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1、二轮复习二轮复习 新冠疫情新冠疫情时事热点拓展阅读时事热点拓展阅读理解理解练习练习 A Walmart has begun using drone aircraft (无人机) to transport COVID-19 tests to private homes in the United States. This week, the company began sending COVID-19 self-collection kits (试 剂盒) to homes in the North Las Vegas area of Nevada. Walmart will fly the k

2、its to single-family houses within 1.5 kilometers of its stores. The drones will leave the test equipment on the front sidewalk, driveway, or land around the house. People wishing to receive the tests are asked to first request with the company online. The kits enable individuals to use the COVID-19

3、 test themselves. A swab (棉签) is included for people to collect fluid from inside the nose. Individuals( 个 人 ) can then send the collected material in the mail to a COVID-19 testing center. Walmart says customers who use the service will not have to pay for the kits or use of the drones. The service

4、 will be offered daily so long as weather conditions permit drone flights. Dan Haemmerle is head of Extended Care services for Quest Diagnostics. He says the new project aims to show how drones can provide health care services to patients who are unable to leave their home or live in the countryside

5、. We will learn from this pilot and improve the ways we deliver health care services to the patients we serve, Haemmerle said. Earlier this month, Walmart began another test program. It uses drones to fly food and household products to customers. The company expanded (扩大) its pick-up and delivery se

6、rvices in recent months as demand increased because of the corona virus health crisis. Tom Ward is Walmarts senior vice-president for customer products. In announcing the program, he said it would be some time before we see millions of packages delivered by drone. That still feels like a bit of scie

7、nce fiction. Ward added, Were learning more and more about the technology that is available and how we can use it to make our customers lives easier. Online seller Amazon recently received U.S. government approval to deliver products by drone. But the company is still testing its self-piloting aircr

8、aft and has yet to announce a target date for launching ongoing drone deliveries. Alphabets drone company Wing received federal approval last year to fly drone aircraft. It has also tested deliveries of medicine and other products. And, UPS Flight Forward received approval from the Federal Aviation

9、Administration last year to operate as the first U.S.air carrier with drone delivery services. 根据文章内容,选择正确答案: 1. Which is the correct steps for you to take the test from Walmart? a. The tests are sent to your home by the drone aircraft. b. You collect materials and send them to Walmart in the mail.

10、c. You request a test with the company online. d. You collect the fluid from your inside nose. A. c, b, d,a B. d, b, c, a C. c, a, d, b D. a, d, b, c 2. From this report we can learn that_ companies are allowed to use drone aircraft for deliver service. A. 2, B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3. The drone aircraft del

11、ivery service aims to _. A. test its self-piloting aircraft service. B. help the patients who are unable to leave their home or live in the countryside. C. fly food and household products to customers. D. send medicine and other products to the patients. 4. According to Tom Ward, we are sure that_.

12、A. More and more companies use the drone air crafts on business. B. The COVID-19 self-collection kits are easy to use. C. Customers who use the service will have to pay for the service later. D. The new drone delivery service will be amazing and popular. 5. The underlined word approval means the act

13、 of _? A. Agreeing with somebody on something B. Allowing somebody to do something C. Helping somebody with something D. Refusing somebody to do something. 答案:答案:CCBDB B President-elect Joe Biden is suggesting a corona virus action plan that centers on mass vaccination(接种疫苗) in the United States and

14、 more financial assistance to help the economy. The plan could cost as much as $1.9 trillion dollars. Biden sees the pandemic as the countrys biggest problem. He said last week, Thats my No. 1 concern, to get the virus under control. The plan aims to speed up vaccination of Americans by delivering m

15、ore vaccine and working closely with states and local communities社区 to get shots into the arms of more people. Biden has set a goal of giving out 100 million shots in his first 100 days. Right now, the U.S. is vaccinating almost one million people a day, but it needs to get up to two million to reac

16、h Bidens goal. Biden has said the plan would have billions of dollars to speed up vaccination. He is also asking Americans to look past their sense of pandemic fatigue(疲劳;厌倦;). He wants a promise 承诺 to wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and avoiding large indoor gatherings. The president-e

17、lect wants Congress to send more money to American states to help reopen schools and to avoid laying off teachers, police officers and health workers. The plan comes as a divided nation is experiencing the pandemics most dangerous wave yet. So far, more than 380,000 Americans have died. Biden hopes

18、his plan will put the country on the path to recovery by the end of his first 100 days. Its going to be hard, Biden said Monday after he got his second vaccine dose. Its not going to be easy. But we can get it done. The Biden COVID-19 plan will be the new Congresss first action this year. But the bi

19、ggest question for Biden is if he can win the hearts and minds of the American people to follow his lead, said Dr. Leana Wen. 根据文章内容, 选择最佳答案: 1. Biden takes the corona virus action to aim at the followings except _. A. helping the economy. B. getting the virus under control. C. getting more money fr

20、om the Congress. D. making American people follow his lead. 2. In Bidens vaccination goal, how many people will be given vaccination shots in the first three months? A. one million B. 2 million C. 100 million D. 200 million 3. According to the report, Biden wants American people to do something exce

21、pt _. A.wearing face coverings B. keeping social distancing, C. not getting together with lots of people indoor. D. taking temperature every day. 4. According to the report, which statement is true? A. Biden cares about the corona virus pandemic most right now. B. Biden wants American people to chee

22、r him up. C. Biden needs lots of money for his corona virus action plan. D. Biden is confident of his corona virus action plan 5. What is the biggest trouble for Biden to push his COVID-19 plan? A. the vaccine dose B. the financial assistance C. the pandemic D. the trust of American people 答案:答案:BCD

23、BD C COVID-19 has reached every continent on Earth. Chilean officials say at least 58 people are infected with the new corona virus at two military bases in Antarctica(南极洲)and on a navy ship. So far, no other country with a presence in Antarctica has publicly reported any other cases. Chiles army an

24、nounced Monday that 36 people at the General Bernardo OHiggins Riquelme Antarctic base tested positive for the virus. On Tuesday, the health minister for the countrys Biobio region said there are 21 infections involving people from a navy supply ship that had been in Antarctica. One other COVID-19 c

25、ase was reported in Las Estrellas village, home to civilians(平民)who work at an air force base there. The health secretary for the larger Magallanes area said the navy supply ship had visited the port at Las Estrellas. The army said the first group of 36 people includes 26 members of the military( 军

26、人 ) and 10 civilian contractors(承包商). It said none so far had shown complications(并发症) from the virus. Michelle Rogan-Finnemore is the head of the organization, Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs. She said in a statement that the office received a report from the Chilean Antarctic In

27、stitute on Friday. The statement talked about positive cases on the Sergeant Aldea ship that would have left from two ports on Chiles mainland. We have yet to receive further formal information, she added. The first three people on the Sergeant Aldea ship tested positive last week and all 208 crew m

28、embers are being quarantined aboard that ship, the navy reported. The navy said the ship had serviced the base on the Trinity Peninsula between November 27 and December 10. The National Science Foundation (NSF) is the American government agency that supervises(监督) U.S. programs in Antarctica. It sai

29、d it knows about the reports of corona virus infections among crew members on the Sergeant Aldea. The NSF said U.S. Antarctic Program station workers have not been in physical contact with people at the Chilean stations struck by COVID-19. It also said the NSF will not exchange workers or accept vis

30、itors to U.S. Antarctic Program stations. 根据文章内容,选择最佳答案: 1. How many cases are from the village in Antarctica? A. 1 B.21 C. 36 D. 58 2. Among all the infections, the following people are included except _. A. military B contractor C. civilian D. scientist 3. What does the underlined word quarantined

31、 mean? A. 保护 B. 治疗 C. 隔离 D. 驱逐 4. Which agency is from America? A. the General Bernardo OHiggins Riquelme Antarctic base B. the Councilof Managers of National Antarctic Programs C. the National Science Foundation D. the Chilean Antarctic Institute 5. From the report we can learn that_. A. Antarctic

32、is the last continent on which the new corona virus cases were found. B. The cases in the report are all from America. C. The navy ship took the the new corona virus to Antarctic. D. All the infected people are in the hospital now. 答案:答案:ADCCC D A new kind, or strain, of the corona virus has been fo

33、und in Britain and South Africa. Health experts in Britain and the United States say the new strain seems to infect more easily than others. However, there is no evidence showing it to be more deadly. Patrick Vallance is the British governments chief scientific adviser. He said the new strain moves

34、fast and is becoming the stronger strain. By the end of December, it is estimated (估计) that it will have caused over 60 percent of infections in London. It is unclear if this new strain causes a more severe form of COVID-19. Vaccinations(接种疫苗) have already started in some parts of the world. So, the

35、 question many people are asking is this: Will the current (目前的) vaccines(疫苗) protect people against the new strain of virus? One of the companies making an approved vaccine, Germanys BioNTech, recently gave a response. The Associated Press reported Tuesday that the companys chief said he is confide

36、nt that its corona virus vaccine works against the new UKstrain. He said, scientifically, it is highly likely that the immune response(免疫反应) by this vaccine also can deal with the new strain of virus. The proteins(蛋白质) on the UK strain, Sahin explained, are 99 percent the same as on the existing str

37、ains. Therefore, BioNTech has scientific confidence that its vaccine will be effective. However, he noted that further studies are needed to be completely sure. Over the weekend, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new restrictions because of the new strain. Several European Union countri

38、es and Canada were banning(禁止)or limiting flights from Britain to try to limit any spread. Experts say the new strain does not change public health guidance to wear masks, wash hands and keep social distance. This has led to another question: Will people who had COVID-19 from an old strain be able t

39、o get the new one? Scientists say that is unlikely. (326 words) 根据文章内容, 选择最佳答案: 1. Where has the new strain of the Corona virus been found? A. Britain and the United States. B. Africa and the South American C. The United States and South Africa D. Britain and South Africa. 2. Why do the people worri

40、ed about the new strain of the corona virus? A. Because it is found in most of the countries. B. Because it can kill more people than the old one. C. Because one can be infected easier by the new strain D. Because it is more difficult to be found. 3. What have some countries done for the new strain

41、of corona virus? A. Some companies have made a new vaccine. B. Some hospitals have developed a new medicine. C. Some governments have changed the public health guidance. D. Some countries have stopped the flights from Britainto. 4. The current public health guidance include the following except _. A

42、. wearing masks B. washing hands C. keeping social distance D. Vaccinations 5. If a person got infected by the old strain, will he be infected by the new one? A. Never B. Probably not C. Sure will D. Not mentioned. 答案:DCDDB E Health care workers across the United States are busy fighting COVID-19 in

43、 overcrowded hospitals. At the same time, there is a great need for medical workers to give millions of newly arrived vaccine doses(药剂). To take some of the pressure off the health care workers, some U.S. states are asking medical and nursing students, in some cases even firefighters, to help give t

44、he shots(注射). So far, at least seven state health departments are looking for volunteers to help out at vaccination centers. Departments are cooperating with local universities or nursing schools. Some are offering incentives(激励措施), such as lowering students costs to study and giving hands-on(实际操作)t

45、raining to first responders(第一急救者). COVID-19 has left more than 333,000 Americans dead and caused great economic harm. But the new vaccines are the best hope many have to see things turn around. This month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first two COVID-19 vaccines, As of D

46、ecember 23, almost 10 million doses had been shipped across the country. But only about 1 million were used because of limited support at hospitals and the special requirements(要求) for preparing the shots. The slow start will make it difficult for the federal government(联邦 政府) to reach its goal of v

47、accinating nearly 20 million people before the end of 2020. The current vaccination programs are centering mainly on front line health care workers. But beginning in January or February, the vaccination program is expected to expand to tens of millions of essential industry workers. From New York to

48、 Tennessee, states are hoping that support from medical and nursing students will let medical workers turn all their efforts to the record numbers of new COVID-19 patients. Being able to use volunteers means the health care workers can continue to perform their normal duties, which is crucial(至关重要的)

49、 as our hospitalization rate has increased, a spokeswoman for Indiana Universitys School of Medicine told Reuters news agency. As the first vaccines arrived, Indiana health officials called on the state university because its campuses are spread over a large area. More than 630 of Indiana Universitys medical and nursing students have signed up as volunteers and received 90 minutes of online and hands-on training. (382words) 根据文章内容, 选择最佳答案: 1. Why are the medical and nursing students asked to help out at vaccination centers? A. B


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