湘少版三年级下册-Unit 10 Is he a farmer -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:51ea4).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 10 Is he a farmer _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:51ea4)
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Unit 10 Is he a farmer? Period 1 Lets chant! Boy,boy,he is a boy. He,he,who is he? Peter,Peter, he is Peter. Girl, girl,she is a girl. She,she, who is she? Lingling,Lingling, she is Lingling. f fararmermer Hes a fHes a fararmer.mer. Is he a farmer? Yes, he is. p po ostmanstman Is he a farmer? No, he isnt. Is he a ? n nurursese Shes a nurse. Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. t teaeachercher Is she a nurse? No, she isnt. Is she a ? d do octorctor Shes a doctor. Is he a doctor? drdri iverver Hes a drHes a dri iver.ver. Is she a driver? Look and guess!Look and guess! Go!Go! 快速反应,使用新句型猜一猜他/她的职业 ! Is Is hehe/ /sheshe a .? a .? Yes, Yes, hehe/ /sheshe is. is. No, No, hehe/ /sheshe isnt. isnt. Act and guess!Act and guess! Go!Go! 一人扮演职业,一人来猜一猜他/她所扮演的职业。 Listen and circle!Listen and circle! 听音,圈出你所听到的职业单词。 teacherfarmerdoctor nursedriverpostman Listen and read!Listen and read! 听音,跟读课文A部分。 Play and guess!Play and guess! 手拿镂空卡片遮住图片,让你的小伙伴猜一猜图片所表达的职 业,你可以使用以下句型: Is Is hehe/ /sheshe a .? a .? Yes, Yes, hehe/ /sheshe is. is. No, No, hehe/ /sheshe isnt. isnt. Because of all kinds of jobs,our life is so beatiful!We should respect them! 正因为有各种职业,我们的生活才会如此的美好! 我们应该尊重每一种职业的人! Lets talk!Lets talk! 说一说长大后你理想的职业吧! Lets write!Lets write! 把你的心愿写在许愿卡上,挂在许愿树上吧! Study hard!Study hard! -Dreams Come true!-Dreams Come true! 努力学习,梦想成真!努力学习,梦想成真! Homework: :能正确读写B部分单词和正确 朗读A部分对话 :能正确读写B部分单词和正 确朗读A部分对话,以及自编对 话。听音,圈出你所听到的单词。听音,圈出你所听到的单词。 teacher farmer doctor nurse driver postmanIs he a farmer? Period 1 教学目标: 知识目标:1.能听懂,会说新单词:teacher,farmer, driver,nurse, doctor,postman. 2.能够运用一般疑问句“Is he/she?”进行提问,并能够做出肯定以及否定回 答。 3.能使用句型”hes /shes来进行表达。 能力目标:1.正确使用一般疑问句的问答能力。2.在实际生活中运用英语询问 及表达人物职业的能力。3.核心素养中学习能力的培养。 情感目标:1.利用游戏教学培养学生学习英语的兴趣。2.尊重各行各业的情感 教育。 教学重点:掌握一些职业的名称,熟练运用句型“Is he/she a”正确的提问 及肯定与否定回答。 教学难点:了解一般疑问句的提问以及回答。 教学过程: Step 1:Warming up 1. Greetings. T:Class begins.Goodmorning,boys and girls.Nice to meet you.How are you? Ss:T:Look , I have so many prize.Do you want to get prize?Ss:T:Ok, if youre really good,you can get it,OK? 设计意图:营造英语学习氛围,引出本节课评价机制,激发学生学习兴趣。 2. Lets chant. T: Frist, lets have a chant,music. Boy, boy,hes a boy. He, he , who is he ? Peter, Peter, he is Peter. Girl ,girl ,shes a girl. She,she, who is she? Lingling, Lingling, shes Lingling. (follow th music ,chant the sentences together.) 设计意图:利用“chant”复习 he/she,并能正确使用问与答。 3.Free talk. T:Now, Lets go on!Hello, my name is Miss Peng,who are you? Ss:Im T:Whos he ? Ss:He is T:Good ,can you answer like this? . ,., He is T:Ok,Lets go on ! She ,she, whos she ? Ss:., ., She is 设计意图;利用 free talk 复习句型 Hes /Shes .的表达。 Step 2 Lets learn. 1.T:(幻灯片爸爸的照片)Whos he? Ss:. T:Oh, hes my father.Hes a good father.And hes a good farmer.(教读 farmer) T:(幻灯片农民职业的照片)Look,Is he a farmer?(板书 Is he a ?教读) Ss:(引导学生回答)Yes, he is .(板书,教读) 2.T:(幻灯片男邮递员的照片)Look, Hes a man! Is he a farmer? Ss:(引导学生回答)No ,he isnt.(板书,教读) T:Whats he ? Ss:(引导学生回答)Hes a postman.(板书教读) T:(出示第二张邮递员的照片)Look, a man ,hes a postman,too! Can you ask? Ss:Is he a postman?设计意图:复习巩固学生对“Is he a ”的问与答。 3.T:(幻灯片出示护士的照片)Look,shes a woman.Whats she? Ss: T:nurse,shes a nurse.(板书教读 nurse) T:(出示第二张护士的照片)Is she a nurse? Ss: (引导学生回答)Yes,she is .(板书并教读) 4. T:(幻灯片展示教师图片)Is she a nurse? Ss:(引导生回答)NO,she isnt.shes a teacher.(板书并教读) T: (出示第二张女教师的图片)Look, shes a woman,and shes teacher.Can you ask? Ss:Is she a ?设计意图:复习巩固学生对于 Is she.?的问与答 5. T:(出示女医生的图片)Is she teacher? Ss:No,she isnt. shes a doctor.(板书并教读 doctor) T:(出示男医生图片) Look, a man.Hes a doctor ,too. Can you ask?设计意图: 复习巩固一般疑问句的问与答以及对 he/she 的正确转化。 6. T:(出示司机的照片)Is he a doctor? Ss:No,he isnt. T:Yes, hes a drive.(板书并教读 drive.) T:(出示女司机的照片)Shes a woman,shes a driver,too. Can you ask ? 设计意图:复习巩固一般疑问句的用法及 “he/she”的正确使用。 Step3 Look and guess! T:lets play a guessing game.please look and guess.Whats he/she? (出示人物的半截身体部位,生根据细节猜职业。) 设计意图:在游戏中复习巩固一般疑问句的正确提问,以及 he/she 的正确使用。 Step4 Act and guess! T:Do you want to try these occupations? 角色体验。一人扮演职业,一人来猜一猜他/她所扮演的职业。 设计意图:利用职业体验,激发学生的兴趣,加深他们的印象,鼓励他们大胆 的问与答。 Step 5 Lets listen. 1. listen and circle.(听音,圈出听到的职业单词。) 2. Listen and read.(听音,跟读课文。) 设计意图:通过小测试,培养学生听力能力。示范正确的发音,操练学生口语。 Step 6 Play and guess! T: I have a picture,can you guess,whats he ? (手拿镂空卡片遮住图片,让生猜一猜图片所表达的职业,复习一般疑问句的问与答。 师示范第一组,生分为六个小组,每人一张职业卡片,轮流进行竞猜问答。) 设计意图:通过小组活动,达到全体学生动口的目的。卡片游戏增加句型操练的趣味 性。 Step 7 Lets write! 1. show some pictures about occupations. 2. Talk about Ss Dream-I want to be a/ an 3. Write down your dream on the wishing card and hang on the wishing tree. 设计意图:通过课前布置,预习各种职业单词并自学自己想要成为的职业。课堂中 让学生先看,再说,到写。渗透情感教育,注重核心素养中学习能力的培养,以及 口语表达及书写能力的培养。 Step 8 Homework :能正确读写 B 部分单词和正确朗读 C 部分对话 :能正确读写 B 部分单词和正确朗读 C 部分对话,以及自编对话。课前预习-Lets know more!让我们来了解更多的 职业吧,选择你所喜爱的职业,圈出来并了解它们的发音读一读吧! teacher farmer doctor nurse postman driver fireman(消防员) solider (士兵) traffic policeman(交警) writer(作家) policeman(警察) scientist (科学家) spaceman(宇航员) worker(工人) engineer(工程师) lawyer(律师) judge (法官) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) dancer(舞者) civil servant(公务员) singer(歌手) cooker(厨师) dancer(舞者) reporter(记者) host(主持人) athlete(运动员) professor(教授) air hotess(空姐) pilot(飞机师) merchant(商人) flyer(飞行员) baker(烘焙师) barber(理发师) tourist guide(导游) attendant(服务员)
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