北师大版(三起)五下Unit 9 Day and Night-Lesson 1 About the Astronaut.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:52214).zip

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小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 Unit 9 About the astronaut What time is it? Its . What time do you go to school? I go to school at _______. 7:40 When do you go to school? When do you get up every day? I always get up at five in the morning. I get up at five. M on T ues W ed T hur F ri S at S un I always get up at five in the morning. I always get up at 6:50 in the morning. I always get up at five in the morning. When do you go to bed? I often go to bed at ten. I often go to bed at ten. I go to bed at ten. M on T ues W ed T hur F ri S at S un I often go to bed at ten. I often go to bed at 10:15 . Sometimes I eat meat and fruit! Sometimes I eat meat and fruit! Sometimes I eat meat and fruit! I eat meat and fruit. M on T ues W ed T hur F ri S at S un Sometimes I eat meat and fruit! Sometimes I eat chicken. take a walk in spacetake a space walk I never take a walk in space. M on T ues W ed T hur F ri S at S un Homework英语家庭作业英语家庭作业 1. 复习课文并朗读复习课文并朗读 2. 预习下一课的内容预习下一课的内容北师大版)小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 9 9 AboutAbout thethe astronautastronaut LessonLesson oneone 一、知识目标 1. 在本课结束时学生能在插图、录音的帮助下理解故事情节和内容; 2. 询问或说明日常活动的时间或频率; 3. 指认、说出早中晚时间段和主要日常活动的名称; 4. 通过故事中攸关太空生活的内容,进一步了解我国航天事业取得 的成就。 二、能力目标 1. 学生能认读核心单词: get up, go to bed, exercise, always, often, sometimes, never 2. 能在情境中感受、学习和运用句型: When do you get up? I always get up at five in the morning. When do you go to bed? I often go to bed at ten. What do you eat? Sometimes I eat meat and fruit. 三、教学重点:在插图的帮助下理解故事内容并正确朗读人物对话。 四、教学难点:在故事情境中初步理解频度副词的意义和使用。 五、教学准备:配套多媒体教学光盘、教学图片、单词卡、PPT 课 件 六、板书设计 Unit 9 When do you get up? What time do you go to school? I always get up at 6:50. I go to school at 7:30. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 七、教学流程: 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 热身激趣 1.Greetings 2.Chant 3.分组评价 1.Greetings 2.Chant and show their fingers 营造英语氛围, 复习旧知,为 后面的学习作 铺垫 复习旧知 并 引出新知 Ask: What day is it today? What do you do on Tuesday? What does he/she do on Tuesday? What time does Ken go to school? What time do you go to school? When do you go to Answer: Today is Tuesday. I go to school on Tuesday. He/She goes to school on Tuesday. He goes to school at 7:40. I go to school at 7:30. Learn to ask: When 通过复习和师 生问答从旧知 What time do you go to school?自然地 过渡到新知 When do you go to school? 让学 生通过观察和 发现进行新旧 句型的对比学 school?do you go to school?习。 呈现故事 并 学习课文 1.Present the story: About the astronaut 2.Ask: Whats his first question? 3.Present:always,often, sometimes, never 1.Look and listen. 2.Think and ask: When do you get up every day? 3.Look, answer and learn to say these words and sentences. 通过练习让学 生掌握故事的 情节和内容, 帮助学生在故 事情境中初步 理解频度副词 的意义和使用。 朗读课文 1.Teach the new words 2.Ask the students to read in different ways 3.Play the video 1.Look and learn the new words 2.Read in many ways 3.Read the story after the video 用单词卡片和 PPT 课件的方式 呈现新单词,教 学生正确朗读单 词并初步朗读课 文 布置作业Show the homeworkRead the story at home布置作业,巩固 所学内容 教学反思教学反思 在本课的英语学习中我充分挖掘课堂资源,采用丰富多彩的教 学方法,设计不同层面的教学活动,开发学生的语言表达能力和思 维能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度, 使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养学生一定的语感和良好 的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步运用英语进行简单日常交流的 能力,为进一步学习打下基础。 本课开始时我采用 Free Talk 的方式自然引入本节课的内容, 紧扣主题,又给学生想更多了解宇航员 Jack 在太空生活的细节留有 想象空间。我深深体会到一堂课的整个教学过程中的教学内容和实 际措施都是为了教学的基本骨架服务的,也就是说这一堂课我们究 竟要了解哪些知识,解决哪些问题便是一堂课的重中之重,接下来 就是以什么样的技巧和方法来引导这些知识和解决这些问题,我也 感受到如果要使一堂课显得多样化,不乏味,有趣味,就得往里面 充填血和肉,使整堂英语课程活跃起来。我运用多种方式来练习单 词和句子,学生的积极性很高,也达到了很好的教学效果,关于整 节课设计的活动,都是围绕重难点、围绕教学目标的,因此学习效 果比较明显。除此之外,运用多媒体教学画面形象生动,能很好的 吸引学生的眼球并取得很好的教学效果。 我们教师是课程的开发者,是学生学习的促进者,领路人,是 学生健康成长的激励者,是教学理论的研究者、实践者。怎样摆脱 “英语课堂热热闹闹,学生英语水平提高不了”的状况。在漫长的 教学过程中,还是需要我们做出更多的努力。
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