北京版五下UNIT SIX WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THE FUTURE -Lesson 21-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:c2b02).zip

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Lesson21 Do you enjoy ?When did you start it? What will you be in the future? How often do you ? What are their hobbies and future jobs? Where are they ? They are in a factory. What are they talking about ? They are talking about hobby and future job. What are they doing ? They are visiting the factory. She enjoys making things. Whats Linglings hobby ? What will Lingling be in the future ? She will be an engineer. She needs to study hard and be good at maths and drawing. What does Lingling need to do to become an engineer? Whats Mikes hobby? What does Mike need to do to be a pilot? He will be a pilot. He enjoys making model planes. He needs to be strong What will Mike be in the future ? and fit to be a pilot. He has to a lot.exercise loudlyloudly、clearlyloudly、clearly、emotionally I enjoy reading and writing story books. I will be a writer. My friends hobbies and future jobs. author:Sara hobby and future job Peter Tom DavidMary enjoy What will you be in the future? Whats your hobby? will be What do you need to do to become a/an? What should you do to become a/an? I enjoyDo you enjoy? What do you want to be in the future? making things an engineer be good at maths and drawing making clothes a tailor know how to make clothes writing stories writer practice writing stories playing the piano pianist practice Playing piano quite often need to/ should ask ? What will you be in the future? What do you want to be in the future? I enjoyDo you enjoy? Whats your hobby? What do you need to do to become a/an? What should you do to become a/an? hobby future job need to should talk about hobby and future job your friends hobbyfuture jobneed to/ should Tom Jack Mary To interview your friends about their hobbies and future jobs ! 采访 Sometimes,our hobby can decide(决定) our future job! Whats the relationship(关系) between our hobby and future job? He is fit to be a pilot. He is not fit to be a pilot. exerciseHi! Im Peter.Im 10 years old. I will be an engineer in the future. Because I enjoy making things. I need to be good at maths and drawing. Do you enjoys making things,Tom? Yes.I do.I enjoy making clothes. I want to be a tailor. I need to know how to make clothes. Do you enjoy making clothes,David? No,I dont.I enjoy writing stories. I will be a writer. I should practice writing stories. Do you enjoy writing stories,Mary? No,Idont.I enjoy playing the piano. I will be a pianist. I should practice playing piano quite often. Do you enjoy playing the piano? Peter Tom David MaryUNITUNIT SIXSIX WHATWHAT WILLWILL YOUYOU BEBE ININ THETHE FUTURE?FUTURE? Lesson21Lesson21 一教学内容一教学内容: 1、课文内容 2、功能句型: Do you enjoy making things? Yes,I do.I want to be an engineer. 3、词汇: engineer exercise 二教学目标二教学目标: 1、通过观察主题图、听录音回答问题等方式,使学生能够了解 Lingling、Mike 的爱好、未来的职业理想及实现理想需要的条件,同时能够准确的理解课文 内容。 2、学生在理解课文内容的基础上,通过听录音跟读,教师带读,小组表演等方 式能够达到正确、流利有感情的朗读课文。 3、学生通过阅读谈论职业的绘本小故事,理解 Do you enjoy?及答语的含义 及用法。 4、在谈论自己职业理想的情境中,学生能够结合自己的爱好,用 Whats your hobby?/Do you enjoy ?询问他人的爱好;同时能够综合运用 What will you be in the future?及 What do you need to do to become an engineer?创编对话,与他人谈论自己的职业理想。 5、学生通过本课的学习能够认识到有时候我们的兴趣爱好会对未来的职业理想 产生一定的影响。 三、教学重、难点三、教学重、难点: 教学重点:教学重点: 1、学生能够理解课文内容,并能够正确流利的朗读课文。 2、学生能够理解 Do you enjoy?及答语的含义及用法,并能够综合运用 What will you be in the future?及 What do you need to do to become an engineer?与他人谈论自己的职业理想。 教学难点:教学难点: 学生能够理解 Do you enjoy?及答语的含义及用法,并能够综合运用 What will you be in the future?及 What do you need to do to become an engineer?及其答语与他人谈论自己的职业理想。 四、教具准备四、教具准备: 1.书 2.教学课件(PPT) 3、学习资料 五、教学过程五、教学过程: 一、一、WarmingWarming upup 活动一:活动一:free talk about hobby and future job 活动目标:活动目标:通过谈论学生的业余爱好及未来职业,导入本课主题。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T: Look! Who is he? S:He is T:What is he doing? S:He is playing the piano. T:Yes.Hi,do you enjoy ? S:Yes. T:When did you start it? S: T:How often do you ? S: T:What will you be in the future? S: (呈现第二个同学读书的照片,其他学生可以选择问题来问他) T:OK,just now we talked about our classmates hobby and future job,right? S:Yes. T:Do you want to know what are Lingling and Mikes hobby and future job? 设计意图设计意图: :通过谈论班里两个同学的爱好及职业理想,调动学生的积极性, 从而引出本课的内容。 二、二、PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 活动一:活动一:Learn the dialogue 活动目标:活动目标:通过观察主题图、听录音回答问题及回忆 L19 的内容的方式,使 学生能够了解 Lingling、Mike 的爱好、未来的职业理想及实现 理想需要的条件,同时能够准确的理解课文内容。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: 1 1、LinglingsLinglings futurefuture jobjob T:Look! Mike,Lingling and their friend. Where are they? S:They are in a factory. T:What are they doing? S:They are visiting the factory. T:When they visit the factory ,Can you guess what are they talking about? S:They are talking about (学生说的如果不准确,教师给予补充) T:Yes,they are talking about”hobby and future job”(引入主题) Can you guess Whats Linglings hobby and What will Lingling be in the future? S:Lingling likes making things.(Listen and check). T:What will Lingling be in the future? S:Lingling will be an engineer T:What will Lingling need to do to become an engineer?(listen and answer) S:She needs to study hard and be good at maths and drawing. 2 2、MikesMikes futurefuture jobjob T: How about Mikes hobby and future job ? S:(复习 L19 旧知)、 T:What will Mike be in the future? S:Mike will be a pilot.(复习旧知) T:What does Mike need to do to become a pilot? S:(学生可以说出 be strong) T:What else?(listen and answer) S:(听出来有难度,根据录音填空,然后教师图文结合解释词意) T:So these information is about Mikes and Linglings future job? Do you understand? S:Yes. 设计意图:设计意图:通过观察主题图、听录音回答问题及回忆 L19 的内容的方式,使 学生能够了解 Lingling、Mike 的爱好、未来的职业理想及实现 理想需要的条件,同时能够准确的理解课文内容。通过观察主题 图,听录音等方式,锻炼学生的观察能力、听力能力及口语表达 能力。 活动二:活动二:read the dialogue 活动目标:活动目标:通过听录音跟读,教师带读,小组表演等方式能够达到正确、流 利有感情的朗读课文。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T:Now lets listen to the tape and read the dialogue.(two times) T:Lets read it together. S:Read T:Work in pairs. T:Show time. 设计意图:设计意图:学生通过不同形式的朗读课文,能够正确流利的朗读课文,提高 其朗读能力。 活动三:活动三:Do you enjoy? 活动目标:活动目标:学生通过阅读谈论职业的绘本小故事,理解 Do you enjoy?及 答语的含义及用法。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T:We knew Mike and Linglings hobbies and future jobs,right? S:Yes. T:Do you want to know Saras hobby and future job? S:Yes. T:So what is Saras hobby and future job? Do you know? S:No. T:Ok,give you some clues. Whats this? S:Its a book. T:Right.Whats the name of the book? S:My friends hobbies and future jobs. T:Great.Who write the book? S:Sara. T:How do you know that? S:author.(可能会有学生认识这个词,或者能够推测出 author 的含义) T:So can you guess whats Saras hobby and future job? S:Sara enjoys reading and writing story books.She will be a writer. T:Yes.In this book,Sara introduce her four friendshobbies and future jobs Do you want to read? S:Yes. T:Ok,read this book,and then you should know what are their hobbies and future jobs. S:Reading T:Ok,whats Peters hobby and future job? S: T:Ok.If I want to know their hobby,how can I ask? S:Whats your hobby?/I enjoyDo you enjoy? T:After we know their hobby,I want to know their future job,how can I ask? S:What will you be in the future?/What do you want to be? T:After I know your hobby and future job,I can also ask: S:What do you need to do to become a/an? What should you do to become a/an? 设计意图:设计意图:学生通过阅读绘本小故事完成思维导图,并能够根据思维导图简 要的复述每个人的爱好及职业理想;根据读完教师的总结,理解 并会询问他人的爱好,职业理想及为实现理想如何做,为后面综 合的创编对话做准备。 三、三、ProductionProduction 活动一:活动一:Interview 活动目标:活动目标:学生四人一组,小组长根据表格内容运用本课的功能语言对组员进 行采访,通过采访,使学生能够综合的运用本课整理的功能句型就 某人的爱好及理想进行交流。 实施方法及师生预设语言:实施方法及师生预设语言: T:So we can use these sentences to talk about our hobby and future job,right? S:Yes. T:So can you use them to interview your friends about their hobbies and future jobs? S:Yes. T:Ok,lets make a model. Four students in a group,group leader to interview your group members,ok? S:Ok. T:Which group want to share your group members hobbies and future jobs? S:Show. 设计意图设计意图: : 通过采访,使学生能够综合的运用本课整理的功能句型就某人的爱 好及理想进行交流。 作业:作业: 1. 根据思维导图,写一篇关于个人爱好和未来职业的小作文。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Lesson21Lesson21 hobby and future jobs enjoy making things making model plane will be engineer pilot need to study hard be strong be good at fit to be a pilot exercise a lot 七、教学反思:七、教学反思: 教学知识点目标是否全教学知识点目标是否全 () 围绕目标是否恰当设问围绕目标是否恰当设问 () 知识点是否一一落实知识点是否一一落实 落实基本落实 学生参与的态度是否积极学生参与的态度是否积极 非常积极较积极不积极 学生参与活动的广度学生参与活动的广度 全部大部分小部分 课堂评价是否有效性课堂评价是否有效性 有效基本有效无效 学生朗读:学生朗读: 自然流利度:A B C 语音语调: A B C 节奏性: A B C 自主表达:自主表达: 语言生动性:A B C 语意连贯性:A B C 反思:
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