2020新人教版BOOK ONE第一单元词汇学习.pptx

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1、普通中学教科书(普通中学教科书(1 1) Unit 1 TEENAGE LIFE Words And Expressions teenager 1. teenage ti:ned : adj. 十十几岁几岁的的(指指13至至19岁岁); 青少年青少年的的 It is important to learn about teenage life in other countries. 2. teenagerti:ned(r) : n. (13至至19岁之间岁之间的的)青青少年少年 What are the teenagers doing in the photo? ballet ble balle

2、t 3. ballet ble: n.芭芭蕾舞蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧芭蕾舞剧 perform ballet: 跳芭蕾舞跳芭蕾舞 1)The girl is dancing at the ballet club. 2)The six girls are performing ballet on the stage. volunteer 4. volunteervlnt(r) : n.志志愿者愿者 volunteer(v.) to do.: 志愿做什么志愿做什么 I am an Olympic volunteer. 5. debate dbet : n./v. 辩论辩论;争争论论 1)They will

3、debate face to face. 2)After a long debate, they agreed on the date for the meeting. 6.prefer prf:(r) : vt. 更更喜喜欢欢 (preferred - preferring) preferto: 喜欢喜欢多多于于/胜过胜过 prefer A to B: 喜喜欢欢A多于多于/胜过胜过B prefer doing A to doing B: 喜欢做喜欢做A多于多于/胜过做胜过做B prefer to do.: 更喜欢做什么更喜欢做什么 prefer doing.: 更更喜欢做什么喜欢做什么 1)

4、I prefer maths to physics. 2)He prefers playing games to seeing a film. 7. content kntent : n. 内内容容; (书书/讲话讲话/节目等的节目等的)主题主题 contents: 目录目录 be content/satisfied with.: 对对.满意满意 kntent The teacher is content with your plan. 8. movement mu:vmnt : n. 动作动作;运动运动; 活动活动 move: v. 运动运动; 活动活动; 移动移动 The boy has

5、learned new movements at the ballet club. 9. greenhouse gri:nhas : n.温室温室;暖房暖房 His aunt is working in a greenhouse. greenhouse greenhouse 10. clean up: 打扫打扫/清除干清除干净净 do some/the cleaning: 做扫除做扫除 The workers have cleaned up all the parks. 11. suitable su:tbl : adj.适合的适合的;适用的适用的 be suitable for.: 对对适合

6、的适合的 suit : n. 一套衣服一套衣服; 西服西服; 西装西装 v. 适合适合; 对对方便方便 (衣物衣物/时间时间/交通工具交通工具) The nature club is suitable for Adam. 12. actuallyktuli : adv.事实上事实上;的确的确 = in fact = as a matter of fact Actually, I like acting better. 13. challenge tlnd : n.挑战挑战;艰巨任务艰巨任务 v. 怀疑怀疑;向向挑战挑战 challenging : adj. 挑战性的挑战性的 face/meet

7、/accept a challenge: 面临面临/迎接迎接/接受挑战接受挑战 Senior high school is a really big challenge to some girls. 14.title tatl : n. (书书/诗诗歌等歌等的的)名称名称; 标题标题;职称职称;头头衔衔 Whats the title of the passage/article? 15. topictpk: n. 话话题题; 标题标题 Whats the topic sentence of the passage? 主题句主题句 16. freshman fremn: n. (中学中学)九九

8、年级学年级学生生; (大学大学)一一年级年级新生新生 I am a freshman at the senior high school. 17.confuse knfju:z : v.使使糊糊涂涂;使使迷惑迷惑 18.confusing knfju:z : adj. 难难以理解以理解的的;不不清楚的清楚的 19.confused knfju:zd : adj. 人人感到糊涂感到糊涂的的;迷迷惑惑的的 1)The maths problem confuses many students. 2)The maths problem is confusing. 3)Many students are

9、 confused about the maths problem. 20.fluent flu:nt : adj. (尤指外语尤指外语)流利的流利的; 熟练的熟练的 fluently: adv. 流利地流利地; 熟练地熟练地 be fluent in: 在在方面流利方面流利 She is fluent in French and German. 21.graduaterdet :v. 毕业毕业;获获得学得学位位 rdt : n.毕毕业生业生 graduate from: 从从毕业毕业 graduation : n. 毕毕业业 1)He graduated from Harvard Unive

10、rsity in 1984. 2)I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate. 22. recommend rekmend : vt. 建议建议;推荐推荐;介绍介绍 recommend doing: 建议做什么建议做什么 recommend sb to do:建建议某人做什么议某人做什么 recommend . to sb: 向向.推荐推荐. recommend that宾语从句宾语从句(should结构结构) recommend that宾语从句宾语从句(s

11、hould结构结构) suggest, recommend, order,demand, request, require, ask, urge(强烈要求强烈要求), insist(坚决要求坚决要求)等接等接that宾语从句时宾语从句时, 从句用从句用 should do/be 结构结构,should可省。可省。 1)Many English teachers recommend that students (should) read English as aloud as possible. 2)I suggested that the girl (should) be given more

12、 homework. 23. sign up(for sth): 报名报名(参加课程参加课程) We will sign up for chemistry. 24. advanced dv:nst : adj. 高级的高级的;高等的高等的;先进的先进的 advanced maths: 高等数学高等数学 an advanced teacher: 先进老师先进老师 25. advance dv:ns: n.前前进进;发展发展 v.前进前进;发展发展;促进促进 The soldiers had advanced 50 miles by midnight. 26. literature ltrt(r)

13、 : n. 文学文学;文学作品文学作品 My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature. 27.extra-curricular ekstr krkjul(r) : adj. 课课外的外的; 课程以外的课程以外的 I had to choose extra-curricular activities. 28.extra ekstr : adj. 额外额外的的;附附加的加的 We do not ask for extra pay. 29. obviously bvisli : adv. 显然显然地地;明明显

14、显地地 obvious: 明显的明显的; 显而易见的显而易见的 It is/was obvious that.: .是明显的是明显的 It is obvious/clear that she has made great progress. 30. quit kwt: (quit-quit ; quitted; quitting) v. 停止停止;戒掉戒掉; 停止停止 离开离开(工工作职位、学校作职位、学校等等) quit doing: 停止做什么停止做什么 leave the job: 离开工作离开工作; 离离职职; 辞职辞职 quit the job: 辞辞职职; 辞去工作辞去工作 qui

15、t/attend school: 辍学辍学/上上学学 31. improve mpru:v: v. 改改进进;改善改善 improve on/upon: 提提高高; 改进改进; 改改善善 Obviously, I was unhappy,but I wont quit. I will find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year. 加入球队加入球队 32. responsible rspnsbl : adj.负负责责的的;有有责任的责任的 be responsible for.: 对对负责任负责任 b

16、e to blame for.: 对对负责任负责任 33. responsibility rspnsblti : n.责责任任;义义务务 1)I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more. 2)We are responsible for all the students. 3)The young driver is responsible for the accident. 4)The young driver i

17、s to blame for the accident. 34.solution slu:n : n.解解决办法决办法;答答案案 solve slv: v. 解决解决; 处理处理 a solution to .: 什么的解决办法什么的解决办法 There is no simple solution to the problem. 35.scheduleedju:l skedul: n.工作计划工作计划;日程安排日程安排 vt. 安排安排;预定预定 ahead of schedule/time: 提前提前 = in advance behind schedule/time: 晚晚点点; 误期误期

18、; 误点误点 1)Finding time for both studies and extra- curricular activities is a big challenge, so I need to make a workable schedule. 2) Whats your schedule for tomorrow? 3)The headmaster is trying to schedule this terms sports meeting. 36.editor edt(r) : n.主编主编;编辑编辑;编者编者 Some of the students want to b

19、ecome writers or editors afer they graduate. 37.plate plet : n.盘子盘子;碟碟子子 The kids over there are putting something on a round paper plate. 38. adventure dvent(r): n.冒险冒险;奇奇遇遇 I set off for a new adventure in the USA on the first day of the new year. 39.expertekspt : n.专家专家;行家行家 adj. 熟练的熟练的;内行的内行的;专家

20、的专家的 (an) expert at/in/on: 方面的专家方面的专家/高手高手 be expert in/at.: 在在.方面熟练方面熟练/内行内行 1)There will be some experts there to show us how to live in the wild. 2)The man is an expert on the novel coronavirus. 3)She is very expert at repairing cars. 40. youth ju: : n.青年时期青年时期; 青春青春 in ones youth:在在青年时代青年时代 The

21、youth of today must work harder than before. 41. survival svavl: n. 生存生存; 幸存幸存; 幸存事物幸存事物 survive: v. 生存生存; 幸存幸存 survivior svav(r): n. 幸存者幸存者 We will learn survival skills. 42. behaviour/ behavior bhevj(r): n.行为行为;举止举止 behave bhev: v. 表现表现 I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour.

22、 43. generation denren: n.一代一代(人人) from generation to generation: 世世世代世代代代;一一代代代代 1)The story is passed on from generation to generation in the village. 2)Do you want to buy a 5G cellphone? 44. attract trkt: v.吸引吸引;引起引起的注意的注意/兴趣兴趣 attraction: n. 吸引吸引(力力); 有吸引力的东西有吸引力的东西/人人 attractive: 有吸引力的有吸引力的;漂亮的

23、漂亮的; 英俊的英俊的 be attracted to.: 喜爱喜爱 be fond of.: 喜欢喜欢 1)The man cried to attract the womans attention. 2)It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and online world. 45.focusfks : n.中中心心;重点重点;焦点焦点 v.集中集中(精力精力/注注意力意力等等);(使使)调调节焦节焦距距 focus on/upon: 集中于集中于; 专注于专

24、注于 be focused on/upon: 集集中于中于; 专注专注于于 concentrate on/upon.: 专心于专心于 1)He prefers to focus on the bright side of life. 2)The meeting will focus on the development of the city. 3)Spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life. 46. addicteddktd: a

25、dj. 有有瘾瘾的的;上上瘾瘾的的;入入迷迷的的 be/become addicted to.: 对对入迷入迷/上瘾上瘾 Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cant concentrate on school and family life. 47. addict dkt : n. 对对入迷的入迷的人人;吸吸毒成瘾的毒成瘾的人人 Her son is a drug/game addict. 48. adult dlt: n. 成年人成年人 adj. 成年的成年的;成熟的成熟的 I guess its because they are adults and cant understand me. 49. Chicago k:g: n. 芝加哥芝加哥(美国城市名美国城市名) the Chicago Bulls: 芝加哥公牛队芝加哥公牛队 50. Seoul sl: n. 首尔首尔(韩国首都韩国首都) Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Chicago Seoul The End! Thank you!


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