(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:54f90).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Our Clothes_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:54f90)
    • Unit 5 Our Clothes 导学单.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 5 Our Clothes.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案54f90.doc--点击预览


Unit 5 Our ClothesPeriod one 导学单 【课前自主学习】: 1.听录音 P39、跟读_______遍,家长签名________________ 2.写出本节课的重点短语并写出其中英文:(并在会读的单词旁边打) _____________________ ____________________ __________________ ( ) ( ) ( ) _____________________ _____________________ ____________________ ( ) ( ) ( ) _____________________ _____________________ ( ) ( ) 3.本节课重点句型有:(并注上中文意思) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4.给下列图片配上英语单词 _________________ _____________ ____________ ______________ ____________ ________________ 5.你还有疑问吗? 【课堂合作学习任务】: 1、Read the words loudly in your groups, help each other. (小组合作大声读单词,请互相帮助小组合作大声读单词,请互相帮助) 2、Make dialogues and act out . (造句或编对话,并表演)(造句或编对话,并表演) 可用句型:Whats this? Its a What are these? They are I have a Im wearing . 【课堂练习】: 1. Choose the right answer (选择正确答案) (1)________ dress is this? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos (2) Is this ____ T-shirt? A. your B. you C. youre (3) _______ these Moms shoes? A. Is B. Are C. Am 2. Fill in the blanks (填空) 1.Is this your____ ? Yes, it is 2.Are these Tonys ______ _? No, they ______ ? 3. Whose _____ is this? It is ______ . 4. Whose _____ are these ? They ______ my sisters. Fill in the blanks.Unit5 Our Clothes Clothes Step One:Leading in a shirta coat a dress a T-shirt a sweatera cap shortsshoes 1.Listen carefully and try to get familiar. (仔细听,熟悉单词。) Step two:Self-learning a shirta coat a dress a T-shirt a sweatera cap shortsshoes 2.Listen and follow for twice. (听录音,大小声跟读。) a shirta coat a dress a T-shirt a sweatera cap shortsshoes 3.Read freely,mark where you dont know. (自由读,划出不懂的地方。) 1、Read the words loudly in your groups, help each other. 2、Make dialogues and act out . Step three:Group work For example: Whats this? Its a What are these? They are I have a Im wearing . Stand up and act! 站立表演! Sit down and listen! 静坐聆听! Step four:Presenting I think they are. 准确 correct 声音大 loud 流利 fluent 合作 cooperative 创新 creative Which group performs best? I think they are. 准确 correct 声音大 loud 流利 fluent 合作 cooperative 创新 creative Which group performs best? a dress Whats this? Its a . dresses What are these? Theyre . Whose dress is this? Its Angels. a shirtshirts Whose shirt is this? Its Kevins. a cap caps a T-shirt T-shirts Its Charles T-shirt. shorts shoes a pair of shoes Whose shoes are these? They are Miss Zhangs? Is this your coat? a sweater Stand up and say 1 23 4 5 6 789 Lets guess. Step Five Practice Choose the right answer 1. ________ dress is this? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos 2. Is this ____ T-shirt? A. your B. you C. youre 3. _______ these Moms shoes? A. Is B. Are C. Am 1.Is this your____ ? Yes, it is 2.Are these Tonys ______ _? No, they ______ ? 3. Whose _____ is this? It is ______ . 4. Whose _____ are these ? They ______ my sisters. Fill in the blanks. Step Six Concluding 穿着整齐学习目标】:1.To know the sounds, spellings and meanings of news words. (shirt, sweater, shorts, T-shirt, coat, dress, shoes, cap) 2.Able to ask and answer other people their belongs. By using the sentence patterns: a)Whose dress is this? Its Lisas dress. b)Is this your shirt? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. c) Are these your shoes? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 3. Able to know we should keep our clothes tidy and neat. 【学习重点】:The sentence patterns: 1.Whose dress is this? Its Lisas dress. 2. Is this your shirt? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 3. Are these your shoes? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 【学习难点】: 1.The right pronunciation of the new words. 2. The plural form of the new words. 3. To ask and answer other people their belongs. 【教学过程】: Step One Leading in 1. Greeting. 2.Watch a micro-video of this lesson. 3.Ask:What are you wearing? Lead in the topic: clothes. 4.The Ss take out their preview sheet, use the pad to take a photo;the teacher checks the sheet, choose some of the questions the Ss have. 【设计意图】:本环节创设情境、导入本节课的话题,同时通过观看微课、检 查导学单的完成情况并收集有效问题,师生共同有效归纳本节课要学习的问题, 将学习目标问题化。 Step Two Self-learning 1. Listen to the recording of the new words: shirt, sweater, shorts, T- shirt, coat, dress, shoes, cap 2. Listen again and read after the recording. 3. Listen for the third time and repeat loudly. 4.Read freely and underline the words you cant read. 【设计意图】:尽量给学生提供地道的原声英语,让学生听、学、模仿。引导 自主学习,通过听、标记,形成良好的自学习惯。 Step Three Group Work 1. Read the new words in groups. 2. Make sentences or dialogues with the new words in oral in groups. 1、 Read the words loudly in your groups, help each other. 2、Make dialogues and act out . 可用句型:Whats this? Its a What are these? They are I have a Im wearing . 【设计意图】:通过小组练习读,小组成员之间互相帮助、互相学习,共同完 成任务。不限定学生朗读、造句、表演的方式,充分给学生施展个性的机会。 Step Four Presenting 1、Ask two or three groups to read the words. 2、The teacher teaches the new words and the methods of learning these new phrases, and ask and answer questions about the new words. 【设计意图】:此环节是学生“输出”的体现,能检测学生对重点知识的理解、 感悟及应用情况。此环节旨在培养学生的总结归纳以及表达能力,教师通过点 拨,攻破本节课的难点知识。 Step Five Practicing 1、Play some word games. 1.Choose the right answer (选择正确答案) (1)________ dress is this? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos (2) Is this ____ T-shirt? A. your B. you C. youre (3) _______ these Moms shoes? A. Is B. Are C. Am 2. Fill in the blanks (填空) 1.Is this your____ ? Yes, it is 2.Are these Tonys ______ _? No, they ______ ? 3. Whose _____ is this? It is ______ . 4. Whose _____ are these ? They ______ my sisters. Fill in the blanks. 【设计意图】:第一题检测题是比较基础的游戏,是对听和说的练习,能照顾 到下层生,让他们也体验成功的喜悦,增加信心。第二题练习题,与第一题练 习形成梯度,同时也是对学生“语言实际运用”能力的检测。第三题是对写的练 习的渗透。这样三题练习题分别从听、说、读、写方面入手,能多方面检测学 生的应用能力。同时,第二、三道练习题是在学生的平板教学机上完成并上传 的,老师可以及时总结答题情况,更好的突破难点。 Step Six Concluding 1、Sum up what have you learnt and read the words together. 2、Show pictures and tell the Ss : Neatly Dressed. 3、Are you happy learning in this lesson? Do you enjoy learning in groups? 【设计意图】:用提问的方式,引导学生总结,可以让总结的内容更具体、有 效。 此环节是情感目标的升华,对学生的情感态度、价值观、小组合作意识、体验 学习的快乐等做进一步的小结。 【板书设计】: Unit 5 Our Clothes coat G1 G2 G3 G4 G5cap G6 shoes Whose ________ is this? shirt Its ______s. T- shirt Whose ________ are these? shorts Its ______s. dress sweater 【设计意图】:这节课的板书设计包括三个部分:句型、单词和分组比赛加星 的部分,单词的书写用不同颜色笔标注元音部分,渗透记忆单词的方法分音节 发等,句型是学生所学过的句型,提供给学生进行口语交际。
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