(2019新教材) 人教必修二 Unit3 The Internet重要短语句式 单词串记作文.docx

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1、1 M2 Unit3 The Internet I. II. Expressions 1. blog post 博客帖子 2. a search engine 搜索引擎 3. identity card(ID card) 身份证 4. look up a word 查阅=refer to a dictionary 5. chat with sb.about sth. 与某人聊天 6. by the way 顺便说一下 7. wait in line 排队等候 8. out of work 失业 9. keep sb. company 陪伴某人 10. apply for a job 申请一份工

2、作 11. now that 既然 由于 12. go through tough times 经历困境(度过;浏览 通读) 13. in shape 状况良好 身材好=in good condition 14. keep track of 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态 15. make fun of 取消 戏弄 16. be familiar with sth. 熟悉 17. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉 18. keep sth. in mind 牢记 19. take over 接管 20. content words 实意词 实词 21. function word

3、s 功能词 虚词 22. stream movies and music 流播电影和音乐 23. headline news 头条新闻 24. database system 数据库系统 25. download software 下载软件 26. online community 在线社区 27. social networks 社交网络 28. develop a serious illness 患严重的疾病 29. be stuckcaught in 被困在;遭受 30. benefit from 从中受益 31. give out 分发 公布 用尽 32. catch the atte

4、ntion of 引起的注意 33. remove the distance between people 消除人们之间的距离感 34. inspire sb. to do sth.激励(激发)某人做某事 35. bridge the digital divide 消除数字分歧(差异 界限) 36. have access to进入;有权利或机会使用接触 37. in case(of)以防万一 38. cash payment 现金支付 39. the most updated information 最新的信息 40. confirm the Wi-Fi password 确认 Wi-Fi

5、密码 41. press the button 按下按钮 2 42. perform a very important function 执行很重要的功能 43. a bank account 银行账户 44. a target groupuser 目标群体用户 45. Alipay mobile payment 支付宝手机支付 46. WeChat Pay 微信支付 47. scan to pay 扫码支付 III. Important sentences 1. The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village o

6、f tomorrow. 因特网正在成为未来地球村的城镇广场。 2. Its my honour for me to give some advice on how to learn English well. 我很荣幸能就如何学好英语提出一些建议。 3. Whenever you have trouble in learning English, you can turn to me for help. 无论何时你在学英语方面有困难,你可以向我求助。 4. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only

7、her computer to keep her company. 50 岁时,她发觉自己失业了。困在家里,只有电脑相伴。 5. Toms being late for the class made his teacher very annoyed. 汤姆上课迟到让他的老师很恼火。 6. Its so good a film(=such a good film) that we like to see it a second time. 这部电影如此好看以至于我们还想再看一遍。 7. Will you pay in cash or by credit card? 你用现金支付还是信用卡支付?

8、8. The total cost is $1,000,plus 14% interest. 全部费用是 1000 美元,外加 14%的利息。 9. Please come at 9 oclock if it is convenient for you. 如果方便的话,你九点钟来。 10. In order to attract more customs, many supermarkets usually sell goods at a discount. 为了吸引更多顾客,很多超市通常打折出售商品。 11. They were prevented from returning home o

9、n account of the sudden rain. Besides , taking safety into account, they decided to stay in the tent for another night. These accounted for their absence from school, so it was accounted an awful day. 因为突然下雨,他们不能回家。而且出于安全考 虑,他们决定在帐篷里再待一晚。这些就是他们缺课的原因,因此他们认为那是糟糕的一天。 3 IV. Compositions 在我们的高中生活中,发现部分同学

10、崇拜“网红”,模仿网红化妆、穿衣等。请你针对此现象 发表一篇博文。词数 100 左右。参考词汇:1.online celebrity 网红 2.imitate v.模仿 As a senior high school student, Id like to share my thoughts about the online celebrity with you. Some students tend to admire online celebrities by imitating them in the way they make up and dress themselves while

11、 some even dream of being an online celebrity and attracting as many followers as possible. However, there is a rising concern that it may distract us students from our studies. Meanwhile, it can also lead to the loss of our characteristics. Personally, we students ought to make the best of our yout

12、h and work harder to be a useful and successful person. Just be ourselves. What are your ideas about this phenomenon? Tom is a well-known blogger who often writes blog posts on his blog. He likes to use search engines to find information he needs. He also likes to watch movies streaming online. When

13、 chatting with others, he uses different identities and avatars. He has access to free Wi-Fi, which is very convenient for him to download software from the network. His database and file are updated once a week. Surfing the Internet has indeed brought him great benefits. It seems that the computer

14、keeps him company all day. Once he went to a conference held in his province.He didnt bring any cash with him plus he lost his identity card. So he paid online. Tom 是一位著名的博主博主,他经常在自己的博客博客上发布博客文章博客文章。他喜欢用搜索引擎搜索引擎找到 他需要的信息。他还喜欢在网上看流媒体流媒体电影。和别人聊天聊天时,他用不同的身份身份和头像。 他可以使用可以使用免费无线网络,从网络上下载软件下载软件非常方便。他的数据库数

15、据库和文件文件每周更新更新一次。 上网冲浪上网冲浪确实给他带来了很大的好处好处。电脑好像整天陪着陪着他。有一次他去参加他所在省的一 个会议会议。他身上没带现金现金,而且而且身份证身份证也丢了。所以他是在网上付款的。 This is a new type of tracker with many functions. Put in the battery, press the button and you can keep track of the person in the distance. By using it, you can confirm where someone is. Thi

16、s is our account. We can give you a discount if you click on our website and buy online. Inspired by real life, an author wrote a book Guidelines and Tips for Residents Lives. He had once met with an embarrassing case which made him very upset and go through a tough time. Because he was not familiar

17、 with online shopping, he bought a false product. The tracker was useless and even made fun of him. Another time someone put a particular tracker under his car, and he became the target of theft. Now, the author keeps it in mind now that he has gone through so many things. 这是一种具有多种功能功能的新型追踪器。把电池电池放进去,按下按钮按下按钮,你就可以跟踪跟踪远处远处的 人。通过使用它,你可以确认确认某人的位置。这是我们的账户账户。如果你点击点击我们的网站在线购 买,我们可以给你一个折扣折扣。受到现实生活的启发启发,一位作家作家写了一本书居民生活指南指南和 4 小贴士小贴士。他曾经遇到过一件尴尬的事情尴尬的事情,这件事使他非常沮丧沮丧,并且经历了一段艰难的时经历了一段艰难的时 期期。因为他不熟悉熟悉网上购物,所以买了假假货。追踪器毫无用处,甚至捉弄捉弄他。还有一次,有 人在他的车下放了一个特殊的特殊的追踪器,他就成了偷窃偷窃的目标目标。现在,这位作家记住记住了这一 点,既然既然他经历了这么多事情。


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