北京版六下UNIT THREE LET'S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE-Lesson 11-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:b0209).docx

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北京版六下UNIT THREE LET'S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE-Lesson 11-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:b0209).docx_第1页
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1、英语 学科教案 总第 1 页 课题 Unit 3 Lets live a low-carbon live 课型 新授 授课时间 4 月 1 日 第 3 课时(共 4 课时) 教 学 目 标 1能够正确理解课文对话,并尝试朗读对话,转述课文。 2. 学习表示人体感觉的形容词和复习表示位置的介词。 3能正确认读单词: tired, thirsty, toilet, branch, be scared, friendly , 并理解含义。 4. 能通过对话的学习, 树立热爱小动物、 与自然世界和平共处的意识, 并能够落实到实际生活中。 教学 重点 1 能够正确理解并尝试朗读对话。 2 能正确认读单词

2、: shout, tired, thirsty, toilet, branch, be scared, friendly ,并理解含义。 3. 正确完成 read and write。 教学 难点 能够正确理解并尝试朗读对话。 正确完成 read and write。 主要 教法 讲解 引导 教具 课件 卡片 iPad 学法 指导 用 iPad 进行听读训练和画一画说一说的练习。 板书 设计 Unit 3 Lets live a low-carbon live Lesson 11 教学 反思 在故事情景、图片、肢体语言等不同教学方法的帮助下,学生能够理解故事, 并在 iPad 的有效利用下,初

3、步朗读对话。 iPad 的充分利用,让学生在认读、听力、理解、绘画等不同方面都得到了相应 的锻炼和不同程度的提高。 iPad 的充分利用,既避免了以往课堂中的枯燥性学习,又提高了学生学习英语 的兴趣。 英语 学科教案 总第 2 页 教 学 过 程 (含 时 间 分 配) 教学内容及教师活动 学生活动 一、Three minutes show:5 (一)1 student show,the other students listen and write (二)Check the answers (三)Talk about the student (听说与读写相结合,既训练了学生的语言表 达能力,

4、又培养了学生的听与写的能力。) 二、Listen and say:20 (一)Dialog: “We talk about a low-carbon life these days. I think everybody should do something for a low-carbon life. What should we do then?” “I belive you can do these. But what can Lingling, Maomao and Mike do for a low-carbon life? Look at the picture ,guess pl

5、ease.” 1. What are they talking about? Listen all the dialogs. 2. “Spring is coming, Lingling , Maomao and Mike climb up a hill today, but they stop half way. Why do they stop here, and then talk about animals?” Play sentence 1-3. “Are they tired?” Learn the word: toilet. (show the picture) Maomao n

6、eeds to use the toilet. So Mike says: Listen and write Look and check Look and talk about the student Ss. talk about it: “We should” “Dont ” “No ” Look and guess. Listen and say “They are talking about animals.” Listen to sentence 1-3, answer the questions. “No.” “Mike is thirsty. Maomao needs to us

7、e the toilet.” 3. Play sentence 4. “Where are Lingling and Mike now?” Play sentence Learn the word: under “Whats the tree like?” “And then, what do they see?” 4.Play sentence 5-6: “Where are the birds?” Learn : branches 、in the branches. “Where is the squirrel?” 5. Play sentence 7: Learn :behind “Wh

8、ats the squirrel like?” 6.Play sentence 8: “But Lingling says: Shh! Please dont shout.” Learn: shout “Why dont shout?” Listen and understand: “scared” and “run away” 7.“What should we do,then?” Play the computer. Learn : friendly (二)Listen all the dialogs: (三)Retell the story: 在教师动作的帮助下, 理 解“ Go ahe

9、ad , please” Understand and read the word. Look and say. “They see birds and a squirrel.” 在图片的帮助下理解新 词 Look and read Ss.talk about the squirrel. Ss. Say. 在动作中理解新词并感 受新词 Ss.say Look and say Look and listen Try to retell the story (四)Listen and read: (学生利用手中的 iPad,使用纳米盒进行听读 练习,培养语感。) (五) Show: 三、Read

10、and write:5 (一)Read and write (二)Check the answers (三)Read it (本环节重点在于对故事的理解与认读,同时 加强对本课重点词汇的巩固。) 四、Listen ,choose and trace:5 (一)Listen it by themselves (二)Check the answers (三)Trace the pictures (在听力训练中复习巩固所学的重点介词) 五、Practice:10 (一)Review the words:in ,on ,under, behind, near,in front of,beside (二

11、)Draw and say: 1. Model it: 2. By themselves 3. Show their pictures and talk about it. (使用 iPad 中的“Drawing box”软件,进一 步复习巩固所学介词。通过画一画、说一说, 发挥学生的想象能力、绘画能力与语言的表达 能力。) Use the iPad to listen and read Roplay Do it by themselves. Ss. read together Ss. use the iPad Trace and say Read them Ss. use the iPad to draw and say (Drawing box) Unit Unit 3 Let3 Lets live a lows live a low- -carbon lifecarbon life Lesson 11 单单 位:新城子镇中心小学位:新城子镇中心小学 教教 师:郝师:郝 萍萍 授课年级:六年级授课年级:六年级


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