(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 4 Going Outing-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:4149a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Going Outing_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:4149a)
    • at the bus stop 录音.swf
    • song.mp3
    • Unit 4 At the bus stop.pptx--点击预览
    • Unit 4 练习.doc--点击预览
    • Word Bank.docx--点击预览
    • 教案4149a.docx--点击预览


Unit 4 Reading and writing Song Where are you going? Going,going, where are you going now? Going,going, where are you going now? Im going to the swimming pool. Swimming pool! Going,going, where are you going now? Going,going, where are you going now? Im going to the movie theater. Movie theater! sharp eyes in the garden movie theater at the supermarket at the swimming pool at the beach run on the bus eat some food sing a song in the park say “ Thank you” play games Where are they now? 1.Who 2.Where 3. What 4. How5. Why What are they doing? bus stop 公交站台 remember 记住 push 推挤 elderly 年长的 give your seat to sb 给某人让座 wait in line 排队等候 What are they doing? They are waiting for the bus. Group workGroup work小组活动小组活动 1.Read the conversation . 小组齐读会话。 2. Find out and underline the answers. 找出答案并下划线。 1.Who 2.Where 3. What 4. How 5. Why How to do at the bus stop? Why is the man pushing(推 ) to the front? How to do at the bus stop? give your seat to elderly people. We should wait in line, We shouldnt push. 1 2 3 记得 remember yet 还,到目前为止 I remember your name.I remember your name. I dont remember your name yet. a line wait in line for 排队等待 pushpull readseat We should give the seat to ______ _______and _______on the bus. a seat 给让座位 elderly peoplechildren pregnant womanthe disabled They need help. Why is the man pushing to the front? Because he is the driver(司机). 1.Who 3. What 4. How Mom and Xiaoqiang at the bus stop waiting for the bus give a seat to wait in line dont push the driver 2.Where 5. Why Mom and Xiaoqiang are at the bus stop. They are waiting _____________. Mom says(说)_________ __________ ________. But a man is pushing in the line, because_____________________. for the bus wait in line he is the driver other(别的)bus rules and manners(礼貌 ) Q Quickuick R Reactioneaction GameGame If its right, say yes. If its wrong, say no. the Angel of Civilizationthe Angel of Civilizationthe Angel of Civilizationthe Angel of Civilization 文明小天使文明小天使文明小天使文明小天使 Make a proposal (小组共同制作“争当文明小天使”的倡议书) 要求: 1、选择一个场景。(+1分) 2、每个组员都要参与写作。(+2分) 3、完成后,小组齐读倡议书。(+3分 ) 4、分享其他小组的倡议书。(+4分) WritingWriting 1 at the park在公园 2 at school在学校 3 at the movie theater在电影院 4 in the library在图书馆 5 wait in line 排队等候 6 give your seat to elderly people 给老人让座 7 give your seat to the children 给小孩子让座 8 jump the queue插队 9 push推人 10 run on the bus在公交车上跑 11 eat Word Bank 12 put your head or hands out of the window 把头和手放出 窗外 13 litter扔垃圾 14 smoke吸烟 15 take pets to the bus 带宠物坐公交 车 16 talk loudly大声谈话 17 spit随地吐痰 18 rush to get a seat抢位子 19 say “Sorry.”说对不起 20 say “Thank you.”说谢谢 21 fight打架 22 keep clean and tidy保持整洁 How to be the Angel ofCivilization? We are at the __________________. We should_____________________. _____________________________. _____________________________. We shouldnt _________________. _____________________________. ______________________________. Our city will be better tomorrow. pay in line supermarket We shouldnt litter run We shouldnt shout We should keep clean We should take care of goods(商品) 粘贴图片 How to be the Angel of Civilization?How to be the Angel of Civilization? We are at the ___________________. We should_________________________. __________________________________. __________________________________. We shouldnt ______________________. __________________________________. __________________________________. Our city will be better tomorrow. To be a good kid, we should be polite. We should obey the rules. We should help others. HomeworkHomework Share the proposal with your family and friends. (与家人和朋友分享你的倡议书。) Lets be the Angel of Civilization !前置作业:前置作业: 1.Find out the new word and read in group 2.Read Word Bank 堂上练习:堂上练习: Practice 1.Answer the Question 1.What are Xiaoqiang and Mom doing? 2.How to do at the bus stop ? 3.Why is the man pushing(推) to the front? Practice 2.Writing(make a proposal) How to be the Angel of Civilization? We are at the ___________________. We should________________________________________. _________________________________________________. _________________________________________________ We shouldnt ______________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Our city will be better tomorrow.Word BankWord Bank 1 at the park 在公园 1 at the park 在公园 2 at school 在学校 2 at school 在学校 3 at the movie theater 在电影院 3 at the movie theater 在电影院 4 in the library 在图书馆 4 in the library 在图书馆 5 wait in line 排队等候 5 wait in line 排队等候 6 give your seat to elderly people 给老人让座 6 give your seat to elderly people 给老人让座 7 give your seat to the children 给小孩子让座 7 give your seat to the children 给小孩子让座 8 jump the queue 插队 8 jump the queue 插队 9 push 推人 9 push 推人 10 run on the bus 在公交车上跑 10 run on the bus 在公交车上跑 11 eat 11 eat 12 put your head or hands 12 put your head or hands out of the window 把头和手放出窗外 out of the window 把头和手放出窗外 13 litter 扔垃圾 13 litter 扔垃圾 14 smoke 吸烟 14 smoke 吸烟 15 take pets to the bus 带宠物坐公交车 15 take pets to the bus 带宠物坐公交车 16 talk loudly 大声谈话 16 talk loudly 大声谈话 17 spit 随地吐痰 17 spit 随地吐痰 18 rush to get a seat 抢位子 18 rush to get a seat 抢位子 19 say “Sorry.” 说对不起 19 say “Sorry.” 说对不起 20 say “Thank you.” 说谢谢 20 say “Thank you.” 说谢谢 21 fight 打架 21 fight 打架 22 keep clean and tidy 保持整洁 22 keep clean and tidy 保持整洁 23 doodle 乱涂乱画 23 doodle 乱涂乱画 24 climb tree 爬树 24 climb tree 爬树 25 be quiet 保持安静 25 be quiet 保持安静 26 use polite language 使用礼貌用语 26 use polite language 使用礼貌用语 27 destory books 破坏书籍 27 destory books 破坏书籍Unit 4 At the bus stop 本节课是广东开心学英语五年级下册 Going Outing 单元中 第三课时,这是一节阅读课,以妈妈带小强去公交车站乘车为主线, 如何做到文明出行进行主题学习。以此为契机,鼓励孩子们为创建 文明鹤山出一份力,争当“文明小天使”,以小组活动的形式共同 制作一份倡议书,让孩子们对创建文明鹤山增添一份责任感、归属 感和荣誉感。 课型:阅读课(听力,阅读,口语交际,写作) 课时:第三课时 教学目标:通过听说读写活动,运用情境的创设开展形式多样 的小组活动,培养学生在阅读中运用本单元词汇和理解本课句子, 并在学习中渗透德育教育。 教学重点:1.引导学生理解阅读材料,并掌握重点词句; 2.指引学生运用新、旧词汇进行文明倡议书写作。 教学难点:组织,引导学生运用新、旧词汇进行文明倡议书写 作。教学过程: Step 1: Warming up 1. Sing a song : Where are they going? 2.Sharp Eyes Step2:Presentation 1. First reading.(看视频,完成问题) (1) T: This is my friend Xiaoqiang and this is his mom. (出示图片) Listen and guess, where are they now? (播放声音)How about your idea? Ss: Maybe they are at the swimming pool. T: Oh, you are so clever. They are at the bus stop.(出示题目) Wow, the bus stop is so beautiful and clean. What are they doing? (出示问题出示问题),并提问几个学生回答。并提问几个学生回答。 (2) Listen and answer the question: What are they doing? T:(播放完毕) One, two, three(叫口号或拍掌三下),OK, times up. Lets check the answer. Ss: They are waiting for a bus. 2. Group work. T:Excellent. Its group time. Look at these questions. Find out and underline the answers. How to do at the bus stop ? Why is the man pushing(推) to the front? 现场指前面的同学,解释 the front: He is the front of this row. T: Now open your books at P50 and read in your group. 教学:教学 remember(划音节 I remember your name.), yet(Sorry. I dont remember your name yet.) wait in line( line-Its a line.- wait in line), push(u-push-pull), give a seat to elderly people and children(ea-seat-give a seat to), 3.Read the text together. 4.小组根据关键词复述故事: who-where-what-how-why 5.Look at the key words .Repeat the conversation in groups. Step3:Extension 1. Talk about other bus rules and manners T: You are polite students. Do you know other bus rules and manners? Can we eat on the bus?Can we sing? Can we run? Dont rush to get a seat. Dont put your head or hands out of the windows. Dont smoke. Dont take pets to the bus. (板书:should ,shouldnt)We also say : We should We shouldnt 2. Play a game: Quick Reaction T: Lets play a game. Look at these pictures. What should we do? What shouldnt we do?(展示其他文明或者不文明行为). Step4:Writing make a proposal. How to be the Angel of Civilization? T: To make our Heshan City more and more beautiful, we can to be the Angel of Civilization. Lets make a proposal. (出示文明小天使) 1.(出示地点图)Look, supermarket, school, restaurant, Heshan Library, movie theater, and so on. 2.(出示写作要求) First, choose a place, and then stick here Then make a proposal, of course, you can take some words from the work bank. Remember, you are a team. So everyone must take part in it. Third, read it together. At last, share with other groups. 3.Demonstration and writing We are at the supermarket. We should ________________________ . We shouldnt _________ _______ . . . Our city will be better tomorrow. 4.Show the writing Step5: Summary You did a good job. At the same time, youre so polite and civilized. So you are all the Angel of Civilization. To be a good kid, we should be polite to everyone. We should obey the rules. We should help others when they need help. Step6: Homework Share the proposal for your family. 板书设计:板书设计: At the bus stop
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