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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 2012 年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试(上海卷) 英语答案解析 第 卷 .Listening Comprehension Section A 1.【答案 】 B 【解析 】 原文: W: Hello, may I help you? M: Yes, we would like to check into our room. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 2.【答案 】 C 【解析 】 原文 : W: Come on, John! Relax! What can go wrong?

2、M: At my first job interview? Plenty. Q: How does the man feel? 3.【答案 】 B 【解析 】 原文 : M: Good morning, madam, what can I do for you? W: Well, someone at the hotel suggested I come here to buy a coat. Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? 4.【答案 】 C 【解析 】 原文 : W: I gave Dave 300

3、dollars for his sponsored concert. M: 300 dollars? Sandy, you must be mad! I wish I had 300 dollars to throw round like that. Q: What does the man mean? 5.【答案 】 D 【解析 】 原文 : M: Shall I come and take you to the railway station? W: No, thanks, Ill manage. Its not far any way. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 Q: What can

4、 we learn about the woman? 6.【答案 】 B 【解析 】 原文 : W: How many children have you got? M: Two. Johns five and Clairs four. And theres another one on the way. Q: How many children will the man most probably have? 7.【答案 】 A 【解析 】 原文 : W: Do you know how I can stop drinking too much coffee? M: No, but I wi

5、sh I did. I spend too much money at cafes. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 8.【答案 】 D 【 解析 】 原文 : W: Could you give me a hand moving this cupboard, please? M: Well, Id rather not if you dont mind. Im not feeling well today. Q: What does the man mean? 9.【答案 】 C 【解析 】 原文 : M: Tom s house is

6、 a mess! Doesnt he ever clean it? W: I guess he just has too much ails on his mind with that new job. Q: What can we learn about Tom? 10.【答案 】 A 【解析 】 原文 : M: I didnt have any trouble in finding accommodation in Britain. W: According to my experience, it sounds too good to be true. Q: what does the

7、woman mean? Section B 11.【答案 】 A 12.【答案 】 D 13.【答案 】 C 【解析 】 原文 : 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 Well, I own a small data processing company, in which I employ about eight to ten workers. And the point I want to make has to do with trust. I know its possible to force people to be 100% efficient. But I think when you

8、 do that, you lose confidence and trust. I let my employees use our equipment and make personal phone calls. They are more than welcome to decide what is right and wrong. Because I think you cant run a company by just giving orders to robots and watching them like big brother, right? I think you hav

9、e to trust people and give them a little freedom. And also, as far as phone calls and all that go, I want my people to call home and check on their children and know their children are safe and sound. As a result, I have devoted employees who are willing to go that extra mile and I can honestly say

10、they show up to work smiling. So I get more satisfaction and rewards by trusting my employees than by suspecting them of doing something wrong. 14.【答案 】 B 15.【答案 】 D 16.【答案 】 A 【解析 】 原文 : The roots of Canadian English can be found in the events which followed the American revolution of 1776. Those w

11、ho had supported Britain found themselves unable to stay in the new United States, and most went to Canada. They were soon followed by many thousands who were attracted by the cheapness of land. Within 50 years, the population of upper Canada had reached 100 thousand, mainly people from the United S

12、tates. In the east, the Atlantic provinces had been settled by English speakers as early as the 15th century, but even today, these areas contain less than ten per cent of the population, so that they have only a limited role in the development of Canadian English. In Quebec, the majority of people

13、use French as a mother tone. Here English and French exist together but uneasily. Because of its origins, Canadian English has a great deal in common with the rest of the English spoken in North America, and is often difficult to distinguish for people who live outside the region. To British people,

14、 Canadians may sound American; to Americans, they may sound British. Canadians themselves insist on not being identified with either, and certainly, there is a great deal of evidence in support of this view. Section C 17.【答 案 】 History 18.【答案 】 HD3309 19.【答案 】 photography 20.【答案 】 Tuesday 【解析 】 原文 :

15、 A: Good morning, Leeds University students registration center. B: Good morning, I need to register for a class. A: 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 OK. May I take your name, please? B: Sure, its Andrew Smith. A: Which department do you study with? B: The history department. A: May I have your student ID? B: HD3309.

16、A: What class are you trying to take? B: I want to take a photography class. A: Well, therere only two classes open. B: Can you tell me what days the classes are on? A: One is on Tuesday, from 2 pm. to 4 pm. B: And the other? A: From 10:00 to 12:00 on Thursday. B: OK, sign me up for the class on Tue

17、sday. A: Very well, then. 21.【答案 】 religions 22.【答案 】 good friends/more than friends/like a family 23.【答案 】 their daughter 24.【答案 】 a simple smile 【解析】原文 : A: Welcome to our program, Anny. Please tell our audience the best things about the experiment in international living. B: Well, my group was gr

18、eat! And I love my host family. A: Can you tell us about your group? B: Well, we were all high school students from the US. But we were very different. A: You mean from different cities, with different religions and cultures? B: Yes, and I was existed about that. We learnt that we werent really so d

19、ifferent. A: What do you mean? B: Well, we became such good friends. More than friends, we were like a family. A: Wonderful. Id like to know more about your host family. B: Oh, I loved my host family in Costa Rica. They were my family, too. I felt like I was their daughter. A: So nice! Did you have

20、any problems speaking with them? B: No, not really. Actually, I learnt a lot of Spanish from them. And I also learnt that language is not always so important. A: What do you mean? B: Well, in some cases, a simple smile can say more than words. A: Thanks so much, Anny. . Grammar and vocabulary Sectio

21、n A 25.【答案 】 B 【解析】此处 without 意为 : 没有。句意 : 没有激情。人们就不会有创 |新思维所必的动机和快乐。 26.【答案 】 C 【解析】 句意 : 诚实是最好的信条吗 ? 我们小的时候,我们就是这样被教导的。 27.【答案】 B 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 【解析】此处是 allow sb to do sth 的被动语态形式,即 sb is allowed to do sth 句意:因为杰克把会员卡落在家里了,所以不允许他进体育俱乐部。 28.【答案】 D 【解析】此处 mustnt 意为:禁止。句意:新的法律规定:人们不准酒后驾车。 29.【答案】 C 【解

22、析 】 此处 only 强调状语成分 with his greatest of 公置于旬首,主句倒装。句意 : 只是因为极大的幸运,她才从上涨的水中逃生。 30.【答案】 A 【解析】此处解题关键是: by next month 是将来的时间状语,所以用将来完成时。句意: 我听说 Jason计划买一辆车。 我知道。到下个月,他就攒够了足够的钱买一辆二手车。 31.【答案】 A 【解析】此处 each 意为:每一个,强调个体。句意:当他摘下手套,我注意到每个人的手上都写着他的名字。 32.【答案】 D 【解析 】 此处 unless 意为: 除非。句意:这次旅行我手头有点紧,所以我不打算乘飞机除

23、非航空公司降低票价。 33.【答案】 A 【解析】解题关键: have trouble in doing sth,此处 in 可以省略。句意:当 Peter 当众讲话的时候,他总是很难想起该说的话。 34.【答案】 C 【解析】此处 the idea 是抽象名词,后面的同位语从句说明其内容。句意:这个想法有许多哲理,坦诚为善良服务。 35.【答案】 D 【解析】此处是介词前置的定语从句。句意:你给送给你礼物的亲戚发了感谢信了吗? 36.【答案】 A 【解析 】 此处的过去分词短语相当于一个定语从句 which was founded 25years ago.句意 : 25 年前成立的那个俱乐部正在头新老会员举行票会。 37.【答案】


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