
上传人(卖家):春光无限好 文档编号:1074640 上传时间:2021-02-05 格式:DOCX 页数:7 大小:20.07KB
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1、高中英语寒假生活阅读新题型时文读写文化艺术游戏展 年度大展游戏的人 明当代美术馆跨年度大展游戏的人于 12 月 12 日在上海开 幕。 展览聚集了 aaajiao、曹斐、冯梦波、邵志飞(Jeffrey Shaw) 、 JODI、陆扬、郑国谷等一批活跃在国际当代艺术前沿的 “头号玩家” 以及多位青年艺术家,探讨游戏、社会变迁不人之间的关系,见证技 术的演变。 主题二 文化艺术 原文阅读 More Than Just Mindless Fun An exhibition that documents the past seven decades of the gaming industry and

2、 its relationship with humans is now on at the Ming Contemporary Art Museum in Shanghai.Scheduled to run until March 28, the exhibition Player of Beings featuresmultimedia works of international artists at the forefront (前沿) of contemporary (当代的) art related to gaming and explores the development of

3、 humans gaming experiences through videos, images and facilities (设 施 ). “ Gaming is not only an industry that evolves with technological advancement, but also an activity that affects peoples lives,” says Qiu Zhijie, director of the museum. “The show will encourage discussions on the relationship a

4、mong games, social changes and human beings.”The history of gaming is shown through advertisements and video-game facilities, like the ATARI 2600, released by US video-game developer Atari Inc in 1977, and Subor D99, which was developed by Subor, a company based in Guangdong province in the 1990s.“A

5、nother valuable exhibit is Apple II that was designed by Stephen Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple Inc, which started a new era of personal computers. Apple also laid the technological foundation for video-game advancements afterwards,” adds Qiu.Visitors can enjoy an exciting experience starting from

6、 the second part of the exhibition, which has a host of game consoles (游戏控制台) they can play on. Following this part is a space equipped with sofas, surrounding vintage (复古的) computers. This is a relatively private zone for visitors toreminisce about the time when personal computers brought the joy o

7、f the arcades (游戏 厅) right into their living rooms.The essence (本质) of gaming is also presented by a 4.6-meter-long and 7-meter-high installation (装置) on the wall. A ball passes through the installation and runs through various routes each time according to different rules. “Gaming is a course where

8、 players familiarize themselves with rules and are constantly led by the rules to reach different results. Exploring uncertainties in the process is perhaps why most people love games,” Chen says. A device titled Fall Again, Fall Better by artist Jeffrey Shaw explores another aspect of gamestheir re

9、lationship with life and death. Here, visitors can determine how characters on the screen movestand on the pressure-sensitive (压力感应的) floor mats and the characters drop; exit the mat and the characters stand. “The characters will fall in different positions each time, and this shows that life cannot

10、 be repeated,” Qiu explains. 文章信息 【文章标题】 【标题】 More Than Just Mindless Fun(丌仅仅是盲目的快乐) 【出处】Global Times 【文章词数】446 【TL 指数】67 【主题语境】人不社会历史、社会不文化社会进步不 人类文明 话题图式累积 player of being 游戏展上海明当代美术馆于 2020 年 12 月 12 日推出年度大展游戏的人(player of being),以展览的形式 回顾 70 余年人类游戏体验的发展史。展览聚集了一批活跃在国际 当代艺术前沿的艺术家,展示包括器世界大冒险 、 深渊模拟器

11、、 长征:重启 、 Q3等作品,并以大面积空间巡礼从反斗城、红 白机、街机到网络游戏、电竞等形式,并以沉浸式体验唤醒两代人关 于游戏生活的宝贵记忆。探讨游戏、社会变迁不人之间的关系,见证 技术的演变。 斯蒂夫盖瑞沃兹尼亚克(Stephen Gary Wozniak)斯蒂夫 盖瑞沃兹尼亚克(Stephen Gary Wozniak) ,美国电脑工程师 , 曾不史蒂夫乔布斯合伙创立苹果电脑(今苹果公司) 。斯蒂夫盖瑞 沃兹尼亚克曾就读于美国科罗拉多大学 ,后转学入美国著名高等学 府加州大学伯克利分校并获得电机工程及计算机本科学位。 沃兹尼亚 克在 1970 年代中期创造出苹果一号(Apple I)

12、和苹果二号(Apple II) ,苹果二号风靡普及后成为 1970 年代及 1980 年代初期销量最 佳的个人电脑。 语篇结构解读 语言知识挖掘 (一)重点词汇 1. industry n. 常用含义:产业;工业 2. influential adj. 常用含义:有影响力的 3. evolve v. 常用含义:逐步发展;进化 4. release v. 常用含义:发行 5. private adj. 常用含义:私人的,私密的 6. era n. 常用含义:时代 7. personal adj. 常用含义:个人的 8. character n. 常用含义:角色 (二)熟词生义 (三)地道表达 1

13、. (be) scheduled to do. 常用含义:预计,定于 实际应用:Your package is scheduled to arrive before 6:00 pm. 你的包裹预计下午六点前到达。 2. an era of. 常用含义:一个的时代 实际应用: In an era of information explosion, people can easily be distracted by irrelevant information. 在信息爆炸的时代,人们很容易被无关的信息分散注意力。 3. lay foundation for 常用含义:为奠定基础 实际应用:Th

14、ough they failed, but they laid foundation for the later researchers.尽管他们失败了,但是却为后来的研究者奠定 了基础。 4. a host of 常用含义:许多的 实际应用: A host of friends meet him at the railroad station. 一大群 朊友在火车站迎接他。 5. (be) equipped with 常用含义:配备着;装有 实际应用: The robot is equipped with a sensor, which helps it track the electrical signals.这个机器人配备着传感器,能帮助它 记录电子信号。 6. familiarize.with. 常用含:让熟悉 实际应用: The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws. 该实验的目的是使人们熟悉新的规则。


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