(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 1 Making Plans-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:1062e).doc

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(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 1 Making Plans-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:1062e).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Making Plans 一、学情分析 学生年龄特点:五年级的学生在注意力方面,学生的有意注意逐步发展并占主导地 位,在记忆方面,有意记忆逐步发展并占主导地位,抽象记忆有所发展,但具体形象记 忆的作用仍非常明显。 知识技能特点:学生学习英语已两年半了,大部分学生掌握了比较多的单词,也掌 握了一定的英语表达方法及相关的句型,基本具备简单的英语表述能力和交际能力。 因此,在设计课堂教学活动时我们根据学生的实际情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法 来吸引学生的注意,努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学情境。课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主, 激励学生开口说英语,特别是多给学困生创造表现的机会和平台,让他们体验

2、成功的喜 悦。 二、单元简介 本单元的核心词汇和主要语言目标是将来时的表达,要求学生能够熟练掌握询问和 描述自己的计划。 本单元的重点词汇是: take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes, have a party, write a letter, meet some friends, tomorrow, vacation, take photos, go camping.重点句型是:What are you going to do today?I m going to . Are you g

3、oing to ? Yes, I am. / No, Im going to .难点在于询问和描述自己或他人的计 划。而本单元的语音重点是p , ,要求学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出字母 组合 op, ong 的发音规律,让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。 三、单元目标 1. Language knowledge 知识目标 能够熟练掌握本单元词汇 take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes, have a party, write a letter, meet some friends

4、, tomorrow, vacation, take photos, go camping.重点句型:What are you going to do today?I m going to . Are you going to ? Yes, I am. / No, Im going to . 2. Language skill 语言技能 能够运用本课重点句型询问他人的计划和描述自己的计划, 能够自主阅读理解 Reading and writing. More Reading and writing. 并完成课后练习。 3. Cultural Education 文化目标 了解不同文化的学生平常

5、的生活。 4. Emotional attitude 情感目标 (1)让学生学会计划,珍惜时间。 (2)懂得尊老爱幼。 (3)在教学过程中帮助学 生树立自信心,提高学生的英语学习兴趣。 5. Strategy(策略目标 1)培养学生的注意力。 2)通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作、参与活动的意识。 3)在任务中,促使学生积极运用所学英语知识进行表达与交流,并能在遇到问题时 主动向人请教。 四、Teaching key points(教学重点): 重点词汇是:take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for cl

6、othes, have a party, write a letter, meet some friends, tomorrow, vacation, take photos, go camping.重点句 型是: What are you going to do today?I m going to . Are you going to ? Yes, I am. / No, Im going to . 五、Teaching difficult point(教学难点): 难点在于询问和描述自己或他人的计划。而本单元的语音重点是p , ,要 求学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出字母组合 op, on

7、g 的发音规律,让学生获得成功感, 进而提升自主学习的能力。 六、Teaching aids(教具) : VCD, masks, picture cards, PPT Unit 1 Making Plans 1 Target Vocabulary and sentence patterns 1. Language knowledge 知识目标 能够熟练掌握词汇 take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes, have a party, write a letter, meet some frie

8、nds, tomorrow, vacation, take photos, go camping.重 点句型:What are you going to do today?I m going to . Are you going to ? Yes, I am. / No, Im going to . 2. Language skill 语言技能 能够运用本课重点句型询问他人的计划和描述自己的计划。 3. Cultural Education 文化目标 了解不同文化的学生平常的生活。 4. Emotional attitude 情感目标 (1)让学生学会计划,珍惜时间。 (2)在教学过程中帮助学

9、生树立自信心,提高学 生的英语学习兴趣。 5. Strategy(策略目标 1)培养学生的注意力。 2)通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作、参与活动的意识。 Important points Are you going to write to your consin?? No, Im not. Difficult points be going to do something. Teaching aids Picture cards. Tape Recorder, PPT, paper, chalk Teaching Procedure Step 1 Review 1. Where are

10、you going? 2. Are you going to bank? Step 2 Conversation Getting ready Draw a time lime on the board (see below). T: (Point to future.) What are you going to do today? Repeat. Ss: What are you going to do today? 2)Using the books Have Ss look at the page. T: (Point to the first picture.) Whats Gogo

11、asking Jenny? Ss: What are you going to do today? T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story. Play the tape and have Ss follow by looking at the page. T: Lets listen again and repeat. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. Put Ss into pairs to practice acting out the dialog

12、. Ask volunteers to perform for the class. Step 3.Extension activity Bring in a large calendar and show it to Ss. 2T: (Point to todays date.) Im going to (read a book) today. What are you going to do _? on the board. Point to the dates on the calendar and have individual Ss ask other Ss questions us

13、ing the structures on the board. Have the Ss answer truthfully. . Step4 Home work 1 Listen and read the story and the vocabulary more than three times. 2.play the roles. Blackboard design Unit 1 Making Plans What are you going to do today? Im going to write a letter. Are you going to write to your cousin? No, Im going to write to my grandfather. Feedback:


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