(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Review 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:5545f).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:5545f)
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ReviewReview Whats in Taishan? Please introduce the places with the pictures. 看图介绍地方看图介绍地方 Shihua Park Dadi Movie Theater Shangchuang Monkey Zoo Tianan Shopping Mall Huarun Supermarket Tony Steak Restaurant Taicheng No.2 Primary School ReviewReview Whats in our school? Game: 出现属于学校的场室请站起来大声说出来,出出现属于学校的场室请站起来大声说出来,出 现的并非属于学校场室的请坐着保持安静。现的并非属于学校场室的请坐着保持安静。 Theres a halla gym a supermarket a library a zoo a playground a bank an art room a music room a bedroomIs there in our school? ReviewReview Whats in your home? Look and say(看动作猜地方)看动作猜地方) a kitchen a dining rooma garden a bathrooma bedrooma living room Can we watch TV all the time? No, we cant. We can watch TV in our free time. ReviewReviewWhat do you do in your free time ? Look and say(看图说句子)(看图说句子) I ____________ in my free time.call my friend ReviewReviewWhat do you do in your free time ? Look and say(看图说句子)(看图说句子) I ______________ in my free time.borrow books ReviewReviewWhat do you do in your free time ? Look and say(看图说句子)(看图说句子) I ________________ in my free time.buy an ice cream ReviewReviewWhat do you do in your free time ? Look and say(看图说句子)(看图说句子) I ________________ in my free time. listen to the songs ReviewReviewWhat do you do in your free time ? Look and say(看图说句子)(看图说句子) I ____________ in my free time.go to the zoo Guess: Whats in the zoo? Is there a .? Guess: Whats in the zoo? Is there a .? Guess: Whats in the zoo? Is there a .? Hes on the earth! (在地球上)(在地球上) Judge 1. Xiaoqi and Xiaodi are in the shopping mall. 2. There is a UFO in the supermarket. 3. Xiaoqi has a toy car. 4. Xiaodi has money. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) isnt doesnt have doesnt have Answer the questions 1.Whats in the shopping mall? 2. Is there a toy car in the shopping mall? 3. What does Xiaoqi have? Look, Xiaoqi, we are in the shopping mall now. Wow! Its so big! Whats in the shopping mall, Xiaodi? Theres a movie theater, a supermarket, a McDonalds, and many shops. Oh, its cool! Is there a UFO? No, there isnt a UFO. But there are many toys. Really? May I have a toy car ? Sorry, you may not. I have no money. Look, Xiaodi, there are many balloons! Lets go! Good morning. May I have a yellow balloon please? Sure. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Oh, Xiaoqi, come back! Answer the questions 1.Whats in the shopping mall? 2. Is there a toy car in the shopping mall? 3. What does Xiaoqi have? There is a movie theater, a supermarket, a McDonalds and many shops. Yes, there is a toy car and many toys too. He has a yellow balloon. Why can Xiaoqi get(得到)(得到)the balloon? He is polite. Be polite to others. 礼貌待人礼貌待人 Please, May I ? Sorry, Thank you Youre welcome. At the shopping mall Look, Xiaoqi, we are in the shopping mall now. Wow! Its big ! Whats in the shopping mall, Xiaodi? There is a movie theater, a supermarket, a McDonalds and many shops! Oh, its cool! Is there a UFO? No, there isnt a UFO. But there are many toys! Really? May I have a toy car please, Xiaodi? Sorry, you may not. I have no money. Look, Xiaodi, There are many balloons. Lets go! Good morning. May I have a yellow balloon please? Sure. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Oh, Xiaoqi, come back! You are and . Lets visit the places of Taishan! A: Look, this is ________ B: Wow , its so beautiful big clean. Whats in the__________? A: Theres There are B: Is there? A: Yes. No B: May I ? library supermarket Shihua Park Heisha Beach Be a good visitor 做一个文明参观者做一个文明参观者 Be quiet (安静不喧哗) Keep the places clean(保持地方干净) public places-公共场所we should-我们应该 Welcome to our school home! Group work: Make a conversation. (在对话框架基础上可以发挥想象力自行创编(在对话框架基础上可以发挥想象力自行创编,尽量说多些句子。)尽量说多些句子。) A: Welcome to our school home ! B: Its so big! Whats in your schoolhome? C: Theres There are D: big beautiful nice tall flowers(花朵)(花朵) grass(草(草 ) We canin the Summary(我们今天用了哪些句型来作介绍?)我们今天用了哪些句型来作介绍?) Whats in the? Theres There are There isnt Is there? Yes, there is. No, there arent. There be有特点,主语放在有特点,主语放在be后面,单数主语要用后面,单数主语要用is ,复数主语要用,复数主语要用are。 变否定,很简单,变否定,很简单, be 后要把后要把 not来添。变疑问也不难,来添。变疑问也不难, 把把be提到提到there面前。还有面前。还有 一点要谨记,就近原则多注意。一点要谨记,就近原则多注意。 How does Xiaoqi feel(感觉)(感觉) today? A. sad B. cold C. happy Xiaoqi is very happy today! Love our school, our home, our city and our earth! Hi,Xiaoliu, I have a happy day on the earth! Whats on the earth? There are _________ _______ and______ on the earth! Thats cool! _____ ______a UFO in the_____? No, there _____ a UFO in the_____, but________ ______ ______. I have many friends here, I am so happy! Really? I want to go to the earth too! Haha! Welcome! Homework1 一、设计理念: 小学英语复习课的教学目标主要是对重点内容进行重组再现复习课的任何教学活动 都应为学生获得语言知识、培养语言技能而服务。小学英语复习课的有效性是建立在 这样的基本认识上展开的。学生在复习课堂中依旧是一个主动参与者、实验者、探索 者,教师应利用教学艺术,根据学生的好胜心,兴趣,爱好和求知欲,把所学的内容 通过多种活动、练习的形式创设情境,引导学生在大量复习活动中形成能力,使学生 融汇贯通地掌握英语知识和运用英语知识。 二、学生分析:本案例的教学对象是四年级的学生。四年级的学生活泼好动,好奇心 强,喜欢各种形式的课堂活动。他们的思维能力强,分析能力和理解能力在不断提高, 具有一定的会话能力和模仿写作的能力。 三、教材分析: 本案例是综合本册教材一到四单元的综合复习课,重点句型有: There be, be going to, May I ?其中出现多个会话情景,将重点句型融为其中。 四、教学目标 1. 认知目标: (1))能够正确读出本节课老师所出示的单词,词组和句子。 (2))能够理解并正确运用 There be, be going to, May I 这些句型。 2. 能力目标: (1)能理解并流利朗读小文章。 (2)能回答老师所提的问题。 (3)能初步用英语写出自己的 happy day。 3.情感态度目标: (1)激发和保持学生学习英语的动机,实现“趣能”两得。 (2)在生生交流和小组合作交流中,培养孩子合作意识和合作精神。 (3)学会如何阅读英语小语篇,独立思考各种问题。 (4)培养学生的辨别能力和树立良好生活习惯的观念。 五、教法与学法:复习之前,采用交际法和歌曲激励法引入。复习中,采用情景教学 法。采取个人与小组合作的形式,对话与表演相结合进行。复习后,采用口头与笔头 相结合练习,作为信息反馈。 六、重点、难点:通过情景会话发展学生的综合语言运用能力。 七、教学准备: CAI 课件以及教师自己设计的一些练习题。 八、教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1)Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls! Today is a happy day! You look so excited! Do you want to play a game? 2 S:Of course. T:Lets play.Word Association (教师出示一个有关地方、水果、动作的总干枝,然后让学生说出相应的同类的单词 或短语。 ) E.g. Place-swimming pool, movie theater. (设计意图:通过快速提问学生问题和做游戏,使教师与学生之间进行交流,消除学 生的紧张的心理,并复习之前学过的地方,场室等有关知识,为下面的歌谣作铺垫。 ) 2)Lets sing a song: Where are you going? (设计意图:通过歌谣复习句型Where are you going?让学生唱、做、演进行律动, 活跃气氛,将学生带进轻松愉快的学习氛围。 ) Step2 Presentation 1. Lead-in T:Do you remember the movie长江七号?Do you remember Xiaoqi? Finally he is back! Look, Where are they now? 2. Presentation A.整体呈现主人公小七和小迪在超级市场发生的对话。 A:Wow, what a big shopping mall. There are so many things in it. Lets go and have a look. B:Yes, there are many things in the shopping mall.There are some toys, fruits and some food. A:Is there a toy bear in the shopping mall? B:Yes, there are many toys bears in the shopping mall. A:May I have a toy bear? B:Of course.But wheres your money? A:Oh, I, I, I dont have any money. B:May I have a balloon? A:Sure, here you are. B:Ha,ha, Go,go,go A;Hey,Xiao Qi, come back. Bye-bye. B:Thank you.Goodbye. 1)通过PPT出示各种图片,让学生整体感知。 B.指导学生根据整片对话完成接下来的练习。 1)Look and judge. 2)Answer the questions. (设计意图:通过幻灯片与录音帮助学生复习There be, May I 的句型。 ) C.设置情景让学生分角色扮演小七和小迪。 3 T: Now . You are Xiaoqi and Xiaodi, and you are in the shopping mall too! Please make your dialogues. (设计意图:设置情景吸引学生,让学生也扮演小七和小迪的角色,分组表演展示, 活跃课堂气氛。 ) Step 3 Exercise Summary:老师总结三个重点句型 1.There be有特点,主语放在be后面,单数主语用is,复数主语要用are。 变否定很简 单, be 后要把not添。变疑问也不难, 把be提到there前。就近原则多关注。 2.想知道计划去哪里,可以问Where. going? . Going to the.分清楚,问地方,该用 where (设计意图:通过小诗歌方式,让学生较容易记住重点难点,降低难度。 ) A. Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks (设计意图:复习完毕之后马上完成填空练习,练习贯穿几个复习的重点句型,让学 生学以致用,及时纠正错误。 ) B.B. ExerciseExercise 2:2: MakeMake youryour newnew dialogue.dialogue. Model: A:Hello, ________, I want to buy something, lets go to the shopping mall. B:OK. Lets go. A:Oh, there are many things here.Is there any food in the shopping mall? B:Yes, there is. A:May I have some cake? B:Sure, Lets buy some. A:OK, lets go! 老师在PPT上出现多个场景,如图书馆,餐馆,等等,让学生带小七或者小七带学生进 入新的情景,展开对话。 (设计意图:通过设计有意义的情境,激励学生更加积极地完成老师布置的任务,再 次引起学生展开对话欲望。 ) Step 4 Production 1.小迪带着小七参观了地球上的很多地方,这次轮到小七带着孩子们去外太空参观,提 示学生可以运用老师给出的提示单词来完成对话,小组完成,然后展示表演。 2.小七想把他在地球的趣事告诉他的星球的朋友,他给朋友写了一张 postcard. (设计意图:通过设计创意的情境,激励学生运用所复习的知识点进行对话创编和给 小七的朋友写明信片,再次引起学生的创作欲望,更进一步巩固复习内容。 ) Step 5 Assessment 4 对学生的评价贯穿整一堂课,同时也尽最大的努力调动学生的参与积极性。 Step 6 Homework 1.Exercise in books. 2.假如你是小七在朋友,给小七写一张明信片。 Board-design A Happy Day Where are you going? I am going to Whats in the? There is are in the May I ? Sure. Sorry, you may not.
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