北京版二下-UNIT FIVE HOW DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL -Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:102b4).zip

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    • 北京交通工具.mp4
    • 北京版二下U5L17.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案102b4.doc--点击预览
    • 课文视频.wmv


Unit 5 How do you go to school? Lesson 17 vehicle (交通工具) What is the video about? vehiclevehiclevehiclevehicle What vehicle do you know? I know . Lets look and say. How does Amy go to school? I go to school on the school bus. schschooool bl bu us s How do you go to school every day, Amy? How does Baobao ask? I go to school by bus. How does Baobao go to school? 3. I go to school by bus. 1. How do you go to school every day, Amy? 2. I go to school on the school bus. How about you? go to workgo to work When does Amys dad go to work? At 7:30. How does Amys dad go to work? I go to work by car. ? I can listen, point and read. P42P42 TIPS: pay attention to your pronunciation; intonation; mood. 请请注意你的语语音;语语气;语语 调调。 I can say the chant. trainplaneship We can say a new chant. A AB BC CD D A&B: How do you go to school ? C: I go to school . A&B: How do you go to ? D: I go to school . C&D: How do you go to ? A&B: We go to . A&B: They go to . C&D: We go to . We can say a new chant. A AB BC CD D I can say the chant.I can say the chant. Production: Talk about your daily life and trip mode. Production: Talk about your daily life and trip mode. I go to school by______/on ______. How do you go to school? What do you do on Saturday/Sunday? I go to ______. How do you go to______? I go to ______ by______/on ______. 1.Listen, point and read Lesson 17 at least 5 times. 2. Ask your dad and mum how they go to work every day. 3. Do this paper work.1 指导思想与理论依据 小学英语课程标准 (2011 版)指出:“外语教学注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性, 主张学生在情境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并运用语言。英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、 思维品质、文化品格和学习能力四个维度。本课力求从语言能力方面入手,学生通过学习,将用语 言表达事情的能力展现出来。 教学背景分析 第五单元共四课,17-19 课是新授课,20 课是复习课。本单元的主题是出行方式。 从人物角度分析,主要人物是 Baobao,三课分别是 Baobao 和妈妈去好朋友 Amy 家玩;Baobao 和 Guoguo 去车展;好朋友 Lingling 来 Baobao 家里玩。从语言角度分析, 第 17 课是以第一二人称特殊疑问句谈论日常出行的交通方式并学习不同交通工具的名 称;第 18、19 课是以第三人称特殊疑问句和一般疑问句继续谈论自己家人的日常出行 的交通方式并继续学习不同交通工具的名称。因此我将 17、18 课将要学习的交通工具 名称合并在本节课第一课时进行学习,为后面的学习做好积累。 二年级学生经过一年多的英语学习,初步形成了一定的英语学习习惯,保持学习 的兴趣和热情,掌握了一定的单词量,能够听懂教师提出的日常问题并进行比较合适 的回答。本单元关于出行方式的主题,就是学生每天生活的一部分,因此从话题内容 来说,学生比较易于学习和理解。学生已有知识:一年级上下册、二年级上册中,学 生接触并学习过的交通工具有(6 个):boat, foot, bike, drive a car, van。去某地或做某 事的短语有(11 个):go to see grandparents, go to school, go to the park, go to the zoo, go to the cinema, go to the museum, go to the bookstore, go to the farm, go to see a film, go to buy books, go to lessons。学生的已有知识将为本课新知的学习起到辅助作用。 教学目标(内容框架) 1. 能听懂、并会说:询问交通方式功能句 How do you go to.?How does.go to.?并根 据自己和他人的出行方式进行回答 I go to. by. .SheHe goes to . by. .用“Does he.? 推测别人去某地的交通方式。 2. 能听懂、认读出行方式的单词和短语 by bus, by car, by bike, on foot, by taxi, by 2 subway, train, plane. 3. 能听懂、认读地点和场所的固定搭配 go to school, go to the cinema, go to the zoo, go to work, go to the park, go to the hospital. 4. 能够用正确语音、语调,有节奏感地朗读本单元韵文。 5. 体会字母 u 在单词里的发音。 6. 建立绿色出行的环保意识。 教学流程示意(可选项) 一、warming up 二、presentation 三、practice 四、production 五、ending 教学过程(文字描述) warming up 环节环节 1:Lets watch a video. T: Boys and girls, lets watch a video. S: OK! T: What is the video about? (看完以后)Yes, its about “vehicle”. So, today we will learn about “vehicle”. 设计意图:设计意图:真实视频引入,学生观看短视频,直观感知视频中所呈现的交通工具即本 课要学习的话题。随即教师提问“What is the video about?”,教授并贴出本课主题单词 “vehicle”词卡。 warming up 环节环节 2: Free talk: What vehicles do you know? T: Vehicles are in our life. What vehicles do you know? Ss: I know bus/car . 设计意图:设计意图:运用自由聊天的方式,教师提问“What vehicles do you know? ” 激活学生交通工具已有知识,同时为学习本 课的新知做准备。 Lead in 环节:环节:Let s look and say. 5 T: You know so many different vehicles. Now, lets look and learn to say together. Ss: . 设计意图:设计意图:动画视频激活,利用生动形象的动画视频学习交通 工具的名称,吸引学生注意力并激发学生的学习热情。同时教 师将补充交通工具的单词并将卡片贴在黑板上。 Presentation 环节环节 1:How do you go to school? (learn pic 1) T: Boys and girls, every day when we go out and go to some place, we need to use different vehicles. Please look, today Baobao and his mum go to see Amy. Theyre talking in the living room. What do they say? Lets watch. 设计意图:设计意图:学习主题图 1,让学生观察图片的非文本信息,提问,What are they talking about?进而对人物 Amy 和 Baobao 上学的出行方式进行提问,学生观看课文视频,提 取人物的对话内容进行本课主句型:How do you go to school every day? On the school bus. I go to school by bus. 的学习。 这部分采用听、看视频,获取信息;听录音,跟读、模仿;小话轮分角色朗读等形式 进行学习。学习过程中完成板书。 Presentation 环节环节 2:How do you go to work? (learn pic 2) T: Boys and girls, how do you go to school every day? Ss: I go to school . T: You go to school. I go to work at school. I go to work by subway. How about their mum and dad? When and How do they go to work? Lets watch. 设计意图:设计意图:教师向学生提问每天用什么交通方式上学,进而用过渡语引导到图二的学 习。You go to school. I go to work at school. I go to work by subway. How about their mum and dad? When and how do they go to work? Lets watch. 这部分采用听、看视频,获取信息;听录音,跟读、模仿;小话轮分角色朗读等形式 进行学习。 补充学习:补充学习:之后,引导学生关注 Baobaos mum,how does his mum go to work? 学生可能能说出 Baobaos mum doesnt say. 教师 5 引导学生 Can you guess?学生可以进行猜测:Maybe by car. Maybe by subway. 使得 整个文本内容更加完整。 Practice 环节环节 1:I can listen, point and read. 设计意图:学生整体听录音、指读、认读课文两遍。四 个学生一组分角色练读。小组展示。此处可以分层处理, 由于 Baobao 的妈妈在文中出现但并没有说话,这里可 以让有能力的学生在练读课文的过程中试着给人物适当 的加上 1-2 句话,让整个对话更加完整和自然。 提示:提醒学生在练习的过程中注意语音、语调和语气。 Practice 环节环节 2:Lets say the chant. T: Here is a chant for you. Lets listen and have a rest. There are three vehicles in the chant, do you know them? Lets watch and try to say. 设计意图:设计意图:利用歌谣进行机械操练和过渡,同时学习歌谣中 三个出门旅行时需要使用的交通工具,并贴在黑板上。 Practice 环节环节 3:Lets make and say a new chant. 设计意图:设计意图:学生观看节奏感比较强的短视频,再次感知本课 主句型,四人一组模仿视频中的人物和语言,借助黑板上的 单词卡片作为道具,将自己真实的上学方式编入其中,创编 歌谣。这样既操练了重点语言,也增加了学习的趣味性。 Production: task: Talk about your daily life and trip mode. T: Boys and girls, first, please take out your vehicle stickers and your task paper, stick the stickers in the right place. If you dont have the sticker, you can draw a picture. And then, please talk with your friends about your daily life. 设计意图:设计意图:学生将上课过程中得到的交通工具贴画贴在任务纸对应 的位置上,再次进行认读。然后两人一组完成对话,说一说自己日 常出行的交通方式,将本课的语言知识运用到实际的生活内容当中。 5 Homework: 1. Listen, point and read Lesson 17 at least 5 times. 2. Talk with your mum and dad how do they go to work. Do this paper work. 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 视频学习资源贴合单元主题、本课话题,内容直观、生动,充分调动学生积极性。评价方式中的交 通工具贴画形象生动,激发学生学习兴趣,帮助学生记忆。拓展环节任务输出,结合学生生活实际, 培养学生综合语言运用能力。板书设计中单词卡片渗透语音。
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