北京版二下-UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e1cea).zip

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Lets listen to a song. Unit4 Where is my shirt? Lesson 13 在哪里呢? careless (马虎的, 粗心大意的) He often cant find Where is _______? I cant find it. 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What time is it? is Yangyang looking for? He is looking for his shirt and coat. What shirt coat Where is the shirt and where is the coat? The shirt is under the bed and the coat is behind the sofa. under the bed behind the sofa 3.Show reading in group in role. 1.Read after the tape. 2.Practice reading in pair. 1.Read after the tape.Who can act and show? 1 2 behind under on in 1.Where is Mr. Monkey? 2.Can you do actavities? 1 2 3 4 This is Yangyang and his sisters wardrobe (衣柜). What do they have in the wardrobe(衣柜)? Where is _________ ? Its _____________. my coat behind the sofa Pair work:Practice and say.(在洋洋的家中,以下物 品可能会出现在什么位置?请动手摆一摆,同时问一问,答一答。) Where is _________ ? Its _______________. dress cap Where is _________ ? Its _______________. Lets chant. I can create. (我能模仿着创编歌谣。) 3 Can you create? (你能模仿以下任何一首歌 谣创编一首新的歌谣吗?) 1 2 3 Story time. Hi,fat piggy. Hello. . . . Where are you going, little cat? Im going to town to buy a hat. A mat? Not a mat. A cap. Oh, a bat? No. Not a bat. I want a hat. What, a hat? A hat for a cat? A cat with a hat? a at cat fat mat bat hat Lets read. Lets listen to a chant about the story. Lets say. 1.有表情地朗读课文。 2.练习本课的chant,注意语调、韵律和 动作,下节课表演。Unit 4 Where is my shirt? Lesson 13 学情分析:学情分析: 学生们已经有了一年半的英语基础,英语学习的热情比较高。在以 前的学习中,已经接触了 on、in、under 三个介词,今天要在询问物 品位置的话题下,继续深入学习。 教学目标:教学目标: 能在一定的情景中用 Where is?询问衣帽等物品在哪里,会正确使 用 on,in,under,behind 等方位介词做出正确回答。能听懂、认读 单词 where、find、sofa、shirt、coat、cap、dress.能正确朗读和表演 对话。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能在一定的情景中用 Where is?询问衣服帽子在哪里并能正确 应答。 2.能听懂、认读单词 where、find、sofa、shirt、coat、cap、dress. 教学难点:教学难点: 1.会正确使用 on,in,under,behind 等方位介词,尤其是第一次接 触的 behind。 2.理解“I cant find it.”的句意。 教学用具:教学用具:ppt,服装实物,词汇卡,图片,头饰。 教学过程:教学过程: Lead-in 1. Listen to an English song: Where is my shirt? 导入今天所要学习的 话题:寻找物品以及说出物品的方位,同时激发孩子的学习兴趣。 2. 教师指着课题说:Today,we are going to study Uint4 where is my shirt? Lesson 13. 在 ppt 上呈现 Yangyang 图片,及 an English book、a yellow cap,basketball 的图片。告诉大家洋洋是个粗心的孩子,经常找不 到东西,为本篇课文中故事的发生创设语境。教师通过表演找英语 书找不到,请学生帮忙找,再表演找篮球找不到,请学生帮忙找, 使学生体会、理解 cant find 的意思。接下来让学生说洋洋找校服 找不到时怎么说?再次让学生理解 cant find 的意思。在语境中来 解决学生对这个难句的理解, T:Look,who is he? Ss:Yangyang. T:Yes. He is Yangyang. He is a careless boy.(ppt 上用中文解释 careless) He often looks for his things. Such as his English book, the yellow cap and the basketball. Whats he looking for today? (教师用动作解释 looking for) Oh,he is looking for his English book.(英语书就放在讲桌上醒目的 位置。 ) 教师做寻找状,边找边走到学生那里,T:Is this my English book? 先后询问两三名同学。 Ss:No. T:I cant find my English book. I cant find my English book. Who can help me? 当注意观察的某一名学生帮忙找到后, T:Oh,you find it. Thank you. 之后,再寻找篮球找不到。 T: I cant find the basketball. Learning the dialogue T: T:look ,who are they? S: they are Yangyang,his mom and his dad. T: Where are they? Ss:They are in Yangyangs house. T:“What time is it?” Ss:Its seven oclock. T: Oh,its in the morning. Its time to go to school. What is Yangyang looking for? 引导学生观察主题图,感知事件发生在早晨,找的是跟外出或上学 相关的物品。播放视频课件,感知对话,看一遍,回答问题。 What is Yangyang looking for? 学生回答:He is looking for his coat and shirt. 教师出示这两种衣服。点击插入的语音,让学生跟读 coat 和 shirt, 重点读 shirt。 教师出示图片词卡,让多个学生逐一认读朗读并纠错。 之后,教师提问:Where is the shirt? And Where is the coat?(ppt 上呈现) 第二次播放视频。 学生回答:The shirt is under the bed. The coat is behind the bed. Ppt 中衬衫和上衣圈小圈,方位圈大圈,以便学生更好地理解这两个 词的意思,带学生练读点击示范 under、behind 的读音。让多个学生 逐一认读,under 读得少,behind 读得多。同时纠错,教师把词卡贴 到黑板上。之后让学生听 behind the sofa 和 under the bed 并跟读。 教师再次播放动画,学生边听边看,进一步理清对话内容。 教师播放录音,学生逐句跟读,纠正语音语调。 Pair work 学生小组内练习朗读对话。 各组分角色朗读对话两遍。 请两组同学戴头饰分别表演图一图二对话。 Lets act 活动一:按教师的指令做动作。 首先,介绍洋洋有个好朋友:Mr. Monkey,请学生观看“Where is M r. Monkey”小视频。目的:复习并巩固 on、in、under、behind. T:Now listen to me carefully,then do together. Show me your ruler .Show me your book. The ruler is on (in/under/behind) the book. 学生快速做动作,之后老师出示答案,错误的学生立即调整。 On、in 各一遍、under 两遍,behind 练习三遍。 T:Put down your ruler. Listen,point to your desk,your chair and your bag. Listen carefully. Please do actions。The book is on the desk. The book is in the desk. The book is under the chair. The book is behind the bag. 教师出示一个模拟的洋洋和妹妹的衣柜(乱糟糟的) 。 T:Look,this is Yangyang and his sisters wardrobe. Lets have a look . what do they have? T:皱眉 DO you like it? 当有学生回答 No 时, T:Why? S1:太乱了。 Its so messy. Lets help them to tidy the clothes. 教师辩证里边让学生说出相关的单词。 目的:1.对学生进行情感教育:要养成不乱放东西、保持物品整洁 的好习惯。2.复习巩单词 shirt、cap、vest、uniform,skirt,拓展单 词 T-shirt,引入表示服饰的新单词 dress、hat,读词卡。最后,引导 学生区分 hat 和 cap。 T:, its tidy now. I think you like it . 活动二:pair work:句型问答练习。 T:lets look at Baobaos bedroom. Its messy. Can you help Yangyang and his sister to look for things。教 师请一名接受能力强的学生帮助一起示范如何说(此时板书句子和 贴) 。活动:学生两人一组,用课前下发的房间图片和服装衣帽图片 来摆一摆位置,问答操练句型:-Where is my? -Its under .教 师巡视,指导。 请一组学生到黑板上来一边摆,一边问答。 请另一组学生到前面一起摆好后问答。 活动三:歌谣创编。 看 ppt 上的三首学过的带有方位词的 chant,请全体同学起立诵读并 表演。之后教师读自己创编的歌谣,然后 pair work 创编歌谣,教师 巡视,适当指导,之后,请两组同学展示。 Lets say T:The cat wants to buy a hat. He is going to town to buy it. He meets a pig. What happened? Lets look at the story. 请两名英语好的学生读小猫进城买帽子遇到小猪所发生的有趣故事。 之后复习 a 的语音,请同学一起读一读。 T: Lets listen to the chant about this story. 第一遍先听。 让学生起立,逐句模仿语音、语调边拍手便跟读。 作业: 1.有表情地朗读课文。 2.练习本课的 chant,注意语调、韵律和动作,下节课表演。
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