
UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE知识点讲解知识点讲解20222023学年人教版必修第一册 重点单词和短语详解1.volunteer n.志愿者work as a volunteer 做志愿者do volunteer work 做志愿工,takehaveadopt anattitude toto


1、UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE知识点讲解知识点讲解20222023学年人教版必修第一册 重点单词和短语详解1.volunteer n.志愿者work as a volunteer 做志愿者do volunteer work 做志愿工。

2、takehaveadopt anattitude totowards 对持某种态度由于对生活持积极态度,他看上去总是很开心.高级句式:Having a positive attitude to life,he always looks ha。

3、Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and TalkingListening and TalkingWhatch a short video.Think about what you can learn f。

4、Unit 5 Languages Around The WorldReading and Thinking Reading and ThinkingLeadinGuess:What does these symbols mean in Ch。

5、Unit 4 Natural Disasters Discovering useful structuresDiscovering useful structuresSpeak out the names of disasters as q。

6、 Unit OneTeenage Life Opening Page青少年时养成的好习惯能让人受益终身ordinarypeacefulmordencomfortablebusychallengeingsimple.voiunteerwoul。

7、高一英语课 unit 1 词汇课词汇课 1.teenagetinedadj.十几岁的指13至19岁;青少年的 teenagertinedrn.13至19岁之间的青少年 2.balletblen.芭蕾舞 3.volunteervlntrn.志。

8、单元核心考点单元核心考点新人教新人教 必修必修第一册第一册 Unit 5 Languages around the World知识回顾billion n.十亿十亿 2.8 billion 二十八亿二十八亿 billions of 数十亿数十。

9、Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and SpeakingListening and SpeakingLive to Tell:Raising Awareness,Reducing MortalityUn。

10、Reading for WritingWrite a page on a wellness bookLearning objectivesIn this class,you will:read and talk about the stor。

11、Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading for WritingReading for WritingLook at the pictures.Think about what these pictures desc。

12、Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and ThinkingReading and ThinkingWatch a short video.What happened in the videoEarthquak。

13、英译汉 teenage teenager ballet volunteer debate prefer to content movement adj.adj.十几岁的,青少年的十几岁的,青少年的 n.n.青少年青少年 n.n.芭蕾舞芭蕾舞。

14、 Listening and Talking:Voice your opinion on sportsmanship1.collect information about sportsmanship through listening;2。

15、Unit 3 Sports and FitnessVocabularyWhat topics of sports and fitness are covered in this unitSports and fitnessSports ev。

标签 > _人教版2019新版高中英语必修第一册[编号:643548]



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