湘少版四年级下册-Unit 1 It's on your head!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:7175a).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 1 It's on your head!_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:7175a)
    • 四年级下册Unit 1 It's on your head!.ppt--点击预览
    • 学生对话视频.mp4
    • 教案7175a.docx--点击预览
    • 方位介词.mp4


Wheres the ball? Its on the box. Its in the box. Its under the box. Lets answer. Lets learn. Lets chant On ,on , on my head. In, in, in my ears. Under, under, under my face. Behind, behind, behind my back. Beside, beside, beside my leg . Between,between,between my feet. Lets find. 1.The woman is _________ the two boys. 2. The boy is _____ the car. 3.The oranges are _____ the bowl. -Where are you? -Im behind/beside/between. shirtcoatshoes capwatchglasses clothes where Blue shirt Bro wn shoes New coat New cap in your schoolbag under the chair on the bed on your head -Where is .? -It is. -Where are.? -They are. Homework 1.Read Part A and B. 2.Make a dialogue . Thank you!1 Unit1 Its on your head! Period 1 教学设计 1、学情分析 本课的授课对象是小学四年级的学生,他们是从三年级开始学习 湘少版的英语这套教材,大部分孩子对英语感兴趣,但也有些 孩子注意力的持续时间不长,所以要采用直观的实物和课件里的动 画等方法来吸引他们的注意;中年级学生记忆发展的特点是从机械 识记向意义识记发展。他们能较快地背诵朗朗上口的 chant 等,在 真实的语境中习得语言。 2、教材分析 本节录像课是湘少版小学英语四年级下册 Unit 1 Its on your head!的第一课时 Part A and B 的内容,主要内容是谈论物 品的位置,Part A 里的方位介词 on, in , under 和“Where s.?”在四年级上册 Unit 11“Where s the cat?”里出现过, 本课里出现了新的方位介词:behind, beside, between 表示不同 的位置,新的问句“Where re.?”及对应的答句“They re.”这里要注意询问复数名词或代词的位置时,be 动词要用 are。 三、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标: (1) 能听懂、会说本课新单词:new, cap, watch, glasses, beside, behind, between (2) 能用下面的句子询问某物的位置及回答: Wheres/re .? Its 或 Theyre in / under / beside / between (3)能在真实情境中谈论人或物的方位。 2.过程与方法目标: 采用多种形式的操练,让学生在活动中理解、感知方位并应用自如。 2 3.情感、态度与价值观目标: (1) 养成仔细观察的好习惯; (2) 要整理好自己的物品。 四、教学重点: 能在不同的情境中熟练运用句型和方位介词描述人或物的方位。 5、教学难点: 方位介词的区分:beside,between,behind 六、教学准备: CAI 课件,帽子、手表和实物等 7、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 RevisionRevision Look at the CAI and talk about the different positions of the ball. StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation andand drilldrill 1. Learn the new prepositions: behind、beside、between. 2. Read and spell the new words. 3. Do some actions to consolidate the prepositions. 4. Lets chant. On ,on , on my head. In, in, in my ears. Under, under, under my face. Behind, behind, behind my back. Beside, beside, beside my leg . Between,between,between my feet. 5. Look at the three pictures of CAI and fill in the 3 blanks. (1) The woman is ______the two boys. (2)The boy is _____the car. (3)The oranges are _____ the bowl. 6.Lets talk about your own position in the classroom. -Where are you? -Im behind/beside/between. StepStep 3 3 NewNew contentcontent andand PracticePractice 1.Review the words : shirt coat shoes 2.Teach the new words: cap watch glasses 3. Ask and answer in different situations. Where is/are.? It is.or They are. 4.Listen and look at the Part A. 5.Fill in the table: clothes Where Blue shirt Brown shoes New coat New cap 6.Check the answers according to the dialogue of part A. 7.Read the text. 8.Make a dialogue by using the new words and sentence pattern. 4 StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework 1.Read Part A and B. 2.Make a dialogue. 教学反思:教学反思: 本堂课教学目标明确,重难点突出,设计了一些与学生学习、 生活紧密结合的活动情景,为学生提供了一些相关的、迁移新知识 点的任务,如看图填空和填写表格,促使学生运用所学知识,实现 知识的迁移、活学活用。本堂课重点侧重教学内容的科学安排和语 言的有效输入,强调对学生语言实践的设计,以帮助学生有效习得 语言。如独创的 chant 朗朗上口,学生在说说动动中很快地吸收新 知。学生在本堂课里编对话的任务活动中体验师生、生生之间的多 向交流,发挥 pair work 的优势,进行有意义的练习与实践,充分 发挥学生的学习主观能动性。本堂课的活动多样,但教师的评价方 式比较单一,需要加强对学生的指导和评价。
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