Unit 6 预习·新知早知道2 同步讲解 (新教材)外研版(2020)选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、 .匹配词义 a单词匹配 ( )1.fuel Av.(根据其他已知信息)推定,推断 ( )2.nuclear Bn.树干 ( )3.agency Cn.(尤指政府的)局;部;处 ( )4.infer Dn.燃料 ( )5.trunk Eadj.(原子)核的;核武器的 答案 15 DECAB b短语匹配 ( )1.wipe out A应付(某种情况) ( )2.consist of B使处于控制之下 ( )3.cope with C摆脱;除去 ( )4.get rid of D彻底毁灭 ( )5.bring.under control E由组成 答案 15 DEACB .默写单词 1hiker

2、n. 徒步旅行者,远足者 2optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的 3react v. 反应 4monthly adj. 每月一次的 5orbit v. 环绕(地球、太阳等的)轨道运行 6consist v. 由组成 7expose v. 使暴露(于险境) 8astronaut n. 宇航员;太空旅行者 9capsule n. (太空船的)密封舱;航天舱;胶囊 10exposure n. 暴露,显露 .语境填词 hiker;nuclear;astronaut;monthly;capsule;consisted;trunk;agency;infer; react 1You never

3、 know how he is going to react 2He claims that several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly. 3There is a new trunk growing out of the fallen dead tree. 4This evening, I had a meeting with Jack hall, the Canadian astronaut 5We can infer much of the meaning from the context. 6This agency

4、has been far too easy on the timber industry over the years. 7A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth. 8He was found by a hiker up on saddle mountain. 9Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall. 10Many people are now having trouble making their monthly house payments. .语

5、法填空之派生词 1Gas and oil consumption(consume) always increases in cold weather. 2There has been a mixed reaction(react) to her appointment as director. 3Summers are hot,with monthly(month) averages above 22. 4It is known that exposure(expose) to lead will damage the brains of young children. 5There are

6、shelves in the room full of dusty(dust) books. 1 In the 1960s and 1970s, the greatest fear was that the human race, and possibly all advanced life forms on the planet, could be wiped out by nuclear missiles, just at the push of a button. 在 20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代,最大的恐惧是只要一按按钮,人类就可能和 地球上所有的高级生命形式,一起被核导弹消灭

7、。 2The most likely choice is Mars, which is relatively close to Earth and has an environment less hostile than that of other planets. 最有可能的选择是火星,它离地球相对较近,环境也不像其他行星上那么恶 劣。 3 While it takes only three days to reach the Moon, it will take about ten months to reach Mars, travelling through dangerous sol

8、ar radiation. 虽然到达月球只需要 3 天,但到达火星需要大约 10 个月,并要穿越危险的 太阳辐射。 4Staying alive will be a daily challenge, but as proved by the Biosphere 2 experiment, not impossible. 活下来将是每天的挑战,但正如生物圈 2 号实验所证明的,并非不可能。 5 Until we are finally able to live on another planet, we need to take much better care of our own. 在我们最终能够在另一个星球上生活之前, 我们需要更好地爱护我们自己现 在居住的地球。


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