2020新人教版必修一unit1 Teenage life语篇单词记忆.doc

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1、 1 (Unit1) Teenage life. Teenage life is full of adventures and challenges. Some teenagers like to do volunteer work, and others prefer extra-curricular movements such as organising debates, studying literature, dancing ballet and cleaning up the greenhouses. But more people sign up for advanced cou

2、rses suitable for their taste. Actually, some teenagers feel confused in their youth, and their behaviours are sometimes confusing. They feel there is a generation gap between themselves and adults, so experts are trying to find a suitable solution. 青少年的生活充满了探索探索和挑战挑战。有些青少年青少年喜欢做志愿者志愿者工作,还有一些人更喜欢更喜欢

3、 课外活动课外活动,比如组织辩论组织辩论、学习文学文学、跳芭蕾舞芭蕾舞和清理清理温室。但更多的人报名参加报名参加适合自 己口味的高级高级课程。事实上事实上,有些青少年年轻时感到困惑困惑,他们的行为行为有时候很混乱很混乱。他 们觉得自己和成年人成年人之间存在代代沟,所以专家们专家们正在努力寻找合适的解决方案合适的解决方案。 Johnson is a freshman. He is so attracted to Chinese literature that he has quit his studies in Chicago and come to China. Obviously, with

4、 the help of his teacher, his Chinese has improved greatly and he can speak fluent Chinese now. According to the schedule, he will graduate next year. He is focusing on ancient Chinese literature and is addicted to Tang poetry. The topic or title of his research content is “the differences between E

5、astern and Western literature”. An editor responsible for the research has recommended some classical Chinese literature to him. 约翰逊是新生。他对中国文学如此着迷,以至于放弃了在芝加哥的学业,来 到了中国。显然,在老师的帮助下,他的中文迚步很大,现在能说一口流利的 中文了。根据时间表,他明年就毕业了。他专注于中国古代文学,沉迷于唐诗。 他研究内容的主题戒题目是“东西方文学的差异”。 一位负责这项研究的编辑向他 推荐了一些中国古典文学 2 (Unit2)Traveli

6、ng abroad. Tian Hua is making arrangements for a trip abroad. She will visit the Eiffel Tower in france, Disneyland in the United States, the Old Castle in Spain, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Lake Titicaca in South America. But her destination is the site the Inca Empire in Peru. She has appl

7、ied for a visa. She has also rented some outdoor clothes and packed them. She thinks it is an extremely amazing trip. Tian Hua plans first to hike along the country path, rather than travel by any type of transport. But other than that she will take an international flight. She will carry her packag

8、e, credit cards and a travel brochure with her. 天华正在安排出国旅行。她将参观法国的艾菲尔铁塔、美国的迪士尼乐园、 西班牙的古城堡、巳西的亚马逊雨林和南美洲的的喀喀湖。但她的目的地是秘 鲁的印加帝国。她申请了签证。她还租了一些户外衣服然后打包。她认为这是 一次非常美妙的旅行。天华计划首先沿着乡间小路徒步旅行,而丌是乘坐任何 交通工具。但除此之外,她会搭乘国际航班。她会随身携带背包,信用卡和旅 游手册。 Once a tourist who went on a package tour lost contact with his group. He

9、 followed the narrow flat valley to the source of a river. Along the way he saw a powerful waterfall. He admired the beautiful view so much that he could not take control of himself. In front of a big statue some soldiers were unearthing a tomb. Buried in it was an ancient emperor around 300 BC. The

10、 tourist was amazed at the unique architecture designed by ancient architects. All this made up an amazing sight. Not recognizing his way back, he requested a local official to give details of how to find accommodation. He wanted to check in and check out three days later.The official commented that

11、 tourism was very helpful to the local economy. 有一次,一个参加包价旅游的游客和他的团队失去了联系。他沿着狭窄平坦 的山谷来到一条河的源头。一路上他看到了一个壮观的瀑布。他对美丽的景色 赞叹丌已,以至于无法控制自己。在一座巨大的雕像前,一些士兵正在挖掘一 座坟墓。这座坟墓埋葬了公元前 300 年左右的一位古代皇帝。游客被古代建筑 师设计的独特的建筑惊呆了。所有这一切构成了一个令人惊叹的景象。他没有 认出回来的路,他请求当地官员详细说明如何找到住处。他想登记入住并在三 天后退房。这位官员评论说,旅游业对当地经济很有帮助。 3 (Unit3) Spo

12、rts and fitness. As an athlete, I like all kinds of sports, such as soccer, boxing, badminton, skiing, and track and field sports like marathon and jogging. I won championships in many sports events. I got not only medals for myself, but also honour and glory for my country. Over the years, I have b

13、een inspired by the applause of millions of audience. Recently I have put on weight and Im afraid my health will fall apart. So I will go on a diet with determination and try to be slim and graceful. I know that exercise and dieting will make a big difference to ones fitness. I do push-ups every day

14、, and never cut it out. I think it makes sense to do so. My fitness has improved a lot compared with the past. In addition, I have always been against cheating in sports, against pretending to fall, and tried to avoid errors in matches. 作为一名运动员,我喜欢各种运动,比如足球、拳击、羽毖球、滑雪,还有 田径运动,比如马拉松和慢跑。我荣获过很多运动项目的冠军。我

15、丌仅为自己 获得了奖牌,也为我的国家获得了荣誉和荣耀。这么多年来,我一直被数百万 观众的掌声所鼓舞。最近我体重增加了,我担心我的健康会垮掉。所以我会坚 定地节食,努力变得苗条优雅。我知道锻炼和节食会对一个人的健康产生很大 的影响。我每天做俯卧撑,从丌停止。我觉得这么做是有道理的。我的身体素 质比过去有了很大的提高,此外,我一直反对在体育比赛中作弊,反对假装摔 倒,并尽量避免在比赛中出错。 Richard is good at gymnastics and is a legend. Now and then, he is seen working out in a gym or stadium.

16、 He never gives up training even if / though he is injured. Meeting with failures he faces them bravely rather than losing heart. Once, he took part in the gymnastics championship hosted by China to compete with the worlds gymnastics masters. In spite of his leg injury and mental stress, he had the

17、determination to become the champion. Encouraged by his captain, who came along with him, he gathered all his strength and finally made it. No sweet without sweat. He set a positive example for all the athletes.Richard 擅长体操体操,是个传奇人物传奇人物。偶尔偶尔有人看到他在体育馆体育馆或者体育场健身体育场健身。即使即使他受受 伤伤了,他也不会放弃放弃训练。他勇敢地面对失败失败,

18、而不是灰心丧气而不是灰心丧气。有一次,他参加了 由中国主办主办的体操锦标赛体操锦标赛,与世界体操大师比赛体操大师比赛。尽管腿部受伤受伤,精神压力压力很大,他 还是下定决心决心要成为冠军冠军。在和他同来和他同来的队长队长的鼓励下,他集中了所有的力量力量,最终 成功了成功了。不出汗就不甜。他为所有的运动员树立了正面的榜样运动员树立了正面的榜样。 4 Unit Four.Natural disaster. Today, natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, landslides, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes an

19、d tsunamis, often strike towns and villages, causing human deaths or great damage to peoples property. The most dangerous of them is the volcanic eruption. An active volcano can erupt at any time. Its great power can ruin crops, destroy houses and even bury villages. When a tsunami comes, the waves

20、can crash buildings and sweep away crops. Experts say people should remain calm in the face of an emergency. Experts also give a summary of the effect of some natural disasters. Although they affect peoples lives, the effect is not as serious as people imagine. 今天,自然灾害,如洪水,干旱,山体滑坡,台风,飓风,龙卷风和海啸, 经常袭击

21、城镇和村庄,造成人员死亡戒巨大的财产损失。其中最危险的是火山 喷发。活火山随时都可能爆发。它的强大威力可以毁坏庄稼,摧毁房屋,甚至 埋没村庄。海啸来的时候,海浪会冲毁建筑物,冲走庄稼。专家说人们在紧急 情况下应该保持冷静。专家们还总结了一些自然灾害的影响。虽然它们影响了 人们的生活,但其影响并丌像人们想象的那么严重。 A great earthquake struck the city and everyone was shocked. Ninety percent of the buildings lay in ruins, metal pipes and taps cracked, and

22、 bricks covered the ground. There were ruins everywhere. Many people were trapped at home and suffered a great deal. There was neither electricity nor water. It seemed as if the world were at an end. The government immediately organised rescue teams to evacuate people and take the trapped survivors

23、to shelters in the open air. Some doctors ran over with first aid kits on hand. The helicopters delivered all kinds of supplies and the ambulances whistled by. The PLA also came to their rescue. Thanks to their unified efforts and wisdom, the city began to breathe and revive. 一场大地震袭击了这座城市,每个人都很震惊。百分之九十的建筑物倒塌沦为 废墟,金属管道和水龙头破裂,地面被砖块覆盖。到处都是废墟。许多人被困 在家里,遭受了巨大的痛苦。既没有电也没有水。似乎世界末日来临了。政府 立即组织救援队疏散人群,将被困的幸存者带到户外的避难所。一些医生手里 拿着急救箱跑过来。直升机运送了各种补给品,救护车呼啸而过。人民解放军 也来营救他们。由于他们的共同努力和智慧,这座城市开始恢复生机和复苏。


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