Unit 6 Lesson 2 Using language Ellipsis ppt课件 -2022新外研版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 6Lesson 2Using language EllipsisWarm-up1.Look at the sentences from the reading.a.Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines,as well as one of the deepest.b.My office is only on the third floor of the building,so quite low.2.Compare them with the following sentences and answ

2、er the questions.c.Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines,as well as one of the deepest lines.d.My office is only on the third floor of the building,so it is quite low.3.Answer the fllowing questions.1.What has been left out in sentences(a)and(b)?2.Why does the author leave t

3、hem out?4.Look for more sentences with ellipsis in the reading passage.Presentation-Ellipsis1.简单句的省略a)名词所有格之后的省略He is going to his uncles(house).b)含there be结构中的省略(Is there)Anything wrong?c)独立主格结构中的分词如为being或having been时的省略The examination(being)over,we all left the school.d)不定式的省略并列的不定式Her job is to

4、take care of the elders and(to)wash their clothes.为避免重复,作某些动词hope,want等宾语或tell,order,ask的宾补时,省略不定式短语,只保留不定式符号to.The child wanted to play in the street,but her mother told her not to.(此句中 not to 后省略了和上文相重复的play in the street.)感官动词see,hear,feel,notice,hear或使役动词let,make,have,等后跟不定式作宾补时省略to.I saw the gi

5、rl cross the street.I had my father repair my bike.注意:当感官动词与使役动词用于被动时,需恢复to的省略。如:The girl was seen to cross the street.有had better,would rather,cant but 或Why not等句型后面直接跟动词原形,实际上是接省to的不定式。You had better tell me the truth.I could not but(to)laugh at him.Why not go and ask the teacher for help?在回答问句及其它

6、形式的答语中,如有和上文重复的不定式时,在答语中只保留其不定式符号to,而把动词和其它部分省略。Would you like to come to dinner tonight?Id like to.But Im too busy.(此句中的Id like to 后省略了come to dinner tonight.)e)介词(或介词短语)的省略动名词前面的介词in在一定条件下常被省略We spent a large sum of money(in)building the mansion.而当spend money in doing sth.结构用于被动语态时in不能省略A large su

7、m of money was spent in building the mansion.near或opposite作形容词表示“在的附近”或“在对面”时后接的介词to可省略It is near(to)the airport,opposite(to)the supermarket.of+形容词+名词作补语表示大小、年龄、形状、颜色或价格时of常被省略We are(of)the same age,I suppose.含有side,height,length,size,shape等惯用语前介词on有时可被省略Try to keep your discourse(on)this side of 30

8、00 words.有些动词、名词、形容词习惯搭配介词短语,在以what,when,how,whether,that出现的从句或不定式短语之前有时被省略介词短语as to.Be careful(as to)how you do that.f)同源宾语的省略同源宾语的修饰语是形容词最高级或含有最高级意义时可以省去该同源宾语During the football match,the fans all shouted their loudest(shout).She sang her sweetest(song).g)英语中惯用的省略句型即,What/How about后只跟名词、代词或动名词(短语)

9、,以及感叹句中的省略现象。How about the two of us taking a walk down the garden?What a beautiful view(it is)!2.并列句的省略a)并列句的省略是最常见的,一般说来,在后一并列句中凡是与上文相同的成分通常都会被省略。To some smile is very easy,and to others(smile is)so hard.b)简单句的并列结构中也常有省略的做法We may go there by train or(by)air.c)并列平行结构有时会出现在状语从句中As families move away

10、 from their stable community,their friends of many years,their extended family relationships,the informal flow of information is cut off,and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable.(此句中,前一个分句带一个As引导的状语从句,状语从句中 move away from 后为并列平行结构

11、,their,their,their在and后的分句中,the confidence后省略了is cut off.)3.复合句的省略a)复合句中从句的句尾和主句相重复时从句的句尾部分可省掉Mary is going to sweep the floor because Alice wont(sweep the floor).b)含有定语从句的复合句定语从句中可以省略作宾语的关系代词;非正式文体中,也可省略关系副词when或why.I shall never forget the day(when)I entered TV University.I like the film for the v

12、ery reason(why)you dislike it.关系代词as后面的主谓结构也可省略He gave the same answer as(he had given)before.c)含有宾语从句的复合句在两个并列的that从句如主动词及其宾语、表语、状语等都一样时可将第二个that从句的主动词及随带成份省略。I guess Lisa will dance in the party but Jane wont(dance in the party).Ws English在两个并列的that从句如主语相同,而谓语不同,可把第二个that从句的连词和主语一起省略。Tell Peter th

13、at Ill call to see him and(that I ll)have talk with him.在两个并列从句如连词不同而其它成份相同时,可省略第一分句和第二分句相同的部分,只把两个连词连接起来。Her parents dont know when(she was born)and where she was born.在以某些形容词或过去分词,如:sure,glad,certain,pleased,happy,afraid,surprised,satisfied的词所引导的宾语从句中,连词that可省略。We arent sure which the best is.I wa

14、s very pleased my friend had passed the exam.在以which,when,where,how和why引导的宾语从句中,其谓语与主句谓语相同时省略全部谓语,有时甚至主语也可省略,只保留一个w h的词。He cant go to school,but I dont know why(he cant go to school).d)含有状语从句的复合句状语从句中的省略原则是,如主语与主句主语一致,或主语是it,可省略从句的连接词、主语和be助动词,只保留分词和其它成分,从而使语言更加简洁明了。京戏时间状语从句中的省略I favor English when(

15、I was)a pupil.地点状语从句中的省略The river is clean where(it is)deep.让步状语从句中的省略Although(she was)the youngest of the group,she won all the prizes.方式状语从句中的省略The baby closed his eyes as if(he were)to sleep.条件状语从句中的省略She wont come unless(she is)invited.Ws English原因状语从句中的省略(If we were)Given more attention,the pla

16、nts could have grown better.比较状语从句中的省略You can play the game just as wonderfully as I(do).在以than和as引导的比较结构的状语从句中,省略某些与主句相同的成分或在特定上下文中有某些不言而喻的成分,可省掉整个as/than从句。The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper(than those in this shop),but(they are)not as good(as those in this shop).状语从句中并列结构的省略在复合句中,如两个并列的

17、状语从句只是从属连词不同,其它相同时,则可省略一个状语从句,而把两个从属连词连接起来。They will be arriving either before(the film begins)or after the film begins.e)虚拟语气条件句中if的省略与If引导的条件从句中含有were,had时,可将if省略,并用倒装结构。Were I you,I wouldnt go with him.考点一:状语从句中的省略1)当主句主语与从句主语相同(或从句主语为it),并且从句谓语中含be动词,常将从句主语和be动词省略,构成省略形式。(2)as/than引导比较状语从句时,从句通常

18、使用省略形式。如:He earns less than his wife(does).【考例】The climate here is quite pleasant,the temperature rarely,_,reaching 30C in summer.A.if notB.if everC.if anyD.if so解析:B。当从句中的主语是it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be时,可以把it和系动词be一起省略。if ever与rarely连用,意为“极少”。考点二:动词不定式的省略【考例1】Let those in need _ that we will go all out to hel

19、p them.A.to understandB.understand C.understanding D.understood 解析:B。let sb do sth使役动词后面的动词不定式符号to省略。【考例2】The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _.A.not to do B.not to C.not do D.do not解析:B。“在路边停车”这一动作前面已经提到,所以后面应省略以使句子简洁。考点三使用替代词so/not英语中常用so/not等来代替省略的肯定内容或

20、否定内容,多跟在Im afraid/I hope/I think/I guess/I believe/I expect/I suppose等开头的答语中,条件状语从句中也有类似的用法。如:if so/if not句中。【考例1】You could always put the decision off a little bit longer._ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.A.Thats reasonable advice.B.Isnt it a good idea?C.Do you think so?D.I cant ag

21、ree more.解析:C。第二个人不是肯定第一个人的意见,用Do you think so?先进行反问,然后给出自己的观点。考点四:情景交际中的省略在情景对话中,常常省略大家都知道的内容或不会引起歧义的部分,只保留主干部分或关键词。【考例】Marys been offered a job in a university,but she doesnt want to take it._?Its a very good chance.A.Guess what B.So what C.Who cares D.But why 解析:D。But why(但是为什么)是But why(doesnt she want to take it)?的省略。1PracticeRead the paragraph and find out what words have been removed before or after the underlined words.ONEProduceSummarySummarize what we have learnt today.HomeworkHomeworkPreview the words and expressions for the coming class.Review the grammar-Ellipsis.


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