci. Once there, the crew members spent a few minutes taking in the incredible “out of this world” views of Earth before landing at Californias Mojave Airport, where a cheering crowd waited for them. Though the short, hour-long journey to space was th

26、rilling for the entire crew, it was Moses the worlds first woman to fly on a private spacecraft who had the most fun. Moses began her tasks. After returning briefly to her seat to ensure the seat belts normal working, the former NASA employee moved across the cabin (船舱) and then back over to the win

27、dows, which had been designed to provide passengers with great views of our planet. Though the date of Virgin Galactics commercial flight to space has yet not been announced, the company has already received money from more than 600 space tourists, each willing to pay the astronomical sum of $250,00

28、0 for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Among them is Mr. Branson, who has announced he intends to make the journey on July 24, 2019, the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. He says, “The moon landing is what inspired me to wish to go to space. I saw it on a black-and-white television

29、set when I was very young, and this year is the 50th anniversary, so its a very great year to celebrate.” 8. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Virgin Galactics Spaceliner Starts Its First Journey. B. Virgin Galactic Carries Its First Tourist To Space. C. Beth Moses Proves A Great Astronaut Tr

30、ainer. D.Virgin Galactic Attracts Space Tourists. 9. What is Dave Mackay? A. A designer. B. A trainer. C. A pilot. D. A scientist. 10. What can be inferred about Virgin Galactics space travel in the last paragraph? A. Adventurous. B. Disapproving. C. Curious. D. Worthwhile. 11. Why were Bransons wor

31、ds mentioned? A. To express his bravery. B. To make his plan clear. C. To show what influenced him. D. To tell us his curiosity as a child. D The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and for the environment. Those findings come from a new report in the journal Nat

32、ure. David Tillman is a professor at the University of Minnesota. In the study, he examined information from 100 nations to show what people ate and how diet affected health. Mr. Tillman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that as nations industrialized (工业化), population increased and

33、earnings rose, more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet. The Western diet is high in sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods, people began to get fatter and sicker. “The food, let us say, in the 15 richest nations of the world, right now contains about 400 or 500 extr

34、a calories (热量) a day that are eaten beyond what people need, and that leads people to gain weight.” David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for diseases like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Diabetes is shooting to very high rates in the United States and across Europe. He

35、art disease is a major cause of death in the Western nations. Unfortunately when people become industrialized, if they adopt this Western diet, they are going to have these same health problems. A diet bad for human beings, it seems, is also bad for the environment. As the worlds population grows, e

36、xperts say more forests and areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for raising cattle. These areas will be needed to meet the increasing demand for food. Mr. Tillman calls the link between diet, the environment and human health, “a dilemma”, a situation where it is very difficult to deci

37、de what to do. He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind. 12. Why did people get fatter in the 1960s? A. They ate foods high in calories. B. They adopted a Western lifestyle. C. They set aside little time for exercise. D. They had a better life and became lazier. 13. According

38、 to the text, overweight people may suffer the following diseases EXCEPT_. A. diabetes B. heart disease C. cancers D. skin disease 14. What can we infer from Paragraph 5? A. The worlds population will grow faster than ever. B. People wont care about the environment. C. There will be fewer and fewer

39、forests. D. Raising cattle will be the most moneymaking business. 15. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage? A. To tell people effective ways to keep healthy. B. To draw peoples attention to environmental protection. C. To show the problems industrialized nations are facing. D. T

40、o call on people to give up the Western diet. 五、五、七选五(每小题七选五(每小题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) Why play sports? You might say “to get exercise” and youd be right. To have fun? Thats true, too. But theres more. 1 According to the Womens Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit. Girls

41、who play sports do better in school. You might think that playing sports will take up all your study time. 2 Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom. Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal setting skills. Sports teach va

42、luable life skills. When you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals, youre learning how to be successful. 3 Sports are good for a girls health. In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight, girls who exercise are less likely to get osteoporosis (骨质疏松症) lat

43、er in life. Playing sports improves self-confidence. 4 Why? It builds confidence when you know you can practice, improve, and achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape, keep a healthy weight, and make new friends. 5 Playing sports can reduce stress

44、 and help you feel a little happier. How? The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a persons mood. Friends are another mood-lifter. And being on a team creates connections between friends. Its good to know your teammates will support you both on and off the field! A. Exercise cuts the pr

45、essure. B. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. C. Regular exercise increases quality of life. D. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. E. Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life. F. Playing sports offers children more than just physical benefits. G. But rese

46、arch shows girls who play sports do better in school than those who dont. 六、完形填空(每小题六、完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 A couple of months ago, I made a promise to myself. I had put some money in an envelope in my 1 with the intention of giving this envelo

47、pe 2 to the first person I came across who 3 it. Months passed, and 4 my daily life got busy, I was unable to keep my 5 . Whenever I opened my wallet and saw the 6 , I was reminded of my 7 for it, and I would feel a little 8 for having not acted upon it. The voice within told me to do 9 . Today, while walking to work on a busy street, I passed a 10 elderly lady with her hand out on the sidewalk. Seeing her wrinkled face and sightless eyes, I stopped 11 . A wave of sympathy washed over me, and I 12 the envelope of money that had been lying in my wallet all the


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