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2021届 河北省 高三年级普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟调研卷(三)英语试题Word版含答案.docx_第1页
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2021届 河北省 高三年级普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟调研卷(三)英语试题Word版含答案.docx_第2页
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2021届 河北省 高三年级普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟调研卷(三)英语试题Word版含答案.docx_第3页
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2021届 河北省 高三年级普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟调研卷(三)英语试题Word版含答案.docx_第4页
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2021届 河北省 高三年级普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟调研卷(三)英语试题Word版含答案.docx_第5页
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1、求度、求斯、向善、向上 何此与威县第一中为专用 河北省 2021 年高三年级普通高等学校招生全国统一 考试模拟调研卷(三)英语试题 第二部分 阅读(共两节,満分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;毎小題 2.5 分.满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文.从每題所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项. Optional Tours in Langkawi Line One (Mangrove tours and eagle feeding) Catch exciting movement and magnificent views of how eagles try to get

2、their food skillfully at kilim river mangrove jungle safiarit visit limestone bats cave and have lunch on floating restaurant. Price: adult rate RM 160.00/ person child rate (age 312yrs) RM 120.00/ person infant (below 3yrs) free Time: 9:00 am14:00 pm Line Two (Snorkeling and baby shark feeding) Pul

3、au Payar marine park with spectacular corals and colorful tropical marine life is one of I he most beautiful and exotic marine parks in Malaysia. Price t adult rate RM 220.00/ person child rate (age 312yrs) RM 150.00/ person infant (below 3yrs) free Timet 8:00 am17:00 pm Line Three (Day cruise aroun

4、d Iingkawi archipelago) Experience swimming among fishes and view spectacular corals and exotic marine life. Price: adult rate RM 450.00/ person child rate (age 312yrs) RM 350.00/ person infant (below 3yrs) free Timej 9:00 am17:00 pm Line Four (Amazing sunset cocktail and dinner cruise) Experience t

5、he amazing sunset scenery around the Andaman sea while having cocktail and dinner Price: adult rate RM 350.00/ person child rate (age 312yrs) RM 250.00/ person infant (below 3yrs) free Timei 16:00 pm21 :00 pm 14. What is special about Line One? A. It provides food. B. It is the cheapest. C. It lasts

6、 the longest. D. It allows tourists to feed animals. 15. How much should a couple pay for a day cruise with their 3-ycarold kid? A. RM 450. 00. B.RM 800. 00. C.RM 900.00. D. RM 1250. 00. 16. Which line is best for the visitors to Mart their tour in the afternoon? A. Line Four. B. Line Three. C. Line

7、 Two. D. Line One. B It was the first day of Spring here but it didnt feel like it. The Coronavirus(冠状病毒) Pandemic was sweeping the globe and everywhere there were feelings of uncertainty, fear, loneliness and even despair. Social Distancing* had become the new norm. Here the schools had been closed

8、, the restaurant dining rooms shut* and people had been told to work from home whenever they could. Even the sheltered workshop where my oldest son worked had been closed until furl her notice. People had made a run on the stores and large areas of the shelves were l re. ()n the news the numbers of

9、sick and dead continued to rise. It felt like there was a weight on the souls of everyone in the world. My own family was staying at home as much as possible and as I looked out my window I wondered how long this crisis would last. It was then, however. that I saw something that lifted that weight o

10、ff of my soul, made my face smile, and made my heart feel happy again. On the street below my house there was an old friend of mine from high school who was a teacher there now. With him was my younger son s former 求度、求斯、向善、向上 何此与威县第一中为专用 aide from the high school as well. They were delivering the s

11、chool lunches door to door to the hungry children who were stuck al home. Watching them made me think of something everyones childhood television neighbor. Mr. Rogers once said: *In the bad times, always look for the helpers. ” I have no doubt this crisis will pass as all the crisis before it have.

12、But it is our choice on whether it brings out the best in us or the worst in us. Let it bring out the best in you. Use it to strengthen your faith. Use it to free yourself from (car. Use it to grow kinder* more giving* and more loving. Become a helper to all those in need and you will be a happy per

13、son today and in all the days to come. 17. How did people feel in face of the epidemic? A. Disappointed. B. Confident. C. Tense. D. Doubtful. 18. What made the author happy? A. Seeing 淘 mcone delivering lunches from door to door B. Staying together with his families in time of danger C. Seeing a chi

14、ldhood television in time of danger D. Standing by the window and look out into the street 19. What Mr. Roger said actually means . A. in bad times we should watch mon* TV programs B. school lunches arc not easy to forget for many people C. we should prepare more lunches for school children D. peopl

15、e look forward to helping hands in bad times 20. What is the purpose of the text? A. To express his expectation to end the epidemic soon B. To encourage people to bring out their best in had times C. To show that he is ready to help others in time of danger D. To explain why wc should have strong fa

16、ith in ourselves C When a child is choking, it means that an object is stuck in the trachca. When this happens, air cant flow normally into or out of the lungs, so the child can t breathe properly. The trachea is usually protected by epiglottis (喉头盖).It allows food to pass down and go into our stoma

17、ch and it also prevents food from going down the trachea. But every once in a while, the epiglottis doesnt close fast enough and an olqcct can slip into the trachea. This is what happens when some! hi ng goes down the wrong pipe. ” Most of the time, the food or object only partially blocks the trach

18、ca is coughed up, and breathing returns to normal quickly. Kids who seem to be choking and coughing but still can breathe and talk usually recover without help. It can be uncomfortable for them, but theyre generally fine after a few seconds. Sometimes, an object can get into the trachca and complete

19、ly block the airway. If airflow into and out of the lungs is blocked and the brain will become short of oxygen, choking can become a lik-threatening emergency. A child may be choking and need help right away if he or she can t breathe or can t talk or make noise. If you have kids, it s important to

20、get trained in both CPR(心肺夏苏)and the technique of alxlominal thrusts (腹部施压) Even if you dont have kids* knowing how to perform these first-aid procedures will let you help if someone is choking. All kids arc at risk for choking, but those younger than 3 arc especially at risk. Young kids tend to put

21、 things in their mouths, have smaller airways that arc easily blocked. and dont have a lot of experience chewing, so they might swallow things whole. Take the time now to become prepared CPR and first-aid courses arc a must for parent other caregivers, and babysitters. To find one in your area. cont

22、act your local American Red Cross. YMCA, or American Hcart Association chapicr. or check with hospitals and health departments in your community. 求度、求斯、向善、向上 何此与威县第一中为专用 28. When docs choking take place? A. An object gets down into the trachea. B. An object gets down into the stomach. C. Children ca

23、t too much food. D. An object chokes the trachea partly. 29. A child will need first aid when _ . A. he or she doesnt feel comfortable B. he or she is short of food C.the child cannot breathe D. the child coughs badly 30. Whom is the text written for? A. American parents. B. Japanese volunteers. C.

24、British doctors. D. Australian visitors. 31. What dots the text mainly tell us? A. Different ways of first aid. B. How choking takes place. C. When to offer first aid. 1) D The necessity of learning first aid. Micro plastics are tiny bits of plastic* often too small to be seen. Plastic doesnt *decom

25、posew like natural materials. Instead, it just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. No one knows exactly how much plastic is in the oceans. Since the sea is so large and so deep, it s hard to get a good idea of how much plastic it contains. But in recent years, scientists have made greater effort

26、s to get a more accurate idea. Some studies have suggested that since 1950. about 17 million metric tons(公吨)of plastic have entered the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists believe that the plastic previously found on beaches and on the surface of the water is only about 1% of all the plastic in the oceans. R

27、esearchers from the United Kingdom (UK) want al to find out where the ot her 99% was. For two months in 2016 the researchers took samples at 12 different locations in the Atlantic Ocean* from the UK to South America. They collecttxl water samples from three different depths in the top 200 meters. By

28、 running the water through special fllters(过滤器), they were able to collect the micro pl astics, which they could view and study with a microscope. Based on their mcasurments. the researchers learned that just the top 200 meters of the Atlantic Ocean holds between 12 and 21 million metric tons of pla

29、stics. But the Atlantic Ocean is very deep, and the scientists only checked the top 200 meters. They say that if microplastics are spread through the rest of the Atlantic like they were in the top 200 meters, thin there arc probably about 200 million metric tons of microplastics in the Atlantic Ocea

30、n. Though the scientists only studied the Atlantic ocean* the results suggest that there may be far more tnicroplastic in all oceans than we realized. The problems go far beyond ocean pollution. Microplastic particles have been found just alx)ut everywhere around the world from Antarctica to the lx)

31、ttom of the sea. Scientijits predict that the amount of plastic entering our oceans is likely to triplet 成三 ff?) over the next 20 yvars. Having a good idea of how much plastic is already then* might be a good first step to fighting the problem. 32. What docs the underlined word decomposew in Paragra

32、ph 1 mean? A. turn up B. break down C. give off D. bring out 33. What is the latest idea about the plastic in the seas? A. Previous data of plastic consists of only a very small part. B. There is only 17 million metric ton of plastic on the earth. C. The amount of plastic in the seas is on the decre

33、ase in recent years. D. The amount of plastic in the seas is increasing by 1 % yearly. 34. What is the author s attitude according to the text? A. Pessimistic. B. Confident. C. Objective. D. Conserved. 35. Wliat dots the author expect to lake place? 求度、求斯、向善、向上 何此与威县第一中为专用 A. More pollutants will tu

34、rn out in the future. B. Measures will be taken to deal with plastic. C. The oceans will be cleaned in the future. D. More people will be aware of plastic pollution. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分.满分 12.5 分) 阅读下面短文.从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中冇两项为多余选项. Crows arc not the most beautiful bird. They dont cam a good

35、fame, citlu*r in most countries of the world. 36 They are definitely one of the smartest, most adaptable of our winged friends. 37 However, some of these species may also have small areas of white or gray feather around their body. And they are compact(结实的)birds with functional beaks and feet. Crows

36、 are very socialized to groups These groups of crows arc referral to as flocks or murder. The American crow, also known as the common crow, is of the Corvidae family. This includes 120 species. 38 In a variety of studies crows have been proven to be extremely intelligent. These studies confirm that

37、the birds arc able to construct and use tools in their life. 39 Crows have actually evolved into making hooked tools from twigs to help lhem forage. They are also able to drop pebbles into a lube of water to allow them to drink the water. 40 And they also stash and store food in trees and other plac

38、es for future use. They are highly adaptive birds that cat over six hundred different kinds of (xxlstuff. They cat almost all types of plants. And they also feed on insects like spiders, grasshoppers* weevils* beetles and crickets. As scavengersC 食腐动物)they feed on decaying and dead matter. And also

39、cat waste and food from garbage biw, especially in the winter months. A. These birds consume many varieties of food. B. Ravens and jackdaws are included in that number. C. They usually dont spend too much time in their nets. D Common crows arc gcwrally all-bl ack in appearance. E. For example, they

40、use sticks to dig bugs from trees to eat. F. These birds gel on well with each other when they hunt for food. G. But they arc believed to be one of the most intelligent birds on tk, earth. 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;毎小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文.从毎题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. I was

41、16 years old and on a week-long trip to visit a Seminary (神学院) college in Iowa. On the way our group 41 in Chicago for a few days. Wc were staying in a building 42 by the church on the south side of the city and had been warned not to go out 43 . However, it wasnt long 44 I was feeling coopal up(禁個)

42、and decided to sneak out for a short walk. I was going down a street when 1 saw many people 45 around someone sitting on the sidewalk. His clothes were worn. His skin was dirty and I could 46 him from several feet away. I had never seen a homeless person before. Then my mind flashed back and I 47 I

43、had seen a homeless person once before: Me. It was a summer night in my 11th year when the home I grew up in 48 fire in the middle of the night. I can still remember all of us standing outside while the 49 dzroyed every! hi ng wc owned. My Dad was 50 . My Nana and Mom were crying. And my brotheni an

44、d I were standing in shocked and scared 51 , Thankfully, friends look us in that night. Our neigh bom in the small town gathered around us. They 52 us with love and care. They fed us brought us clothes. and within a few days helped our Dad to rent a temporary house. A few months later our church hel

45、ped us to 53 a new home. I could remember feeling loved and blessed even after losing so much. The homeless man sitting in front of me 54 , had no one to love and help him. 1 could see the sadness and despair in his eyes. I only had a few dollars left in my wallet but I didnt 55 1 bent down and hand

46、ed 求度、求斯、向善、向上 何此与威县第一中为专用 it to his child, talked with him. touched his hand, and wished him well before I left. Each of us may be in need of help al times. So reach out your helping hand when needed. 41. A. moved B. settled C.stayed D. caught 42. A. purchased B. imagined C. designed D. owned 43. A

47、. alone B. alive C. afraid D awake 44. A. since B. before C. when D. while 45. A. lying B. queuing C. marching D. standing 46. A. smell B. inform C. persuade D. notice 47. A. suggested B. realized C. believed D. recognized 48. A. caught B. invented C. discovered D. accepted 49. A. flood B. storm C.

48、snow D. fire 50. A. selecting B.extending C. cursing D arguing 51. A. silence B. excitement C. anger D. surprise 52. A. represuited B. covered C. provided D challenged 53. A. withdraw B. form C. adapt D. afford 54. A. however B. therefore C. besides D. furthermore 55. A. enter B. hesitate C. grow D.

49、 desire 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分.满分 15 分) 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式. Like m05l other toddlers, one curious 20-month-old from Brazil who loves to explore and get into trouble. The story goes like this. When the chi Id 56 (leave) home alone with an older sibling, everything was fine at first. But not long after that. they turned their back. The baby got angry and wandered away from home. When his parents came back, and found 57 (they) baby gone. The parents were so much worried about their baby and his safety 58 they had to turn to their families and neighbors for help. They immed


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