北京版二下-UNIT THREE WELCOME TO MY HOUSE-Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:5000c).zip

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1 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准规定义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质,就 工具性而言,英语课程承担培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学 生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一 步促进思维能力的发展,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠 定基础。本课通过小组合作在情景中操练运用所学句型培养学生的交流能力。就人文 性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开 阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。本节课通过学习 课文主人公如何招待客人以及到朋友家做客应该怎样做让学生们懂得做客或参观礼仪 并体会如何做一个有礼貌懂规矩的人。课标中第二部分课程总目标中提到通过学习使 学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,本课依托情景进行句型的呈现,通过整合教材内 容并让学生在真实的语言情景中进行句型的操练。 教学背景分析 (一)(一) 教材分析教材分析 本单元的话题为询问意愿和提出请求。本单元所涉及的重点句型为邀请他人参观自己房间 时的询问 “Would you like to come to my room?” 与回答“Yes, wed love to.”询 问他人需不需要使用某种用具时的询问 “Would you like to use the glasses?” 及其 否定答语“No, thank you.”客人询问主人可不可以使用某物时的询问 “Can I use the bathroom, please?” 及其肯定与否定答语 “Sure./ Sorry you cant.”本单元的三篇 新授课文的情景都是 Maomao 和 Guoguo 到 Lingling 的家中做客,情节关联性强,学生更容 易掌握所学句型。本单元的 Listen and say 以 Maomao 和 Guoguo 到 Lingling 家做客为大 背景,以人物活动的地点变化为线索,在 Lesson 9、 Lesson 10、 Lesson 11 的 Listen and say 板块先后呈现了卧室、厨房及客厅三个小场景。本课共有三个板块,分别为 P22 的 Listen and say, P23 上面部分的 Lets act, 以及 P31 的 Lets do 部分。本课将 P31 的 Lets do 部分整合到 Lesson 9,并做了简单的改动只用本课的重点句型进行房间 的介绍。本课的场景为 Maomao 和 Guoguo 到 Lingling 家做客,并且参观了 Lingling 的卧 室。本课的重点句型为“Would you like to . ?” 与其肯定回答“Yes, wed love to.”重点词汇及短语为 room、bed、chair、sit on it、come to my room、read my books、ride my bike、play with my toys。通过本课的学习让学生们能够学会如何礼貌 待客,并且能够向客人介绍自己的房间。 (2)学情分析 2 二年级学生习惯于在一个完整的大情境下用自己所学的语言知识进行比较真实的语言 交流和交际活动,虽然学生对朋友到家中做客这一话题十分感兴趣,但是本单元的话题对 于二年级学生而言较为陌生,第一次接触时会产生一定的为难情绪。经过一年多的学习, 二年级学生已具备基本的听说能力,能够比较流畅地表达自己的想法。学生在一年级上册 Unit 2 Lesson 5 一课中学习了 bike 一词,在 Unit 6 Lesson 23 中学习了 bed 一词,在一 年级下册 Unit 5 Lesson 18 中学习了 I love her,对 love 一词也进行了学习,在二年级 上册 Unit 2 Lesson 6 中学习了 read books 这一词组。以上单词与词组为学生已知的知识, 因此本课不做过多的讲解。学生对于 Would you like to . ?句型是第一次接触,学生掌 握起来会相对有难度,需要重点处理 Would you like to . ?这一句型。 教学目标(内容框架) 1、教学目标 1. 在情景的帮助下理解会话,恰当使用“Would you like to . ?”及其答语“Yes, wed love to.”。 2. 理解、认读、运用本课单词及动词短语 room, bed, chair, sit on it, come to my room, read my books, ride my bike, play with my toys。 3. 恰当地朗读对话。 4. 学会款待他人及做客的礼仪,懂得对他人的赞美表示感谢。 二、教学重难点 教学重点 1.能够恰当使用“Would you like to . ?” 及其答语“Yes, wed love to.” 2. 能够恰当地朗读对话。 教学难点 能够在恰当的情境中使用 “Would you like to . ?” 及其答语“Yes, wed love to.” 教学流程示意 3 教学设计教学设计 教学阶段教学活动学生活动 (预设) 设计意图时 间 Warm-upLook and say T: Good afternoon! T: Look, who is she? T: Lingling wants to show her daily routine . Lets see together, OK? T: What time is it?(出示钟表) T: Its time to . (出示起床的图片) 教师邀请学生到前边来叙述 Lingling 的时间表 T: Its four oclock. Its time to go Ss: Good afternoon Miss Kong! Ss: She is Lingling. Ss: OK! S: Its six thirty. S: Get up! 学生叙述时间表 直到放学回家的 学生通过图片叙述 Lingling 的一天生 活时间表从而巩固 旧知并引出本节课 话题。 2 Read in roles Show time Warming up New language learning Practice Production Look and say Show the theme picture Asking questions Present the new language How does Lingling invite her friends Lets go to the study room Lets read Homework Make dialogues with your partner 4 home.时间点。 Lead-inT: Lingling wants to invite Maomao and Guoguo to her house. What does she say? Lets listen. 播放 Lingling 的录音 “Would you like to come to my house?” T: Would you like to come to her house? T: Lets go. Listen and repeat Ss: Yes. 在学习新知前提前 感知语言 2 New language learning (出示 Lingling 家客厅的图片) T: Look!This is Linglings living room. What can you see in the living room? Talk with your partner. Now can you guess what will Lingling say to her friends? T: What does Lingling say? 教师出示 Lingling 伸手邀请 Maomao 和 Guoguo 进屋的图片并 扮演 Lingling 说 “Welcome to my house!” T: What should Maomao and Guoguo say? T: Do you remember what Lingling says to Maomao and Guoguo then. Talk with your partner T: Lets watch the cartoon and listen T: What does Lingling say? Lets listen and check. T: Read after me : “Would you like to S: I can see a sofa. S: I can see a bookcase. S: I can see many books. . S: Hello!Maomao and Guoguo. S: Im glad to see you. Listen and think S: Welcome to my house! Ss: Thank you! Talk in pairs Listen and think S: Would you like to come to my room? Ss: Would you like to come to my room? 教师出示客厅场景 图并让学生观察图 片,通过敲门声引 出 Maomao 和 Guoguo 到 Lingling 家玩。 通过读取图片信息 锻炼学生的思维能 力与表达能力 听录音并复述出主 人公所说的话,锻 15 7 come to my room?” 带读的同时将连读符号标出强调 Would you 的连读并将句型贴到黑 板上 T: How do they answer? T: Lets read in roles. I am Lingling you are Guoguo and Maomao, OK? Read in roles Lets chant Now boys and girls. Lets play a game. I will chant first and then I will point two students, you have to stand up to chant and then find another two students to chant with you. T: Look!There are two rooms. They want to play now, which room should they go? 呈现两张图片 A 和 B 并让学生选择 Lingling 的那一间 T: How do you know? T: We are in Linglings room now. What can you see in Linglings room? T: What do you think of Linglings . ? T:Now, lets watch the cartoon and listen to them carefully. What do they say? 播放动画 T: What does Guoguo say? 教师重复句子并用手比划描述 big T: How about Maomao? What does he say? S: Yes, wed love to. Ss: OK. Read in roles Chant together Chant with partner Find your friends to chant S: Room A. S: I can see Linglings photo in the room A. S: I see Linglings toys. S: I can Linglings photo. S: I can see a doll. S: Its cute. . Watch the cartoon and think S: She says: “Your bed is big.” S: He says: “You have a nice chair.” S: Would you like to sit on it? 炼学生的听力能力 分角色读句子纠正 发音 通过 chant 便于学生 记忆句型 Would you like to come to my room?以及 Yes, wed love to. 通过读第二幅主题 图让学生从客厅环 境过渡到卧室内并 说一说自己看到的 事物。 通过跟读巩固句型 发音 通过小组内分角色 朗读练习有感情地 朗读课文 通过上前表演锻炼 学生的表达能力。 学生通过小组合作 操练句型能够加深 记忆并真正内化于 心。 8 Practice T: How does Lingling say? T: Lets read in roles. Im Lingling and you are Maomao. T: What do you want to say to Linglings bedroom? Talk with your partner. T: Who want to tell us what do you want to say? Lets read! Read in roles Show time T: Lingling has a lot of toys and interesting things in her study room. Would you like to have a look? T: We are in Linglings study room now. T: What can you see in Linglings study room? Talk with your partner What do you think of Linglings bike? T: Here is a box. Whats in the box? T:Lingling opens the box. Its her new Lego. If you were Lingling what should you say?Now talk with you partner. T: If you want your friends to read your books what should you say? Talk with your partner. 将 read my books 贴到黑板 用同样的问题依次将 ride my bike 及 play with my toys 贴到黑板 集体起立分角色 朗读并感受 sit on it S: You have so many books. S: Your dolls are very cute. Read after the record Read with partners Perform the dialogue Ss: Yes. S: I can see a bike. S: Its cool and beautiful. . Ss:Lego. S: Would you like to play with my new Lego? S:Would you like to read my books?5 2 Production T: Lingling not only has these things in her study room. Now take out the picture.(课前下发一张 Lingling 书 房的图片) There are many things in her study room. Can you make a dialogue in groups? Now talk with your partner T: which pair wants to show? 播放钟声 T: What time is it now? T: Where will they go then?出示餐厅 和厨房的图片 T: Maybe they want to eat something. Work in pairs to make a dialogue 23 组展示 Ss:Its six oclock. S: Dining room and kitchen 5 HomeworkT: Ok, boys and girls. This is your homework. You can make a dialogue with your friends after class. T: Class is over. Work with partner after class 通过自己尝试自己 在新情境中创编对 话使学生们真正地 运用句型 板书设计板书设计 2 Unit 3 Welcome to my house! Lesson 9 Would you like to come to my room? Yes, wed love to. sit on it? read my books? ride my bike? play with my toys? G1 G2 G3
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