(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 8 Weekend Fun-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:c0d90).zip

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开心学英语开心学英语 四年级下册四年级下册 Unit 8 Weekend Fun Questions : go to the park see a movie play outside read a story surf the Internet make a snowman I am Jenny . I am 10. I want to talk(谈论(谈论 ) about(关于)关于) my weekend. I am so happy Q1: What do they want to do at weekends? Q2: Do they feel happy at weekends? happyjust so soa littlenot happy Its a cold weekend. Its snowy. I have finished(完成) my homework. I am bored . I want to go outside and make a snowman with Gogo . We want to make a big snowman. First, we want to make his body and head. So we make two snowballs(雪球) . I make his body with the big one. Gogo makes his head with the small one. And then, I want to make his arms. So I use two branches(树枝) to make his arms. Does Gogo want to make his ears? The answer(答案) is :Not really! He wants to make his wings(翅膀) , the same (一样的) as his own(自己的) . Does Gogo want to make a snow angel(天使) or a Gogo ? Oh, How fun it is! What a lovely snow man! We are so happy. NAME__________ AGE___________10Jenny Questions : happy Jenny Gogo make a snowman make a snowman We want to ______________. we are so _____________. bored make a snowmanhappy happy Its a cold weekend. Its snowy. I have finished(完 成) my homework. I am bored . I want to go outside and make a snowman with Gogo . Q1: Fill in the form and talk with your friend. Its a ______weekend. I am_______.(feel) I want to _____________. NAME__________ AGE___________11Alice cold make a snowman bored We want to make a big snowman. First, we want to make his body and head. So we make two snowballs(雪球) . I make his body with the big one. Gogo makes his head with the small one. Q1: Film in the form and talk about with your friend. We _________ make a snowman. We want to make his______and ______. NAME__________ AGE___________11Alice headbody want to And then, I want to make his arms. So I use two branches(树枝) to make his arms. Q1: Fill in the form and talk with your friend. We want to make a snowman. We want to make his______and ______. I want to make his_______ NAME__________ AGE___________11Alice bodyhead arms Does Gogo want to make his ears? The answer(答案 ) is :Not really! He wants to make his wings(翅膀) , the same(一样的) as his own(自己的) . Does Gogo want to make a snow angel( 天使) or a Gogo ? Oh, How fun it is! What a lovely snowman! We are so happy. Its a___weekend. What do they want to do? How do they feel? Who are they? cold Jenny and Gogo make a snowman happy Fill in the form and talk abou with your friend. We want to make a snowman. We want to make his_body__and __head____. I want to make his__ Gogo wants to make his_____. NAME__________ AGE___________11Alice . wings arms Questions : On weekends. Talk with your friend. Hello! I am_________. Its a_____(cold/hot/cool.)weekend. I want to______________. I am______.(happy/sad.) What about you? NAME__________ AGE___________10Jenny . Text:Talk with your friend. Hello! My name is _________. Its a_____(cold/hot/cool.)weekend. I want to______________. I am______.(happy/sad.) What about you? NAME__________ AGE___________11Jenny . Step 1: Talk in groups(小组)(小组) DoDo youyou feelfeel happyhappy atat weekends?weekends? Step 2: Share(分享)(分享) with your partner(同伴)(同伴) Why?Why? WhyWhy not?not? DoDo youyou feelfeel happyhappy atat weekends?weekends? 1.1. WhereWhere areare youyou going?going? 2.2. WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? Step 1: Talk in groups(小组(小组 ) Step 2: Share(分享)(分享) with your partner(同伴)(同伴) Why?Why? WhyWhy not?not? 2 2、ThinkThink about:about: WhatWhat is is youryour favouritefavourite dayday ofof thethe week?week? Homework:Homework: 1 1、FinishFinish thethe texttext afterafter class.class.粤人版开心学英语四年级 下册 Unit 8 Weekend Fun Funny Gogo Topic: Funny Gogo (3nd period) Date: April 17th, 2017 Teaching Aims (教学目标) A. Knowledge Aims (语言知识): 1. 学生能在第一课时的基础上学习 first/and then 的使用及 want to do. 的句型结构。 2. 学生能理解介绍推雪人的文本内容。 B. Skill Aims (语言技能): Listening: 1. 学生能听懂文本内容所体现的语言含义和情感态度。 Speaking: 1. 学生能正确运用包括第一课时在内的表示活动的单词及本单元句型。 2. 学生能结合新旧知识,运用所学单词及句型进一步描述如何堆雪人。 3. 学生能有感情地朗读文本内容。 C. Practice Aims (语言应用): 1. 学生能结合旧知,用目标单词及单元句型描述堆雪人。 2. 学生能够根据文本内容找出关键信息并画出主人公堆雪人的过程。 2. 学生能够在 at weekend 的情境中,运用所学知识及句型结构复述文本内容。 D. Affect, attitudes (情感态度): 通过语境的创设,让学生通过体验快乐的情绪,学会发现身边的快乐,从而 能够表达自己快乐的双休日生活。 E. Learning Strategy (学习策略): 在语境中,通过视听、合作学习等形式多样的教学策略,学生能利用提供的 学习资源共同完成学习任务,并熟练运用目标单词,掌握并运用句型,从而 达到语用的目的。 (二)教学内容分析 1教材内容的地位、作用与意义 本课处于粤人版英语四年级下册第八课。本课主要讲述了周末娱乐,在之 前第四课Free Time中,学生已经学会了一些活动的词组。本课内容要求学 生学会用 I want to.?句型说出自己想要做什么,如何安排自己的周末 和使用 What do you want to do?和 Do you want to.?邀请其他人进行 周末娱乐,提高语言表达能力。学习本课,对于课余生活的表述安排有承前启 后的作用。 2教材的编排特点、重点和难点 本课教材是本来是对话内容,教师把对话改编成一个有意义的文本, 拓展学生的知识面。本课重难点是,What do you want to.? I want to.? 和 Do you want to.? Sure./ Not really. 文本内容文本内容 Its a cold weekend. Its snowy. I have finished(完成) my homework. I am bored . I want to go outside and make a snowman with Gogo . We want to make a big snowman.First,we want to make his body and head. So we make two snowballs(雪球).I make his body with the big one. Gogo makes his head with the small one. And then, I want to make his arms. So I use two branches(树枝)to make his arms. Does Gogo want to make his ears? The answer(答案) is :Not really! He wants to make his wings(翅膀), the same(一样) as his own(自己的).Does Gogo want to make a snow angel or a Gogo ? Oh, How fun it is! What a lovely snow man! We are so happy. (三)教学对象分析 在第四课Free Time中,学生已经学会了一些活动的词组。学生通过 多读以及判断选择等各种活动进行对核心句型的操练,以及学会找 出文本信息的关键词,提高阅读技巧。大部分学生都可以读懂该文 本内容,可以扩充学生的课外阅读量。 (四)教学策略与过程 教学设计思路 本课始终以 Jenny 的周末安排为主线展开,以反馈前一次“W” hat do you want to do ? I want to .复习上一可课所学。以 了解 Jenny 和 Gogo make a snow man 为新授部分,最后以完成雪人 作为最终任务的完成,并拓展出你的周末想要做什么的下一项内容。 使学生把学会的知识运用在生活中。 所上课时的教学过程:所上课时的教学过程: 教学过程教学内容教学步骤与方法设计意图 课前准备热身活动1.全体学生一起 chant。 2.Free talk. What do you want to do? I want to. How do you feel? I am. 活跃课堂气氛, 复习旧知识。 为话题引入做 铺垫。 前期任务过 程 复习旧知识1.师:出示主人公并让学生 生:猜猜主人公想要做什么。 让学生在交流自 己工作日生活的 同时,复习第一 课时的语言知识, 体现单元性,并 通过 snowman 引 入本课话题。 新授教学过 程 第一部分 1. 回答问题, Who are they ? What do they want to do ? How do they feel? 2. We want to____. We are so_____. 1.师:让学生看视频并谈论 一下 Jenny 的 weekend. 生:带着问题观看视频。 2.师:整体呈现文本. 生:跟着老师轻声读,结 合视频,初步感知本课讲述 的内容。 视听输入,引导 学生在语境中初 步感知文本的整 体内容,提取文 本关键词信息。 第二部分 分段阅读 . 1.读第一段,完成判 断练习。提取天气信 息,和同学交流讨论, 并完成句子填空。 2.读第二段,提取做 雪人身体 body 和头 部 head 的关键信息, 和同学交流讨论,并 完成句子填空。 3.读第三段,提取做 雪人手臂 arms 的信 息,和同学交流讨论, 并完成句子填空。 4.读第四段,提取 Gogo 要做雪人翅膀 wings 的信息,和同 学交流讨论,并完成 句子填空。 1. 师:播放第一段,并 要求学生抓住关键词。 生:听第一段,并跟 读 读,完成判断题 ( (T/F) 以及完 成 成句子填空 A. Is it a hot weekend?(F) B.I am bored now. (T) C.I want to go to bed.(F) 填空: Its a cold weekend. I am happy.(feel) I want to make a snowman. 2.师:播放第二段,并要 求学生抓住关键词,并让学 生上黑板画出雪人的身体和 头部。完成填空。 生:听第一段,小组讨 讨论,并在黑板上画出雪人 的身体和头部,完成填空。 We __want to__ make a snowman. We want to make 通过视听呈现文 本,帮助学生学 习目标单词及句 型,提取关键信 息并引导学生阅 读文本,体会堆 雪人的乐趣。 his______and ______. 3.师:播放第三段,并要 求学生抓住关键词,在 黑板贴出雪人的手臂。 生:听第一段,小组讨 讨论,完成填空。 We want to make a snowman. We want to make his______and ______. I want to make his_______. 4.师:播放第四和第五 段,并要求学生抓住关键 词,在黑板贴出雪人翅 膀,完成连线题目,和 句子填空 生:听第一段,小组讨 讨论,完成连线和句子 填空。 连线: 填空 : We want to make a snowman. We want to make his_body__and __head____. I want to make his_arms_ Gogo wants to make his_wings__. 第三部分 1. 根据提示,说出 自己的 Weekend Fun What do you want to do? I want to. How do you feel? I am. Hello!I am_________. Its a_____(cold/hot/co ol.)weekend. I want to______________. I am______.(happy/sa d.) What about you? 2.写下自己的周末想 要做什么。 3.使用黑板的卡片, 询问第三人称。口头 表述 What does she/he want? 1. 师:出示问题 What do you want to do? I want to. How do you feel? I am. 生:根据提示,结合自 己的实际,谈谈你的 weekend. Hello!I am_________. Its a_____(cold/hot/cool. .)weekend. I want to______________. I am______.(happy/sad. .) What about you? 通过学生的自主 阅读加强语言运 用,锻炼学生自 主学习的能力。 He/She wants to. 课后活动 1.Do you feel happy at weekends?Why?Why not? 提示: Where are you going? What do you want to do? 1.师:出示幻灯片 1.Talk in groups. 2.Share with your partner. 生:根据实际情况,按照 给提示进行生生互动。 通过小组活动形 成生生互动,开 展语言运用,达 到情感升华。 课后任务1、Finish the text after class. 2、Think about: What is your favourite day of the week? ( 提示:例如我 们学校周五的周末大舞台,周三的足球比赛等) 板书设计 Unit 8 Weedkend Fun Funny Gogo Students card Students card Students card Students card Students card Students card Its a _____(cold/hot/cool.)weekend. I want to _________ I am _______.(feel) (五)教学评价 结合阅读教学,设置明确的阅读策略目标,突显阅读教学的设计创新,以 学生阅读行动为主设计多种有效的阅读活动,使学生能快速理解和获取信息 清楚显示阅读教学的过程,突出学生有序的阅读过程,并能显示阅读中积极思 维的过程。学生能通过多种有效的阅读活动快速理解和获取信息,体现学生拓 展性的阅读或结合真实生活进行口头或笔头的表达。合理使用常规媒体或现代 媒体,教学效果显著。全程以学生阅读为主体,并能体现学生阅读策略及阅读 的兴趣。 二、教学反思 1整体评价 结合阅读材料和学生实际水平,设置明确的阅读知识与阅读技能目标,结合 阅读教学,结合阅读教学,设置明确的阅读策略目标,突显阅读教学的设计创 新,以学生阅读行动为主设计多种有效的阅读活动,使学生能快速理解和获取 信息 清楚显示阅读教学的过程,恰当地处理语篇中的语言知识,突出学生有 序的阅读过程,并能显示阅读中积极思维的过程。学生能通过多种有效的阅读 活动快速理解和获取信息,体现学生拓展性的阅读或结合真实生活进行口头或 笔头的表达。合理使用常规媒体或现代媒体,教学效果显著。全程以学生阅读 为主体,并能体现学生阅读策略及阅读的兴趣,大部分学生能达到阅读教学要 求的知识与技能目标。 2亮点 以课本会话为根本内容,改编成有意义的文本,通过会话与阅读,结合真实 生活进行口头或者笔头的表达。学生能够有序进行阅读,显示在阅读中积极思 维的过程。 3问题 Students card Students card Students card 在挖掘教材方面,还可以加入周末计划,以及周一到周五可以做什么,进行 复习,知识的滚动还不够。学生都能参与到期中,但是个别学生因为基础薄弱,对于学 习本阅读有困难。
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