(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:108f0).zip

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1 Unit 6 Good Habits 教材简析 【单元知识目标】 本课的语言点“Asking and recognizing good or bad habits”。特别是第三人称单数的提问。关 于他人的习惯及相应的活动频率。如: - How often does she take out the trash? - She takes our the trash three times a week. - How often does he clean up his room? - He cleans up his room once a year. 本课学习继续在句型中复习频率用词。 【情感教育目标】 学习中引导学生培养良好的生活卫生习惯。 【学生状况分析】 学生在上一单元学过 go fishing, go dancing, go hiking, go ice-skating, go swimming 等词。这一 单元将学习部分动词的第三人称单数形式,相当一部分同学在这个知识点上比较容易混淆。 【教时设计】 第一课时:学习 Conversation,学习词组:packs schoolbag, wash face. 第二课时:进一步学习句型:How often does ? He/She ,学习词组 brush teeth, comb hair, finish homework, hang up clothes, take out the trash, clean up the room. 第三课时:学习主语是 he, she, How often does he ? , 然后进行综合性的练习和巩固。完 成课文中的练习题。 第四课时:学习 Sounds and words; 完成练习册内容。另一课时查漏补缺。 2 UnitUnit 6 6 GoodGood HabitsHabits VocabularyVocabulary & & TargetTarget 教学设计教学设计 课课 题题 UnitUnit 6 6 GoodGood HabitsHabits VocabularyVocabulary & & TargetTarget 设计思路设计思路 简述简述 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.Ps will be able to grasp 8 new phrases and drills. 2. Ps will be able to finish the learning tasks in English. 3. To train the pupils to study from the cooperative learning. 4. Let the kids know how to have more good habits. 重重 点点 1.To guide the kids learn the new words and drills. 2. To guide the kids to finish every exercise. 难难 点点 1.The pronunciation of these phrases: finishes her homework, washes her face, brushes her teeth and takes out the trash. 2. The drills: How often does she clean up her room? She cleans up her room three times a week. Let the kids know: A: How often doesclean? B: cleans 教教 具具 PPT, Pictures, Puppets, etc. 教教 学学 过过 程程 A. Warming up 1.Talk to the kids freely. 2. Enjoy a song: How often do you go hiking? B. Presentation. 1.Show a picture book made by myself. Then guide to learn the 8 phrases by listening to the story. 一、歌曲导入, 热身、复习相关旧 知。 二、新知引入: 把教材里的八条短 语组合成一册有情 节的图画书,创新 使用教材,增添了 趣味性,主题与线 索清晰方便孩子们 学习与记忆。 三、拓展环节, 看视频写话,开拓 了学生的思维与视 野。 3 2. Let the kids read the phrases more by playing games. 3. Guide to learn the drills by the picture. -How often does she clean up her room? -She cleans up her room three times a week. 4. Let the kids compare and practice the drills. A: How often doesclean? B: cleans. 4 5. Guide to know the phrases by exercises. cleans up his clothes, hangs up his clothes brushes her teeth, finishes her homework C. Practice. 1. Choose the pictures and practice the drills in groups. 5 2. finish the exercises. 3. Show kids work and check the answers. 4. Free talk. 6 D. Summary and homework. 布布 置置 作作 业业 1. Read the Lisas Good Habits again. 2. Write down your good habits and make a picture book. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 6 Good Habits brushes her teeth washes her face comb her hair finishes her homework -How often does she clean up her room? -She cleans up her room three times a week. twice a day 教 学 后 记 评 课 意 见I hope everybody has good habbit. GOOD MORNING Unit 6 Good Habits Lisa has some good habits. She brushes her teeth twice a day. She washes her face twice a day, too. She combs her hair once a day. She finishes her homework every day. And she packs her schoolbag every day. She hangs up her clothes every day. She cleans up her room three times a week. And she takes out the trash every day. They are good habits. Lisas Good Habits Lisa has some good habits. She brushes her teeth twice a day. She washes her face twice a day, too. She combs her hair once a day. She finishes her homework every day. And she packs her schoolbag every day. She hangs up her clothes every day. She cleans up her room three times a week. And she takes out the trash every day. They are good habits. Listen, read ,discuss and circle. +s packs his schoolbag hangs up his clothes takes out the trash cleans up his room combs her hair brushes her teeth washes her face finishes her homework +es brush-brushes wash-washes finish-finishes /her A Game : Watch carefully and say. brushes her teeth combs her hair packs her schoolbag hangs up her clothes cleans up her room takes out the trash finishes her homework washes her face How often does she take out the trash? She takes out the trash once a day. day Sun.Sun.Mon.Mon.Tue.Tue.Wed.Wed.Thu.Thu.Fri.Fri.Sat.Sat. Let Chant. How often does she take out the trash? Take out the trash. Take out the trash. Once a day. Once a day. Once a day. day InIn thethe morningmorning . . InIn thethe eveningevening . . How often does she brush her teeth? She brushes her teeth twice a day Let Chant. How often does she brush her teeth? Brush her teeth. Brush her teeth. Twice a day. Twice a day. Twice a day. How often does she clean up her room ? She cleans up her room three time a week Sun.Sun.Mon.Mon.Tue.Tue.Wed.Wed.Thu.Thu.Fri.Fri.Sat.Sat. week Let Chant. How often does she clean up her room? Clean up her room . Clean up her room. Three times a week. Three times a week. Three times a week. Practice in groups. Page 68 brush his teeth comb her hair wash his face hang up clothes clean up His room take out trash weekdaydaydayyearday 1. Tony ________________________________________ 2. Jenny_______________________________________ 3. Peter_______________________________________ 4. Lisa________________________________________ 5. Gogo_______________________________________ 6. Toto_______________________________________ brushes his teeth twice a week. 看图说话看图说话 combs her hair once a day. washes his face twice a day. hangs up her clothes once a day. cleans up his room once a year. takes out the trash three times a day. Lets think and talk. Good habit Bad habit Brushes the teeth twice a week. Brushes the teeth twice a day. Wait in line for the bus. Say “Excuse me” . Give the seat to the elderly people . Push to the front of the line . Talk loudly in the class . Rush to get a seat . What else?(谈谈好和坏习惯). My name is Ellen. I have some good habits. hang up my clothes read books Sun.Sun.Mon.Mon.Tue.Tue.Wed.Wed.Thu.Thu.Fri.Fri.Sat.Sat. clean up my room take out the trash Miss li Have good habits, have a healthy life. 好的习惯,健康生活 Name What to doHow often xxxwash your facetwice a day comb your hair clean up your room brush your teeth 完成调查表,并填写报告 A:Hi! B: Hello! A: How often do you ? B: I wash my face twice a day. A: Thats a good habit. (Thats not good.) Hello, ________________ are my friends. _______washes his/her face ________. _______combs his/her hair__________ _______cleans up his/her room_______. _______ brushes his/her teeth________. They have a good habbit. Write about your habit. (写写你自己的习惯。) TNANK YOU
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