(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 4 Going Outing-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:81020).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Going Outing_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:81020)
    • Unit4Reading and writing.pptx--点击预览
    • 作业纸.docx--点击预览
    • 教案81020.docx--点击预览
    • 文明乘车宣传片.mp4
    • 背景乐.mp3


Unit4 Going OutingUnit4 Going Outing Reading and writing Song activitySong activity a bus stopa bus stopa bus stopa bus stop At the bus stop.At the bus stop.At the bus stop.At the bus stop. At the bus stopAt the bus stopAt the bus stopAt the bus stop What do you want to know?What do you want to know?What do you want to know?What do you want to know? Who ? What ? Look, listen and read.Look, listen and read. Tip: .When you meet new new new new wordswordswordswords,you can guess the meaning form the pictures and the context. 当遇到生词时,你可以当遇到生词时,你可以当遇到生词时,你可以当遇到生词时,你可以 借助插图和上下文来猜借助插图和上下文来猜借助插图和上下文来猜借助插图和上下文来猜 出意思。出意思。出意思。出意思。 Look, listen and read.Look, listen and read. Word list: bus stop 公交站台 remember 记住 wait in line 排队等候 push 推挤 elderly people年长的 give your seat to sb 给某人让座 front of.最前面 yet 还 Tip: Read aloud(大声地大声地大声地大声地 读读读读),you can take more. Read and answer the questions.Read and answer the questions.Read and answer the questions.Read and answer the questions. 1.Who are in the story? 2.When we at the bus stop,what should(应该) we do? We should. 3.What happend at last? A man . But hes the . Xiaoqiang ,xiaoqiangs mom , the bus driver. always wait in line for the bus,and dont push. give the seat to elderly people or children . is pushing to the front of the line. bus driver. Rules:Rules:Rules:Rules: Work in groups Work in groups Work in groups Work in groups and underline and underline and underline and underline the answers.the answers.the answers.the answers. 小组讨论,吧答案小组讨论,吧答案小组讨论,吧答案小组讨论,吧答案 划出来。划出来。划出来。划出来。 Read and judge. Read and write.Read and write. A video for youA video for youA video for youA video for you! BrainstormingBrainstormingBrainstorming : What What we we should always do? What we should never do?should always do? What we should never do? 我们应该干什么?我们应该干什么? 我们不应该干什么?我们不应该干什么? 你能说出更多的,在乘坐公车时我们应该你能说出更多的,在乘坐公车时我们应该“always do” “always do” 和和“never do”“never do” 的事吗?的事吗? We should civilized travel,comity others.We should civilized travel,comity others. 文明出行,礼让他人!文明出行,礼让他人! Thank you Thank you ! ! See you!See you! We should remember:We should remember: 同学同学们们,要,要记记牢,上下牢,上下车时队车时队 排好。排好。 上了上了车车,不乱跑,准,不乱跑,准备备零零钱钱去去买买票。票。 车厢车厢 里,不大叫,安安静静秩序好。里,不大叫,安安静静秩序好。 有座位,不去有座位,不去抢抢,老人孩子照,老人孩子照顾顾到。到。 下下车时车时 ,不,不拥挤拥挤 ,耽,耽误时间误时间 易摔跤。易摔跤。 讲讲文明,文明,讲讲礼貌,开开心心上学校。礼貌,开开心心上学校。 Homework: 1.Tell the story to your friends and parents. 2.南方新课堂。教学内容教学内容 Unit4Unit4 GoingGoing OutingOuting 课时课时 4 4 课型课型新授新授 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:Reading and writing. 语言技能目标:1.理解并朗读短文对话。 2.完成 51 页的练习。 情感态度目标: 学会乘车秩序。 学习策略目标:让学生通过阅读,学会做阅读题的方法。 文化意识目标: 文明乘车,礼让他人。 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:1.理解、会读短文对话。 2.正确完成 51 页的练习。 教学难点: 学会乘车秩序。 教学教学 准备准备 PPT、作业纸 教 学 过 程 (一)(一)Warming-up 1.Song the song. 2.Free talk : T:How do you go to school?/ Do you go to school by .? . (二)(二)Presentation 1.Lead in T:Ok, boys and girls!When we take the bus,where should do we go? a bus stop Today we are going to learn a dialogue about”At the bus stop”. 2.Look at the title”At the bus stop”.What do you want to know? 3.呈现新知 Look,listen and read. 4.Read the words. 5.Read and answer the question. Tip:Work in pairs and find the answers. (三)(三)Practice 1.Read and judge. Read and judge,and find out the reasons.(Talk in groups.) 2.Put the words and phrases into the correct column. (4)Production 1.情景创设 Watch a video. 2.布置任务 Brain storming:Say more about :When we at the bus stop or on the bus ,What we should alway do? What we should never do? 3.Practice in groups.(作业纸) 4.汇报展示 (五)(五)Summary 1.总结归纳 文明乘车,小诗歌。 2.学习评价 Ticking time. (六)(六)Homework 1. 预习 More reading and writing。. 2. 南方新课堂部分练习。 板书板书 设计设计 Unit4Unit4 GoingGoing OutingOuting Always do never do 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记)
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