冀教版(一起)六下Unit 2 Tell Me a Story-Lesson 8 The Tortoise and the Rabbit-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30189).doc

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1、一、教学内容分析(简要说明课题来源、学习内容、知识结构图以及学习内容 的重要性) 本课是小学冀教版六年级下册第二单元 Tell Me a Story 一单元的第二课, 是五个故事的第一个,对于学习有些困难,学生对于这种大的阅读文本接触较 少。本课的有效学习可以对学生学习接下来的几个故事起到重要作用,所以在 教学中要教给学生学习的方法。 二、教学目标(从学段课程标准中找到要求,并细化为本节课的具体要求,目 标要明晰、具体、可操作,并说明本课题的重难点) 1、知识与技能:学生能听说读会单词 road,slowly,said,hurry,lake, ran,felt,thought,catch up

2、 with,kept,slept,tortoise,race. 2、过程与方法:通过学习让学生可以开口简单复述故事,并能敢于表演。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过多样的教学活动和教学评价,激发学生学习 英语的兴趣和积极性。使学生在课堂教学中不断体验成功与进步,促进学生综 合运用语言的能力。 三、学习者特征分析(学生对预备知识的掌握了解情况,学生在新课的学习方 法的掌握情况,如何设计预习) 本课的单词量大,生词多,学生会对本课的学习存在困难。另外学生虽然 是六年级学生,有了一定的知识储备和学习方法,但是有一部分学生的基础较 差,需要老师循序渐进。在设计复习环节时,我会设计让学生一起复习学过的 小动物

3、,引出本课的两个动物,让学生对新课学习有了心理预备。 四、教学过程(设计本课的学习环节,明确各环节的子目标) Step1:Greeting 1.Greeting 2.warm up: sing a song Step2:Review PPT show the animals that the students have learnt.(dog fish pig panda ,elephant, chicken, cow ,wolf, monkey,dragon,snake,sheep,rat, ox,tiger,rooster,) Step3:Story Lead in: PPT show p

4、ictures of the rabbit and the tortoise.告诉学生他们之 间将会发生一些事情,让学生说说他们之间可能发生什么事情?在学生讨论之 后,告诉学生今天我们要学习一个家喻户晓的故事(出示课题) 1.New words A:PPT show the new words,then read the words in different forms. B:Play a game:“Which one is missing?” 2.learn the story Play the cartoon of the story in part one. Then tick or

5、cross : ( )The tortoise walked very fast. ( )The tortoise dont like hurry. ( )The tortoise and the rabbit want to have a race. ( )The rabbit went to sleep under a tree. Check up the answers. 3.Learn the part2 Play the cartoon and ask the students to read. Then tick and cross: ( )a.The tortoise walke

6、d and walked. ( )b.On his way,the tortoise didnt see the rabbit sleeping. ( )c.The tortoise was tire ,but he didnt stop. ( )d.When the rabbit ran to the lake,he saw the tortoise. ( )e.Finally ,the rabbit won the race. Check the answers. 4 .Listen and reapet. 5.Retell the story in small groups. One d

7、ay,a tortoise walked _.He walked very slowly._ _saw him and said,“Ha!You are _!”The Tortoise said,“No,Im not,I dont like to hurry.”So the rabbit said,“Lets _.”The rabbit ran fast,but soon he _and_.The tortoise walked slowly,but he_ _.In the end,the tortoise won the race.The rabbit_. 6.Do some exerci

8、ses A.Read and choose the correct answers. a.Who could run fast? A. tortoise B.rabbit b.What happened at the start of the race? A.The rabbit ran fast. B.The tortoise ran fast. C.They both ran very fast. c.What happened in the middle of the race? A.The tortoise took a sleep. B.The rabbit took a sleep

9、. C.They both took a sleep. d.What did you learn from this story? A.The tortoise ran fast. B.Slow and steady won the race. C.The rabbit lost the race because the slept. Step4. Conclution Step5.Class closing. 五、教学策略选择与信息技术融合的设计(针对学习流程,设计教与学方式的 变革,配置学习资源和数字化工具,设计信息技术融合点) 教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图 1 1 问候和热身问候和热

10、身 1.Greeting1.Greeting 激 发 学 生 兴激 发 学 生 兴 2.warm up: sing a song 2.warm up: sing a song 趣,营造和谐趣,营造和谐 学习学习 2 2、复习旧知、复习旧知 reviewreview T The studentshe students read the read the animals they have learnt.animals they have learnt. 利用学过利用学过 的小动物,让的小动物,让 学生有学习新学生有学习新 知 的 心 理 准知 的 心 理 准 备,对学习新备,对学习新 知识有好的

11、铺知识有好的铺 垫。垫。 3.3.新知探究,充分感知新知探究,充分感知 StoryStory Lead in:Lead in: PPT show pictures of the PPT show pictures of the rabbit and the tortoise.rabbit and the tortoise.告诉告诉 学生他们之学生他们之间将会发生一些事间将会发生一些事 情,让学生说说他们之间可能发情,让学生说说他们之间可能发 生什么事情?在学生讨论之后,生什么事情?在学生讨论之后, 告诉学生今天我们要学习一个告诉学生今天我们要学习一个 家喻户晓的故事(出示课题)家喻户晓的故事(

12、出示课题) 1.New words1.New words A:PPT show the new words,A:PPT show the new words, then read the words in then read the words in different forms.different forms. B:Play a game:B:Play a game:“Which one Which one is missingis missing?”?” 2.learn the story2.learn the story Play the cartoon of the Play the

13、 cartoon of the story in part one. story in part one. 出示两个动物出示两个动物 的图片,让学的图片,让学 生展开想象力生展开想象力 猜测他们之间猜测他们之间 将要发生什么将要发生什么 事情?提高学事情?提高学 生的学习积极生的学习积极 性。性。 利用利用 PPTTPPTT 图片图片 学习新单词,学习新单词, 直观形象。直观形象。 游 戏 巩 固 单游 戏 巩 固 单 词,激发兴趣。词,激发兴趣。 播放第一部分播放第一部分 动画,让学生动画,让学生 Then tick or cThen tick or cross :ross : ( )The

14、 tortoise walked ( )The tortoise walked very fast.very fast. ( )The tortoise don( )The tortoise dont like t like hurry.hurry. ( )The tortoise and the ( )The tortoise and the rabbit want to have a race.rabbit want to have a race. ( )The rabbit went to ( )The rabbit went to sleep under a tree.sleep un

15、der a tree. Check up the answers.Check up the answers. 3.Learn the part23.Learn the part2 Play the cartoon and ask Play the cartoon and ask the students to read.the students to read. Then tick and cross:Then tick and cross: ( ( )a.The tortoise walked )a.The tortoise walked and walked.and walked. ( )

16、b.On his way,the ( )b.On his way,the tortoise didntortoise didnt see the rabbit t see the rabbit sleeping.sleeping. ()c.The tortoise was ()c.The tortoise was tiretired d , , but he didnbut he didnt stop.t stop. ( )d.When the rabbit ran ( )d.When the rabbit ran to the lake,he saw the to the lake,he s

17、aw the tortoise.tortoise. ( )e.Finally ,the rabbit ( )e.Finally ,the rabbit won twon the race.he race. Check the answers.Check the answers. 4 .Listen and reapet.4 .Listen and reapet. 看动画,然后看动画,然后 根据故事内容根据故事内容 判断。形象生判断。形象生 动,即学即练。动,即学即练。 继续学习第二继续学习第二 部分,播放卡部分,播放卡 通动画让学生通动画让学生 边看边读,加边看边读,加 深印象。接着深印象。接

18、着 判断正误,检判断正误,检 验学习效果。验学习效果。 再听录音并跟再听录音并跟 读,巩固学生读,巩固学生 学习。学习。 5.Retell the story in 5.Retell the story in small groups.small groups. One day,a tortoise walked One day,a tortoise walked _.He walked very _.He walked very slowly.slowly. _saw him and said,_saw him and said,“Ha!Ha! You are _!You are _!”Th

19、e The Tortoise said,Tortoise said,“No,INo,Im m not,I donnot,I dont like to hurry.t like to hurry.” S So the rabbito the rabbit said,said, “LetLets _.s _.”The The rabbit ran fast,but soon herabbit ran fast,but soon he _and_._and_. The tortoise walked The tortoise walked slowly,but he_slowly,but he_.

20、. In the end,the tortoise In the end,the tortoise won the race.won the race. The rabbit_.The rabbit_. 给出提纲,让给出提纲,让 学生小组内复学生小组内复 述故事大概内述故事大概内 容,提升学生容,提升学生 的综合运用能的综合运用能 力。力。 4 4、巩固练习、巩固练习 6.Do some exercises6.Do some exercises Read and choose the correct Read and choose the correct answers.answers. a.

21、Who could runa.Who could run fast?fast? A.tortoise A.tortoise B.rabbitB.rabbit b.What happened at the start b.What happened at the start of the race?of the race? A.The rabbit ran fast.A.The rabbit ran fast. B.The tortoise ran fast.B.The tortoise ran fast. C.They both ran very C.They both ran very 及

22、时 反及 时 反 馈,检验学习馈,检验学习 fast.fast. c.What happened in the middle c.What happened in the middle of the race?of the race? A.The tortoise took a A.The tortoise took a sleep.sleep. B.The rabbit took a B.The rabbit took a sleep.sleep. C.TheyC.They both took a sleep.both took a sleep. d.What did you learn f

23、rom this d.What did you learn from this story?story? A.The tortoise ran fast.A.The tortoise ran fast. B.Slow and steady won the B.Slow and steady won the race.race. C.The rabbit lost the C.The rabbit lost the race because the slept.race because the slept. 情况。情况。 5.5.总结并结束课堂总结并结束课堂 S Say goodbye.ay g

24、oodbye. 结束课堂结束课堂 六、教学评价设计(创建量规,向学生展示他们将被如何评价(来自教师和小 组其他成员的评价) 。也可以创建一个自我评价表,这样学生可以用它对自己 的学习进行评价) 自评自评 小组评小组评 教师评教师评 优秀优秀 良好良好 一般一般 七、教学板书(本节课的教学板书。如板书中含有特殊符号、图片等内容,为 方便展示,可将板书以附件或图片形式上传。 ) (slow) race (fast) T The tortoisehe tortoise The rabbitThe rabbit won slow and steady slow and steady lost wins the racewins the race


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