北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)(编号:70b0f).zip

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Lesson1Lesson1 5 5 WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather like?like? 北京版(一年北京版(一年级级起点)起点) WhatWhat dayday is is today?today? WhatWhat dayday waswas yesterday?yesterday? WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike today?today? WhatWhat waswas thethe weatherweather likelike yesterday?yesterday? TheThe weatherweather changeschanges everydayeveryday. . HowHow doesdoes thethe weatherweather change?change? LetsLets watchwatch a a video.video. The changing of the weather will make you feel bad. YouYou maymay havehave a a feverfever oror catchcatch a a coldcold inin rainyrainy days.days. The changing of the weather will make you feel bad. YouYou maymay havehave a a soresore throatthroat inin coldcold weather.weather. The changing of the weather will make you feel bad. YouYou maymay havehave a a runnyrunny nosenose inin coldcold weather.weather. WeWe shouldshould carecare aboutabout thethe changingchanging ofof thethe weatherweather andand notnot toto catchcatch a a cold.cold. WhoWho areare they?they? WhoWho is is standingstanding besidebeside thethe bed?bed? WhoWho is is ill?ill? WhoWho comescomes toto seesee Baobao?Baobao? WhoWho is is takingtaking carecare ofof Baobao?Baobao? TheThe ladylady is is standingstanding byby thethe window.window. SheShe is is BaobaosBaobaos mother.mother. HowHow doesdoes MaomaoMaomao callcall her?her? WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? A.A. travellingtravelling B.B. weatherweather andand illnessillness Look!Look! BaobaoBaobao is is stayingstaying inin bed.bed. WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith him?him? HeHe caughtcaught a a coldcold yesterdayyesterday. HowHow diddid hehe catchcatch a a coldcold? ? WhatWhat diddid hehe dodo yesterday?yesterday? cinemacinema homehome gotgot allall wetwet inin thethe rainrain onon hishis wayway homehome WhatWhat doesdoes BaobaoBaobao wantwant toto drinkdrink? ? DoesDoes hishis mummum agree?agree? Why?Why? somesome hothot chocolatechocolate Baobao yesterday. He has.,and a fever. He went to the yesterday, and got . on his way home. So he cant .now. He must . and .Baobao wants to have some . But his mum didnt give him. MondayMonday TuesdayTuesday WednesdayWednesday ThursdayThursday FridayFriday 20/920/9 15/515/5 10/310/3 13/713/7 9/49/4 I I willnextwillnext Monday.Monday. BecauseBecause it it willwill bebe a a finefine dayday nextnext Monday.Monday. playplay footballfootball onon thethe playgroundplayground MondayMonday TuesdayTuesday WednesdayWednesday ThursdayThursday FridayFriday 20/920/9 15/515/5 10/310/3 13/713/7 9/49/4 I I willnextwillnext Tuesday.Tuesday. It It willwill havehave a a showershower nextnext Tuesday.Tuesday. taketake anan umbrellaumbrella toto schoolschool MondayMonday TuesdayTuesday WednesdayWednesday ThursdayThursday FridayFriday 20/920/9 15/515/5 10/310/3 13/713/7 9/49/4 I I willwill nextnext FridayFriday evening.evening. I I willwill onon thatthat day.day. BecauseBecause thethe temperaturetemperature is is veryvery lowlow onon nextnext Friday.Friday. wearwear warmwarm clothesclothes1 教学基本信息 课题小学英语六年级下 LESSON 15 第一课时教学设计 学科英语学段: 高年级段年级六年级 相关 领域 天气和病症 教材书名:六年级下册(一年级起点) 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 注: 教学过程以叙事的方式。 指导思想与理论依据 指导思想:指导思想:注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力 理论依据:理论依据:英语课程标准以学生“能用英语做事情”的描述方式设定各级目标要求,旨在强调培养 学生的综合语言运用能力。各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生 “用英语做事情”的能力服务。教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种情景,采用循序渐进的语言实 践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法来培养学生用英语做事情的能力。 教学背景分析 教学内容:Lesson15 2 词汇: yesterday, nose, careful, all, ill 短语:catch a cold, runny nose, have a fever, went to the cinema, fell ill, stay in bed 1. 本单元的话题和相关的语言知识本单元的话题和相关的语言知识 话题:询问病症和谈论天气话题 2. 相关内容的上位知识分析以及结合上位知识分析确定的本单元的教学重相关内容的上位知识分析以及结合上位知识分析确定的本单元的教学重和和难点难点 有关天气内容如: sunny, rainy, cloudy, foggy, snowy, windy, hot, cold, warm, cool 等学生在三年级 时就已经学过。有关病症内容,如:a headache, a fever, a runny nose, the flu, a sore throat, a bad cold 等学生在四年级已经学习过。因此我把本节课的教学重点放在了注意天气变化对人的身体健康的影 响。引导学生如果不注意关注天气变化会容易导致感冒、发烧等病症的发生。本课难点是学生能够 根据天气预报安排自己的出行计划。 3 3. 分析各课语言知识点之间的联系与整合;各单元间的铺垫与延伸分析各课语言知识点之间的联系与整合;各单元间的铺垫与延伸 13 课教学内容为 Jim 给 Mike 打电话要来北京旅行,Jim 想更多地了解北京的天气。 14 课涉及比较北京与昆明天气的不同以及去昆明旅行话题。从 3 个课来看都涉及了 天气话题。3 个课紧密相连。 学情调查分析:学情调查分析: 类似感冒等常见病症,你都得过哪种病症,因为什么原因而得的病。 Did you catch a cold before? Why? Did you have a fever before? Why? Did you have a sore throat before? Why? Did you have a runny nose before? Why? Did you have the flu before? Why? Tick the illness you had before and choose the reasons. Caught a coldHad a fever had a sore throat had a runny nosehad the flu Reasons: 1. I didnt care about the weather. 2. Because of the cold weather. 3. Because of the windy days. 4. Because I didnt wear warm clothes. 教学方式:在本节英语课上,贯彻教学面向全体学生原则,体现合作学习原则;采用纯英语全浸泡 式教学法、听说法、情境法和任务型教学法等教学方式,帮助学生在参与、体验、感知、实践和应 用中学习和运用英语语言,完成本课教学目标。 教学手段:教学中恰当地利用辅助教学达到优化教学过程的目的: 利用图片、课件、视频等,辅助 培养学生直接用英语理解、表达和思维的能力,强化学生的语言实践能力和自主学习能力 技术准备: PPT 语音 单词 4 5 教学目标(内容框架) (一)知识与技能目标:(一)知识与技能目标: (一)知识与技能目标 1. 能够在看望病人的情景中正确运用“Whats wrong with you?” “I caught a cold./I have a runny nose./I have a fever.” 围绕生病的情况进行提问和问答,并能够用一般现在时描述 生病的具体情况,复习生病时的相关交际用语。 2. 能够在看望病人的情景中正确运用“What did you do yesterday?” “I went to the .” 等 语句围绕生病的原因进行询问和回答,复习有关天气变化的表达方式,复习一般过去 时。 3. 能够在看望病人的情景中能运用“What can I do for you?” “What would you like to eat?” “I am afraid .” “He must .” “Id like some .” “Dont worry. You will get well soon.”等语句关心,照顾和安慰病人,同时复习餐馆体验的表达用语。 4. 能理解课文对话,能朗读课文,尝试表演或转述课文。 (二)过程与方法目标:(二)过程与方法目标: 1. 通过释义,听,跟读,模仿,小组合作,表演等形式,学生能够正确理解朗读课文。 2. 通过情景创设,使学生能在情景中,正确运用有关生病和给予建议的表达进行对话。 3. 通过语音,动作,举例,看图的方法帮助学生学习理解新单词 (三)情感态度价值观目标(三)情感态度价值观目标: (用书面语)(用书面语) 关爱同学,明白如何照顾病患,如何保护好自己远离疾病。 教学重点:教学重点:围绕生病情况的询问和回答:“Whats wrong with you?” “I caught a cold./I have a runny nose./I have a fever.” 围绕做过了某事,而导致生病的原因:“What did you do yesterday?” “I went to . and got all wet .” 关心,照顾,安慰病人:You must drink a lot of water and stay in bed. You will get well soon. 教学难点:教学难点:学生能够根据天气预报安排自己的出行计划。 6 教学过程(文字描述) 7 Warming up (一)(一) 、热身,引出话题:、热身,引出话题: Activity 1. Talking about the day and the weather 3 分钟 T: Hello boys and girls. What day is today? What day was yesterday? Whats the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? 并同过视频让学生观察天气的变化 Activity 2. Talk something about the weather and the illness 3 分钟 The changing of the weather will make you feel bad. Y Yo ou u mma ay y h ha av ve e a a f fe ev ve er r o or r c ca at tc ch h a a c co ol ld d i in n r ra ai in ny y d da ay ys s. . The changing of the weather will make you feel bad. Y Yo ou u mma ay y h ha av ve e a a s so or re e t th hr ro oa at t i in n c co ol ld d w we ea at th he er r. . The changing of the weather will make you feel bad. Y Yo ou u mma ay y h ha av ve e a a r ru un nn ny y n no os se e i in n c co ol ld d w we ea at th he er r. . WWe e s sh ho ou ul ld d c ca ar re e a ab bo ou ut t t th he e c ch ha an ng gi in ng g o of f t th he e w we ea at th he er r a an nd d n no ot t t to o c ca at tc ch h a a c co ol ld d. . (二)(二) 、语言的呈现与理解:、语言的呈现与理解: 活动一:整体听课文录音回答问题活动一:整体听课文录音回答问题 2 分钟分钟 活动目标活动目标:帮助学生理解课文主旨信息帮助学生理解课文主旨信息 T: Look! Who are they? What do you know from the picture? What are they talking about? 听整篇课文录音回答下列问题 11 1. What are they talking about? A. They are talking about the traveling. B. They are talking about the weather and illness. 设计意图:帮助学生把握本课的主旨信息内容设计意图:帮助学生把握本课的主旨信息内容 活动二:学习课文,理解课文细节信息活动二:学习课文,理解课文细节信息 1010 分钟分钟 活动目标:学生理解课文细节信息活动目标:学生理解课文细节信息 How did he catch a cold? What did he do yesterday? c ci in ne emma a h ho omme e g go ot t a al ll l w we et t i in n t th he e r ra ai in n o on n h hi is s w wa ay y h ho omme e What does Baobao want to drink? Does his mum agree?e? (三)(三) 、语言操练、语言操练 活动一:模仿课文录音及分角色表演活动一:模仿课文录音及分角色表演 1212 分钟分钟 活动目标:学生能够有感情的朗读课文,角色表演课文活动目标:学生能够有感情的朗读课文,角色表演课文 逐句跟读课文录音两遍逐句跟读课文录音两遍 1 分角色表演课文分角色表演课文 设计意图:学生能更好的朗读课文对话设计意图:学生能更好的朗读课文对话 (四)(四) 、语言扩展操练、语言扩展操练 1010 分钟分钟 活动一:活动一: 根据天气预报安排下周活动根据天气预报安排下周活动 活动目标:提升学生英语应用能力活动目标:提升学生英语应用能力 实施方法:实施方法: 1 设计意图:把所学内容练习学生的实际生活。设计意图:把所学内容练习学生的实际生活。 并提升学生的英语综合运用能力。并提升学生的英语综合运用能力。 Homework 根据天气预报设计自己一周的出行计划。设计根据天气预报设计自己一周的出行计划。设计 时要注意天气变化对自己安排事情的影响。时要注意天气变化对自己安排事情的影响。 作业意图:学生能更好的应用所学知识内容。作业意图:学生能更好的应用所学知识内容。 板书设计 Lesson 15 WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith him?him? WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather like?like? WhatWhat willwill youyou dodo on?on? catch a cold, runny nose, have a fever, went to the cinema, fell ill, stay in bed, drink a lot of water 1 学习效果评价设计 评价方式 1.教师语言激励性评价 Great! You are wonderful. You are very clever. You do it very well. 2.小组竞赛评价,奖励学生卡片。学生根据回答问题的次数从老师准备的盒子里领自己喜爱的天气 单词卡片。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) (一)针对课文对话重难点设计教学活动 有层次的设计问题,在逐渐追问回答过程中,学生理解学习重点、难点。在本次教学中,针对 课文对话内容,我设计了 4 道问题,这 4 道题中有一道题为主旨信息题、另外 3 道为细节信息题。 学生通过听录音、读课文、观察对比等方式回答问题并学习课文内容。 (二)突出英语的交际性 学生在交流中,学习课文内容。在师生交流、生生交流过程中,学生练习英语的听说。教师设 计贴近学生生活的情境,如天气变化情境,天气预报等。让学生在情境中应用英语来安排自己一周 的计划安排。 (三)注重贴近学生的生活实际。 因为人们出行时,大多数都很关心天气。所以本次教学设计中,我从引导学生注意天气变化为 出发点设计了本节课。最后拓展部分,结合学生实际来设计自己一周内的活动安排。并要根据天气 变化来设计。
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