(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit 5 Music 同步基础练习word版(含答案;6份打包).zip

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UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic UnitUnit 5 5 DiscoveringDiscovering UsefulUseful StructuresStructures & & ListeningListening andand TalkingTalking 1、It was you who had me _______(suffer) so much from the experience. 2、The aim of the treatment is _______(prevent) the disease from getting worse. 3、The money along _______ the second-hand books _______(donate) to the children there already. 4、He would rather not _______(accept) their offer of a job. 5、How about _______(give) them necessary help? 6、Your conclusion is just based on your _______, but we cant depend upon what we have _______. (assume) 7、The island offers such a wide _______ of scenery with _______ kinds of wildlife. (various) 8、Poverty didnt prevent Martin from _______ himself with an excellent education, even without any electronic _______ to help him. (equip) 9、To the parents _______, their daughter put on a _______ smile when she knew that the results of the exam were _______. (satisfy) 10、You will be well _______ here. I will be in charge of your _______. (treat) 11、认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ the economy will continue to improve. 12、除了电影事业外,雷德福还是位公认的环保斗士。 _____ _____ _____ his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes. 13、上中学时,我试演过各种角色。 In high school, I ____ ____ ____ all kinds of characters. 14、做体检的时候,你应该保持镇静。 _______ a physical examination, you should keep calm. 15、不要像跟孩子说话那样跟我说话。 Dont talk to me _______ you talk to a child. 16、用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成下面的句子 be absorbed in, be capable of, from time to time, give up, fill with, as a whole 1.Do you think that his company _______ following the present fashion, and designing satisfying dress? 2.We wont _______ hope until we have found an effective medicine to cure her. 3._______, he is not too bad a partner, confident, determined and persistent. 4.If you _______ something, you are sure to do it well. 5.Burning and quickly _______ thick smoke, the whole flat was hard to approach. 6.They stay in the building without going out, excepting doing some shopping in the store nearby _______. 答案以及解析答案以及解析 1 1 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:suffer 解析: 2 2 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:to prevent 解析: 3 3 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:with, has been donated 解析: 4 4 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:accept 解析: 5 5 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:giving 解析: 6 6 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:assumption, assumed 解析: 7 7 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:variety, various 解析: 8 8 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:equipping, equipment 解析: 9 9 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:satisfaction, satisfied, satisfying 解析: 1010 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:treated, treatment 解析: 1111 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:It is reasonable to assume that 解析: 1212 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:In addition to 解析: 1313 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 tried 2.客观填空 out 3.客观填空 for 解析: 1414 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 When 2.客观填空 given 解析: 1515 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:like 解析: 1616 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1. is capable of 2. give up 3. As a whole 4. are absorbed in 5. filled with 6. from time to time 解析:UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic UnitUnit 5 5 DiscoveringDiscovering UsefulUseful StructuresStructures 2.D; 3.B; 4.A 解析:1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,音乐疗法对于短期疼痛疗效显著,但是对 于慢性疼痛则收效甚微,即音乐疗法并不适用于所有的病人。 2.推理判断题,根据文章倒数第二段中所讲的 Dr. Linda Chian 的研究结果以及最后一段中 的“Music can bestressful thoughts. ”可知,愉快的音乐可以分散大脑的注意力,从而 缓解人们的紧张情绪。 3.代词指代题。画线词 it 所在的句子的意思是“音乐是一种强有力的可以分散大脑注意力 的东西,愉快的音乐可以缓解人们的紧张情绪,由此可知 it 指代音乐。 4.写作意图题。作者通过介绍两位医生的调査研究告诉我们音乐可以减轻病人的疼痛以及缓 解人们的压力。 2 2 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1-4 ABCA 解析:1.细节理解题。根据文章内容,作者是根据自己的亲身经历来给我们提建议,故选 A。 2.推理判断题。文章第三段提到 I offered to pay in pounds instead. Listen! I only take real money! the driver said angrily.,且前面提到作者去的是美国,所以司机生 气是因为作者没有给他当地货币。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段首句 The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave 可知选 C。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知答案。 3 3 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1.Suddenly 2.frightened 3.running 4.the 5.who/that 6.times 7.with 8.will keep 9.As/When/While 10.to say 解析: 1.做时间状语用副词。 2.主语是 they,表示他们很害怕,所以表语用形容词 frightened。 3.keep 后跟动名词做宾语。 4.one.the other 表示一个.另一个。 5.此处应填 who/that 引导定语从句,并做从句的主语,指 the man。 6.time 在这里当次数讲,是可数名词,前面有five or six修饰,故填复数形式。 e up with想出,是固定短语。 8.祈使句+and/or+陈述句结构中,陈述句用一般将来时。 9.此处表示当他再次跳进洞里的时候,所以填连词 as/when/while。 10.It + be+形容词+for sb. to do.是固定句式,it 是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。 4 4 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1-5 ABGFD 解析:1.根据表示转折的下一句But here are some tips that may help,运用逻辑推断 可知,选项 A 表示没有什么记忆的“魔药”,符合题意。 2.根据下面所举的例子可知,把记忆应用于日常生活之中,这与选项 B 中的apply相符, 所以答案选 B 项。 3.根据下一句的Try to form an association between.and.与选项 G 中的Relating the information to.表达的意思一致可知答案。 4.根据前一句提到break the information into smaller categories .可知,这与 选项 F 中的 the information in each category相匹配。 5.根据上下文的内容可知,这里是说明一种记忆方式,分析结构可知选项 D 中do this是 指form an acronymic sentence这一方式。UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic UnitUnit 5 5 ListeningListening andand SpeakingSpeaking & & ReadingReading andand ThinkingThinking 1、We have put all the books collected _______. _______, there are more than 100 copies. (together) 2、The _______ _______ a large number of very good concertos, and his _______ became popular all over the world. (compose) 3、Please believe in my _______. I will be _______ to work together with them, _______ the project to be completed in time. (able) 4、Facing the _______ children, I had to admit that I had no such _______. (energy) 5、History will _______ that I have been right all along except that you can give other powerful _______ . (prove) 6、_____(see) from the top of the hill, the school looks like a big garden. 7、The movie has won a number of _____(award). 8、It was an impressive ________ ( perform ) of the French team. 9、Youll have the opportunity ______ (ask) any question at last. 10、The theory you learn can help you understand and explain a large number of ______( phenomenon) in life. 11、The book is about ______(普通的) people. 12、The latest problem is ______(全部) more serious. 13、She ______(履行) an important role in our organization. 14、At least give him the ______(机会) of explaining what happened. 15、He is the youngest person to receive the _____(奖励). 16、用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成下面的句子 bring together, come up with, fall in love, feel like, join in, remind.of, put together, what if 1.Is that the best excuse you can _______? 2.The songs the woman will sing will be known by everyone present and all will _______ as she sings. 3.Do you _______ having something to eat now? 4.I have been _______ the appointment several times. 5.The two young people _______ at first sight. 6._______ he doesnt like it? 7.We _______ researchers from three different universities to work on the project. 8.The factories no longer rely on a man to _______ more than 2,000 parts of a car. 答案以及解析答案以及解析 1 1 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:together, Altogether 解析: 2 2 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:composer composed, compositions 解析: 3 3 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:ability, able, enabling 解析: 4 4 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:energetic, energy 解析: 5 5 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:prove, proofs 解析: 6 6 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 Seen 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:从山顶上看,这个学校像一个大花园。分析句子可知,see 与其 逻辑主语 the school 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。 7 7 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:awards 解析:考查名词复数。句意:该电影已获得了多个奖项。 由 a number of 可知此处应用名词 复数形式,故填 awards。 8 8 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 performance 解析:考查名词。句意:那是法国队的一次令人赞叹的表演。根据空前的不定冠词 an 和形容 词 impressive 可知, 此处应填 performance。 9 9 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 to ask 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:你最后将有机会提问任何问题。 have the opportunity to do sth.意为“有机会做某事,故填 to ask。 1010 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 phenomena 解析:考查名词复数。句意:你学习的理论能帮助你理解和解释生活中的很多现象。根据 a large number of 可知, 此处用名词复数形式,故填 phenomena。 1111 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:ordinary 解析: 1212 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:altogether 解析: 1313 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:performs 解析: 1414 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:opportunity 解析: 1515 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:award 解析: 1616 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1. come up with 2. join in 3. feel like 4. reminded of 5. fell in love 6. What if 7. brought together 8. put together 解析:UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic UnitUnit 5 5 ListeningListening andand SpeakingSpeaking 2.C; 3.B; 4.A 解析:1.细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,Scott 用说唱音乐让数学变得有趣是因为说唱 音乐对学生有吸引力并且有助于记忆,故选 D 项。 2.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句The approach works well especially for students who speak English as a second language. 可知,Scott 的教学方法特别针对把英语作为 第二语言来讲的学生们,故选 C 项。 3.推理判断题。从倒数第二段我们可以得出 Scott 的工作得到了公众的认可,故选 B 项。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句可知,本文讲述的是一位老师用音乐使数学变得有趣,故选 A 项。 2 2 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:BACC 解析:1.B【命题意图】考查推理判断。 【解题思路】根据文章第二段的第一句可知,对年轻人的大脑扫 描结果表明,在七岁之前有 过正规音乐训练的人,处理听力与自我意 识的大脑区域会相对更厚。文章又是在讲述音乐 的优势,故选 B 项。 2. A【命题意图】考查推理判断 【解题思路】根据文章第五段的第二句可知,她希望研究结果 可以帮助父母决断对孩子们 来说何时开始学习乐器是最好的, 据此可推知 A 项正确。 3. C【命题意图】考查推理判断。 【解题思路】根据文章第六段的内容可知,大脑皮层对思考与 语言、记忆与注意力的能力 而言具有很重要的作用。这个区域 在幼年迅速成熟,但是如果在其还未完全成熟前进行音 乐训练, 会对大脑皮层的发展具有重要影响。故选 C 项。 4. C【命题意图】考査推理判断: 【解题思路】文章主要讲述了在孩子 7 岁之前学习音乐的 t 要 性,强调了早期正规的音乐 训练对大脑发育的影响:故选 C 项。 3 3 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:GDAFC 解析:1.根据上一句 Experts say the way .whether you gain or lose weight.和下一 句 Here are some ways to turn your home into part of diet plan.可知此处填 G. You can make your environment work for you. 你可以使你的环境对你的体型有利。 2.由后文 Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating 和 If your home doesnt .with brightness.可知答案填 D.Open the curtains and turn up the lights. 3.由后文 Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites. 和 However, cold colors make us feel less hungry 等可知答案选 A.Mind the colors of your room. 注意 你的房间的颜色。 4.由后文 However, cold colors make us feel less hungry 可知答案为 F. Warm colors like yellow make food appear more delicious. 5.由后文 Begin keeping track of the time 可知答案为 C. Dont forget the clock 4 4 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1-5 ABCAC 6-10 DBACD 11-15 CDABC 16-20 CABAD 解析: 1.根据上句 Harry Williams 不想上学可知,他希望父亲让他待在家里。wish 表达愿 望及句谓语用虚拟语气,故用 would。 2.take sb. by the hand 拉住某人的手。句意为“威廉姆斯先生拉住儿子的手.慈祥地对他 说”。故选 B 项。 3.句意:跟我来,我的孩子,我想带你去看看菜园里的东西。根据句意及下文Now let me show you the vines in Mr Parkers garden.可知选 C 项。offer 提供;give 给;show 展 示,显示;remind 提醒。 4.句意:哈里跟着父亲走进菜园,父亲带着他一直(until)走到豌豆生长的苗圃。 5.句意:豌豆根部一裸草都看(see)不见。make 做; change 改变;plant 种植。 6.句意;孩子,看看这些豌豆长得(grow)多么漂亮。 dance 跳舞;move 移动;shake 摇晃。 7.句意:我们一定会有好的收成(harvest)。result 结果;match 比赛;present 礼物。 8.然后威廉姆斯先生带着(lead)哈里去看帕克先生 的碗豆藤。order 命令;follow 跟随: force 强迫。 9.What do you think of?(你认为.怎么样?)为固定句式。hear of 听说;look at 看;deal with 处理。 10.由后文的描述可知,哈里认为他从来没见过长得这么差(poor)的豌豆。ugly 丑陋的; fine 好的;dirty 脏的。 11.句意:杂草长得几乎和豌豆一样高(high) 了。 deep 深的;long 长的;wide 宽的。 12.由后文哈里的回答Because they可知此处是父亲故意问哈里:为什么它们比我们的 差这么多呢?故选 Why。 13.这里表示豌豆用它们自已喜欢的方式生长。 14.句意:我想帕克先生只是把它们种上,之后(afterward)从来没有照看过它们。ahead 在. .前面;forward 向前;outside 在外面。 15.句意:如果(if)不好好照看,菜园很快就会长满杂草。根据句意可知用连词 if。 16.威廉姆斯先生解释(explain)道:人的花园也是一样的 。require 要求;answer 回答; announce 宣称。 17.句意:孩子的心灵就像菜园,必须被精心(carefully) 照料。correctly 正确地;gently 温柔地;slightly 轻微地。 18.句意:我把你送到学校是为了能让你心灵(mind)的菜园有好的种子且产量高。根据上文的 Childrens minds are like garden beds.可知这里说的是孩子的心灵,故选 B 项。 school 学校;family 家庭;dream 梦想。 19.produce 生产;develop 发展,开发;decrease 减少; drop 落下。根据语境可知此处是 指产量高,故选 A 项。 20.根据下文哈里的回答我宁愿去学校可知此处意为现在你是愿意待在家还是去学校呢? 。prefer更愿意.更喜欢,符合语境。find 发现,找到;support 支持;know 知道。UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic UnitUnit 5 5 ReadingReading forfor WritingWriting 1、How about _______(give) them necessary help? 2、He would rather not _______(accept) their offer of a job. 3、The money along _______ the second-hand books _______(donate) to the children there already. 4、The aim of the treatment is _______(prevent) the disease from getting worse. 5、It was you who had me _______(suffer) so much from the experience. 6、When I sit down, my left leg still _______ though I dont feel a sharp _______. (ache) 7、He has a natural _______ for performance as if he were born _______. (talent) 8、The island offers such a wide _______ of scenery with _______ kinds of wildlife. (various) 9、Your conclusion is just based on your _______, but we cant depend upon what we have _______. (assume) 10、Poverty didnt prevent Martin from _______ himself with an excellent education, even without any electronic _______ to help him. (equip) 11、我把这个地方当成了我的家。 I _____ _____ this place _____ my home. 12、虽然他现在 24 岁了,但他还是像个孩子。 _____ _____ hes 24 now, hes still like a child. 13、如果你不想来,就不必来了。 _____ _____ _____ for you to come if you dont want to. 14、我们老师使得我们感到更自信了。 Our teacher _____ _____ _____ more confident. 15、这两个女孩看起来非常满意这些结果。 The two girls ____ ____ _____ with these results. 16、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 get through, go through, from then on, have an impact on, in addition to, set up, take part, try out 1.Theres postage and a packing fee _______ the repair charge. 2.You have _______ the entrance examination. In other words, you are admitted to our college. 3.She enjoys _______ new ways of doing things. 4.With his swimming club _______, we could have a place to go swimming. 5._______ he no longer believed in me. 6.A speech contest will take place in our school. Will you _______? 7.I am sure that the meeting of the two presidents will _______ the improvement of relationship between the two countries. 8.I know that you are _______ a period of hard time, but it will come to an end sooner or later. 答案以及解析答案以及解析 1 1 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:giving 解析: 2 2 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:accept 解析: 3 3 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:with, has been donated 解析: 4 4 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:to prevent 解析: 5 5 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:suffer 解析: 6 6 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:aches, ache 解析: 7 7 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:talent, talented 解析: 8 8 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:variety, various 解析: 9 9 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:assumption, assumed 解析: 1010 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:equipping, equipment 解析: 1111 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:think of; as 解析: 1212 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:Even though 解析: 1313 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:Theres no need 解析: 1414 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:makes us feel 解析: 1515 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案: 1.客观填空 looked 2.客观填空 very 3.客观填空 satisfied 解析: 1616 答案及解析:答案及解析: 答案:1. in addition to 2. got through 3. trying out 4. set up 5. From then on 6. take part 7. have an impact on 8. going through 解析:UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic UnitUnit 5 5 ReadingReading forfor WritingWriting 1、“Today, at 28, the young German Violinist Anner Sophie Mutter is at the top. She gives radiance (光辉) to the music,” wrote Geoffrey Norris in The Daily Telegraph, London. Mutter was also one of the worlds youngest professors. Born in Rhweinfelden on June 29, 1963, Anner Sophie grew up in Wehr, a small town just five kilometers from the Swiss border. Her father, Karl Wilhelm Mutter, and her mother, Gerlinde, considered music lessons part of a good education. Thus, their first son, Andreas, began practicing the violin at eight, and his younger brother, Christoph, had piano lessons. It came as no surprise when Anner Sophie said she wanted a violin for her fifth birthday. Her parents thought she was too young for the violin, and persuaded her to start on the piano. But Anner Sophie has always had a mind of her own. “I longed to play the violin,” she said. “It seemed to me a much more interesting instrument.” After six months, her parents gave in. The famous violin teacher Ema Honigberger, who lived nearby, became Anner Sophies tutor (家庭教师). After only nine months of lessons, she entered the six-year-old in a nationwide competition for young musicians. With Christoph accompanying her on the piano, Anner-Sophie won first prize. In 1974, Ema Honigberger died. Anner Sophies new teacher was Aida Stucki. She taught Anner Sophe to develop her own ideas on how a piece should be played, not just to imitate (模仿) others. This is one of the violinists strongest, most distinctive (与众不同的) characteristics today. Though the Mutters were short of money at times, they limited their d
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