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1、苏州工业园区东沙湖小学 SIP 东沙湖小学三上英语 Unit5-Unit6 双单元练习 姓名_班级_学号_ 听力部分(听力部分(40%) 一、一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听一遍听一遍。(。(10%) ( )1.A. jacketB. skirtC. shirt ( )2.A. fatherB. familyC. friend ( )3.A. capB. catC. car ( )4.A. bedB. birdC. red ( )5.A. notB. noC. now ( )6.A. whoB. whatC. where ( )7.A. TimB. PaulC.

2、John ( )8.A. motherB. fatherC. brother ( )9.A. hesB. shesC. this ( )10.A. brownB. blueC. black 二、听录音,判断所听内容与句子是否相符,相符的写二、听录音,判断所听内容与句子是否相符,相符的写 T,不相符,不相符 写写 F,听两遍听两遍。(。(6%) ( )1. This is my orange T-shirt. ( )2. Would you like a jacket? ( )3. My new cap is black and white. ( )4. What colour is this

3、bag? ( )5. Its a nice skirt. ( )6. Look at the brown skirt. 三、根据所听顺序,用数字给下列图片标上序号三、根据所听顺序,用数字给下列图片标上序号,听两遍听两遍。(。(8%) ()()()() ()()()() 四、四、听录音,听录音,给下列句子排序,听两遍给下列句子排序,听两遍。(。(6%) 苏州工业园区东沙湖小学 () 1. Look at my T-shirt. () 2. Its white. () 3. Its green. Its great. () 4. What colour is your skirt? () 5. W

4、hat about my skirt? () 6. How nice! 五、听录音,将句子补充完整,每空一词五、听录音,将句子补充完整,每空一词,听两遍听两遍。(。(7%) 1. I can see a _T-shirt on the bed. 2. What _ is your schoolbag? 3. Look at my _ _. 4. _ you _ a white sweater? 笔试部分(笔试部分(60%) 一、一、 翻译下列词组翻译下列词组。 (10%) 1.一个鸡蛋 _2. my yellow cap _ 3.什么颜色 _4. a green blouse _ 5.我的奶奶

5、 _6. my new T-shirt _ 7.一条漂亮的裙子 _ 8. a black and white cap _ 9.我的家庭 _ 10. an orange orange _ 二、单项选择(二、单项选择(10%) () 1. -Look at my shirt.- _ A. All right.B. Its nice.C. Thank you. () 2. -_ is it?- Its red. A. WhatB. What colourC. Whats colour () 3. _ Alice. Shes _ friend. A. She; herB. Hes; myC. Shes

6、; my () 4. This is _ new skirt. A. IB. anC. my () 5. This is _egg. A. aB. anC. / 苏州工业园区东沙湖小学 () 6. -Would you like an egg?- _. A. Yes, I amB. No, Im not.C. Yes, please. () 7. -What colour are your shoes?-_ blue. A. ItsB. TheyreC. It are () 8. -Is this your brother?- _. A.No, she isnt.B. Yes, this is

7、.C. No, he isnt. () 9. -This is my father.- _. A. Nice to meet you.B. Yes, he is.C. Thank you. () 10.- Look at my new cap.-_. A. How nice.B. Goodbye.C. Good morning. 三、选择相应的答句,把序号填入题前的括号内。三、选择相应的答句,把序号填入题前的括号内。(7%) ()1. What colour is my dress?A. Nice to meet you, too. ()2. Look at my jacket.B. Good

8、 morning. ()3. This is my friend, Tim.C. They are blue. ()4. Nice to meet you.D. Hello, Tim. ()5. Good morning.E. Its nice. ()6. Are you Wang Bing?F. Its red. ()7. What colour are my pants?G. No, Im Liu Tao. 四、连词成句,注意开头字母大写和标点符号四、连词成句,注意开头字母大写和标点符号。 (6%) 1. my, at, jacket, look ( . ) _ 2. now, it, w

9、hat, colour, is ( ? ) _ 3. like, an, you, egg, would,( ? ) _ 4. is, this, a, red, apple ( . ) _ 5. skirt, a, is, yellow, it ( . ) 苏州工业园区东沙湖小学 _ 6.Yang Ling, is , friend , she , my ( , . ) 五、五、根据中文及图片提示完成句子根据中文及图片提示完成句子(12%) 1._ _ (这是)Mikes_(新的) _ . 2. Look at my _(哥哥的) _. 3. My clothes has many _ (颜

10、色). 4. My _ (爷爷)is 90 years old. 5. See you _ _(下一次). 6. They all _ _(住在一起). 六、根据图意,选择合适的句子组成对话,把序号填在括号里面六、根据图意,选择合适的句子组成对话,把序号填在括号里面。 (8%) 七、阅读短文,判断句子正(七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误误(F)。 (10%) Hello, my name is Peter. I go shopping with my mum today. Look at my shirt. Its blue. It looks so cool. Look at my trou

11、sers. They are white. I like them. This pair of (这双)shoes is white too. () 1.Peter goes shopping with his dad today. () 2. Peter buys a shirt, trousers and boots today () 3. He has a blue T-shirt. () 4. The trousers are white. () 5. Peter likes his trousers . A. What colour is this skirt?E. Yes, I am. B. Look at my new T-shirt.F. How nice! C. Thank you, grandpa.G.Are you Miss Li? D. This jacket is for you, Mike.H. Its orange.


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