(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:92292).zip

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UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy favoritefavorite activitiesactivities 练习题练习题 一、一、单项选择,把编号写在左边的括号里。单项选择,把编号写在左边的括号里。 ( )1_____ are you going during your vacation?- -Im going to Wuhan. A.how often BWhat C.Where ( ) 2. Do you like _________? A.ice-skatting B.ice-skating C.ice-skate ( ) 3.How often do you go dancing? -_____,I go dancing once a year. A.Very often B.not very often C.Not really ( )4______ do you go shopping?- By bus. A.How B. How often C. Where ( )5Its hot.Lets _______. A.go running B. go camping C.go swimming ( )6We should eat meals _______ a day. A.once B. twice C.three times ( )7Bob is a good student. He reads English _______. A.once a week B.once a month C.every day ( )8We should ______ fight with our friends in water. A.often B.usually C.never 二、给下列句子排列顺序,并标上序号。二、给下列句子排列顺序,并标上序号。 (6 分)分) ( )Im reading about hiking. ( )Do you like hiking? ( )I go hiking twice a month. ( 1 )What are you reading? ( )How often do you go hiking? ( )Yes, hiking is my favorite activity. 三、根据句意,找出相应的图片,把编号写在括号里。三、根据句意,找出相应的图片,把编号写在括号里。(10(10 分分) ) A.A. B.B. C. D. E. ( ) I have some candies. ( ) I eat fish once a month. ( ) Gogo is going to visit the Great Wall of China. ( ) A cow climbs to the top of her house. ( ) Tony goes shopping about twice a week. 四、读句子,判断与常理是否相符。相符的请在括号里打四、读句子,判断与常理是否相符。相符的请在括号里打“”“” ,否则打,否则打“X”“X” 。 (6(6 分分) ) ( )1.I like fishing. I never go fishing. ( )2. I always take a plane to school. ( )3. Sun Yang is good at swimming. ( )4. The Big Ben is in UK. ( )5. We can visit Mount Tai in Canada. ( )6.My hair is long. Im going to get a haircut.My favorite activity is swimming. I go swimming about once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Whats your favorite activity? My favorite activity is fishing. How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go fishing (about) go fishing How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat twice a week Words I go fishing (about) week go fishing How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go fishing (about) week twice a week three times a week go fishing How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go fishing (about) twice a week three times a week go fishing I often go fishing. five times a week week How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go hiking (about) go hiking How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat twice a week Words I go hiking (about) week go hiking How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go hiking (about) week twice a week three times a week go hiking How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go hiking (about) twice a week three times a week go hiking I often go hiking. five times a week week How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go ice-skating (about) go ice-skating How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat twice a week Words I go ice-skating (about) week go ice-skating How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go ice-skating (about) week twice a week three times a week go ice-skating How often do you ? once a week. SunMon TueWed ThuFriSat Words I go ice-skating (about) twice a week three times a week go ice-skating I often go ice-skating . five times a week week Words once a week once a month twice a week three times a week five times a month 一月一次 一月五次 一周一次 一周二次 一周三次 once a year twice a year three times a year 一年一次 一年二次 一年三次 four times a week一周四次 some times a month一月几次 some times 几次 sometimes 有时 go dancing go hiking go ice-skating go swimming 去远足 Words go fishing go shopping go singing go running Words I go ice-skating twice a week. I go hiking three times a month. How often do you go ice- skating? How often do you go hiking? week month Can you answer? Ask and answer A: How often do you ? B: I Lets repeat. 很经常 Lets repeat. 不经常 How often do you eat fish? Not very often. I eat fish about once a month. Lets read. Lets read. How often do you eat fish? Homework: 1.Copy the words and phrases one row. 2.Recite the words ,phrases and target.Unit 5 My favorite activities 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 Vocabulary, Target 教学目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)学习表达“频率”的单词和短语“once ,twice, often, three times, once a week, once a month, once a year” 。 (2)学习表达“活动”的短语“go fishing, go hiking, go ice- skating,go-swimming” 。 (3)学习询问“活动频率”的句子“How often do you _________?”及其答 语“ I _____ once a /.” 2.语言技能目标: (1)能掌握7个关于“频率”和4个关于“活动”的“四会”单词和短语 。 (2)能掌握关于“活动频率”的问答句型,并能在生活中运用。 3.教学策略目标: (1)情境教学法。通过创设情境,鼓励学生运用本课知识进行交际活动。 (2)歌曲教学法。通过歌曲学习,巩固知识,提高兴趣。 (3)图示教学法。通过日历图示法,帮助学生理解新知识,降低学习难度。 (4)小组合作学习。通过两两合作或四人小组合作学习,解决疑难问题,共同 参与学习活动,提高学习效率。 4.情感态度目标: 通过“最喜爱活动的频率”的话题学习,引导同学们适当地进行有益身心 课外活动,在活动中感受乐趣。 一、重点和难点 1.重点: (1)表达“频率”的单词和短语“once ,twice, often, three times, once a week, once a month, once a year” 。 (2)表达“活动”的短语“go fishing, go hiking, go ice-skating,go- swimming” 。 (3)询问“活动频率”的句子“How often do you _________?”及其答语“ I _____ once a /.” 2.难点: 频度短语的表达 三、教学准备:词卡、图卡、PPT、奖品、游戏用盒子和材料 四、教学过程(Teaching steps) StepStep 1.1. FreeFree talktalk T: Hello, kids. What good weather today! Whats the weather like today? Is it spring now? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Do you like spring? S1: No, I dont. (T:Why?) Because Its rainy and wet in spring. T:Oh, I see. Does our old friend Gogo like spring? Lets ask him. (设计意图:通过天气问答,引出老朋友 Gogo 及了解他的有关情况。 ) StepStep 2.Lead2.Lead inin (Teacher puts on the mask of Gogo and says hello to the children.) Ss: Hi, Gogo! Do you like spring? Gogo: Yes, I do. And I like the four seasons in a year. In spring I go fishing. In summer I go swimming. In fall I go hiking. The weather is cool. In winter I go ice-skating. I have fun in the four seasons. Teacher: Kids. Now we know Gogos favorite activities. Now Lets try to say together. (The students say together.) (The first time, Students listen to the record; the second time, teacher gets Ss say together and presents the activities on ppt; the third time, teacher shows the phrases, Ss say together. )(Phonics: likehike-hiking) Teacher: Now we know Gogos favorite activities. What about yours? What do you do in spring/summer? S2: I go swimming in summer. Gogo: Great! Maybe we can go together. (设计意图:通过 Gogo 的描述,引出本课时的四个活动短语,解决新单词的学 习;然后自然引入学生个人的喜好活动。 ) StepStep 3.Presentation3.Presentation 1. Gogo(Put up a picture ): Look. I go swimming from Monday to Friday. I oftenoften go swimming. Teaching“often”(PhonicsTeaching“often”(Phonics 教学法教学法)()(出示周历出示周历 图图) )(齐读操练)(齐读操练) 2. Getting Ss make sentences with “often”. I often . 3.Teacher : Oh, you often . I often go fishing in spring, too. So how often do I go fishing, can you guess? -(出示一周图片,边打 边说) I go fishing on Saturday. I go fishing onceonce a a weekweek. (Teacher repeats three times “how often”and gets Ss guess the meaning) (运用词卡采用形近音近词对比教学法 oneonce) (Teacher puts up a sentence card on the board.)(准备句卡:How often do you go fishing? I go fishing once a week.)(小组操练:两两问 答) 4.Teacher takes out a card with the picture “go hiking” and asks “Do you go hiking? How often do you go hiking?” Then ask one student to draw “tick” on the form.(制作月历图表配上活动,学生根据 实际打);以此引出 “twice a week , three times a ” 。(板书新短语) 5.T: ( (给学生带上给学生带上 GogoGogo 的头饰的头饰) )Hello. Gogo. You go ice-skating in winter. How often do you go ice-skating? S3 looks at the form and answers . ( (制作年历图表制作年历图表一年一次一年一次) ) (教师在此环节引出(教师在此环节引出 notnot veryvery ofenofen 并板书)并板书) 7. Listen and follow the record. (设计意图:通过日历图示法,逐步引入新知识,不仅帮助学生理解了新知识, 而且降低了学习难度。 ) StepStep 4.4. PracticePractice 1. Song activity. (1) Lead in the song on Page 62. (2) Have Ss find out the answer “How often does Tony/Jenny go ?” when they listen to the song. (3) Answer questions. (4) Sing in groups.(Have a competition among the groups.) (5) Listen and fill in the blanks, then sing together. 2.Practice 1(Listen and check) 3.3. Play a game. (Music box:老师准备两个盒子,分别装着频率词卡和活动词 卡,乐声响起时,第一、二组传递活动词卡,第三、四组传递频率词卡;乐声 一停,手里拿着盒子的同学抽出卡片提问和回答,问对和答对的有奖品;两轮 之后交换盒子。) (教师准备词卡和两个盒子)(教师准备词卡和两个盒子) (设计意图:通过歌曲学习,巩固本课的词汇和句型知识;通过听力训练和游戏 活动,检测学生对所学知识的掌握程度。) StepStep 5.Summary5.Summary (What(What diddid wewe learnedlearned inin thisthis class?)class?) 表达“活动”的短语:go fishing, go swimming, go hiking, go ice- skateboard 表达“频率”的短语:once a week, twice a month, three times 问答“活动频率”的句型:How often do you ? Very often. I go once a week. Not very often. I go once a year. (设计意图:通过学生的自主归纳,培养学生的归纳能力。 ) StepStep 6.Extension.6.Extension. I am Gogo. I often go hiking, go swimming and go ice-skating. They are good exercise. So Im strong and healthy. Do more exercise. I hope you are as healthy as me. (设计意图:回归 Gogo 角色,引导同学们多做有益的运动,增强体质。 ) StepStep 7.7. HomeworkHomework 1. Recite Vocabulary and Target. 2.Make sentences with the new vocabulary and sentences on your homework book. 3.Make a survey about your friends or family members favorite activities and how often they do that. Then report the second day. (设计意图:通过“背书要求”和“造句要求” ,强化本课知识;通过“做调查 汇报” ,将知识延伸到生活中。) 五、板书设计 Unit 5 My favorite Activities Period 1 How often do you go swimming? -Very often. I . go fishing? go hiking? Not very often. I go ice-skating? three times a week twice a week once a month once a year
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