(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:20270).doc

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1、Unit Unit 3 3 Bank or BeachBank or Beach ? ?教学教学设计设计 (第(第 3 3 课时)课时) 一、背景分析一、背景分析 (一)学情(一)学情分析分析 四年级的学生爱唱,爱跳,爱玩,善于模仿,敢于开口。在英语课堂中,教师 灵活的教法,教材上有趣的歌谣、故事、动听的音乐等,都使初学英语的学生对英 语的学习产生浓厚的兴趣。在此课之前,学生通过三年级和四年级上学期的学习, 基本上养成了用英语问候,用英语合作交流完成任务的学习习惯及相应的学习策略, 具备了初步用英语进行交际的能力。 (二)教材分析(二)教材分析 本单元的语言素材是有关地方的单词,既有学生日常生

2、活中最熟悉的地方: park, bank, swimming pool, hospital, shopping mall, restaurant ,也有学生 少见的地方:movie theater, beach ,要求掌握句型:A:Where are you going ? B:Im going to the ./ A: Are you going to the ? Yes , I am . / No , Im not . 等句型。本单元一开始是以 Gogo 与朋友 Tony、Jenny 一起坐车去海滩 来开展对话的,通过 Gogo 询问车上的人来展开对话,并通过 Practice, Acti

3、vity, Song 等多种课堂教学活动形式来进一步巩固复习本课的重点难点。 Sounds and Words, 让学生在歌谣中感受语音,培养良好的语感,丰富了学生的语音知识。也让学生多方 面接触、了解本单元的教学内容,从而激发学生的求知欲,为课堂教学打下良好的 基础。 (三)教学目标(三)教学目标 1 1、认知目标、认知目标 (1) 能听懂、 会说、 认读、 拼写单词 “movie theater, swimming pool, hospital, bank, shopping mall, restaurant, park, beach” 。 (2)能认读并熟练运用句型: A. Where

4、are you going? Im going to the Are you going to the ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.” B. Where is he/she going? He/shes going to the. Is he/she going to the? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/shes not. C. Where are they going? Theyre going to the. Are they going to the? Yes, they are. /No, theyre not. 2 2、能力目标、能力目

5、标 (1)学会用英语谈论自己打算去的地方。 (2)培养学生的观察力、访谈能力,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 3 3、情感目标、情感目标 (1)努力创造一种和谐、平等的课堂学习氛围,激发学生爱学英语的情感。 (2)培养学生敢开口,积极参与的学习态度,使学生能够得到成功的体验,建 立学习自信心。 4 4、教学策略教学策略 A教学方法 (1)运用“歌曲”教学技巧,创设情景,让学生自然“拾得”语言。 (2)运用游戏教学法,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。 (3)运用情景教学法,为学生的学习营造真实的语言环境。 B教具 1、CAI 课件。 2、图画卡片、图片扑克牌、小兔子手偶。 二、二、教学过程:教学过程

6、: (一一) Warm-up 1.Greetings ( 小兔子手偶) T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Im new here, Im Miss Zhong. Nice to meet you! May I know your name? Hi, whats your name? S: My name is - T: Nice to meet you! (握手) Childrens day is coming. Are you going to the beach? Are you going to the bank? Now, today, were g

7、oing to review: Unit3 Bank or Beach? 2. Sing a song: Where are you going? 3. Answer the questions. 1)Whats in your school? 2) Is there a garden in your home? 3) Where are you going?. (二二) Revision (1) 1. Read the cards together. 2. Divide four groups: bank group, restaurant group, park group, beach

8、group. 3. Who reads quickly? 渗透语音教学: (P25) shopping- ship- shirt- she-shorts -Shelly. Shelly is a girl, now, lets chant! 4.4. Childrens day is coming. Shelly is going to the shop, too. Guess where is Miss Zhong going.(猜猜钟老师要去哪) (1)Im hot. I want to swim. (2)I like movies. I want to see a movie. (3)I

9、 have no money. I want to get some money. (4)Im hungry. I want to have dinner. (5)I have a toothache. (6)I want to buy some food. (7)Its sunny. I want to fly kites. 5. Look, ask and answer. T: 1) Where is he going? 2) Where is she going? 3) Where are they going? 6. Guess the words. 7. Lets talk. 8.

10、Group work. 9. Play a guessing game. (叫学生上来讲台猜游戏。) (三三) Revision (2) T: Its sunny. Im going to the seaside park on Childrens Day. Where are you going on Childrens Day? Are you going to? A:A: Where are you going?Where are you going? B:B: I Im going to m going to . . A:A: A Are you going re you going

11、toto? B:B: Yes,Yes, I amI am. . / No,/ No, I Im not.m not. T: In Zhuhai, there are many popular places. Now, lets make a survey. Which place is the most popular? 1.1. LetLets make a surveys make a survey. . Happy survey In Zhuhai, there are many popular places. Now, lets make a survey. Which place i

12、s the most popular? A: Where are you going? B: Im going to,and. A: Are you going to? B: Yes, I am./ No, Im not. where name beach movie theater Restaurant shopping mall park swimming pool 示范: (You can ask your classmates or your teachers around the classroom.) OK, Who can tell me,指着一个同学问 Where is he/

13、she going ? Is he/she going to? A:A: Where is Where is he/shehe/she goinggoing? ? B:B: HesHes going to .going to . A:A: IsIs hehe goinggoing toto? B: Yes,B: Yes, he is.he is. / No, he/ No, hes not.s not. 2.2. L Letets ss singing togethertogether. . 3. T: Are they going to the hospital? No, they aren

14、t. Where are they going? They are going to Zhuhai Ocean Kindom. A:A: Where are Where are theythey going?going? B:B: TheyTheyre re going to .going to . A:A: A Are re they they going going toto? B: Yes,B: Yes, they are. / No,they are. / No, theytheyre not.re not. L Letets s p play cards.lay cards. Giv

15、e you a model first. Who gets 3 cards? Super! This is for you. 从中抽牌,问:Are they going to the shopping mall? Yes, they are going to buy something. Where are they going? Theyre going to the movie theater. Theyre going to see a movie. 4.4. L Letet s s write.write. This is my Childrens Days plan. Gogo, T

16、ony and Jenny are my friends. Childrens Days plan Childrens Day is coming, we are happy. I am going to the park. I am going to play. Gogo is going to the restaurant. He is going to eat. Tony and Jenny are going to the swimming pool. They are going to swim. Please write your Childrens Days plan, you

17、can write about your classmates, friends and father, mother, sister and brother. Childrens Days plan Childrens Day is coming, we are happy. I am going to _, I am going to _. _is going to_, _is going to _. _are going to _, _ are going to _. 及时反馈,让完成的同学上台念出来。 (四四) Summary Summary 1、 让学生懂得怎样运用语言,达到学以致用

18、的效果。 T: Today we learn : (看着板书) A:A:Where are you going Where are you going ? B:B: I Im going to the beach .m going to the beach . A:AA:Are you going re you going toto? B: Yes,B: Yes, I amI am. / No,. / No, I Im not.m not. A:A: Where is Where is he/shehe/she going ?going ? B:B: HeHe/She/Shess going

19、to .going to . A:A: IsIs he/shehe/she goinggoing toto? B: Yes,B: Yes, he/shehe/she is.is. / No, / No, he/shehe/shes not.s not. A:A: Where are Where are theythey goinggoing ? ? B:B: TheyTheyre re going to .going to . A:A: A Are re they they going going toto? B: Yes,B: Yes, they arethey are. / No,. /

20、No, theytheyre not.re not. Understand? Ss: Yes! 2、小结在课堂上取得最高分的小组,并进行表扬。 (五五) HomeworkHomework : : 1) Answer some questions. 2) 家听:家听: listen and write the words two times. (六(六)Blackboard DesignBlackboard Design Unit 3 Bank or Beach? WhWhere are you goingere are you going? ? Im going to the _.Im goi

21、ng to the _. A Are you going re you going toto? Yes,Yes, I amI am. / No,. / No, I Im not.m not. Where is Where is h he/shee/she goinggoing? ? HeHe/She/Shess going to .going to . IsIs he/shehe/she goinggoing toto? Yes,Yes, he/shehe/she is.is. / No,/ No, he/shehe/shes not.s not. Where are Where are th

22、eythey going?going? TheyTheyre re going to .going to . A Are re they they going going toto? Yes,Yes, they arethey are. /No,. /No, theytheyre not.re not. 三、教学反思三、教学反思 优点:优点:1 1)教学目的明确,教学要求具体;)教学目的明确,教学要求具体;2 2)板书好,课堂设计好;)板书好,课堂设计好; 3)3)教学方法形式教学方法形式多样,学生参与面广,回答问题声音响亮多样,学生参与面广,回答问题声音响亮流利流利; 4 4)老)老 师能用图画、卡片、投影等进行直观教学;师能用图画、卡片、投影等进行直观教学;5 5)流程比较流畅,课堂气)流程比较流畅,课堂气 氛活跃。氛活跃。 不足:不足: 容量大,教学内容有点多,下层生消化不来容量大,教学内容有点多,下层生消化不来。


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