(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 4 Going Outing-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f2055).doc

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1、1 Unit4 Going Outing 本单元是一个新授单元,主要学习 4 个频度副词、4 样交通工具和 2 个句型,并在对话中 复习和学习一些单词和句子。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生以前已经学过一些地方名字,但从没有接触过频度副词。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1语言知识目标语言知识目标 学习四会单词 never, sometimes, usually, always, subway, a car, a taxi, a bike 和四会句子 How do you go to the zoo? I usually take a bus. Do you usually take a taxi

2、 to school? No! I never take a taxi to school. 并适当教授 Bonus 中的单词 drive, walk, ride my bike。 2语言技能目标语言技能目标 通过说唱歌谣,做游戏,做调查报告,表演,比赛等多个环节,使学生在观察、判断、合 作、自学、表演、竞争、创造、评价等多方面的能力得到发展和提高。 3情感态度目标情感态度目标 培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,挖掘学生的表演才能和实际应用语言的能力,给学生一个 自我展示的舞台。 4文化意识目标文化意识目标 四、教学重点与难点四、教学重点与难点 1教学重点教学重点 本节课重点学习四会单词、两组句型和

3、学习对话,由于英语书中的每一个对话都是一个 小故事,所以通过对句型的学习,理解对话的意义,并能表演出来是本课的重点。 2教学难点教学难点 通过对话的学习,能让学生学会灵活运用新知识,自己创设新的情景对话,又是本课的 难点。另外,几个单词 sometimes, usually, always, taxi 的发音也是难点之一。 五、教法学法五、教法学法 根据本单元的教学内容,可采用活动教学法、情景教学法组织教学活动。充分利用身边 易找、易做之物,如单词卡,头饰,图片等,最大限度的调动学生学习的积极性。复习、引 入、新授、扩展,层层递进,尽可能创造相宜的语言情境,鼓励学生的大胆创新,加强合作 学习、

4、合作表演,使学生在轻松愉悦的环境中学习、思维、应用。 六、课前准备六、课前准备 2 金太阳课件、图片、头饰、实物等。 七、课时划分七、课时划分 第一课时: Vocabulary, Revision and Song activity. 第二课时: Story, Practice 1 and Practice 2. 第三课时: Activity, Sounds and words and reading and writing. 第四课时: More reading and writing. 八、教学过程八、教学过程 第一课时第一课时 一、课时目标一、课时目标 通过学习,让学生熟练掌握 8 个单

5、词、Bonus 中的单词 drive, walk, ride my bike 并能用它 们替换 2 个句型。 二、课时重点和难点二、课时重点和难点 本节课重点学习 8 个四会单词和两组句型;难点是单词 sometimes, usually, always, taxi 的发音。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 金太阳课件、图片、实物等。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up and getting ready T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Wu. T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks.

6、 And you? T: Im fine, too. Thanks. Do you like songs? Ss: Yes, we do. T: OK. Lets sing a song. Step 2 Revision T: You sing very well. I like it.(走到一同学跟前,对他、她说)I bought a carton of ice cream yesterday. Did you go to the store yesterday? S1: Yes, I did. T: What did you buy? S1: I bought T: I walked to

7、 the store. Did you walk there, too? S1: No, I didnt. 3 T: How did you get there? Did you take the bus?(引导学生说) S1: Yes, I did. Step 3 Presentation 1. Teach the new words, phrases and the sentence pattern I _ take the _. T: Boys and girls. Lets play a guessing game. Whats this?(快速出示图片) S1: Its a dog.

8、 T: No, it isnt. (动作提示) S2: Its a bus. T: Yes, youre right. Its a bus.(教读 bus) Ss: Bus. T: Take the bus.(做动作)I usually take a bus to school. Read after me. Take a bus. Ss: Take a bus. T: (分音节教, 板书个人读 小组读) T: I usually take the bus to school.(教读板书) (相同方法教单词 subway, taxi, bike 和 take the subway, drive

9、 a car, walk, ride my bike, take a taxi) T: Can you say more sentences with these words and phrases?(小组比赛) e.g. My father usually drives the car to work.(注意三单形式) They always take the bus to the park on Sunday. 2. Teach the new questions. T: (从最后一个说句子的同学中引出问句) I usually take the bus to school. He oft

10、en takes the bus to school.(指着学生说)How do you usually go to school?(走到一同学面前问) S1: I usually take the car. T: How do you usually get to school? (板书) S2: I usually walk to school. (替换操练此句式) T: Do you usually take a taxi to school? S3: No, I dont. T: Do you ever take a taxi to school? (板书) S4: No, I don

11、t. T: He never takes a taxi to school. (方法同上) 3. Game T: Its time to play a game: Listen and pass. 准备 1 套装有 never, sometimes, usually, always, often 的信封和 1 套装有 bike, car, bus, subway, taxi, walk 的信封,当音乐停时,拿到 2 个信封的 2 个学生要进行一问一答。 4 e.g. S1: How do you usually go to school? S2: I usually take the bus.

12、 4. Listen and repeat.(播放金太阳软件,让学生跟读单词和句子)(播放金太阳软件,让学生跟读单词和句子) Step 4 Drill and practice 1. Group work T: This time lets practice in groups of four. Look at the pictures on your books to talk about them like Target. (4 人小组活动) Then Ill choose some groups to act out your dialogues. 2. Song activity T:

13、 You all did a good job. Do you want to sing a song now? Ss: Sure. T: OK. Lets watch and listen, then sing together.(播放金太阳课件) (齐读一次- 听一次- 跟音乐齐唱 -分组唱) Step 5 Consolidation / Exercises design 1. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks. 2. 连词成句。 ( 1 ) get / how / school / usually / to / you / do / (?

14、) _ ( 2 ) you / ever / school / to / do / take / subway / the / (?) _ ( 3 ) ride / I / the / to / bike / school / always ( .) _ Step 6 Summary Read what weve learned today. Step 7 Homework 1. Listen, read, spell and copy the new words three times after school. 2. Ask and answer in pairs, using the s

15、entence patterns on page 10. 3. Preview Conversation. Step 8 Blackboard design Unit4 Going Outing - How do you get to the zoo? - I usually take a bus. 5 often subway sometimes always - Do you usually take a taxi to school? - No, I never take a taxi to school. ride a bike drive a car walk 第二课时第二课时 一、

16、课时目标一、课时目标 在掌握第一课时内容的基础上继续进一步训练频度副词, 培养学生运用话题语言进行交际 的能力,覆盖 Story, Practice 1 and 2 等板块。 二、课时重点和难点二、课时重点和难点 本节课的重点、难点都是学习和小组合作表演对话,并在练习中巩固频度副词在句型中 的灵活运用。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 金太阳课件、图片、实物等。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up and getting ready T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wu. T: Nice to

17、meet you again. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Lets sing the song.(示范开头,拍着手齐唱 1 次) Step 2 Revision T: Thank you for your singing. Look at the pictures(利用书本图片)and read quickly, please. T: How do you usually go to school?(逐一问学生或让学生提问) S1: I usually take the bus. T: How do you get to school? 6 S2: I usu

18、ally walk to school. T: Do you ever take a taxi to school? S3: No, I dont. Step 3 Presentation( Conversation) T: Hello, boys and girls. Look at the picture without reading the dialogue. (指着 Gogo, Tony, Jenny)They are looking for some birds. Do you think they can find the birds? Ss: No, they cant. T:

19、 Can Gogo find any candies? Ss: Yes, he can. T: OK. Lets watch. What happened to them? (播放金太阳光碟) T: What did Gogo find? Ss: He found some candies. T: Yes. Lets watch and repeat the dialogue. T: OK. Practice acting out the dialog in groups. Then Ill choose some groups to act it out. Step 4 Drill and

20、practice 1. Practice 1 (1) T: You all did a good job. Open your books. Lets talk about the pictures. T: She usually takes the bike. S1: She usually takes the bus. ( 同样的方法去谈论其它的图片) (2) Ask four Ss to read the four questions for the class. ( 3)( 播放金太阳)T: Let me check your listening. You must check the

21、 correct pictures on the page. (4) Check the answers together. 2. Practice 2 T: Look at the pictures, please. Now, work with a partner like this. T: How does Tony usually get to school? Look at the pictures for every day of the week. They are all buses. S1: He always takes the bus to school. T: Good

22、. Now find a partner and practice asking and answering about Jenny, Ben and Lisa. Check the pictures for every day of the week. Walk around the classroom to see how Ss are doing. At last, Choose some pairs to talk about them. Step 5 Consolidation / Exercises design 1. 用 Practice 1 and 2 的图让每组学生学出尽可能

23、多的问句和答句。 2. 仿例句: Model1: How do you go to the park? I usually take a bus. 7 _(Jenny, school, take a taxi) _(father, work, walk) Model2: Do you take a taxi to school? Yes, I do. _(Tony, take a bus ,beach) _(parents, work, take a subway) Step 6 Summary Read the dialogue together. Step 7 Homework 1. Li

24、sten and read the dialogue after school. 2. Act out the dialogue with your classmates after class. 3. Ask and answer in pairs to talk about the pictures on page 11. 4. Preview Activity in groups. Step 8 Blackboard design Unit4 Going Outing Lets look for birds. I think were lost. I found some candies

25、. find - found 第三课时第三课时 一、课时目标一、课时目标 这一课时主要是进行拓展训练,强化学生的语言综合运用能力并教学 Sounds and words and reading and writing。 二、课时重点和难点二、课时重点和难点 本节课的重点是强化训练用频度副词说句子,并学习 Sounds and words. 难点是在进行拓 展训练中让学生能比较灵活地运用频度副词。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 金太阳课件、图片、实物、简单的幻灯片、实物投影仪等。 8 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up and getting ready T: Hi, bo

26、ys and girls. Ss: Hi, Miss Wu. T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes, I am. T: Lets sing together.(示范开头,拍着手齐说唱 1 次) Step 2 Revision T: Good job! Open your books and read Vocabulary, Target and Story together. T: How do you usually get to school? S1: I usually take a bus. T: How does your father get to wor

27、k? S2: He takes a car. T: Which group wants to act out the dialogue again? (抽 1-2 组) Step 3 Presentation (Sounds and words) T: (板书 6 个单词) Look at these words. They all have the sound of :. Lets practice this sound. T: (播放金太阳)Lets watch, listen and repeat after it. T: This time I will point to the pi

28、ctures randomly and you must say the words quickly. (小组比赛) T: Youre so clever. I like chanting. Lets learn a new chant. (教读 1 次播放金太阳跟唱齐唱小组唱个人唱) Step 4 Drill and practice 1. Activity (最好用实物投影仪展出本页的图片) (1) Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. (2) Read aloud the sentences on the page together. (3)

29、 Give Ss time to talk about the pictures. T: This time you act Gogo. Ask and answer in pairs. (4) Circulate around the room to check how Ss are doing. (5) Choose some pairs to talk about the table. 2. Group works: How many students take the bus to school ? 统计全班用各交通工具的人数。 Go to school How many? Total

30、 take the subway take the bus 9 take a taxi ride a bike walk Step 5 Consolidation / Exercises design 模仿例句写句子。 Model A. Ho do you usually get to school? I usually take the bus. 1. your mother / get to work / car _ 2. they / get to the mall / subway _ Model B: Do you often take the taxi to the swimmin

31、g pool? Yes, I do. 1. Tony / usually / ride a bike / bookstore _ 2. they / always / drive a car / movie theater _ Step 6 reading and writing 1. Free talk: 2. The teacher show a picture and ask: 3. Group work 1)小组朗读短文,完成练习 2,并分角色朗读。 2)投影学生的答案,进行修正。 3)学生提出疑问,学生或老师解答,协助学生扫除阅读障碍。 4) 教育学生坐公车应注意的地方。 5)小组完

32、成第 3 题。 Step 7 Summary Read Sounds and words together. 10 Step 8 Homework 1. Review Unit 4. 2. Listen and read aloud Unit 4 again and again. 3. Ask and answer in pairs to talk about the pictures. 4. Preview More reading and writing. Step 9 Blackboard design Unit4 Going Outing talk walk always ball t

33、all small 第四课时第四课时 一、课时目标一、课时目标 这一课时主要是进行拓展训练,强化学生的拓展能力并教学 More reading and writing。 二、课时重点和难点二、课时重点和难点 本节课的重点是强化训练用频度副词说句子,并学习 More reading and writing。难点是掌 握一定的阅读技巧和基本的写作策略。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 金太阳课件、图片、实物、简单的幻灯片、实物投影仪等。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1 Pre-reading 1. Free talk. T: How do you get to school every day?

34、Ss: I always take a bus . 2. 课件展示 subway 的图片。 1)T:There are different names for the subway all over the world. Lets see what they are. 2) 引导学生阅读,并让学生把答案写在黑板上。 11 City Name of the subway Hong Kong London New York Shanghai Singapore 3. T: Boys and girls , cay you look and match these words.(引导学生连线,加深知

35、 识的运用。) every Shanghai take MTR from the subway the day 4. Look at the pictures. Match them with the words below. 5. 上网查找一些关于世界各国地铁之最(如,最长的地铁、最短的地铁、最先 进的地铁等,以此来增长学生的课外知识与见闻。) Step 2 Writing 小作文。试着写一写你和你的家人平时是坐什么交通工具上学或是上班。 12 Step 3 Homework Share your writing with your partners. Step 4 Blackboard design Unit4 Going Outing City Name of the subway Hong Kong London New York Shanghai Singapore


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