冀教版(一起)六下-Unit 3 Summer Is Coming-Lesson 15 Danny's Summer Holiday-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:d1416).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Summer Is Coming_Lesson 15 Danny's Summer Holiday_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:d1416)
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Learning English Book 6 (下 ) Unit 3 Lesson17 DannysSummer holiday what did you do last summer holiday? Will you stay in bed all the day this summer holiday? Will you play computer games all the day? Will you learn to do something new? Lets go go to the seaside play sports see a film cook a meal take trips go to Disneyland go to a summer camp go water skiing play on the beach watch the ships and boats Swim in the sea Visit grandmother and grandfather What will they do? go to Disneyland cook a meal Visit grandparentsgo water skiing watch the boats and ships play on the beach go to the summer camp see a film play sports Summer Holiday is coming What will you do? I will ? go swimming go to summer camp Dannys summer holiday Will Danny learn to fish this summer holiday ? ______________________________________ What will Danny do this summer holiday? ______________________________________ Dannys summer holiday What will the American students do? What will American students do?(key words 关键词) What will American students do? (key words 关键词) go to the summer camp go swimming play soccer visit grandparents go to the water park go fishing 承德 海南 seaside beach shells delicious seafood(海鲜) grasslands(草地) ride a horse palace museum in Chengde(避暑 山庄) have a picnic(野餐) have a barbecue(烧烤) Lets have a “quarrel” 争吵吧,兄弟! 我们要全班集体旅游 1.各小组内讨论确定一个要去 的地点, 2.小组之间讨论确定最终目标 Talk about: Where will we go? What will we do? How will we go to _________ why or why not go to ______(温度,距离,有什么更好玩的 ,更好吃的) Where will I go? ____________________________ Who will I go with? _____________________________ When will I go ? _______________________________ What will I do? ________________________________ questions as blue as the sky swim in the sea as if I was a fish sit on the beach enjoy the warm sunshine and soft wind draw a picture pick up shells jelly or jellyfish This summer holiday, my family will go to Qinhuangdao on August 10 .This journey will be very wonderful. The sea water will be as blue as the sky, I will swim in the sea as if I was a little fish. I like that feeling very much, the weather in Qinhuangdao is hot, but wind from the sea will be very fresh, in the evening we will sit on the beach I enjoy the warm sunshine and soft wind. Walking on the soft sand, we will pick up lots of beautiful shells, if im lucky maybe I will find jelly. Oh,sorry. Its name is jellyfish. I think my mother, my husband, and my son will be very happy for this travel. Tasks: Summer Holiday Plan A.Role play: Danny /Hanna will come to Handan B. Do a report. Make a dialogue about your summer holiday plan and show it to us. What will you do in Handan with Hanna and Danny? Summer holiday is coming! I am so excited. I will _______ with_________. We will eat_______________. We will visit______________ . We will _________________. That will be __________! delicious food Congtai Park Grand Theatre The dragen lake Museum I will take them to Tian hong Shopping Centre.Lesson15 Jennys Summer Holidaylesson16 Limings Summer Holidaylesson17 Dannys Summer Holiday 一、设计思想 义务教育英语课程标准以学生“能用英语做事情”来 描述设定各级目标要求。强调教学活动的内容和形式要贴 近学生的生活实际,符合学生的认知水平和生活经验,有 助于培养学生的综合语言运用能力。强调教师要加强学习 策略的指导,培养学生的自主学习能力。因此,在教学活 动中,教师可根据教材内容,结合学生的生活经验,把学 生带入他们所熟悉的情境中,为学生提供自主探索的时间 和空间,引导他们用所学语言提出问题,自主寻求答案, 理解文本,教给孩子阅读技巧,有助于他们形成终身学习 的能力。 二、教学设计 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 在本课的设计实施上,我首先从孩子们真实生活出发。 六年级学生就要毕业了,在 2016 年这个漫长而又自由的暑 假中,如何安排自己的生活,发挥学生的主观能动性,通 过任务型的语言教学途径,引导他们设计自己的暑假计划。 本课以 summer holiday 为主线,通过学习 Dannys summer holiday, 了解 Hanas summer holiday,设计并讨 论自己的 summer holiday plan.孩子们在老师有圈有点的 指导中输出自己丰富多彩的暑期生活计划。 2.教学背景分析 学情分析: 本课学习对象为小学六年级学生,他们已经有了一定的知 识储备。文本涉及到的词汇基本都见过,本课的目的是运 用 will 的表达方式,讨论几个月之后的暑假生活和安排。 在和孩子们讨论过程中我发现他们的想法局限,大多生活 比较单一,于是我给他们提供了大量的资源,内容设计到 了他们感兴趣的话题,为他们有意义的讨论搭建了平台 教材分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元第 15,16,17 课,是三节新授课。在本单元中,不仅运用 will介绍了 夏天,明天要做的事情,而且介绍了 Jenny, Li Ming,Danny 的暑假计划。内容接近生活,学生乐于了解。 3.3.教学目标分析教学目标分析 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。 学生规划健康,愉快的暑期生活。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:帮助学生形成以下基本的学习策略: 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,用于表达。 会通过听音,速读抓取主要信息。 用英语表达自己的真正想法。 4.4.教学重点、难点分析教学重点、难点分析 教学重点是四会单词的理解和运用,课文的理解和朗 读。难点是如何表达个性化的暑假生活 。 5.5.教学过程设计教学过程设计 Warm up: Song: Summers coming T:Summer holiday is coming . Will you stay in bed all day? Will you watch Tv all day? Will you play computer games all day? T: What will you do this year? S: . T:Ill give you some advice: 出示短语: play football watch Tv play on the computer Have breakfast wash his hands brush his teeth get up do my homework clean my bedroom do exercise (幻灯片出示的这些短语是以前学过的,在其中穿插 进去新的知识 :swim in the lake play on the beach watch ships and boats visit aunt and uncle say hello to my mother and father cook a meal) Game: 巩固练习(快速说出图片相对应的短语) T : What will you do this summer holiday? I wil ___________________________ (板书) Will you__________? Yes,I will /No,I will not.(wont) Do you want to know about Dannys summer holiday?Lets see a dialogue between Danny and Jenny. T:Now can you tell me 1. Will Danny learn to fish this summer holiday ? 2. What will Danny do this summer holiday? S:. (第一题是让学生整体感知文章,第二题,利用思维 导图的形式,引导学生回答,帮助学生梳理文章脉络 及细节) T: Jenny and Danny are friends.I have a friend in America. Do you want to know American students summer holiday? Lets watch a video T: Heres some questions. What will they do in summer holiday(key words) 如果本环节不顺利可以让学生看着答案再听一遍,锻 炼学生学生寻找 key words 的能力 Do you like their summer plan? T: The American students have different choices. So they cant play together. Its a pity! But your schoo l will give you a chance to travel together . Now l ets talk about which place to go? (让学生自己选择想去的地方,引起兴趣,接着展示 飞机时刻表提供要去的旅游景点,最终锁定两个投票 最高的地方,进行小组辩论。 ) Talk about: where will we go? What will we do? How will we go to _________ why or why not go to ______(温度,距离 ,有什么更好玩的,更好吃的) 要求:我们要全班集体旅游 1.各小组内讨论确定一个要去的地点, 2.小组之间讨论确定最终目标 T: I have a summer plan 教师展示自己的暑假计划,用配有背景音乐的幻灯片 播放,教师一边播放一边解说,最后要求学生回答三 个问题 我将去哪里?和谁去?将要在那里干什么? Homework: Write your summer holiday plan. 任务 1:写一篇暑假计划 任务 2:Hana 要来邯郸,请你做个导游,提示:龙 湖丛台公园,博物馆等著名地点以及新世纪广场。 ( 用图片形式打出)
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