


1、Unit Two Last weekend Lesson One Lets learn Do a survey and report A Look, tick or cross The man is taller than the woma。

2、Unit Two Last weekend Lesson Three Lets learn Look and talk B Look, guess and say I. Warmup I slept. What did you do las。

3、动词动词过去式的规则变化过去式的规则变化 及及 eded的发音规则的发音规则 小学英语PEP六年级下册 课型:微课 主讲: 单位: 目录 01 01 动词动词过去式的规则变化过去式的规则变化 0202 eded的发音规则的发音规则 0303。

4、Unit 2 Last weekend Lesson Six Lets check Lets wrap it up B C Story time Bomb game I. Warmup read a book saw a film wash。

5、Unit Two Last weekend Lesson Two Lets try Lets talk A I. Warmup Look and say 打扫房间 cleaned my room I. Warmup 洗衣服 washed m。

6、Unit Two Last weekend Lesson Four Lets try Lets talk B Look, guess and say I. Warmup I slept. What did you do last weeke。

7、Unit 2 Last weekend Lesson Five Read and write B Play a game: What can you see cleaned my room I. Warmup Play a game: Wh。

8、Unit 4 Then and now Part B 第第1课时课时 Lets try Lets talk grassgym dining hall Whats in the school There is a . in the schoo。

9、Copyright 20042016 版权所有 盗版必究 人教人教peppep版六年级下英语版六年级下英语 Copyright 20042016 版权所有 盗版必究 Copyright 20042016 版权所有 盗版必究 BeforeNo。

10、 A Lets learn 河源市第二小学 赖冬娴 Today is Wednesday. Today is May 5th. Today is cloudy. I am having English now. Yesterday was 。

11、Unit 4 Then and now PB Lets talk LOGO short quiet tall active Before, I couldnt speak English. Now, I can sing English s。

12、六年级下册英语 He could play football . I liked English . I was short . There was no English. He couldnt play football . I didn。

13、Unit4 Then and now B. Lets learn Lets chant Playground, playground. Lets run, lets run. Grass, grass. Play football, pla。

14、Unit4 Then and now Read and write Lets talk Were they true 这些是这些是真实真实的情况的情况吗吗 How was my dream 猎豹猎豹是陆地上跑得最快的动物是陆地上跑得最快的动。

15、Unit 4 Then and now Part B Read and write now Free talk Revision Lead in The animals are having a race.What animal can r。

16、Part B Lets learn 六年级六年级 下册下册 Learning aims 1.能够听说读写短语go cycling, iceskate, play badminton等。
2.能够运用所学的单词和短语, 运用Before, s。

17、Unit 4 Then and now Part A Lets try Lets talk 人教版三年级起点 课时目标 1.能够听说认读单词:one day , look it up, in my time, Internet . 2.能够。

18、 Come and look at my old photos. I am wearing a pink shirt. But I dont like pink now. old photos Before I had long hair.。

19、Unit4 Then and now Part C Story time 新人教版六年级英语下册新人教版六年级英语下册 Guess and say Guess and say What What waswas Miss Jiang Miss。

20、义务教育教科书义务教育教科书RJRJ六年级英语下册六年级英语下册 Unit Unit 4 4 第二课时 now 一热身导入 Revision library computer room twenty years ago 二任务呈现 thre。

标签 > 六年级下册英语课件Unit[编号:312254]



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