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1、 1 Unit 5 Dinner is readyUnit 5 Dinner is ready 第二课时 课时内容 A. Lets learn; Lets play 课时分析 在 Lets learn 部分,Zoom 和 Zip 在玩点餐的游戏。教材中展示了一本大大的菜单 (Menu) ,Zip 在问 Zoom 想要什么,Zoom 想要一些蔬菜,Zip 根据菜单中标出的食物价格收 费。 在菜单上标出了以下食物名称: beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables, rice, fish, juice, milk, bread。 其中前五个为本单元要求掌握的单词

2、。后边的五个是学生已经掌握 的单词。学习本课时,可以设定餐馆点餐的场景,让学生在虚拟的情景中学习、操练重点单 词和句式。 Lets play 也是个模拟点餐的活动。学生利用各种食物的图片进行模拟点餐的活动。 在点餐的过程中练习句式:What would you like? Id like some. 本课时要为学生创设相关的情境,让学生在情境中感受、理解、操练、掌握重点知识。 课时目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable 2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、 会说、 认读句式: What would you like?

3、 Id like some., please. 3. 能够利用所学的知识进行简单的点餐活动 课时重难点 1.重点: 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、使用句式 What would you like? Id like some., please.来征求他人的用餐意愿,并进行恰当的回应 2. 难点: 能够利用所学的知识进行简单的点餐活动 教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 2. 食物单词卡片、自制菜单 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.呈现韵句:Whats for dinn

4、er? 学生先倾听,再跟唱,最后齐唱。 Teacher: Lets chant. Listen to me first. Its time for dinner. What would you like? Id like fish, Id like rice. Id like some juice, please. Its time for dinner. What would you like? Id like eggs, Id like bread, Id like some milk, please. Teacher: Now please chant with me. Let s ch

5、ant together. 设计意图:以韵句来营造良好的英语学习氛围,带领学习集中注意力开启英语学习。同 时,以韵句内容来熟悉、回忆有关食物的词汇与句式。 ,为接下来的学习做好知识与心理的 双重准备。 Step 2 Lead in 1. 播放餐厅的图片,为学生创设餐厅的情境,在情境中引出本课要学习的内容。 2 Teacher:Look at the picture. Its a restaurant. Lets go to the restaurant. Lets eat! 2. 展示餐厅的菜单,来呈现餐馆里的食物与价格。 Teacher: Lets look at the menu of t

6、he restaurant. What does the restaurant have? (学生观察菜单上的图片,说出相应的食物类单词) 设计意图:创设情境,利用餐馆这个环境来引出本课的重点知识。用菜单这一餐馆中的 常见和重要物品来引出食物类词汇。帮助学生为接下来的学习做好词汇的积累工作。 Step 3 Presentation 1. 引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音或视频。 Teacher:Oh, look, Zoom and Zip are in this restaurant. What would they like? Lets watch and find. 学生带问题认真倾听录音内容,

7、然后尝试回答。 Teacher: Now show me you answer. What would Zoom like? Yes, Zoom would like some vegetables. How much are the vegetables? Yes, five yuan. 设计意图: 引导学生带着问题去听录音, 培养其认真倾听且在倾听中关注重要信息的能 力。 2. 再次播放课文内容,学生跟读。 Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it. 设计意图:跟读,以掌握正确的读音 3. 根据菜单内容讨论,讲授新单词。 Teach

8、er:Look at the menu. Whats this? Yes, its beef. (板书单词) Its from an ox. Do you like beef? How much is it? Teacher: Is this beef? No, it isnt. Its chicken. (板书单词)Do you like chicken? You can eat chicken in the KFC. Teacher: Whats this? Its soup. (板书单词)Do you like soup? Teacher:Look at this. Can I say

9、whats this? No. I should say what are these? What are these? Yes, they are noodles. (板书单词)Do you like noodles? How much are they? Teacher: What are these? You know them, right? They are vegetables. (板书单 词) How much are they? Five yuan. Yes. 设计意图:通过观察菜单讲授新单词。 Step 4 Practice 1. 出示食物图片,请学生根据图片展示的食物来完成

10、对话。 Teacher:What would you like? Please answer with the food on the picture. Whats this? Yes, its rice. So you should say Id like some rice. Look at next one. What would you like? Yes, youd like some vegetables. What would you like? . 设计意图:通过这种活动来帮助学生将食物单词的字音与字义结合起来。 2. 猜出老师想要点的餐。 Teacher:What would

11、 I like? Please guess. Its five yuan. What is it? Its ten yuan. What is it? 设计意图:说出价格,让学生猜出食物名称。使学生将食物与价格建立起联系,为其之 后的对话编制做好准备。 3. 出示食物图片的一部分,请学生猜出食物名称,并进行问答。 Teacher:Oh,this menu is dirty. Whats the food? Can you guess and say? What 3 would you like? (指向其中一个,让学生尝试回答)Good. 4. 小组合作,完成点餐活动。 Teacher:You

12、 know the restaurant well and you know how much they are. Now lets play. Please make a dialogue in groups. One of you can be the waiter or waitress in the restaurant. Others go to the restaurant and order. Teacher: You can talk in group to practice your dialogue. (教师巡视,帮助学 生解决编制对话时的困难和问题) Teacher:Sh

13、ow me your story, please. Lets find the best group. 设计意图:请学生以点餐的方式来进行对话练习。教师提供语言架构支持,使他们在情 境下进行比较流畅的对话,帮助他们提高口语表达能力。 Step 5 Summary 1. 再次呈现韵句:Whats for dinner? 学生齐唱。 Teacher: Lets chant together. Its time for dinner. What would you like? Id like fish, Id like rice. Id like some juice, please. Its ti

14、me for dinner. What would you like? Id like eggs, Id like bread, Id like some milk, please. Its time for dinner. What would you like? Id like beef Id like chicken, Id like some soup, please. Its time for dinner. What would you like? Id like fish, Id like vegetables, Id like some noodles. please. 设计意

15、图:将本课新学的单词编制到热身部分的韵句之后,让学生在再一次吟唱韵句 时复习总结本课的重点词汇和重点句式。 课堂作业 一、根据单词选择正确的图片。 ( ) 1. beef A. B. ( ) 2. soup A. B. ( ) 3. chicken A. B. ( ) 4. vegetables A. B. 二、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1.What would you like? Id like some noodles. ( ) 2.What would you like? 4 Id like some fish. ( ) 3.What would you like

16、? Id like some vegetables. ( ) 4. What would you like? Id like some bread. 三、读对话,判断正(T)误(F) 。 Tom: Im hungry. Jim: Im hungry, too. Whats for dinner? Mum: What would you like? Tom: Id like some beef and milk, please. Jim: Id like some fish and vegetables. Mum: I have beef and vegetables. But I dont h

17、ave fish. Jim: Oh, Id like some beef and vegetables, please. Mum: Ok. Id like some vegetables and milk. Mum: Dinners ready. Jim and Tom: Thank you, mum. ( ) 1. Tom and Jim are hungry. ( ) 2. Jim has some fish and vegetables for dinner. ( ) 3. Jim would like some beef and milk for dinner. ( ) 4. Tom would like some beef and milk for dinner. ( ) 5. Mum would like some beef and milk. 答案: 一、1. A 2.A 3.A 4.B 二、1.T 2. F 3. T 4. T 三、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 板书设计 Unit Five Dinners ready A. Lets learn soup vegetables beef chicken noodles What would like? Id like some., please.


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