
,B5U1Developing ideasLead inLead inHave you ever read the novel The Little PrinceWhat do you know about itLead inLead inR,版本:新外研版本:新外研单元:选择性必修二单元:选择性必


1、B5U1Developing ideasLead inLead inHave you ever read the novel The Little PrinceWhat do you know about itLead inLead inR。

2、版本:新外研版本:新外研单元:选择性必修二单元:选择性必修二 Unit 2Using language Reflection单单词词课课堂堂1.deadline 合成词:deadline词源:美国内战期间,南部军队在佐治亚州的安德森维尔设置。

3、B5U2Developing IdeasPrereadingPrereading1.Look at the chart and answer the questions.1What are the top three things stud。

4、Breaking Breaking boundariesboundariesBook 5 Unit 4B5U4Starting outUnderstanding ideasStarting outStarting outWatch the 。

5、Unit 6 SurvivalUsing languageB5U6Using languageAdverbial clauses with ever and no matterFacing crisisGrammar:Adverbial c。

6、Unit 6 Survival LeadinginWhileclassAfterclassPart.1 Leadinginoptimistic词性: 意思:常用搭配be optimistic about.对乐观联想词optimism n.乐。

7、Unit 6 SurvivalThe Wild WithinUnderstanding ideasThe crime took place in a seaside suburb of Cape The crime took place i。

8、To think about what it means to you when reaching the age of majority.To read a passage to know what others opinions abo。

9、Future continuousTo learn to know how the future continuous tense is used.To learn to use the future continuous tense in。

10、单词连连看练习n.按小时日或周计算的工资,薪金n.税wagelicencemilestone有发言权loantaxn.银行等的贷款n.执照virtuen.成年n.选举have a sayn.重大事件,里程碑adulthoodn.正直诚实in。




标签 > _2022新外研版2019高中英语选择性必修第二册[编号:666696]



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