闽教版六年级下册-Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e03d3).zip

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Part B 闽闽教版(三起点 ) 六年级级下册 Unit3 Seeing a doctor 更多精彩内容,敬请关注微信公众号:小学英语老师, 然后在后台回复:闽教英语 获得小学英语全部课件 回复:英语公开课 获得全国英语大赛视频和课件 扫描二维码 即可关注 小学英语老师 中小学教学小学考试 Sing a song. Review. Whats wrong with Ben? What will his Mom do? He has a headache. His Mom will take him to hospital. Listen and follow. Listen and follow. openclose Listen and follow. Listen and follow. mustmustnt must not Listen and follow. Listen and follow. a lot of Listen and follow. medicinedoctor 录录 音 课课文句子 D: Hi, Ben. Whats wrong with you? B: I have a headache. D: Open your mouth and say, “Ah.” B: Ah (注意模仿语音、语调哦 ) Listen and follow. 录录 音 课课文句子 D: Are you thirsty? B: Yes, I am. D: You have a fever. You mustnt go to school. D: You must drink a lot of water. Ill give you some medicine. M: Thank you, Doctor. (注意模仿语音、语调哦 ) Listen and follow. 三人一组,练习对话,随后 表演出来吧! Role play Listen and number. 1 23 4 Read. Tick or cross. Read. Tick or cross. Where did Jim go yesterday? Whats wrong with Jim at night? How was the weather in the afternoon? How was the weather in the evening? He went to the park. He had a fever. It was warm. It was cold. Lets chant. Look and say. Look and say. cross street You must drink a lot of water. You must take the medicine. You must stay in bed. Look and say. You mustnt go to school. You mustnt talk in the library. You mustnt cross the street. Look and say. Must or Mustnt活动 Traffic Lights 情景一 情景二 情景三 Our Classroom Have a Toothache Look and say. S1: We must keep our classroom clean. S2: We mustnt eat in the classroom. S1: We must keep our desks and chairs new. S2: We mustnt play football in the classroom. Our Classroom Must or Mustnt活动 Look and say. 本节课学习的单词有: open cross street must mustnt = must not a lot of medicine doctor 怎样描述生病时应注意的事项? You must You mustnt 如: You must drink a lot of water. You mustnt go to school. 1.登录“优教同步学习网”,观看课文动 画并跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并 表演课文对话。 2.完成课本第22页的自我评价。 3.上网查一查,了解还有哪些表示常见疾 病的词语,用英语把它们写出来。 4.登录“优教同步学习网”,预习Unit4 PartA Listen and follow。1/3 Unit3 PartB 教学设计教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】福建教育出版社(三起点) 六年级下册 Unit3 【主主 题题】Seeing a Doctor 【课课 时时】第 2 课时:PartB 一、教学目标一、教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1. 学习词汇:open, medicine, doctor, cross, street, a lot of, cross the street。 2. 学习句型:You must You mustnt 3. 学说韵律诗:A Bad Cold。 4. 功能:就医。 语言技能目标语言技能目标 1. 能运用所学语言描述生病时应注意的事项。 2. 能根据不同的场所,正确使用 must 和 mustnt 来说一说或写一写应该做的事 和不应该做的事。 情感态度情感态度 让学生知道在天气变化时要注意增减衣物,患病了要及时就医。 教具准备教具准备 1. 本课所需的单词和词组卡片。 2. 课文挂图。 3. 一瓶水和一个听诊器(或一顶医生戴的帽子) 。 4. 两三盒(瓶)不同种类的药。 5. 录音机或多媒体教学光盘。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1: Warming up 1. 师生互致问候。 2. 教师播放录音,全班齐唱歌曲:Five Little Monkeys,边唱边做相应的动作。 3. 揭示课题并板书:Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor Part B。 4. 根据课题,复习巩固单词 doctor 和词组 see a doctor, go to see a doctor 等。 Step 2: Review 2/3 复习上节课的内容。 1. 教师出示课本第 16 页的第一幅图和第三幅图,提出下列问题,请学生根据 课文内容回答: Whats wrong with Ben? Is he very hot? Does he have a fever? What will his mom do? 2. 出示单词 ill, wrong, fever, headache 和词组 have a headache, have a fever 进行 复习巩固活动。 3. 复习巩固句子:Whats wrong with you? I have a headache/toothache/fever/cold. (1) 出示 headache, toothache, fever 和 cold 四张单词卡片,请学生读一读,然后 记一记这四个单词的音和形。 (2) 学生进行情景表演。 教师与一位学生示范如下: T: Whats wrong with you? S1: I have a toothache, Mom/Dad.(做牙疼状) T: You cant go to school. Ill take you to hospital. 请学生两人一组上台,分角色进行情景对话表演。 Step 3: Presentation (一) 初读对话,了解大意 1. 教师出示课文的三幅挂图说:”Bens mother took Ben to hospital. Now the doctor is asking Ben some questions. Whats wrong with Ben? What must Ben do?” 请学生 根据预习情况和自己看病的经历,猜测医生跟 Ben 说了些什么。 2. 学生作答,教师适时引导和点拨。 3. 教师播放课文录音,学生小声模仿跟读,初步感知对话,了解大意。 (二)细读对话,学习新内容 1. 教师播放第一段对话录音,让学生反复跟读数次。然后通过图片和演示,帮 助学生理解 open 与 Open your mouth and say, “Ah.”的意思。 3/3 2. 教学单词:open。 (1) 通过动作学习 open 的音和义。 (2) 请学生说出 open 的反义词 close,要求边做动作边说,如: Open your mouth. Close your mouth. Open your eyes. Close your eyes. Open the pencil-box. Close the pencil-box. 3. 教师播放第二段对话录音,学生反复跟读数次。然后出示单词 thirsty 与 hungry,复习巩固这两个单词,如: Im thirsty. I need some water. Im hungry. I need some food. 4. 学习句子:You mustnt go to school. (1) 出示单词 must,告诉学生 must 是“必须”的意思,与 can 一样是情态动词, 它的后面直接跟动词原形,如:You must go to school. He must go to school. Lily must go to school.等。 (2) 出示 mustnt,告诉学生 mustnt 是 must not 的缩写形式,表示“不许” ,如: You mustnt go to school. He mustnt go to school. Lily mustnt go to school.等。 (3) 采用不同形式操练 must, mustnt 及其句型。 5. 教师播放第三段对话录音,学生认真听,然后教学单词 medicine 和词组 a lot of water。 (1) 教师出示一瓶(盒)药,说: “ Medicine,some medicine.”告诉学生 medicine 意为“药” ,一般作不可数名词。教师再拿出两三瓶(盒)不同的药,告诉学生, 当表示种类时 medicine 为可数名词,所以可以说 some different medicines。 (2) 教学 medicine,some medicine,Ill give you some medicine. You must take some medicine. (3) 教师出示词组 a lot of water,告诉学生,a lot of 与 many, much 的含义相同, 均意为“很多” ,但其后面既可接可数名词的复数形式,也可接不可数名词。 操练活动:教师出示一些图片,请学生看图说词组,如:a lot of people/many people, a lot of elephants/many elephants, a lot of water/much water 等。 (三) 分角色表演本课对话 4/3 1. 教师播放课文录音或多媒体教学光盘二至三遍,学生模仿跟读。 2. 请学生三人一小组,分角色练习,然后表演对话。教师可鼓励学生在原文的 基础上有所创新。 3. 教师搬一张桌子放在讲台前,桌面上放置一副听诊器(或一顶医生戴的帽子) 、水和一些药,请三位学生上台,利用桌上的道具开始对话表演。 (四) 巩固练习 1. 完成课本第 21 页的 Listen and number.部分。 (1) 请学生根据图中情景,尝试着说一两句话。 (2) 教师播放录音,学生独立完成听力练习。 (3) 全班核对答案。 听力材料: Jim is ill. He is in bed now. Mom: We must call the doctor. Dad: Yes, we must. Doctor: Whats wrong with you, Jim? Jim: I have a fever. Doctor: Drink a lot of water. And take this medicine every six hours. Jim: Can I go to school tomorrow, Doctor? Doctor: No, you cant. 参考答案:, , , 2. 完成课本第 19 页的 Read. Tick or cross.部分。 (1) 学生自读小短文,独立完成短文下面的练习。 (2) 教师核对答案后,可再出示一些问题,检查学生对短文的理解程度,如: Where did Jim go yesterday? How was the weather in the afternoon? How was the weather in the evening? Whats wrong with Jim at night? (3) 情感教育:告诉学生在气温变化时要注意增减衣物。 5/3 3. 学说韵律诗:A Bad Cold。 (1) 请学生读一读韵律诗的内容,采用先全体后个别的形式。 (2) 教师播放录音,学生模仿说两遍。 Step 4: Extension 综合活动:must 与 mustnt。 1. 完成课本第 19 页的 Look and say.部分。 (1) 请个别学生读一读四幅图中的句子。 (2) 教师播放录音,全班学生模仿跟读。 (3) 教师随机读出一个句子,学生要快速说出是哪一幅图,如: T: You mustnt talk in the library. S: Picture3. T: You must drink a lot of water. S: Picture1. 2. 教师给出不同的情景,请学生用 must 或 mustnt 来说一说,并写一写应该做 的事与不应该做的事。 情景一:Our Classroom 情景二:Have a Toothache 情景三:Traffic Lights (1) 同桌两人合作,选定一个情景进行讨论,然后写在作业纸上。 (2) 请学生两人一组展示他们完成的任务并做口头汇报,教师将学生们所说的 句子写在黑板上,其余同学认真听,待同学汇报结束后,可以进一步补充。以 Our Classroom 为例: Our Classroom S1: We must keep our classroom clean. S2: We mustnt eat in the classroom. S1: We must keep our desks and chairs new. S2: We mustnt play football in the classroom. S1: We must clean the blackboard. S2: We mustnt take our pets to our classroom. Step 5: Homework 6/3 1. 听课文录音,并模仿跟读。 2. 完成活动手册中本课的练习。 3. 完成课本第 22 页的自我评价。 4. 上网查一查,了解还有哪些表示常见疾病的词语,用英语把它们写出来。 Unit 4 Mothers Day 【教学反思教学反思】
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