闽教版三年级下册Unit 8 Children’s Day-Part B-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:311aa).doc

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闽教版三年级下册Unit 8 Children’s Day-Part B-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:311aa).doc_第1页
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1、英语学科闽教版三年级下册英语学科闽教版三年级下册 Unit8 ChildrenUnit8 Childrens Day Part Bs Day Part B教学设计教学设计 教材分析本课是第八单元第一课,以描述活动为主线,学习和巩固现在进行 时的构成和用法。 学情分析三年级的孩子正处于少年时期,孩子们具有好奇、好活动、爱表现、 善模仿等特点。他们喜欢新鲜事物,对陌生语言的好奇心能激起他们对外语的兴 趣。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好、模仿力、可塑性强,但缺乏理性思维,逻辑 思维不强。他们中有些学生已经初步的接触过英语了,有的是刚开始学,但对英 语都有着浓厚的兴趣。 教学目标 1.复习有关动作的单词:

2、sing、dance、draw、fly、run、swim、play、ride 2.学习歌曲:Happy Childrens Day 3.学习和巩固现在进行时的构成和用法。 4.学习句子:What is doing? .is playing football. .is flying a kite. They are boating. 5.学习 chant: Running, running, he is running. 教学重点 运用现在进行时句子描述正在发生的动作和事件。 教学难点 现在分词构词法,现在进行时的运用。 设计思路 本课以新编的一个 chant 为主线,用已经学习的 chant

3、和新学的歌曲导入,创设 不同情境,利用自制片、实物、丰富的肢体语言和动作,引导学生去认知动词不 同形式的变化,让学生在竞赛和游戏中学习新知识,增强团结协作能力。在时间 安排上,突出呈现部分的导入和操练,对课文内容也进行了适当整合,为了突出 重难点,重点教学 PartB 的 Look and say 部分,对现在分词的呈现和练习需具 备反复性,多样性,创新性。 教学过程教学过程 Teaching ProTeaching Procedures:cedures: Step1: Warming upStep1: Warming up and Reviewand Review (1)(1) Warm u

4、p: Warm up: Sing the chant Sing the chant “I canI can” (2)(2) GreetingGreetings s. . (3) Devide the students into four groups, guess(3) Devide the students into four groups, guess the words : singthe words : sing、dancedance、 drawdraw、runrun、swimswim、ride a bike(Jump and Say)ride a bike(Jump and Say)

5、 (4) Sing(4) Sing thethe song “Happy song “Happy ChildrenChildrens Days Day!”!” Step 2 PreseStep 2 Presentantation and learntion and learn (1)(1) Lead in: Use the body language to show Lead in: Use the body language to show present continuous tensepresent continuous tense. Ask. Ask “What is Miss Lin

6、 doing?What is Miss Lin doing?” Help the students to answerHelp the students to answer “Miss Lin Miss Lin is is singing /dancing.singing /dancing.” Write the sentences on the blackboard. Use different Write the sentences on the blackboard. Use different actions to make them underactions to make them

7、 understand. stand. (2)(2) Use the pictures to learn the new words: footballUse the pictures to learn the new words: football、kitekite、boat and boat and the phrases: play football/ fly a kite.the phrases: play football/ fly a kite. (3) Use the homemade cards to learn the sentence pattern. (3) Use th

8、e homemade cards to learn the sentence pattern. (4)Make the students perform the actions about(4)Make the students perform the actions about “flyflying a kiteing a kite、playing playing footballfootball、boboatingating”, ask and answer. At the same time the teacher, ask and answer. At the same time th

9、e teacher uses uses the homemade cards to practice.the homemade cards to practice. Step 3:Step 3: ConsolidationConsolidation (1)(1)Learn the new chant.Learn the new chant. (2)Have a try: listen, look and say. Clap hands to ask and answer, have (2)Have a try: listen, look and say. Clap hands to ask a

10、nd answer, have the competition among groups.the competition among groups. Step4: Sum up aStep4: Sum up and Evaluationnd Evaluation Sum up the contents we learned in class , then choose the winner.Sum up the contents we learned in class , then choose the winner. Step 5: HomeworkStep 5: Homework 1. S

11、ing the new chant to your parents. 1. Sing the new chant to your parents. 2. Work in three: one acts, the others ask and answer.2. Work in three: one acts, the others ask and answer. The blackboard design:The blackboard design: Unit8 ChildrenUnit8 Childrens Days Day Part B Part B What isWhat isdoing?doing? is flyingis flying playingplaying boating.boating.


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