(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c0ecb).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Bank or Beach _Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:c0ecb)
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班别:班别: 姓名:姓名: 一一.Choose the best answer.(选出答案,写编号)(选出答案,写编号) A.A. hospitalhospital B.B. bankbank C.C. swimmingswimming poolpool D.D. restaurantrestaurant E.E. shoppingshopping mallmall 1.I1.I needneed somesome money.money. ImIm goinggoing toto thethe ________.________. 2.Her2.Her mothermother isis sick.Shessick.Shes goinggoing toto thethe _________._________. 3.Its3.Its hot.hot. TheyreTheyre goinggoing toto thethe ___________.___________. 4.Were4.Were hungry.hungry. WereWere goinggoing toto thethe _________._________. 5.They5.They wantwant toto buybuy somesome apples.apples. TheyreTheyre goinggoing toto thethe _________._________. 二、二、1.Do a survey in groups.(Ask and answer.) WhereWhere areare youyou going?going? ImIm goinggoing toto thethe parkrestauran t hospitalshopping mall swimming pool bankmovie theater supermarket Me 2.Read and write Hello! My name is . Im going to the . is going to the . is going to the . is going to the . 3.Show timeThe 2nd period ( story) Friends with English Lets play a game! Sharp eyes! Today is Friday. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. Where are you going? bus Where is the girl going? Shes going to the beach. The first reading Look and match : beach hospital restaurant bank shopping mall 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . Think about the questions: 1.Where is now? 2.Where is the going? 3.Where is the going? 4.Where is the going? 5.Where are the going? 6.Where is going? The second reading 1.Read after the tape. 2.Ask and answer the questions. The third reading 1.Where is now? 2.Where is the going? 3.Where is the going? 4.Where is the going? 5.Where are the going? 6.Where is going? 1.Read the story in groups. 2.Show time. Civilized driving, civilized travel. 文明驾驶,文明出行。文明驾驶,文明出行。 一.Choose the best answer.(选出答案,写编号 ) A. hospital B. bank C. swimming pool D. restaurant E. shopping mall 1.I need some money. Im going to the ________. 2.Her mother is sick.Shes going to the _________. 3.Its hot. Theyre going to the ___________. 4.Were hungry. Were going to the _________. 5.They want to buy some apples. Theyre going to the _________. B A C D E . 1. Summary: Homework: (1)Read the story. (2)Try to tell the story to your friends or parents. (3)Read more English stories after school. Thank you! & Goodbye !广东人民出版社四年级英语下册教学设计广东人民出版社四年级英语下册教学设计 Unit3Unit3 BankBank oror Beach?Beach? TheThe 2nd2nd periodperiod (storystory) 一、教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标:通过游戏与歌曲,复习巩固 Vocabulary 的词汇与所学的句型 Where are you going? Where are they going? Where is she going? Where is he going? 2、能力目标:学生能够用正确的语音、语调流利地朗读课文,并能理解理解故 事。 3. 情感目标:主动,积极参与学习和交际活动,从中获得学习的乐趣和提高人 际交往的能力。通过学习树立学生学习英语的信心和提高用英语 进行会话的兴趣。 4.学习策略目标: (1)运用“歌曲”教学技巧,创设情景,让学生自然“拾得”语言。 (2)运用情景教学法,在真情实景中操练、操练、学习和巩固本课的知识,让 学生在玩中学,学中玩,帮助学生完成本课的学习任务。 (3)在学习中注重学生主观能动性的激发,培养学生学以致用的能力。 二、教学重点二、教学重点,难点。难点。 重点:1、会阅读与理解故事。2、有感情地朗读故事,并注意语音语调。 难点:在理解故事内容的基础上能够进一步地拓展,灵活运用新知识,自主创 设情境,表演故事,在生活中综合运用英语。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 多媒体课件 PPT、金太阳、单词卡片、道具、学生练习资料等。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1:Warm up .1.T:Good afternoon! Boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon! Miss Liu. T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes, we are. T: Me,too. If you are happy . Lets play a game, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Sharp eyes. Look at the picture, and say the words as quickly as. 2.Revision: Ask and answer T:You did a good job. Now,can you tell me what day is it today? Ss:Today is Friday. T:Today is Friday. Tommrow is Ssturday. Im going to the swimming pool. Where you going?(进行一问一答,并板书重点句型) 3.lets sing a song.“Where are you going?” 【设计意图】通过快速认读游戏、歌曲与一问一答,既使学生复习了上节课学 过的单词与句型,又为本节课作了铺垫。 Step2:Presentation 1. (在 PPT 展示一辆公交车) T:Whats this? S:Its a (引出 bus,并学习 bus) T:Many people are on the bus. Do you want to know where are they going?Ss:Yes , I do.(进行一问一答) T: Look! Gogo is on the bus, too. Where is Gogo going? After learn the story,then tell me where is Gogo going? OK? Ss: OK! 【设计意图】以一辆 bus 引起学生的注意力,并激发学生求知欲望,再引出新 课。 2. Watch the video about the story. (1)The first reading:( Look and match ) beach hospital restaurant bank shopping mall 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 【设计意图】以听与看的形式呈现故事内容,让学生初步感知故事中的人物想 去的地方。 (2) The second reading Think about the questions: 1.Where is now? 2.Where is the going? 3.Where is the going? 4.Where is the going? 5.Where are the going? 6.Where is going? 【设计意图】通过看、听等感官的体验,便于让学生理解记忆,并理解故事的 内容。 (3)The third reading :1)Read after the tape. 2)Ask and answer the questions. 【设计意图】再次通过看、听与跟读故事,便于让学生更理解故事的内容,并 准确回答问题。 Step 3 Consolidation 1.Read the story together. 2.Act out the story. 1.Where is now? 2.Where is the going? 3.Where is the going? 4.Where is the going? 5.Where are the going? 6.Where is going? 6.Where is going? 【设计意图】通过角色扮演,让学生更扎实的掌握本课的教学内容,并培养学生 的合作交流与语言表达能力。 3.Good to know. Civilized driving, civilized travel. 文明驾驶,文明出行。文明驾驶,文明出行。 4.Do some exercises. 一一.Choose the best answer.(选出答案,写编号)(选出答案,写编号) A. hospital B. bank C. swimming pool D. restaurant E. shopping mall 1.I need some money. Im going to the ________. 2.Her mother is sick.Shes going to the _________. 3.Its hot. Theyre going to the ___________. 4.Were hungry. Were going to the _________. 5.They want to buy some apples. Theyre going to the _________. 二、二、1.Do a survey in groups. Where are you going? parkrestauran t hospitalshopping mall swimming pool bankmovie theater supermarket Me(Lily) Xiaofang Mingming Honghong 2.Read and write. Model: Hello! My name is Lily . Im going to the shopping mall . Xiaofang is going to the park . Mingming is going to the bank. Honghong is going to the supermarket . 3.Show time 【设计意图】通过一些书面练习与小组调查,让学生在尽可能真实的情境中创 造性地运用新学的语言知识,从而让英语学习的交际性真正落到实处。 Step4Step4 SummarySummary T:What did you learn today? Im going to the S: Where are you going? Im going to the Where are they going? They are going to . Where is he/ she going? Hes / Shes going to StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework (1)Read the story. (2)Try to tell this story to your friends or parents. (3)Read more English stories after school. 【设计意图】梯度作业,满足不同学生的需求。一星回顾通过本课内容,复习 巩固。二星使学生整体把握本节课的学习内容,培养学生的语言表达能力。三 星培养学生的阅读能力,从而提高学生学习的自觉性。 五、板书设计五、板书设计 Unit3 Bank or Beach? Where are you going? Im going to the they Theyre 贴图片 is she Shes he Hes On the bus WhoPlaces bank restaurant hospital shopping mall beach
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