
单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 4Welcome to the unit Reading本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.skip:词源义 jump over;基本义:跳 跳的动作具体跳过应做的事情抽象2,Unit 4 Looking good,feeling g


1、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 4Welcome to the unit Reading本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.skip:词源义 jump over;基本义:跳 跳的动作具体跳过应做的事情抽象2。

2、Unit 4 Looking good,feeling goodWelcome to the unit ReadingWelcome to the unitP43What bad habits do Carol and Tom haveWh。

3、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 4Welcome to the unit Readingtake in使使进入进入基本义基本义take in 句中学句中学1.Trees take in carbon d。

4、Unit 4 Looking good,feeling goodWelcome to the unit 1.The love for beauty is a nature of all human beings.爱美之心人皆有之.爱美之心人。

5、Unit 4 Looking good,feeling goodWelcome to the unit Reading版本:译林册别:必修一目录页contentsPrereadingPostreadingFast readingHomewo。

6、Unit 1 Back to schoolExtended reading What is your senior high school life likeWhat do you know about school life in the。

7、 由于由于 坚持;固守,维持坚持;固守,维持 随着时间流逝,久而久之随着时间流逝,久而久之 注意注意 成为现实成为现实 在很多方面在很多方面 放弃放弃 签字签字 张贴张贴 在开始时在开始时in the beginningas result 。

8、Check yourself to what degree you have remembered the text by filling in the blanks in the following passage.Make the mo。

9、Unit 1 Back to school To talk about your new school life.To design a dream school.Confucius If you learn without thinkin。

10、Realizing your potentailCathy.CONTENTSCONTENTSLeadinComplete the questionnaire alone first.1.How did you feel on your fi。

11、Unit 2 Lets talk teensReadingIIReadingIIStrangers under the same roofreview the text;discuss how to use some of the word。

12、Unit 3 Getting along with others Extended reading 1.关系陷于困境,濒临崩溃2.n.视野;视力;看见3.脱离某人的视线4.社交媒体5.能够出席;准时到达;获得成功6.adj 令人震惊的;可恶。

13、Unit 3 Getting along with others ReadingIILanguage focuses1.Would you turn to online communities for advice about mainta。

14、Unit 4 Looking good,feeling goodGrammar and usageRestrictive relative clauses Restrictive relative clauses with relative。

15、Grammar and UsageISimple,Compound and Complex Sentences简单句,并列句,复合句简单句,并列句,复合句Unit 2 Lets talk teens句子成分句子成分 主语主语subjectS。

16、介词01 介词定义02 介词分类03介词用法介词04介词例题表示名词,代词等与句中其他词等关系,是虚词,不能单独做句子成分,介词和它后面的宾语构成介词短语.介词短语可以做句子中的多种成分,可以表示时间地点方位方向等.介词的定义1地点介词2方。

17、Spring is coming.Leaves turn green.Cows eat grass on the hill.The spring gives us a warm hug.I will make the beauty stay。

18、1.To learn how to understand a short story by analyzing its basic elements2.To understand the way a mother loves her fam。

19、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 3Welcome to the unit Reading本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.awkward:awk方式或手法不正确ward后缀相反的 笨拙的 尴尬的 同义词。

20、Unit 3 Getting along with othersGrammar and usageRestrictive relative clauses with relative pronouns观察以下短语并讨论什么叫定语attrib。

21、UnitUnitBeforereadingWhat did our headmasterprincipal do in the school opening ceremony开学典礼开学典礼He gave us a speech.Mr Xu。

22、Unit 1 Back to schoolGrammar and usageLink the words into a sentenceMiss Yan to was excited to the opportunity give be g。

23、Unit 1 Back to schoolExtended reading We can add an adverbial to each of the above five sentence structures.We use an ad。

24、Reading:Language Ponits1 1.experience n.C 经历,体验;U经验 V.经历;感受,体验 an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历have experience indoin。

25、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Integrated skills Starting a new school club制作者:桂东一中李宇平内容分析内容分析 本板块围绕单元话题,以本板块围绕单元话题,以创建创建校园俱乐部校园俱乐。

26、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修单元:必修Book 1 Unit 1Grammar and usage Assessmentcontribute tribe由trithree,三be构成,来自拉丁语 tribus,部落宗族地区。

27、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Grammar and usage Sentence elements and sentence structures制作者:桂东一中李宇平内容分析内容分析 本板块围绕单元本板块围绕单元话题话题,以。

28、Unit 1 Back to schoolReadingReading IIRealizing your potential review the text;discuss how to use some of the words and 。

29、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Reading制作者:桂东一中李宇平内容分析内容分析 What本板块本板块话题话题为为发挥自我发挥自我潜能潜能,语篇语篇是一位校长在开学第一是一位校长在开学第一天对高新生的演讲,旨在鼓励学生在天对高。

30、Extended readingUnit 1 Back to school Extended readingProjectLead inHow much do you know about school life abroadSchools。

31、Unit 1 Back to schoolWelcome to the unit1Module 1Module 1When we talk about senior high school,what will you think of2ho。

32、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修单元:必修Book 1 Unit 1Welcome to the unit Reading本单元词汇梳理1.potential:词块 achievefulfillreach onesfullpot。

33、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Words制作者:桂东一中李宇平 1.potentialptenl1n.A.U fordoingsth:the possibility of sth.happening or being devel。

34、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Workbook制作者:桂东一中李宇平Exploring Language A.Fill in the blanks with proper words.The first letter of so。

35、Chang jun High SchoolEton College 伊顿公学伊顿公学Are there any differences between school life in the UK and in ChinaEton Colle。

36、 U1 Extended reading School life in the UKWhat do you think of when it comes to school life in the UKlarge campus smalls。

37、SummaryJohn Li,who studied at a British secondary school as an exchange student a year ago,introduces to us different as。

38、Lead inMiss Yan,to,was,excited to,the opportunity,give,be given,really,a speech.Miss Yan was really excited to be given 。

39、Study without thinking leads to confusion;thinking without study ends in puzzlement.Confucius学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

40、Welcome to the unitWhat is your impression of senior high school lifeWhats your campus likehuge or smallnew or oldmodern。

标签 > ppt课件_2022新牛津译林版2020高中英语必修第一册[编号:667573]



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