2020新人教版必修第一册Unit3-Sports and fitness单元核心考点专项专练(含答案).doc

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1、Unit3-Sports and fitness 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1-event(事件) 】 选词填空(event/incident/matter/affair) The doctor asked the boy what the _ was, and the boy replied that he had felt sick after supper. This week, were preparing for one of the newest traditional _ in our country: Black Friday. Th

2、ese _ were the latest in a series of disputes (争端) between the two nations. She wanted the celebration to be a simple family _. 【2-come 短语】 选词填空(come along/come up with/come across/come out/come to/come about) How did this situation _ is still a mystery. A pocket edition of the dictionary _ soon. Th

3、eres a big product introduction today and youre most welcome _. I _ an old diary written by my grandpa. Is that the best excuse you can _? When he _, he raised his head and saw his father. 【3-work out】 写出句中 work out 的含义 The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning. _ Neither t

4、he teacher nor his students know how to work out the problem. _ The area can be easily worked out if you know the length and the width. _ The research centre worked out a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately. _ 【4-honour】 (1)单句语法填空 He was honoured _ a gold medal for his excellent speech.

5、 It is said that the president will hold a dinner party _ honour of the heroes who have won honour for the country. I feel greatly honoured _ (give) such a chance to express my thanks and gratitude to those in support of the project all the time. (2)一句多译 受邀参加他们下个月的婚礼,我们感到荣幸。 _ to their wedding cerem

6、ony which will take place next month. _ to their wedding ceremony which will take place next month. 【5-determination】 (1)单句语法填空 They had survived by complete _ (determine) He was _ (determine) to become a worldclass player. (2)单句写作 他们决心继续实行那项计划。 They went on carrying out the plan _. 我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该

7、做什么。 My aim was first of all to _. 【6-fall apart】 单句写作 其他人在压力下崩溃了,而一些人尽管有压力却做得很好。 Others_, while a few people do well despite the pressure. 除了好的服务,这家饭店还提供各种各样的传统福建菜。 _ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 高高的个子使她在其姊妹中分外引人注目。 Her high height _ from her sis

8、ters. 【7-动名词作主语】 (1)单句语法填空 _ (understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions. Its no use _ (talk) about it with him again. Driving a car in a snowstorm _ (be) very dangerous. (2)单句写作 他误了火车,使得他在那座城市再待一天。 _ caused him to stay in

9、 the city for another day. 【8-injure】 选词填空(injure/hurt/wound/harm) Most of the _ were women and children in the crash bus. He ignored her on purpose, which _ her feelings. Reading in the sun will _ your eyes. Five people were killed and many others were seriously _ in the attack. 【9-strength】 (1)单句语

10、法填空 The strength of his diet is _ it contains plenty of vitamins and fiber. As a good teacher, you should know your students _ (strength) and weaknesses. _ (strength) our friendship, wed better keep in touch with each other. (2)单句写作 常言道,团结就是力量。 As the old saying goes, “_.” 凭借那些成绩,他赢得了锡拉丘兹大学的奖学金。 _ t

11、hose grades, he won a scholarship to study at Syracuse University. 【10-give 短语】 用 give 的相关短语填空 The government refused to _ to their demands. Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance, but her trembling voice _ her _. The rotting bananas are _ a bad smell, so youd better throw them away. I know smoking

12、 is bad for health, but I simply cant _ it _. After two days our food _ and we had to return. 【11-diet】 (1)单句写作 I used to take _ (减肥药) and eat diet food for one year. Some people prefer a _ (素食), while others prefer a meatbased diet. (2)句型转换 Shes always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight

13、. Shes always _ but she never seems to lose any weight. 【12-difference】 单句写作 The travel will _ (对有影响) his later life. The twins are so alike; its difficult to _ (区 分) Can you see the building clearly on the foggy day? _ (对我没有影响) whether its foggy or not, because Im blind. 【13-rather than】 (1)单句语法填空

14、Shed rather die _ lose the children. You rather than I _ (be) going camping. (2)单句写作 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。 He ran _ walked. 【14-cut 短语】 选词填空(cut down/cut in/cut off/cut out) She kept _ on our conversation. How has the engine got _? The power supply has been _ because we forgot to pay the bill. _ the article

15、 so as to make it fit the space available on the paper. 【15-stress】 (1)单句语法填空 Teachers often stress the importance _ diligence on the way to success. Many young people live a _ (stress) life now. (2)单句写作 Things can easily go wrong when people are _ (在压 力下) He _ (强调了) the development of education. 【综

16、合练习】【综合练习】 【单句填词】 1He was a great _ (运动员) and an outstanding coach. 2The _ (船长) ordered all passengers and crew to go into lifeboats. 3The dog was running behind its _ (主人). 4My architectural goal is to create _ (优雅的), ample, and friendly architecture. 5Yuri shows great _ (决心) to learn Chinese well.

17、 6It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold _ (奖牌) 7The soldiers brave deeds brought him honour and _ (赞 美). 8Two players are out of the team because of _ (伤) 9 Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the _ (失 败的事) of the experiment. 10The world _ (冠军) finished more than two sec

18、onds ahead of his nearest rival. 11No payments were made last week because of a computer _ (差错) 12I know the pressure to stay _ (苗条的) is a problem, especially for an actress. 13She tried to be more _ (乐观的) about her new job. 14Its never too late to improve your _(饮食) 15When you have an injury you st

19、art putting _ (压力) on other parts of your body. 16_ (jog) is a good way to exercise for a heart patient. 17I can do 50 _ (pushup) every morning. 18She enjoys singing _ than dancing. 19Scientists sometimes compare the human brain _ a computer. 20The current advice to you is to cut _ alcohol. 21The ne

20、xt _ (项目) will be the 100 meters. 22 He won the world heavyweight _ (拳击) championship on points. 23You may be asked to appear on TV as a guest or to _ (主 持) a radio show. 24By the end of the match, the _ (汗水) was pouring off him. 25 Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly

21、to a persons physical _ (健康) 【单句写作】 1输掉一场比赛并不代表所有比赛都输了。 _ is not at all the end of all games. 2他因考试不及格深感沮丧。 He is in a state of deep depression because of his _ the examination. 3救护车把伤者送到了附近的一所医院。 Ambulances took _ to a nearby hospital. 4必须要下定决心来改变你过去的生活方式。 You must _ change the past lifestyle. 5两位美

22、国外科医生上周获得了诺贝尔医学奖。 Two American surgeons _ the Nobel Prize for Medicine last week. 6虽然乔和我在同一个大厦里工作,我们只是偶尔看到彼此。 Even though Joe and I work in the same building, we only see each other _. 7拳击考验的是技能和技术,不是蛮力。 Boxing is a test of skill and technique,_ brute strength. 8在他的计划中,他要削减 40%的费用来增加工人的工资。 In his pl

23、an, he would _ 40% of the expense _ to add to workers salary. 9我们都想影响这个世界,不论是大还是小。 We all want to _ in this world, whether it would be big or small. 10与那所房子相比,McNay 博物馆令人大失所望。 The McNay was disappointing _ the house. 参考答案: 【分项练习】 1、matter events incidents affair 2、come about will come out to come al

24、ong came across come up with came to 3、锻炼身体 解决 计算出 制订出 4、with in to be given We are/feel honoured to be invited Its an honour for us to be invited 5、determination determined with determination determine what I should do next 6、fall apart under pressure Apart from sets her apart 7、Understanding talki

25、ng is His missing the train 8、injured hurt harm wounded 9、that strengths To strengthen Unity is strength On the strength of 10、give in gave; away giving off give; up gave out 11、diet pills vegetarian diet on a diet 12、make a difference to tell the difference It makes no difference to me 13、than are

26、rather than 14、cutting in cut out cut off Cut down 15、of stressful under stress laid/placed/put stress on 【综合练习】 单句填词: 1 答案:athlete2 答案:captain3 答案:master 4 答案:graceful5 答案:determination6 答案:medal 7 答案:glory8 答案:injury9 答案:failure 10 答案:champion11 答案:error12 答案:slim 13 答案:positive14 答案:diet15 答案:str

27、ess 16 答案:Jogging17 答案:pushups18 答案:rather 19 答案:to20 答案:out21 答案:event 22 答案:boxing23 答案:host24 答案:sweat 25 答案:fitness 单句写作: 1 答案:Losing one game 2 答案:failure to pass 3 答案:the injured 4 答案:be determined to 5 答案:were honoured with 6 答案:now and then 7 答案:rather than 8 答案:cut; out 9 答案:make a difference 10 答案:compared with


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