湘少版四年级下册-Unit 8 I come from China.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c0201).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 8 I come from China._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:c0201)
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Listen and Tick( 听音打) the USAChinaFranceCanadaAustraliaThe UK Mingming Leon Anne Elise Amily Alex Listen and Tick( 听音打) the USAChinaFranceCanadaAustraliathe UK Mingming Leon Anne Elise Amily Alex t the UKR R E E F F E E A A L L T T K K Self-introduction自我介绍 Whatsyour name? Whereare youfrom? Mynameis/Im Imfrom/Icomefrom. R R E E F F E E A A L L T T K K International camp国际夏令营 Whats your name?Whats your name? Where are you from?Where are you from? Mynameis/Im Imfrom Icomefrom. come from=be from I come from China. Im from China. = After the international trip, I decide to travel around the word.国际夏令营过后,我决定到世界各地看看。 Can you come with me?你能和我一起去吗 ? A A R R P P T T B B China A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see. in . 看一看并回答 China A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer 看一看并回答 I can see. in .China A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer 看一看并回答 I can see Dragon Boat (龙舟) in .China A A R R P P T T B B Australia A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer看一看并回答 I can see Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) in . Australia A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see Kangroo in . 看一看并回答 Australia A A R R P P T T B B theUK A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see London Bridge(伦敦桥),in . 看一看并回答 theUK A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I meet Mr. Bean, lets say hello to him. 看一看并回答 Hello, Mr. Bean. My name is. I come from. Nice to meet you! A A R R P P T T B B France A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see Effiel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)in . France A A R R P P T T B B Canada A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see Ottawa parliament(渥太华议会大厦 ), in . 看一看并回答 Canada A A R R P P T T B B theUSA A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see White House(白宫)in . 看一看并回答 theUSA A A R R P P T T B B Watch and answer I can see Statue of Liberty in the . 看一看并回答 USA A A R R P P T T B B Show Time 大显身手 Afterthetravelling,doyouknowhowtointroduce yourselftoforeignfriends? 旅行完毕,你们学会了在外国人面前如何介绍自己?来 自哪里吗? Hello!/Hi!/Nihao! My name is/Im My name is/Im My name is/Im My name is/Im I come from/Im from.I come from/Im from.I come from/Im from.I come from/Im from. Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you! A A R R P P T T B B Where is it from? It comeIt comes s from.from. I I S S L L T T E N Listen and Tick.听音打钩 Tip Individual work the USA China France Canada Austral ia the UK Ming ming Leon Anne Elise Amily Alex Story Tip Read like them. 模仿角色的语音语调 Story Tip Read like them. 模仿角色的语音语调 OO L L R R E E A A P L six students a group (六个同学一组) Tips Lets act Y Y Use your own name. Use the flag as your country.(用自己的名字,将自己手里的国旗作 为你自己的家) A: Hello! My name is.I come from.Whats your name? B: My name is. I come from. . E:Nice to meet you! F:Nice to meet you, too! Please remember: I come from China. I love China. Lets learn travel the world again. Tips Summary总结 the USA China Australia theUK France Whereareyoufrom? IcomefromChina. HomeworkHomework 选择适合你的作业:选择适合你的作业: 1.I can read new words and sentences. 我会朗读新学单词和句子 2. I can recite partA. 我会背诵课文A部分。 3. Act out with your classmates. 我会表演A部分,并自己编写对话 4. Find interesting things about countries 找到你感兴趣的国家更多信息1 (湘少版)(湘少版) 四年级四年级 (下)(下) Unit8 I come from China. 第一课时 教材内容: Part A: Lets listen & say Mingming: My name is Mingming. I come from China. Where are you from? Leon: Hi, Im Leon. Im from the USA. Anne: Hi! Im Anne. I come from Australia. Whats your name? Elise: Im Elise. I come from Canada. Anne: Hi! Im Anne and hes Alex. Amily: Im Amily. I come from France. Alex: I come from the UK. Nice to meet you! Amily: Nice to meet you, too. Part B: Lets learn China Canada the UK France Australia the USA 课 型:新授 课时安排:第一课时 教材内容:PartA and PartB 一、教学目标: 1、语言目标 (1)学生能听懂、会说、认读国家名称China,Canada, the UK, France, Australia, the USA. (2)学生能听懂和使用句型: (a): Where are you from? I come from/Im from (b): Where is it from? It comes from/ Its from 2、应用目标 学生能用英文进行寒暄和自我介绍 3、文化目标 学生认读所学国家所对应的国旗标志,名胜建筑和地理位置 二、教学重点、难点 1.重点: 2 (1).国家词汇China,Canada, the UK, France, Australia, the USA (2).词组:come from和be from 的用法 (3).用英语与外国友人寒暄 2.教学难点 (1).各个国家发音及其所对应的国旗 (2).将所学知识灵活应用到生活实际中 三、学生分析 本次的教学活动贴合学生的实际生活,拓展学生的视野,增强学生的文化素养。 经过一年的学习,学生积累了一些日常用语,能通过图画、手势来猜教师指令,并 通过表演来练习简单对话。 四、教材分析 本课内容选自小学四年级下册Unit8 I come from China.本单元是全册12单元 涉及国外文化最丰富的单元,不仅围绕国家的名称还有各国家对应的著名建筑和国 旗。要求学生不仅能介绍自己“I come from China”,还能知晓国旗对应的国家和 每个建筑物“It comes from/Its come from”的出处。 四、课前准备 世界地图,单词卡片,国旗,CAI课件 五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, children! Really nice to meet you here! I am going to be your new English teacher today. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Yangyanping. Im from Chishi. What about you? Whats your name? And where are you from? 【设计设计意意图图: 通过师生相互问候, 不仅可以营造学习英语的氛围,还可以复 习之前所学的交际知识,并自然导入本课的主题。 】 Step 2 Presentation & drill (一). 情景设置进行情景交际,导入课题“I come from China.” T:Imagine we were not in the class-room. We were in an international camp. There are many children from different countries. What would you say? Whats your name? Where are you from? Ss: My name is xxx. I come from China. 【设计意图设计意图: 利用情景假设和疑问导入课题进行形象思维,能让学生了解本 单元的重点知识是和外国人相处时,如何自我介绍,并导入标题。 】 (二)come from=be from 教学 I come from China.还以说,Im from China. 3 (三) 情景设置进行情景交际,老师带着学生周游世界,学习世界 单词、国旗和欣赏世界各地的风景 T:After the international camp, I am so excited. I decide to travel aroud the world. Can you come with me? Ok, lets go. (1)China的教学 1. 环游世界第一站,依次播放中国地图,和中国在世界的地理位 置问:Where is it?引导学生说出“China” 2. 展示单词卡,单词卡上附有国旗教读“China” 。通过领读,正音、 齐读、各个读方式进行朗读。 3. 播放天安门,熊猫,龙舟的图片引导学生说出: I can see Tiananmen in China. I can see Pandas in China. I can see Dragon Boat in China. (2)Australia的教学 1. 环游世界第二站,依次播放澳大利亚地图,和澳大利亚在世界 的地理位置问:Where is it?引导学生说出“Australia” 2. 展示单词卡,单词卡上附有国旗教读“Ausralia” 。通过领读,正 音、齐读、各个读方式进行朗读。 3. 播放悉尼歌剧院,袋鼠的图片引导学生说出: I can see Sydney Opera House in Australia. I can Kangaroo in Australia. . (3)the UK的教学 1. 环游世界第三站,依次播放英国地图,和应该在世界的地理位 置问:Where is it?引导学生说出“the UK” 2. 展示单词卡,单词卡上附有国旗教读“the UK” 。通过领读,正 音、齐读进行朗读。 3. 播放伦敦桥图片引导学生说出: 4 I can see London Bridge in the UK. 4. 情景假设,我们在英国偶遇 Mr. Bean,引导学生说出寒暄用语。 Hello, Mr. Bean! My name is I come from Nice to meet you! (4)France的教学 1. 环游世界第四站,依次播放法国地图,和法国在世界的地理位 置问:Where is it?引导学生说出“France” 2. 展示单词卡,单词卡上附有国旗教读“France” 。通过领读,正 音、齐读进行朗读。 3. 播放埃菲尔铁塔的短片介绍图片引导学生说出: I can see Eiffel Tower in France. (5)Canada的教学 1. 环游世界第五站,依次播放加拿大地图,和加拿大在世界的地 理位置问:Where is it?引导学生说出“Canada” 2. 展示单词卡,单词卡上附有国旗教读“Canada” 。通过领读,正 音、齐读进行朗读。 3. 介绍渥太华议会大厦的图片,引导学生说出: I can see Ottawa parliament in Canada. (6)the USA的教学 1. 环游世界第六站,依次播放美国地图,和美国在世界的地理位 置问:Where is it?引导学生说出“the USA” 2. 展示单词卡,单词卡上附有国旗教读“the USA” 。通过领读, 正音、齐读进行朗读。 3. 介绍白宫和自由女神的图片,引导学生说出: 5 I can see White House in the USA. I can see Statue of Liberty in the USA. 【设计意图设计意图: 利用学生的文化背景知识导入和操练各个国家单词和进一步加深学 生对各个国家文化的认识。 】 (四)复习交际用语 在环游世界旅途中,我们认识了很多朋友,你们现在知道如何与人用 英语交际了吗? Hello!/Hi!/Nihao! My name is/I am I come from China. Nice to meet you! (五)知识拓展,活学活用 1. 根据所学国家单词,文化知识和 I come from 句型拓展到 Where is it from?It is from/ It comes from Step 3 Practice (一)听力练习 听音打钩() 【设计意图设计意图: 利用听对话录音,考察学生对所学单词的听力能力】 (二).Read and point 指读 【设计意图设计意图: 利用听力指读课文,让学生再次熟悉课文,指读培养学生习惯】 (三). Read and imitate 【设计意图设计意图: 听老师读,跟读模仿语音语调】 the USAChinaFranceCanadaAustraliatheUK Mingming Leon Anne Elise Amily Alex 6 (四).role play 六个学生一组,利用手上的国旗进行对话。 A:Hi, my name is I come from China. B: Hello, my name is, Im from the USA. C: Nihao! I am . 【设计意图设计意图:将所学知识进行角色扮演】 (五)德育教育 I come from China. I love China. 【设计意图设计意图: 我来自中国,我爱中国。进行爱国思想熏陶】 Step4 Summary 1. 利用世界地图,操练国家单词的同时,认识各个国家的地理位置 2.复习句型:Where are you from? I come from China. 【设计意图设计意图: 交融地理知识,重现学习目标】 3. Homework 1: read out part A 2: recite part A 3:Act out with your friend about partA 4: Find interesting things about countries 【设计意图设计意图:作业分层】 板书设计: Unit 8 I come from China. Where are you from? I come from. Im from Where is it from? It comes from. Its from. China Canada Australia France The UK The USA
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