北京版六下UNIT TWO CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT HER -Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:80798).zip

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Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her? Lesson 5 Self-study List Class_________Name__________ Syllable Division (给下列单词划分音节,用(给下列单词划分音节,用“-”) 1.lady 2.baby 3. meter 4.negro 5.tiger 6.tiny 7.locust 8.lotus 9.puma 10.music 1. Sometimes the consonants are different. d o c t o r w i n d o w p i c n i c w i n t e r 2. Sometimes the consonants are the same. We sound each consonant when we write it, but sound only one when we read or say it. l e t t e r h a m m e r d o l l a r s u m m e r 1.turtle 2. table 3.noodle 4.apple 5.middle 6.staple 7.stable 8. little 1. b r o t h e r 2.b u t c h e r 3.t e a c h e r 4.t i c k e t .When theres only one consonant between two vowels, we usually divide before the consonant.(What does the vowel say? Why?) .When there are two consonants between two vowels, we divide between the two consonants. .”Consonant+le” can be a syllable. Silent e is used because every English word must have a vowel. .A multiple phonogram is not broken from within. Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her? Lesson 5 Self-study List Class_________Name__________ 1. c l a s s r o o m 2.f o o t b a l l 3.b o o k s h e l f 4.d i n i n g r o o m Mind-mapping Lesson 5 Dialogue 学习目标: 1. 能运用功能句“Can you tell us about.?” “He/She is .”“He/She has.”在情景中询问或介他人 年龄、样貌、爱好等情况。 2. 能理解并朗读课本对话,尝试复述对话内容。 A compound word is divided from between the two words. Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her? Lesson 5 Self-study List Class_________Name__________ 3. 能写一段话介绍他人年龄、样貌、爱好等信息。 Complete the Mind maps Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her? Lesson 5 Self-study List Class_________Name__________Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her? Syllable Division 多音图不分家多音图不分家 sidekick esidekick e 两元夹两辅两元夹两辅 两元夹一辅两元夹一辅 复合词中间分复合词中间分 Syllable Division .When .When theres theres only only one one consonant consonant between between two two vowels, vowels, we we usually usually divide before the consonant.(What does the vowel say? Why?)divide before the consonant.(What does the vowel say? Why?) lady- Syllable Division baby- Syllable Division meter- Syllable Division negro- Syllable Division tiger- Syllable Division tiny- Syllable Division locust- Syllable Division lotus- Syllable Division puma- Syllable Division music- Syllable Division .When .When theres theres only only one one consonant consonant between between two two vowels, vowels, we we usually usually divide before the consonant.divide before the consonant. 1两元夹一辅 两元夹一辅 la- dyba-byme-ter ne-groti-ger lo-tus pu-mamu-sic lo-cust ti-ny (What does the vowel say? Why?)(What does the vowel say? Why?) What does the vowel say? What does the vowel say? Why?Why? Syllable Division .When .When there there are are two two consonants consonants between between two two vowels, vowels, we we divide divide between the two consonants.between the two consonants. doctor- 2 两元夹两辅两元夹两辅 differendifferen t t samesame 辅辅 window-picnic-winter -letter -hammer-dollar -summer- Syllable Division tur-tletle 3 sidekick esidekick e .”Consonant+le” .”Consonant+le” can can be be a a syllable. syllable. Silent Silent e e is is used used because because every English word must have a vowelevery English word must have a vowel. noo-dledle ta-bleble ap-pleple mid-dledle sta-pleple lit-tletle sta-bleble consonant+leconsonant+le Syllable Division .A multiple phonogram is not broken from within.A multiple phonogram is not broken from within. bro-thther butchtch-er tickck-et teachch-er 4多音图不分家 多音图不分家 Syllable Division A compound word is divided from between the two A compound word is divided from between the two words. words. classroom 5复合词中间分 复合词中间分 football bookshelf diningroom - - - - 一归后,一归后, 二分手二分手 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about .? Can you tell me more about Mike? Group Work:Group Work: Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 5AU5L155AU5L155AU5L155AU5L15 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 3BU7L243BU7L243BU7L243BU7L24 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 3BU7L243BU7L243BU7L243BU7L24 5BU6L195BU6L195BU6L195BU6L19 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 5BU6L215BU6L215BU6L215BU6L21 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 5AU1L25AU1L25AU1L25AU1L2 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 6AU2L56AU2L56AU2L56AU2L5 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? basketballbasketball footballfootball Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 5AU6L215AU6L215AU6L215AU6L21 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? 3BU2L63BU2L63BU2L63BU2L6 Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? Unit 2 Can you tell me more about ? Picture Talking Who?Who? What?What? Where?Where? Silent Reading Mikes Uncle Watch Video Syllable Division According to the 5 rules ,divide the following words: fi fi- -shingshingCaCa- -nana- -dada sumsum- -mermervava- -caca- -tiontion hobhob- -bybyfathfath- -erer everyevery- -thingthing realreal- -lyly Syllable Division Loud ReadingLoud Reading Read after Video Story-telling Mikes uncle, Mark, is 40 years old. He is big and strong. Mike Mikes uncle, Mark, is 40 years old. He is big and strong. Mike likes his broad _________and huge hands. During summer likes his broad _________and huge hands. During summer _______, Mike often stays on Uncle Marks farm in Canada. _______, Mike often stays on Uncle Marks farm in Canada. The farm is beautiful with lots of _______ in the _______ .He The farm is beautiful with lots of _______ in the _______ .He enjoys living on the farm; he enjoys ______ the sheep and he enjoys living on the farm; he enjoys ______ the sheep and he like to go fishing with his uncle.like to go fishing with his uncle. shoulders vacation flowersgrass feeding Role Play What did you learn from this lesson?What did you learn from this lesson? Syllable Syllable DivisionDivision MindmappingMindmapping 收集收集 & & 整理信息整理信息 TextText . Homework:Homework: 1.Read the dialogue L51.Read the dialogue L5 2.Write:P11 Lets Do2.Write:P11 Lets Do1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 2 Can you tell me more about her? Lesson 5 学科英语学段:高年级年级六 教材书名:英语 出版社: 北京出版社 出版日期:2017 年 1 月 第 3 版 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 指导思想与理论依据 二级目标中对故事的学习在听说读写玩演试听方面都作了相应的要求。 自然拼读是英语“听说”和“读写”之间的桥梁,借助这个桥梁帮助孩子快速、 顺利地进入读写阶段。 东尼博赞发明的思维导图分析故事,能使故事清晰化、条理化、逻辑化,加深 对故事的理解与体会。 借助自然拼读与思维导图,按“图”索“技” ,提高课堂学习效率成为可能。 教学背景分析 教学内容: 2 学生情况学生情况:我所从教的六年级学生接触自然拼读一年时间,学习了自然拼读 26 个单音及大部分 字母组合的发音及其规则。学生乐于参与到自然拼读学习中,将所学的拼读规则运用到京版英语 教材中分析所学音图。本课时学生将要学习到音节划分的方法,并在对话学习中体会,这将对学 生听说读写方面有一定的能力提升。 教学方式教学方式:任务驱动 教学手段教学手段:PPT 技术准备技术准备:预习学习单、配套 PPT 教学目标(内容框架) 1. 学习自然拼读知识:Syllable Division (划分音节)并尝试运用于本课所学词汇。 2. 能理解并朗读本课对话。 3. 尝试复述对话内容。 4.通过谈论家人的年龄、样貌、职业、生日等相关信息,增进情感交流。 教学过程(文字描述) Warm-upWarm-up & & LeadLead inin ( (一一)Phonics)Phonics:SyllableSyllable DivisionDivision PPT:Show 5 kinds of multiple syllable words and divide them into 5 different groups. Ss Pat the syllables and summary the 5 rules. ( (二)二)Text:Text: 1. Free talk: WhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout Mike?Mike? 5 1)Talk about Mike in groups 2)S1-Age(birth-year animal) S2-Nationality & Language(Canadian)(English & French) S3-Family&Vocation(father-teacher,mother-dentist, brother- Peter,grandparents, uncle-farmer.) S4-Hobby a.Favorite Color(blue) 3BU2L6 b.Sports (be good at ice sports, e.g. skiing.basketball with friends, sometimes play football) c.Subjects (likes drawing and does best in art, likes reading) d.Future Job(enjoy making things and model planes, wants to fly a plane or a spaceship, need to exercise a lot, be interested in Chinese Kungfu) 2.2.Topic talk: WhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout MikesMikes uncle?uncle? Board-writing Mind map about Mikes uncle PresentationPresentation & & PracticePractice 1.1.Q:Q:CanCan youyou telltell meme moremore aboutabout MikesMikes uncle?uncle? PPT Pic-talking: Who? Where? What?(doing, talking about) 2.2.SilentSilent readingreading andand findfind outout thethe informationinformation aboutabout MikesMikes uncle.uncle. 6 3.3.VideoVideo watchingwatching 4.4.SyllableSyllable Division:Division: According to the 5 rules and divide the following words in the dialogue: vacation, Canada, summer, hobby, really, father, fishing, everything (put a hyphen between syllables on the book) 5.5.LoudLoud readingreading andand feedfeed backback 6.6. PracticePractice afterafter thethe videovideo 1)read sentence by sentence 2)Role-play in groups 7.7.ReadRead andand WriteWrite Task:Task: FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks & & RetellRetell thethe dialoguedialogue 7 Consolidation:Consolidation: RoleRole playplay (Mike,(Mike, Guoguo,Guoguo, GuoguosGuoguos Dad,Dad, Story-teller)Story-teller) Summary:Summary: Q:Q: WhatWhat dodo youyou learnlearn inin thisthis lesson?lesson? Homework:Homework: 1. Read the dialogue 2. Write: P11 Lets do 学习效果评价设计 1.教师评价: 采用不同层次的口头评价, 如 try harder, cool good ,great, super, Well done!奖励回答问题正确、积极参与表演的同学一个印章或贴纸。 2.学生自评: 在 Self-study List 中完成评价表格的填写。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 1.任务推动学生自主预习故事。 8 学生在课前,借助学习单,用思维导图的形式,通过查找以前学过的课文,综合 梳理出 Mike 和 Mike 叔叔的个人信息,如年龄,爱好,外貌,生日等。 2.思维导图式板书 师生一起用思维导图梳理故事发展脉络,为学生能用导图叙述故事大意提供了可 能。考虑到本篇对话涉及到的人物 Mike 和 Mike 的叔叔相关描述在 3B,5A,5B,6A 册书中都有涉及到,学生提前预习了两个人物的综合信息,借助 思维导图完成了学习单中任务。教师将板书的功用发挥到最大,师生一起梳理旧知 并学习新知构建完整的思维导图,使学生复述对话内容并写一段介绍的文段成为可 能。 3.实现两个过渡 1)从自己拼读故事到独立复述故事的过渡。 学生通过自然拼读中多音图的学习,能够独立拼读绘本故事。参照英语课程标 准中对于二级的要求,在读的方面能够转述故事对话而成的短文。学生在思维导图、 故事填空中实现从拼读到复述的过渡。 2)从听说读故事到听写故事的过渡。 一节课下来,学生能够听懂故事、叙述故事、朗读故事。通过听写故事中相关 音图的单词的活动,学生能够完成故事中语音词汇的听写,实现了自然拼读的音形 结合、拼读拼写的可能。 9 学习单学习单(Worksheet) Class:_______ Name:_________ Syllable Division (给下列单词划分音节,用(给下列单词划分音节,用“-” ) 1.lady 2.baby 3. meter 4.negro 5.tiger 6.tiny 7.locust 8.lotus 9.puma 10.music 1. Sometimes the consonants are different. d o c t o r w i n d o w p i c n i c w i n t e r 2. Sometimes the consonants are the same. We sound each consonant when we write it, but sound only one when we read or say it. l e t t e r h a m m e r d o l l a r s u m m e r 1.turtle 2. table 3.noodle 4.apple 5.middle 6.staple 7.stable 8. little .When theres only one consonant between two vowels, we usually divide before the consonant.(What does the vowel say? Why?) .When there are two consonants between two vowels, we divide between the two consonants. .”Consonant+le” can be a syllable. Silent e is used because every English word must have a vowel. .A multiple phonogram is not broken from within. 10 1. b r o t h e r 2.b u t c h e r 3.t e a c h e r 4.t i c k e t 1. c l a s s r o o m 2.f o o t b a l l 3.b o o k s h e l f 4.d i n i n g r o o m Mind-mapping Lesson 5 Dialogue 学习目标: 1. 能运用功能句“Can you tell us about.?” “He/She is .” “He/She has.”在情景中 询问或介他人年龄、样貌、爱好等情况。 2. 能理解并朗读课本对话,尝试复述对话内容。 3. 能写一段话介绍他人年龄、样貌、爱好等信息。 Complete the Mind maps A compound word is divided from between the two words. 1 1
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