(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:6024a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Bank or Beach _Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:6024a)
    • 素材
      • 图片素材
        • 交通工具
          • 汽车.jpg--点击预览
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        • 课本素材
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        • bus driver.jpg--点击预览
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        • 去公园.png--点击预览
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        • 大信商场.jpg--点击预览
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        • 超人.jpg--点击预览
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      • 声音素材
        • bus.mp3
        • 句型语音 (2).mp3
        • 句型语音1.mp3
        • 学生录音 00_00_00-00_00_57.mp3
        • 汽车.mp3
        • 火车.mp3
        • 轮船.mp3
        • 飞机.mp3
      • game1.swf
      • Listen and sing..swf
      • Places in a city - English 标清 00_00_11-00_02_15.mp4
      • 听力材料.docx--点击预览
      • 学生练习 材料 2.docx--点击预览
      • 学生练习材料1.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 3 Bank or Beach 第二课时.flv
    • Unit 3 Bank or Beach .pptx--点击预览
    • 教案6024a.doc--点击预览


Unit 3 Bank or Beach The second period car Listen and guess ! plane train ship They are on the bus. Hes going to the _______. Review bank Shes going to the ________________.restaurant Hes going to the ___________________. hospital They are going to the __________________. shopping mall a supermarket super manmarket 超人 超市 shopping mallsupermarket shopping mall supermarket A. c. B. D. I am going to buy a new coat in the __________________________. I am going to buy some apples in the _______________ . shopping mall supermarket Are they going to the supermarket ? No, they arent . Are they going to the park ? Yes , they are . close 关闭闭 The park is closed. I am going to the movie theater. Where are you going ? No, she isnt. Shes going to the swimming pool . Is Jenny going to the movie theater ? Game Lets guess Is heshe going to the . ? Are they going to the . ? Lets sing pair-work Where are you going ? I am going to the. . Little driver Where are you going ? I m going to the . Childrens Day(儿童节节) Tony and Jenny have a plan. (计计划) Tonys going to . PlacesTony Restaurant shopping mall movie theater Supermarket party PlacesJenny Restaurant shopping mall movie theater Supermarket Party Jennys going to . Listen and tick .() Lets match. eat a birthday cake see the doctor go to eat see a movie go to swim buy some apples in the movie theater in the swimming pool in the party in the supermarket in the hospital in the restaurant Exercise 1. I am going to ____________in the______________. 2. I am going to ______________ in the ________________. 3. I am going to _______________in the ________________. 4. I am going to ________________in the ________________. 5. I am going to _________ a new coat in the____________ _________________. eat restaurant see the doctor hospital see a moviemovie theater swim swimming pool buy shopping mall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name Where What to do ? Miss xinshopping mall buy a new coat Where are you going ? What are you going to do ? Group work more places school playground police station market 学校 操场场 警察局 市场场 grocery bakery museum city hall 杂货杂货 店 面包店 博物馆馆 市政大厅厅 Better city , better life ! 城市让让生活更美好! Homework: 1.Look for more places in the city and know the function about it on line.(上 网查查找城市更多的地方以及了解其功能) 2.Finish page 22 Practice 1. 3.Finish page 23 Activity .1 一、教学内容教学内容: Vocabulary and Target 2、教材分析教材分析 本课教学内容出自广东人民出版社出版的英语四年级下册 Unit3 Bank or Beach?中 Vocabulary and Target 板块。属第二课时它是延续第一课时 story 之后的模 块。第一课时 story 板块中已学习了单词 bank, restaurant, hospital, shopping mall 以及 句型 Where are you going ? I am going to the 所以,本课时主要是学习 Vocabulary and Target 中的 4 个单词和句型。重点单词:movie theater, swimming pool,park ,supermarket 。重点句型: Where are you going? Im going to. Is he she going to the? Yes, he she is. No, he she isnt. Are they going to the ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 2 三、学生分析三、学生分析 1. 学生已有知识与分析 四年级学生经过三年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写的能力, 并且已经训练出熟读和拼读单词以及语言交际的能力。 2. 学生已有学习策略分析 学生正处于养成良好的学习习惯的关键时期,形成了初步的学习策略:有较强的 学习欲望和表达欲望,对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备 初步的自主、合作、探究能力。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 学生通过学习新单词、句型,熟读和掌握单词和句型(词:movie theater, swimming pool, hospital ,bank , shopping mall ,restaurant ,park ,supermarket; 句:Where are you going? Im going to .Is heshe going to the ? Yes, heshe is . No, he she isnt. Are they going to the ? Yes , they are. No, they arent.)。 教师在以旧带新的基础上,运用一系列的游戏活动,引导学生逐步深入学习单词,学 习句型。并运用适量的听、猜、说、 演,等练习和活动,让学生掌握单词句型,从 而达到用英语运用交际,并开拓发展学生的思维品质。 1.语言能力目标 (1)学生能熟练读出词组和句子。 (2)学生能根据图、文准确说出单词和句子。 (3)学生能在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交际。 (4)学生能就熟悉的话题用英语进行简单的交流。 2.思维品质目标 (1)学生能通过提示,联系旧知,对所学内容善于整理归纳,利用旧知引出新 知,并能运用规律,举一反三。 (2)在老师的引导下乐于学习英语,在学习中积极思考,探究英语,提升思维 品质的发散性,灵活性。 3.文化意识目标 (1)培养学生整体认识城市,并了解城市各场所功能。 (2)通过学习,懂得城市让生活更美好,要热爱城市,升华学生情感。 3 4. 学习策略 (1)培养学生学习英语信心,敢于用英语表达。 (2)培养认知策略。在教学过程中,让学生找规律。 (3)培养交际策略。学生能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮组,共同完 成学习任务。 (4)培养学生充分有效利用多媒体资源进行学习和运用英语。 五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 1. 重点 (1)学生能够认读单词和句子。 (2)学生能够运用英语交际。 2. 难点 (1)学生对单词 movie theater, supermarket, restaurant 的准确拼读。 (2)学生准确掌握句型的人称转换,以及单复数的转换。 (3)掌握知识点延伸:What are you gong to do ? NameWhere What to do ? Miss xinshopping mall buy a new coat Where are you going ? What are you going to do ? Group work 六、教学准备六、教学准备:希沃白板 5 幻灯片;表演道具:汽车方向盘、人物图片、单词卡、课 文歌曲视频、交通工具声音素材;黑板板书 七、教学方法七、教学方法:任务型教学法(TBLT)、PPP、TPR、头脑风暴(brainstorming) 八、教学过程八、教学过程设计意图设计意图 4 Stepwarm up 1.Guessing game Listen to the sounds and guess: what is it? Its a car. And then a plane. plane train ship car The next, have students see a little park of the picture and guess what is it? Its a train. And then, listen to the sounds, guess its a ship. Last it is a bus. After that, present Gogo, Tony and Jenny are on the bus. 2.Review. 1.T show pictures one by one, go over the story. Ask: Where are they going? He She is going to the . They are going to the . 2.And then go over the words: bank, restaurant, hospital, shopping mall 1.用听声辩物,猜交通工具, 让学生马上引起浓厚的学习兴 趣。白板中的蒙层功能,擦拭 一部分图片,让学生在猜测的 过程中尽快进入英语学习状态, 活跃课堂气氛,并引出主线 Gogo, Tony,Jenny 他们都 在公交车上。然后以故事主人 公所做的活动引入,为接下来 的词汇、句型讲解做好铺垫。 2.接着让学生看图,头脑风暴 复习说出上一节课所学的单词 bank,restaurant, hospital, shopping mall 。符合遵循教 学循序前进规律,复习巩固旧 知识,逐步过渡新知识。 5 Steppresentation 1.T: look! Is it a shopping mall? Yes, it is. Show another picture ask: Is it a shopping mall? No, its a supermarket. Present supermarket and teach it. Show a picture of superman, say whos that? Yes, its a superman Ok, the man disappears, it is super, follow me: super. Look, market is here, Super and market together, its supermarket. Again! How to spell it? Yes, good! Lets read it group by group. OK, group1/ group2/ group3/ group4. Well-done! supermansuper man market 2.Compair shopping mall and supermarket, the shopping mall is bigger than the supermarket. After that, have students match. And then have students fill in the blanks with shopping mall and supermarket. 3.通过看图对比,引出 supermarket。教授单词 supermarket 时,让学生看 超人图 superman,拆分单词, super 和 man ,然后通过 多媒体技术 man 消失, market 出现,super 与它相 拼,顺理成章得到 supermarket 的读音。有利 于以旧带新学习新词,使 学生更易于掌握和记忆单 词。 6 shopping mall supermarket A. c. B. D. 3.Teacher have students look at the bus and ask. Are Tony and Jenny going to the supermarket? No, they arent. Are they going to the park? Yes, they are. Present park and the drills, then write down on the board. Are they going to the supermarket ? No, they arent . Are they going to the park ? Yes, they are . 4.T: Oh, deer! When they get to the park, the park is closed. Wheres Tony going? Lets listen! Who can repeat it? Very good! Lets read together, where are you going? Im going to the movie theater. Teacher write down on the board and teach movie theater. After students read follow several times, ask a group students pairs by pairs stand up and read it out. close 关闭 The park is closed. 3.通过选择连线题来考察 学生对 shopping mall, supermarket 的理解和掌握, 同时也是区别两词的一种 有效方式。 4.通过看图,让学生回到 公交车上这条主线,提问 Tony, Jenny 他们是否去超 级市场呢?引出句型 Are they going to the?Yes, they are. No, they arent.以 及单词 park,并板书传授单 词句型。 5.利用多媒体技术,公园 关闭,留下悬念。Tony, Jenny 他们会去哪里呢? 然后听录音,提问学生, 让学生复述句子 Where are you going ? Im going to the 巧妙地引出新单词 movie theater, 并板书单词 与句型。同时有效地训练 7 I am going to the movie theater. Where are you going ? 5.Teacher say: How about Jenny? Is she going to the movie theater? No, she isnt. Shes going to the swimming pool. Teacher write down the sentences on the blackboard and teach swimming pool. No, she isnt. Shes going to the swimming pool . Is Jenny going to the movie theater ? 6.OK, lets read all the words together! Good job! Now, lets play a bomb game! Game 7.Good job! Look at my pictures. Now, lets guess: Is she/he going to the? Are they going to the? 学生的听力,对句型的发 音和读的熟练程度。movie theater 的发音是难点,通 过反复操练,个别练,开 火车练并正音,让学生掌 握该词汇。通过猜测 Jenny,引出并传授 swimming pool. 与句型 Is she going to the ? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. 6.通过单词炸弹游戏,让 学生活跃课堂学习气氛, 并能有效地让学生集中注 意力,达到操练巩固单词 的目的。 8 (The last picture is: They are going to the swimming pool) 8.OK, lets sing for them! 9.They are going to the movie theater. How about you? Where are you going? Lets do the pair-work. 10.Lets play a game! Im the bus driver now. di- diok, please clap your hands. And sing together. Going, going, where are you going now? Teacher ask: where are you going? After S1 answer, say: please get on the bus! Then one by one. 7.通过猜测游戏,猜测老师 手中的人物 he, she, they 打 算干什么?引起学生强烈、 浓厚兴趣,达到操练句型 目的。 8.通过歌曲,使人精神愉 快,放松紧张的学习节奏, 更是为接下来的扮演公交 车司机游戏作铺垫。 9.两两对话后,教师拿出 一个自做的汽车方向盘, 课室里走动,示范游戏。 后放手让学生作司机,其 他学生做乘客。通过游戏 学生学得有趣,学得带劲。 并且有效地操练了句型 Where are you going ?以及 无形中转化操练了句型 9 Little driver Where are you going ? I m going to the . StepExtension 1.OK, look, its June 1st. Its Childrens day! Tony and Jenny have a plan. Now, Lets take out the paper. Please listen and“”. Childrens Day(儿童节) Tony and Jenny have a plan. (计划) 2.Lets check the answers. Have someone read out the answer. T: would you try to read out your answer? Did a good job! Tonys going to . PlacesTony Restaurant shopping mall movie theater Supermarket party PlacesJenny Restaurant shopping mall movie theater Supermarket Party Jennys going to . Listen and tick .() Where is he she going ? 1.通过播放一段听力材料, 巧妙地把课本的练习 practice 2 结合起来,同时 训练了学生的听力,把学 生的听、说、读、写综合 起来,提升了他们的英语 综合能力。 10 3.OK, boys and girls. Tony and Jenny are going to the party. Lets eat a birthday cake in the party. Now look at the exercises. Lets match. Can you? Lets match. eat a birthday cake see the doctor go to eat see a movie go to swim buy some apples in the movie theater in the swimming pool in the party in the supermarket in the hospital in the restaurant 4. Lets do this exercise, and read it out . Exercise 1. I am going to ____________in the______________. 2. I am going to ______________ in the ________________. 3. I am going to _______________in the ________________. 4. I am going to ________________in the ________________. 5. I am going to _________ a new coat in the____________ _________________. eatrestaurant see the doctor hospital see a moviemovie theater swim swimming pool buy shopping mall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.Teacher say: Childrens Day is coming. We can do many things. We are going to eat in the restaurant. We are going to buy things in the supermarket and so on. Where are you going? For example, about me. 2.通过选择练线,发散学 生的思维,引导学生主动 思考进行词汇配对。有利 于学生准确运用词语表达, 丰富语言交际,同时为下 文的拓展作铺垫。 3. 通过句子填空,进一 步巩固知识,强化知识 点,提高学生融会贯通 知识与应用知识来表达 观点的能力。 4.通过小组活动讨论“六 一”计划,延伸知识点 What are you going to do ? 通过小组合作,巩固所学 新词及句型,让学生养成 11 Who can ask me? Where are you going? What are you going to do? Now, please take out the paper, and discuss in groups. NameWhere What to do ? Miss xinshopping mall buy a new coat Where are you going ? What are you going to do ? Group work 6.Who can try, please read out your paper. (report) 7.The city is very big. Lets find more places in the city. Now, lets watch the video. 7.Can you find these places? Lets read it together. 与同伴交流讨论的融洽轻 松的班级气氛,使学生养 成在小组活动中积极与他 人合作,相互学习,互帮 互助,共同完成学习任务 的好习惯。与此同时,培 养学生大胆开口用英语表 达自己的愿望计划,积极 参与课堂活动,体会学习 英语的乐趣。 5.通过播放一段视频,丰 富本节课的教学内容,拓 展学生的眼界,让学生知 道城市非常大,有许多许 多的地方、场所及其功能。 让学生懂得爱我们的城市, 城市让我们的生活更美好! 从而升华学生的思想情感, 进行美的熏陶教育。 12 more places school playground police station market 学校操场警察局市场 grocery bakery museum city hall 杂货店面包店博物馆市政大厅 8.So, better city, better life! We should love our city! Better city , better life ! 城市让生活更美好! StepSummary Teacher say: Today we have learned the vocabulary and the sentences on page 21, please open your books and read together. StepHomework 1. Look for more places in the city and know the function about it on line. (上网查找城市更多的地 方以及了解其功能) 2. Finish page 22 Practice 1. 3. Finish page 23 songs Activity. 通过总结,有利于加深巩 固知识,深化理解,找到 本节课精华所在,起到画 龙点睛的作用。最后打开 书本的朗读,再进一步巩 固新知。 布置基础性和延伸性作业, 将课堂延续到课后的生活 中,既巩固课堂所学新知, 又丰富学生知识,愉悦身 心。 13 板书设计:板书设计: 14 课课堂堂练习练习 一、听录音,回答问题。 Please listen and tick. () Tonys going to Jennys going to PlacesTony restaurant shopping mall movie theater supermarket party PlacesJenny restaurant shopping mall movie theater supermarket party 15 听力材料听力材料 A: Hello, Tony. B: Hello, Jenny. A: Childrens Day is coming. Tony, where are you going? B: Well. In the morning, I am going to buy a new coat in the shopping mall. After that, Im going to the supermarket with my mother. And then Im going to eat in the restaurant. In the evening, Im going to the party. Where are you going Jenny? A: I want to see a movie. Im going to the movie theater. After that, Im going to eat in the restaurant. In the evening, Im going to the party, too. Because its my good friend Lisas birthday. B:Good bye Tony! A: Bye Jenny! 二、小组调查。 16 Where are you going ? What are you going to do ? NameWhereWhat to do ? 二、课堂问题: 1. Where are you going ? 2. Where is she going ? 3. Where is he going ? 4. Is he she going to the ? go to eat go to swim see a movie buy a toy have a party buy a coat 17 5. Are they going to the ? 6. What are you going to do ? 课课后后练习练习听力材料听力材料 A: Hello , Tony . B: Hello, Jenny. A: Childrens Day is coming. Tony, Where are you going ? B: Well. In the morning , I am going to buy a new coat in the shopping mall. After that , Im going to the supermarket with my mother. And then Im going to eat in the restaurant. In the evening, Im going to the party. Where are you going Jenny? A: I want to see a movie. Im going to the movie theater. After that, Im going to eat in the restaurant. In the evening ,Im going to the party, too. Because its my good friend Lisas birthday. B:Good bye Tony ! A: Bye Jenny !2) Where are you going ? Im going to What are you going to do ? Im going to NameWhereWhat to do ? go to eat go to swim see a movie buy a toy have a party buy a coatPlease listen and tick.() Tonys going to Jennys going to Please listen and tick.() Tonys going to Jennys going to PlacesTony restaurant shopping mall movie theater supermarket party PlacesJenny restaurant shopping mall movie theater supermarket party PlacesTony restaurant shopping mall movie theater supermarket party PlacesJenny restaurant shopping mall movie theater supermarket party
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