
Starting outUnderstanding ideasLook at the picture and describe what each person is doing.Talk about what kind of person,目录contentsGrammarIIVVocabular


1、Starting outUnderstanding ideasLook at the picture and describe what each person is doing.Talk about what kind of person。

2、目录contentsGrammarIIVVocabulary buildingIIListeningspeakingIIIHomeworkIGrammarCompare the two groups of sentences and ans。

3、使用建议最后一张是本节课的板书设计.精读部分,有云朵形状的超链接,可以到表格汇总导入部分,两个冷笑话,然后输入描述天气炎热的短语P2 Understanding ideasWhy did the dog sit under the tree。

4、Unit 1 Lesson 3Develping ideasLittle white LiesWarmupDo you know what white lies areHave you ever told white liesPreread。

5、Understanding ideasAbsolute agonyOur Agony Aunt answers your questionsbad performance in a subjectpressure to look goodc。

6、Knowing me,knowing youBook 3 Unit 1Using Language过去过去分词短语作分词短语作状语状语过去分词短语可以作状语,可充当时间原因条件过去分词短语可以作状语,可充当时间原因条件方式方式结果让步结果让。

7、 Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing youPeriod 1 Staring out 外研版必修三interpersonal relationships Words used to describe characters:k。

8、年度风云人物年度风云人物屠呦呦英国拍摄的屠呦呦短片哔哩哔哩bilibili1.Who is the person2.What contributions did she make3.What kind of person is she1.R。

9、Unit 2 Making a difference新外研必修三1.What kinds of good deeds are shown in the video2.What idea does the video conveyPlease。

10、The Well that changed the World目录目录 1.Analysis of the teaching material Teaching aims Teaching aims Ss can understand an。

标签 > 2022新外研版高中英语必修第三册[编号:615005]



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