(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Review 1-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:2193d).zip

相关 举报
  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:2193d)
    • 课件内容
      • music
        • 原生截取mp3
          • My chair is broken.mp3
          • My porridge is all gone.mp3
          • this chair is just right.mp3
          • this chair is too hard.mp3
          • this chair is too soft.mp3
          • this porridge is just right.mp3
          • this porridge is too cold.mp3
          • this porridge is too hot.mp3
          • time to go.mp3
          • What's in here.mp3
          • Who is sleeping in my bed.mp3
          • Who's been eating Daddy.mp3
          • Who's been eating Mummy.mp3
          • Who's been sitting Daddy.mp3
          • Who's been sitting Mummy.mp3
          • yum.mp3
        • 转格式
          • 2
            • My chair is broken.wav
            • My porridge is all gone.wav
            • time to go.wav
            • Who is sleeping in my bed.wav
            • Who's been eating Daddy.wav
            • Who's been eating Mummy.wav
            • Who's been sitting Daddy.wav
            • Who's been sitting Mummy.wav
          • this chair is just right.wav
          • this chair is too hard.wav
          • this chair is too soft.wav
          • this porridge is just right.wav
          • this porridge is too cold.wav
          • this porridge is too hot.wav
          • What's in here.wav
          • yum.wav
        • 原版配音Goldilocks and the Three Bears.mp3
        • 木头折断音效.wav
        • 木门开门声.wav
        • 纯音乐 - 欢快钢琴曲.mp3
        • 绘本配音2.mp3
        • 走路声.wav
        • 配音去前奏Goldilocks and the Three Bears.mp3
      • picture
        • 绘本内容
          • 1.jpg--点击预览
          • 2.jpg--点击预览
        • 15186243.jpg--点击预览
        • 20110708004637-1840545499.jpg--点击预览
        • 5a34c492e6dd3.ai
        • Z8vF-chmifpy0626751.gif--点击预览
        • 微信图片_20180320110448.jpg--点击预览
      • PPT
        • ~$最终版three bears 无文字加声音.pptx
        • ~$最终版three bears绘本文字加声音.pptx
        • 最终版three bears 3稿.pptx--点击预览
        • 最终版three bears 4稿.pptx--点击预览
      • video
        • QQHD视频_20180325231520.mp4
        • Three Bears 三只小熊 儿童歌曲 童谣 儿歌 宝宝英语.mp4
        • Thumbs.db
      • 08-Read it Yourself Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Level 1.pdf--点击预览
      • Goldilocks and the Other Three bears(1).pdf--点击预览
      • t0153ef08e8b416fa88.gif--点击预览
      • Thumbs.db
      • ~$最终版three bears 4稿 [修复的].pptx
      • ~$最终版three bears 5稿.pptx
      • 打印板书.docx--点击预览
      • 打印绘本.docx--点击预览
      • 最终版three bears 5稿.pptx--点击预览
    • Goldilocks and The Three Bears.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案2193d.docx--点击预览


Doyoulikestories? FreeFree TalkTalk Whatstories canyousee? Icansee Whichcharacter( 人物)doyoulike? Whatdoyou thinkofherhim? Ilike She(He)is WordBank: SnowWhiteCinderellaMermaid(海的女儿) nicekindfriendlycutenaughtygreat IllustratedbyMarinaLeRay Whatelsecanyouseefromthiscover(封面)? Thelastpage Guess and predict Where do the three bears live? Forest Guess and predict Where does Goldilocks live? Guess and predict Is it Goldilocks house ? Cover Picture Walk Is it Goldilocks house ? (30s) TheThree Bearshouse Scene1: In the kitchen What is Mummy Bear doing?What is she cooking ? porridge porridge Askandanswer:Doyoulikeeatingporridge?Askandanswer:Canyoucookporridge? Scene1: In the kitchen Mummy Bear is a good cook. ? ? Do they love to eat the porridge ?They all loved to eat the porridge. Daddy Bear didnt lock the door.They went out for a walk. Who was coming?What would she do?She went into the house. Why was she here ?Goldilocks was hungry. Where is she now? In the kitchenWhose bowl is this?Which bowl of porridge does Goldilocks like? What would she say ? In the kitchen Daddy Bears porridge Mummy Bears porridge Baby Bears porridge Try to retell too hottoo coldjust right Goldilocks is not hungry .She wants to have a rest.Which room does she go? Scene2: In the living room What does she say? Read Page 4 and Match too hard too soft Just right Baby Bears chair Mummy Bears chair Daddy Bears chair Read Page 4 and Match (1m) Read Page 4 and Match too hard too soft Just right Baby Bears chair Mummy Bears chair Daddy Bears chair Scene2: In the living roomListenandSay Broken! She wants to have a rest.Which room does she go ?What does she say? Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Pair Work: Read P5, tick in the and fill in the table. (1m) Scene 3: In the bedroom Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Pair Work: Read P5, tick in the and fill in the table. (1m) too hardtoo softJust right Scene 3: In the bedroom Letssay! What do you think of Goldilocks? WordBank: nicekindfriendly cutegreat gentle(有礼貌的) naughty(淘气的) Impolite(无礼的) Ithinksheis What would they say ? Scene 1: In the kitchen goneall goneIts all gone. How does Baby Bear feel ? Scene2: In the living room Scene2: In the living room ReadP8-9andsay Scene2: In the living room How does Baby Bear feel ? Scene3: In the bedroom Do they find Goldilocks? What does Goldilocks do ? Read P10-11 by yourself Scene3: In the bedroom What does Goldilocks do ? What can you learn(学到学到) from this story? a. Dont go into others house without asking. b.Please lock the door when you are out. c. Please say “sorry ” when you do something wrong. d.Be kind and be friendly. e. Goldilocks ran away Make a new ending(续编)(续编).Peppa Pigs house Thisbedis Make a new ending(续编)(续编).Peppa Pigs house TellTell thethe storystory toto youryour parents.parents. HomeworkHomeworkGoldilocks and the Three Bears 绘本阅读教学设计 I. Teaching Aims A. 学生能在仔细观察图片的帮助下读懂绘本故事。 B. 学生能有感情地朗读文本,感知角色情绪变化。 C. 学生能提高阅读兴趣,掌握运用阅读方法,如推测等。 II. Important and Difficult points 重点:学生能在图片的帮助下理解绘本故事,体会角色心情变化。 难点:借助板书进行复述文本。 III.Teaching Procedures a. Watch and Say1.Watch the video about stories. 2.Free Talk: What stories do you like? What do you think of her? 激活学生的知识背 景,调动学生描述人 物的相关词汇。 A. Pre-story b. Read and Predict1.Read the cover 2.Predict: Is this Goldilocks 阅读封面,预测信 息,激发学生的阅读 兴趣。 house? B. While- storya. Read and answer b. Observe and Read P1-3 c. Read P4 and match d. Read P5 and fill a. Picture walk and get the answer: Is this Goldilocks house? b: In the kitchen c: In the living room d:In the bedroom 1. 快速图片环游绘 本,获取相关信 息。 2. 教师引领学生仔 细观察图片,指 导学生获取细节 信息 3. 学生自主阅读, 完成任务的同时 学会获取信息。 a. Read P6-7 and guess b. Read P8-9 and say c. Read P10-11 and answer a: What would they say b: How does Baby bear feel ? c: Did they find Goldilocks? 1. 学生观察图片, 学会揣摩人物心 情,猜测人物话 语。 2. 学生自主阅读, 获取相关信息。 C. Post- storya. Try to retellRetell the story with the help of the blackboard. 学生在板书帮助下 复述绘本,为下面的 讨论做铺垫。 b. DiscussWhat can you learn from this story? 学生在讨论中梳理 在绘本中所学经验教 训。 c.Make a new If Goldilocks went to 学生在续编故事中 升华故事,尝试运用 endingPeppa Pigs house 语言。Doyoulikestories? FreeFree TalkTalk Whatstories canyousee? Icansee Whichcharacter( 人物)doyoulike? Whatdoyou thinkofherhim? Ilike She(He)is WordBank: SnowWhiteCinderellaMermaid(海的女儿) nicekindfriendlycutenaughtygreat IllustratedbyMarinaLeRay Whatelsecanyouseefromthiscover(封面)? Thelastpage Guess and predict Where do the three bears live? Forest Guess and predict Where does Goldilocks live? Guess and predict Is it Goldilocks house ? Cover Picture Walk Is it Goldilocks house ? (30s) TheThree Bearshouse Scene1: In the kitchen What is Mummy Bear doing?What is she cooking ? porridge porridge Askandanswer:Doyoulikeeatingporridge?Askandanswer:Canyoucookporridge? Scene1: In the kitchen Mummy Bear is a good cook. ? ? Do they love to eat the porridge ?They all loved to eat the porridge. Daddy Bear didnt lock the door.They went out for a walk. Who was coming?What would she do?She went into the house. Why was she here ?Goldilocks was hungry. Where is she now? In the kitchenWhose bowl is this?Which bowl of porridge does Goldilocks like? What would she say ? In the kitchen Daddy Bears porridge Mummy Bears porridge Baby Bears porridge Try to retell too hottoo coldjust right Goldilocks is not hungry .She wants to have a rest.Which room does she go? Scene2: In the living room What does she say? Read Page 4 and Match too hard too soft Just right Baby Bears chair Mummy Bears chair Daddy Bears chair Read Page 4 and Match (1m) Read Page 4 and Match too hard too soft Just right Baby Bears chair Mummy Bears chair Daddy Bears chair Scene2: In the living roomListenandSay Broken! She wants to have a rest.Which room does she go ?What does she say? Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Pair Work: Read P5, tick in the and fill in the table. (1m) Scene 3: In the bedroom Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Pair Work: Read P5, tick in the and fill in the table. (1m) too hardtoo softJust right Scene 3: In the bedroom Letssay! What do you think of Goldilocks? WordBank: nicekindfriendly cutegreat gentle(有礼貌的) naughty(淘气的) Impolite(无礼的) Ithinksheis What would they say ? Scene 1: In the kitchen goneall goneIts all gone. How does Baby Bear feel ? Scene2: In the living room Scene2: In the living room ReadP7-8andsay Scene2: In the living room How does Baby Bear feel ? Scene3: In the bedroom Do they find Goldilocks? What does Goldilocks do ? Read P27-28 by yourself Scene3: In the bedroom What does Goldilocks do ? What can you learn(学到学到) from this story? a. Dont go into others house without asking. b.Please lock the door when you are out. c. Please say “sorry ” when you do something wrong. d.Be kind and be friendly. e. Goldilocks ran away Make a new ending(续编)(续编).Peppa Pigs house Thisbedis Make a new ending(续编)(续编).Peppa Pigs house TellTell thethe storystory toto youryour parents.parents. HomeworkHomeworkFree Talk: Do you like stories? Which story do you like? Free Talk: What do you think of her? Illustrated by Marina Le RayIllustrated by Marina Le Ray Look and guess: Where do they live ? Scene1: In the kitchenScene1: In the kitchen What is Mummy bear doingWhat is Mummy bear doing? ?What is she cooking ?What is she cooking ? porridgeporridge porridge Ask and answer: Do you like eating porridge? Ask and answer: Can you cook porridge? Scene1: In the kitchenScene1: In the kitchen Mummy bear is a good cook.Mummy bear is a good cook. porridgeporridge ? ? Can they eat the porridge ?Can they eat the porridge ? Daddy bear didnt lock the door.Daddy bear didnt lock the door. They went out for a walk.They went out for a walk. Who is coming?Who is coming?What would she do?What would she do?She went into the house.She went into the house.Why was she here ?Why was she here ?Goldilocks was hungry.Goldilocks was hungry. Where is she now?Where is she now? In the kitchenIn the kitchenWhose bowl is this?Whose bowl is this?Which bowl of porridge does Goldilocks like? Which bowl of porridge does Goldilocks like? ? ? Goldilocks is not hungry .Goldilocks is not hungry .She wants to have a rest.She wants to have a rest.What would she do?What would she do? Where is she now? Where is she now? Scene2: In the living rooScene2: In the living roomm Whose chair is this ?Whose chair is this ? Daddy bear Daddy bear Daddy bear Daddy bear s chairs chairs chairs chair hardhardhardhard Where is she now? Where is she now? Scene2: In the living rooScene2: In the living roomm Whose chair is this ?Whose chair is this ? Daddy bear Daddy bear Daddy bear Daddy bear s chairs chairs chairs chair hardhardhardhard Mummy bear Mummy bear Mummy bear Mummy bear s chairs chairs chairs chair softsoftsoftsoft BabyBabyBabyBaby bear bear bear bear s chairs chairs chairs chair Just rightJust rightJust rightJust right Broken!Broken! Scene 3: In the bedroomScene 3: In the bedroomWhose bed is this ?Whose bed is this ? Daddy bear Daddy bear Daddy bear Daddy bear s beds beds beds bed MummMummMummMummy bear y bear y bear y bear s beds beds beds bed BabyBabyBabyBaby bear bear bear bear s beds beds beds bed Scene 3: In the bedroomScene 3: In the bedroomWhat would she say ?What would she say ? What do you think of Goldilocks?What do you think of Goldilocks? What would they say ?What would they say ? Scene 1: In the Scene 1: In the kitchenkitchen gonegonea all gonell goneIts all gone.Its all gone. How does baby bear feel ?How does baby bear feel ? Scene2: In the living roomScene2: In the living room Scene2: In the living roomScene2: In the living room How does baby bear feel ?How does baby bear feel ? Scene3: In the bedroomScene3: In the bedroom Do they find Goldilocks?Do they find Goldilocks? What does Goldilocks do ?What does Goldilocks do ? Read P27-28 by yourselfRead P27-28 by yourself Scene3: In the bedroomScene3: In the bedroom What does Goldilocks do ?What does Goldilocks do ? What do you think of Goldilocks?What do you think of Goldilocks? NaughtyNaughty(淘气的) ImpoliteImpolite(无礼的) Make a new endingMake a new ending(续编续编续编续编 ). .Shopping mallShopping mall Tell the story to your parents.Tell the story to your parents. HomeworkHomeworkDoyoulikestories? FreeFree TalkTalk Whatstories canyousee? Icansee Whichcharacter( 人物)doyoulike? Whatdoyou thinkofherhim? Ilike She(He)is WordBank: SnowWhiteCinderellaMermaid(海的女儿) nicekindfriendlycutenaughtygreat IllustratedbyMarinaLeRay Whatelsecanyouseefromthiscover(封面)? Thelastpage Guess and predict Where do the three bears live? Forest Guess and predict Where does Goldilocks live? Guess and predict Is it Goldilocks house ? Cover Picture Walk Is it Goldilocks house ? TheThree Bearshouse Scene1: In the kitchen What is Mummy Bear doing?What is she cooking ? porridge porridge Askandanswer:Doyoulikeeatingporridge?Askandanswer:Canyoucookporridge? Scene1: In the kitchen Mummy Bear is a good cook. ? Do you love to eat the porridge ? ? Do they love to eat the porridge ?They all loved to eat the porridge. Daddy Bear didnt lock the door.They went out for a walk. Who was coming?What would she do?She went into the house. Why was she here ? Goldilocks was hungry. Where is she now? In the kitchenWhose bowl is this?Which bowl of porridge does Goldilocks like? What would she say ? In the kitchen Daddy Bears porridge Mummy Bears porridge Baby Bears porridge Try to retell too hottoo coldJust right Goldilocks is not hungry .She wants to have a rest. Which room does she go? What does she say? Inthe(livingroomdiningroom) DaddyBearschairMummyBearschairBabyBearschair Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Pair Work: Read P4-5, tick in the and fill in the table. Where is she now? Scene2: In the living room Whose chair is this ? Daddy Bear s chair hard Where is she now? Scene2: In the living room Whose chair is this ? Daddy Bear s chair hard Mummy Bear s chair soft Baby Bear s chair Just right Inthe(livingroomdiningroom) DaddyBearschairMummyBearschairBabyBearschair Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Read and check too hardtoo softJust right Where is she now? Scene2: In the living room Whose chair is this ? Daddy Bear s chair hard Mummy Bear s chair soft Baby Bear s chair Just right Broken! Scene 3: In the bedroomWhose bed is this ? Daddy Bear s bed Mummy Bear s bed Baby Bear s bed Scene 3: In the bedroomWhat does she say ? Inthe(livingroomdiningroom) DaddyBearschairMummyBearschairBabyBearschair Inthe(bedroombathroom) DaddyBearsbedMummyBearsbedBabyBearsbed Read and check too hardtoo softJust right too hardtoo softJust right What do you think of Goldilocks? WordBank: nicekindfriendly cutegreat gentle(有礼貌的) naughty(淘气的) Impolite(无礼的) Ithinksheis What would they say ? Scene 1: In the kitchen goneall goneIts all gone. How does Baby Bear feel ? Scene2: In the living room Scene2: In the living room ReadP7-8andsay Scene2: In the living room How does Baby Bear feel ? Scene3: In the bedroom Do they find Goldilocks? What does Goldilocks do ? Read P27-28 by yourself Scene3: In the bedroom What does Goldilocks do ? What do you think of Goldilocks? Naughty(淘气的) Impolite(无礼的) What can you learn from this story? Make a new ending(续编)(续编).Peppa Pigs house Thisbedis TellTell thethe storystory toto youryour parents.parents. HomeworkHomework
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