(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 6 Jobs-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:90c5e).zip

相关 举报
  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Jobs_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:90c5e)
    • song伴奏.mp3
    • Target.swf
    • U6 Jobs (lesson 1).pptx--点击预览
    • vocabulary.mp3
    • 教案90c5e.docx--点击预览


Unit 6 JobsUnit 6 Jobs 粤人2011课标版三年级起点 Guess the jobsGuess the jobs a t a teaeachercher She works in a school. a da do octorctor Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! He works in a hospital. a na nurursese Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! She is in a hospital. She helps the doctor. a wra wri iterter Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! He is in an office. He writes many books. a ta ta axi drxi dri iverver Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! He drives a taxi . anan o off ffi ice wce wororkerker Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! He is in an office. a fa fir irefefi ighterghter Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! He can push out the fire. a pa po ol li ice ce o officerfficer Guess the jobs!Guess the jobs! He can catch bad people. Vocabulary Vocabulary taxi driver firefighter police officer writer teacher office worker +er 构 词词 方 式 doctor +or Game: fast eyes Learn the Target 1.询问对方的职业: What do you do? I am a /an 2.对方的理想职业 What do you want to be? I want to be a /an Work in a group Hello!. Hello!.What do you do? I am a/an.And you? I am a/an. What do you want to be,.? I want to be a /an What about you,? I want to be a /an Bye! Byebye! Competition: Competition: ABC Sing a song What do you do? What do you do? I am a doctor. A doctor. What do you want to be? I want to be a writer. A writer. A writer. Ss Speak out the jobs and the workplaces as quickly as you can Jobs & workplaces taxi driver taxi hospitalnurse doctor police office office police station office worker office writer fire station firefighter teacher school Sum up 1-Mind map Sum up 2 1.学习职业的单词: a taxi driver, a firefighter, a police officer , a writer, an office worker, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher 2.询问对方的职业: What do you do? I am a /an 3.对方的理想职业 What do you want to be? I want to be a /an cleanercleanercleanercleaner businessmanbusinessmanbusinessmanbusinessman scientistscientistscientistscientist Homework 1.Read the Vocabulary and Target several times. 2.Share with your parents what you want to be. 3.Surf the net to know more jobs that you like. Thank you !Thank you ! Fill in the blanks 1.My father is a d______. He works in a hospital. 2.I want to be p ______ officer. 3.Mo Yan is a famous(著名的) w______. 4.I want to be a t_______. I like to teach English. octor olice riter eacher Choose the best answer. ( )1.I want to be ____ office worker. A:a B: an C:/ ( )2.____ do you do? Im a writer. A:When B: Where C:What ( )3.What do you want to ___? I want to be a taxi driver. A:is B: are C:be ( )4.I like to help sick people, so I want to be a ______. A:nurse B:teacher C: office worker B C C A Speak out and spell the words. singer dancer worker painter粤人粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点课标版三年级起点 四年级下册四年级下册 Unit 6 Jobs 第一课时第一课时 教学设计教学设计 一一教学内容教学内容: : 粤人 2011 课标版 三年级起点 小学四年级下册 Unit 6 Jobs 的 Vocabulary 和 Target 部分 二二学情分析学情分析 经过了一年多的学习,四年级学生掌握了不少的英语词汇,本课主要是学习相关的职业名 词,学生学起来有兴趣,内容比较接近生活,句型比较简单,应该会有比较好的效果。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1.知识目标:(1) 学习并掌握本课的职业名词:a taxi driver, a firefighter, a police officer, a writer, an office worker, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher (2)能在真实的情境中熟练询问对方的职业及其回答的交际用语。 What do you do? I am a /an (3)学习在真实的情境中熟练询问对方的将来的理想职业及回答。 What do you want to be? I want to be a /an 2.能力目标:(1)使学生能在日常情景中使用单词和句型进行职业的表述。 (2)大部分学生在口语表达中有实际收获,熟练地进行交流。 3.情感目标:(1)进一步提高学生学习英语的热情及兴趣,培养学生的合作探究精神。 (2)鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动,大胆开口表达自己的理想。 (3)教育学生树立正确的理想和价值观,从小树立远大理想,为实现理想而努力学 习。 四、教学重点、难点:四、教学重点、难点: (1)表示职业的单词多数以 er 结尾 (2)注意 firefighter, police officer 的拼写 (3)office worker 前用 an 五、教具准备:五、教具准备:课件、单词卡片和头饰 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step1Step1、WarmingWarming upup 1、Enjoy the song:The jobs song(创设情景,激趣导入) 2、Free talk: What jobs do you find from the video? Which job do you like best? Step2Step2、PresentationPresentation 1、Guess the jobs. 利用图片和英文提示教授 8 个新单词,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。 2、词句结合,初步掌握 What do you do?与 What do you want to be 的意思和用法。 3、 Read after the tape. listen carefully and repeat the vocabulary. 小组长带读单词,个人朗读,组长检查,全组齐读。 4、引导学生找出职业单词的共同点,词尾有 er/or 5、Lets play: sharp eyes !屏幕出现图片,同学们大声读出及举起手中相应的单词卡片。 6、Learn Target together. Read after the tape and repeat. 7、Work in a group and then practice their own dialogues before class. 8、Compepition: Choose one of the golden eggs, try to answer the questions in it. 9、 Sing a song together. Step3Step3、SumSum upup 1、Finish the mind map together. 2、Sum up the sentence patterns . 3、Every job is important. We should respect people in different jobs. Study hard and make your dream come true. StepStep 4:4: HomeworkHomework 1、Read the Vocabulary and Target several times. 2、Share with your parents what you want to be. 3、Surf the net to know more jobs that you like.
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