闽教版四年级下册Unit 6 Weather-Part B-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:1091a).doc

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闽教版四年级下册Unit 6 Weather-Part B-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:1091a).doc_第1页
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1、新闽教版小学英语新闽教版小学英语 Book 4 Unit6 Weather Part B 教学设计教学设计 教材与学情分析教材与学情分析 1. 教材分析 本单元的话题为 Weather,共三个课时。天气与学生的日常生活息息相关,是学生愿意 学习并乐意探索的话题。在课时 1 的教学中,学生初步学习了句子:How is the weather?的 用法及 Its raining/snowing.两个现在进行时的天气表达,重点学习了 rain 及 snow 两个天气 的名词形式,通过提升拓展,还学习了 sun,wind,cloud,共五种天气的名词形式,学生们对描 述天气的形容词义的理解与用法仍未知

2、。本课为课时 2,在课前,将任务通过导学案呈现, 发放学生完成:通过连线题,自主复习五个天气名词;将单词分类,完成相关物品单词的旧 知复习。启动旧知,联系新知,为课堂教学扫除单词积累关。 本课的教学文本内容如图: 我适当调整文本的教学顺序,进行教材整合。先通过教授上午和下午的天气情况(图 1 (2)能正确认读句子:How is the weather?Its.并根据图片情境进行问答; (3)能熟练运用句型 Take.with you 提建议。 2. 教学难点教学难点 (1) 归纳天气单词的形容词构成规律; (2) 通过小组合作完成各项任务,巩固本课知识点。 教学步骤教学步骤 Step1 : W

3、arming up 1. Greetings. 2. Talk about the weather in Fuzhou in March and April. 设计意图:通过谈论学生深有感触的“福州三、四月的雨天”,展示真实的生活情境,拉近 学生与本课主题的距离,激发学生的好奇心。 3. Sing a song: Rain rain, go away. 设计意图:齐唱歌曲 Rain Rain,go away, 通过视听觉让学生表达我们想外出游玩,拥抱好天 气的心情。引出五一是否能外出游玩的问题情境,环环相扣。 Step 2:Lead in 1. Review words of the weat

4、her: sun,cloud,rain,snow,wind, and tell ”Can I play outside?” T: Labor Day is coming, I want to go outside. Can I play outside? Lets open the window, say Yes or No. Ss quickly response Yes or No according to five situations. 设计意图:创设 5 个情境,让学生通过观察不同的动图及听声效,启动对已有天气单词的概 念。并根据不同的天气快速判断“能否出门玩耍”,进一步让学生通过视

5、觉、听觉的刺激, 感受天气变化,为引入本课主题做铺垫。 2. Show the title: Unit6 Weather Part B. 3. Introduce todays ways of marking. And name five groups : Sun,Cloud,Rain,Snow,Wind. 设计意图:通过将天气单词命名为五个组的组名,巩固学生对天气单词的拼读,也为之后呈 现新单词(n.+y)做铺垫。 Step3:Presentation and Practice 1. Find the main idea of the text. T: Julia wants to play

6、 outside,too. Can she play outside?Yes or No? Lets watch the video. Then read by yourself. Find the answer. Ss watch the video and read the text by themselves. 设计意图:重复 Lead in 中的问题,自然引出课文内容。学生带着问题看视频,自主读课文, 寻找答案, 培养自我探究能力。 2. Teach the sentence: How is the weather? And teach the word:sunny. T: Yes o

7、r No? That is a question. Now they talk about the weather in the morning. Listen and repeat: How is the weather today? Ss repeat the sentence team by team. 设计意图: 通过跟读句子 How is the weather in the morning?教学重点句子 How is the weather? 在试听中获取信息,培养跟读模仿能力。引出单词 sunny 教学。 T:Its the sun. Its sunny. Show me you

8、r two hands. Sun, ny, sunny. Ss follow and show. 设计意图:通过手势感受 sunny 为双音节单词,通过板书 Its sunny.(sun 为卡片),进一步传 达 sunny 由 sun+ny 两音节构成。 3. Practice sentences with “sunny”(Pair work): How is the weather?Its . T: Pair work, face to face, ask and answer the weather in the morning. Ss ask and answer face to fac

9、e. 设计意图: 根据文本中上午的天气, 马上操练重点句型: How is the weather?Its. 源于文本, 操练内容简短,唯一答案 Its sunny, 高效检测学生的掌握情况,为后面的教学打下坚实的基 础。 4. Teach the words: cloudy, windy. T: Its sunny in the morning, Julia plays outside. In the afternoon, look, the cloud is coming. I almost cant see the sun. How is the weather in the after

10、noon? 师手举cloud卡片, 说: Its cloudy. Y, y,y, /i/i/i/, cloud-y-cloudy.贴卡片 cloud,板书 y. Ss follow /i/i/i/, and read “cloudy” one by one. 设计意图:通过云遮挡太阳的动图,感受多云的天气。通过操练 y 在词尾的读音,为下文的 单词教学及归纳做铺垫。 T: Then, who comes? Mr. Wind comes. Out of the window, Its windy. 板书方式同上。 Ss follow /i/i/i/,read “windy”. 设计意图:通过 w

11、ind,window 单词的呈现,引出新单词 windy,三个词包含共同的 wind 音 节,以旧带新,循序渐进。同时,通过不同的方式呈现新单词,也更激发学生的好奇心和求 知欲。 5. Practice (Pair work): Do and chant. T: Sally and Julia walk and walk, what can they see? They walk and chant. Pair work and chant with your tempo. Ss talk with partners. Chant and do actions. Then show. 设计意图

12、:chant 的内容为巩固词句,但没限定朗读的节奏,让学生自编节奏读 chant,培 养节奏感,也激发学生的创作欲,在玩中学,更有效地巩固新知。 6.Teach the sentence:Its raining cats and dogs. Teach the word (extension):rainy. T: They walk and walk. Oh! Its raining. (课件呈现出许多猫和狗从空中掉落的画面, 同时播放暴 Walk, walk, walk! The wind and the cloud. How is the weather? Its windy and cl

13、oudy. 雨的声效。) T: What does it mean? Can you guess?(师做夸张动作) Ss guess the meaning. Repeat the sentence and do the actions as T. T: Its raining now. Its rainy. 拓展新词 rainy 并板书,方法同上。 设计意图:学生通过强烈的视觉、听觉冲击,外加动作的感受,将抽象的句意形象化,直观 感知句意,情境真实有趣,便于记忆。 7.Summarize the change rule of sunny,cloudy,rainy,windy. Predict

14、 the new word:snowy. T: Can you find rules? What letter can you see?(师手指黑板的四个新单词.) Ss find the same letter:y. Predict the new word: snowy. T: Little teachers stand up and read these words. Then teach your members. Six little teachers read together. Then listen to their members, check them. 设计意图:通过发现

15、共同点找规律并推测,从归纳到演绎,符合四年级学生的认知水平,降 低难度。让小老师给组员纠音,兵教兵,兵强兵,有效落实每个学生的掌握情况,同时强化 了优生的示范作用,增强他们的成就感。 8. Practice sentences with five words above:How is the weather? Its. T: Now, lets have a guessing game about weather words. Spin and play. One guesses and others ask together. Ss: One student stands back to t

16、he blackboard, says Its. after others asking. 设计意图:通过转盘游戏,既检测小老师的教学情况,同时再次操练了对话句型,竞猜的方 式激发学生的好胜欲,调动学习的积极性,一举多得。 转盘游戏最后一轮的指针指向 rainy,引出下面环节。 9. Teach the sentence: Take.with you. T: Its rainy. But they are lucky. They have an umbrella. Who helps Julia? S: Mom. T:What does Julias mother say? elicit: T

17、ake an umbrella with you. 板书句型:Take.with you. Ss repeat Take an umbrella with you. 10. Practice the sentence(Group work): Take.with you. T: Julia wants to go hiking. What can she take with her?Please say and move pictures.课件上呈现 可能携带的物品图,操作规则:拖动合适的物品,用 Take.with you.大声描述,小组其他同 学整齐跟读句子,若物品不适合,则会自动弹出。

18、Ss move the picture and say the sentences. Other group members follow. 设计意图:通过移动图片,实时配合语言表达,且图片可被吸收及弹出,增加了趣味性。一 人展示,组员跟读的方式,即锻炼学生的跟读模仿能力,也增强了小组的合作力、凝聚力。 11. Teach the word:may. Teach the sentence: It may rain. T: Maybe you can take an umbrella with you. 师手动打开一把伞,并引出 It may rain. 并板书。 T: How does mom

19、 know it may rain? Guess.学生畅所欲言后,师通过图片展示 5 种了解信息的 渠道。T: We can know weather information from many sourses. Pay attention to the weather report. Pay attention to our life. 设计意图:该问题在文中无答案, “may 可能”即为不确定,即为一种预测,通过拓展思考, 让学生加深对 It may rain.的句意感知。同时对本课进行主题升华:我们要学会通过各种渠道 了解多变的天气信息,预测天气,关注生活。 12. Listen and

20、 repeat the text. Step 4: Extension Group work:T introduces how to finish the work and assign tasks to five groups. Activity 1. Role play Activity 2. Draw and guess Activity 3. A good planner Activity 4. Weatherman 设计意图:根据不同小组的能力及本堂课的表现,分配不同的任务,因材施教,同时也通过 增加任务的种类,丰富课堂乐趣。给足时间让学生进行合作、探究学习,培养创新精神,这 是时下

21、非常重要的学习能力。 Step 5: Show Time 展示规则:每组展示完,其它小组根据其表现,提出语音等方面的意见或建议,并由下一个 展示组评分。期间若有问题未被学生发现,老师方可介入并指出。 设计意图:增强学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。 Step 6: Summary (1) Prepare things you need ahead. Pay attention the weather report. 德育渗透:留意天气,提前准备需要的东西,未雨绸缪。 (2) Sing and do: The sun comes up up up. 设计意图: 不同于往常纯粹描述本节课学过的单词或词

22、句, 选取这首内容刚巧涵盖本课学过 的所有知识点的歌曲,梳理天气,巩固核心句型。让学生模仿并演绎,活泼生动,激发学生 的好奇心,是本课内容的升华。 Step 7: Homework 1. Finish the rest of your study paper. 设计意图:课堂上老师未分配的导学案上的任务,通过课堂上其它组成员的演绎,不同层次 的同学均已习得相应知识,利用课后时间完善缺漏,体现了学习的完整性. 2. Get the weather information tomorrow with any way. Report it to your parents. 设计意图:自己动手调查信息,体现自主学习的能力。 板书设计: Unit6 Weather Part B How is the weather? sunny. cloudy. Its windy. rainy. snowy. Take.with you. It may rain. Yes No


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