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1、1.在街上in/on the street 2.确信;确认make sure 3.在公共汽车站at the bus stop 4.拍打 beat against. 5.在下暴雨的时候at the time of the rainstorm 6.进人梦乡/生病fall asleep/ill 7.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失die down 8.灭绝die out 9.消失die away 10.死于die of/ from 11.醒来wake up 12.发现周转一团糟 find the neighborhood in a mess 13.(加入)和某人一起做join sb. to do sth. 14.

2、使分离break. . apart 15.面对困难的时候in times of difficulty 16.当.时候at the time of 在那时at that time 17. (闹钟)发出响声go off 18.洗热水澡take a hot shower 19.错过公交车miss the bus 20.接电话pick up 21.狂风strong winds 22.大雨/雪heavy rain/snow 23.乌云dark clouds 24.使靠拢bring. together 25.把车开到洗车场 take the car to the car wash 26.在这个地区be i

3、n the area 27.做晚餐make dinner 28.遇到麻烦fall in trouble 29.爱上某人fall in love with sb. 30.错过这个事件miss the event 31.事故发生地the place of the accident 32.到达汽车站get to the bus stop 33.在路边by the side of the road 34.动物保护热线the Animal Helpline 35.走路经过walk by 36.在某人去的路上; 前进 make ones way to sp.=on ones way to sp. 37.做

4、有帮助be helpful to do sth. 38.听到这个消息hear the news 39.历史上的重要事件的新闻the news of important events in history 40.收音机/电视的新闻 the news on the radio/ the news on TV 41.被彻底震惊be completely shocked 42.其余的;剩下的the rest of 给某人加油/打气cheer sb. On 43.例如for example 44.被杀害be killed 45. 50多(岁)over 50=more than 46.一个小学生a sch

5、ool pupil 47.通过广播on the radio 48.沉默;无声in silence 49.吃惊地in surprise 50.高兴地in joy 51.最近地;新近more recently 52.世贸中心the World Trade Center 53.拆除;摧毁take down 54.被恐怖分子摧毁 be taken down by terrorists 55.看窗外look out the window 56.指出point out 57.一个重要的日子the big day 58.对某人有意义have meaning to sb. 59.做有麻烦/困难/问题have

6、60.trouble/ difficulty /problems (in) doing something=there be trouble /difficulty / problems (in) doing something 61.记得做过某事remember doing sth. 62.记得未做某事remember to do sth. 63.毫不出错地演奏了这首歌played the song without any mistakes 64.大声喊出胜者call out the winner 65.首先;最初at first 66.我生命中最高兴的一天 the happiest day

7、 of my life 67.到目前为止so far 68.打湿get it wet 69.被阻于雨中be caught in the rain 70.被压于大石下 be caught under a big stone 71.突然all of sudden 72.把某人/某物留在某地leave sb/sth sw 73.忙于(做)某事 be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth 74.跑回家run back home 1.但是之后,风力会逐渐减弱。 But the wind will _ _ later on. 2.当你外出时确保门是关着的。 _ _ that t

8、he door is closed when you go out. 3.周围一片狼藉。 The neighborhood is _ _ _ . 4.当他醒来时,他爸爸正在看着他。 When he _ _,his father was watching him. 5.昨天晚上我妈妈很快就睡着了。 My mother _ _ soon last night. 6.昨天他发生了什么事? What _ _ him yesterday? 7.最初,我没理解他说的话。 _ _I didnt understand what he said. 8.我不想我之后的人生都干这个工作。 I dont want t

9、o do this for _ _ _ _ _ . 9.你能帮我拆除这顶帐篷吗? Could you please help me _ _this tent? 10.出门前,她照了下镜子。 Before going out,she _ _ _ at herself in the mirror. 11.如果你很累的话,你很快就会睡着的。 If you are really tired, youll soon _ _. 12.我每天闹钟一响就起床了。 I get up as soon as the alarm _ _every day. 13.老师要我们把旧的照片取下来挂上新的。 The teac

10、her asked us to _ _the old pictures and put up the ones. 14.你为什么坐那里不做声? Why are you sitting there _ _? 15.作为学生,我们必须要说实话。 As students, we must _ _ _. 16.他们默不作声地看完了这部电影。 They finished seeing the film _ _. 17.最近我入睡有困难。 Recently I _ _ _ _. 18.这个日子对我意义深远。 The date _ _ _ me. 19.他凭借努力迈向成功。 He _ _ _to success by working hard. 20.迈克现在很难思考这个问题,因为他太紧 张了。 Now Mike _ _ _ about the question because he is much too nervous.


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